
Earn 100 million in 2 years! Domineering president, go in

author:It's Shi Dalang
Earn 100 million in 2 years! Domineering president, go in

Author | Cat brother

Source | Big Cat Finance Pro

Earn 100 million in 2 years! Domineering president, go in

The domineering president, who is on the rise, is about to be dismissed.

Recently, Evergrande Automobile issued an announcement,

Earn 100 million in 2 years! Domineering president, go in

This means, to the end.

Before that, Liu Yongzhuo was Xu Jiayin's favorite general.

According to the resume, Liu Yongzhuo and Xu Jiayin are alumni, both graduated from Wuhan University of Science and Technology, in 2003, when Xu Jiayin became a professor at Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Liu Yongzhuo had just entered Evergrande.

However, although he was just 22 years old at that time, he had a good starting point and directly entered Evergrande Group as the general manager of the HR center, and in 2009, at the age of 28, he became the vice president of the group.

At this age, this rising speed can be said to be "rocket-like", and it is on the rise.

After that, what Xu Jiayin wants to do, Liu Yongzhuo will be in charge of.

For example, in the glorious moment of Evergrande football, he was the chairman of the board of directors, and he worked for 8 years; Evergrande wants to make high-end mineral water, and he is in charge of Evergrande Ice Spring; To develop high-tech, he is in charge of high-tech; Xu Jiayin's heart is Evergrande Automobile, and he is naturally still it.

Liu Yongzhuo's 20 years have been given to Evergrande.

However, Xu Jiayin did not treat him badly.

Evergrande's executives are notoriously well-paid, in 2021, Evergrande's No. 2 person Xia Haijun will have an annual salary of 200 million, and as Evergrande's No. 5 person, Liu Yongzhuo's annual salary will be 68.49 million, which is more than the 44.14 million of Sean, chairman of Evergrande Automobile.

In 2022, Evergrande Automobile will fail, and he can still get an annual salary of more than 40 million.

Earn 100 million in 2 years! Domineering president, go in

Why was Liu Yongzhuo asked to be dismissed?

In fact, in January this year, Liu Yongzhuo went in because of breaking the law and committing crimes.

How did you get in, Evergrande didn't say anything, and there was no official announcement, but there was a lot of business to manage, and there were naturally a lot of thunders.

The first big thunder is "Golden Yuan Football".

In 2010, Evergrande acquired the Guangyao football team, which was relegated for match-fixing, and entered the football industry.

The team can't do it, what can we do? Dig people.

high-paying poaching coaches, such as Lee Jang-so, Lippi, and Scolari; high-paid poaching players, such as Gao Lin, Zheng Zhi, Sun Xiang, Muric, etc.; High bonuses, often hundreds of millions.

And Liu Yongzhuo is also the type of person who doesn't talk much, and he is also very aggressive in poaching people.

For example, in 2013, Evergrande wanted to dig Zheng Long,

Zheng Long himself didn't know about the transfer, of course, people were naturally willing to earn a higher salary.

Funds were burning, but the last thing Evergrande lacked at that time was money.

In the end, someone calculated an account for Evergrande, investing at least 100 million yuan a year, plus expanding to other areas of football, and the investment in football reached 13.7 billion.

Throwing money naturally works, Evergrande football championships are not less, during Liu Yongzhuo's tenure, the champions of the Chinese League, the Chinese Super League, and the AFC Champions League have been taken, in his words,

In a word, the domineering is exposed, and the style of the domineering president comes up, and even the skit above can't think of this line.

Liu Yongzhuo has become a celebrity in the football world, but there are also many controversies about him and Jinyuan Football:

1. The Football Association's "7 foreign aid" preferential policy, the policy has been enjoyed for half a year, and only Evergrande has enjoyed it, and the Football Association itself knows that it is "unfair";

Earn 100 million in 2 years! Domineering president, go in

2. Pushing up the player's salary, transfer fee, etc., sometimes Evergrande took the initiative to raise the price of the player, but the player's value rose, but the technology did not improve.

3. Jinyuan football has corrupted a large number of people, in the past two years, from the chairman of the Football Association, coaches to club executives, and players, there have been several of them, and the football crackdown is still ongoing.

Earn 100 million in 2 years! Domineering president, go in

Was it because of football? Some media people said that it has nothing to do with football, he has managed Evergrande's wealth.

Earn 100 million in 2 years! Domineering president, go in

The predecessor of Evergrande Wealth is Evergrande Financial Services, which was established in 2015, and in 2016, Liu Yongzhuo was in charge of Evergrande Financial Services.


At that time, P2P was popular in the market, and it was not surprising that Evergrande engaged in P2P, at that time, the advertising was very wide, and there were advertisements of Evergrande Financial Holdings in the AFC Champions League, coupled with ultra-high annualized returns, everyone was crazy to buy.

At that time, in fact, there was a problem, suspected of self-financing.

That is, the loans, guarantees, and loans are all Evergrande companies, and of course, the ones who pay are investors.

However, at that time, everyone was doing this, but all well-known real estate companies were engaged in financial platforms, and they were all playing this set.

In 2018, P2P began to thunder, Evergrande began to roll off P2P products, and Liu Yongzhuo also turned to high-tech.

Later, Evergrande Financial Services became Evergrande Wealth, saying that it was doing wealth management consulting, but it still sold wealth management products, not only pulling financial management to the outside world, but also assigning purchase tasks to employees.

Until 2021, Evergrande Wealth officially exploded, and by the end of 2022, the total unpaid principal and interest was 34 billion, and more than 100,000 people were trapped.

In front of Evergrande's thunder, the thunder of Evergrande wealth is considered a "small meaning".

In September 2023, senior executives including Xu Jiayin, Xu Tenghe, Pan Darong, Ke Peng and other executives will all go in, and Du Liang, the general manager of Evergrande Wealth, will also be arrested, and as Du Liang's top boss, can Liu Yongzhuo completely withdraw?

In January this year, Liu Yongzhuo also entered.

Because it may not matter what you go into, whether it is football, financial management, or automobiles, under the nest of Evergrande, there is no end to the eggs.

No matter how domineering the president is, he can't stand it.