
ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

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ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

In an inconspicuous corner of Guandu Town, Zhongmu County, Henan Province, there is a special group of cloud customer service who are focusing on their work. Some of them are sitting, some are lying down, their fingers moving rapidly across the keyboard, responding to users' questions at an astonishing rate.

Behind this unique team is the legendary story of a man named Wang Shaojun. How did he go from an ordinary person suffering from ALS to a successful entrepreneur who could create wealth while lying down? What drove him to devote all his resources to helping more than 4,200 people with disabilities regain their value in life? Let's walk into the world of Wang Shaojun and unveil the mystery of his legendary life.

In an ordinary family in Henan, Wang Shaojun used to be a sunny and cheerful teenager. Before the age of 17, like thousands of his peers, he was sweating his youth on campus with a vision for the future.

As a junior in high school, he not only studied hard, but he was also the main forward of the school football team, always the fastest and most fierce player.

ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

However, the gears of fate quietly turn in an ordinary football game. That day, Wang Shaojun was running on the green field as usual, and suddenly felt a weakness in his calves.

At first, he thought it was just normal fatigue, but with each subsequent race, his performance was much worse than before. Gradually, even the daily walking became inadequate, and when riding a bicycle uphill, he was even more out of breath, and he was often overtaken by thin female classmates.

Anxious parents took him around for medical treatment, and eventually got a heartbreaking diagnosis: peroneal muscular dystrophy, commonly known as ALS. This rare disease, which had only been heard about in the news, was now befalling this young man.

Faced with this thunderbolt on a sunny day, Wang Shaojun's parents fell into deep despair. The mother asked with tears in her eyes, "How will you live in the future?" The father said worriedly, "If we are gone, who will take care of you?" However, the young Wang Shaojun showed extraordinary optimism: "There is no endless road, and the future may not be so bad!" "His strength gave his parents a glimmer of hope.

ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

However, fate does not seem to be satisfied with this. In the years that followed, Wang Shaojun lost his father, grandmother and mother. The once lively home, in an instant, was left alone to face the torture of illness.

This series of blows made the young Wang Shaojun have to shoulder the burden of life prematurely.

In the face of sudden changes, Wang Shaojun did not choose to give up. He studied hard and successfully completed his university studies. After graduating, he chose to return to his hometown Zhengzhou and work in the government department.

He knew better than anyone that he had little time left to move freely, so he always worked late to prove his worth.

ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

However, as his condition worsened, Wang Shaojun had to rely on a wheelchair to get around. In the face of an increasingly difficult situation, he was not defeated, but instead stimulated a stronger desire to survive in his heart.

He began to think about how he could continue to survive in this situation, and even create an extraordinary life.

In 1999, Wang Shaojun came to Zhongmu County, determined to find a career that "does not need to walk, just think". At a time when the Internet was booming, he was keenly aware of the huge business opportunities involved.

After gaining an in-depth understanding of the local situation, Wang Shaojun found that Zhongmu County is rich in high-quality garlic, but due to information asymmetry, garlic farmers often worry about sales. In a flash of inspiration, he decided to establish the first garlic trading center in Zhongmu County.

ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

The idea may seem simple, but it solves a long-standing problem for farmers.

Wang Shaojun began to integrate information from garlic farmers, updating transaction prices in real time and providing farmers and dealers with free supply and demand information. His office became a hub for information, and the phone rang one after another.

Despite his physical limitations, his mind was quick and he quickly grasped the market dynamics.

This decision completely changed the course of his life. By mastering market information, Wang Shaojun began to get involved in the garlic trade and earned the first pot of gold in his life. In the following ten years, with his wisdom and diligence, he accumulated a fortune of up to 20 million yuan in a wheelchair.

ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

This young man, who was once tormented by illness, proved with practical actions that disability does not mean incompetence.

However, wealth did not make Wang Shaojun forget his original intention. He began to pay attention to people with disabilities who had similar experiences to him. In 2008, when he heard that a severely disabled person was in danger of dying due to his worsening condition, he immediately organized a large-scale online fundraiser.

This experience made him realize that he has the ability and responsibility to help others in need.

In the same year, when the Beijing Olympics were approaching, Wang Shaojun composed two lyrics, of which "Relay of Love" was selected as the theme song of the Paralympic torch relay. As a torchbearer, he sat in a wheelchair and looked at the cheering crowd and the fluttering national flag around him, his heart was filled with pride and emotion.

ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

Wang Shaojun's story has gradually become known, and his self-improvement has touched countless people. In 2014, he was awarded the title of National Model of Self-improvement. However, this honor made him feel guilty: "I have been named a national model of self-improvement, but I have not yet made enough contributions to the vast number of disabled people.

This guilt became a new beginning in his life and drove him to think about how he could bring hope and opportunity to more people with disabilities. He is well aware that the biggest dilemma for people with disabilities is not only physical inconvenience, but also prejudice and discrimination from society.

Many people with disabilities are forced to live in solitary confinement, unable to live independently, let alone find employment.

Wang Shaojun is determined to change that. He wanted to create a place where people with disabilities could get out of their homes, integrate into society, and realize their self-worth. The idea took shape in his mind and eventually evolved into an ambitious plan to create a training and employment base specifically for people with disabilities.

ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

In this way, Wang Shaojun embarked on a new journey, ready to use his wealth and experience to create opportunities for more disabled people and light up hope.

Wang Shaojun is well aware that the plight faced by people with disabilities is not only physical inconvenience, but also social indifference and discrimination. He is eager to change all this, hoping that more disabled people can go out of their homes, integrate into society, and realize their self-worth.

By chance, Wang Shaojun learned that Alibaba Group planned to recruit customer service for people with disabilities on a large scale. The news was like a ray of light that gave him a new direction and hope.

He immediately contacted the person in charge and took the initiative to take on the important task of training the disabled.

ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

In order to establish a complete training base, Wang Shaojun leased 108 acres of land in Guandu Town, Zhongmu County. His goal is to create a "paradise" for people with disabilities.

From the overall planning of the base to every detail, he is hands-on. The design of the roof and the arrangement of the steps have been carefully thought out to ensure that the special needs of people with disabilities are taken care of to the greatest extent possible.

This ambitious plan requires a huge investment. Wang Shaojun did not hesitate to invest more than 10 million yuan in savings. In the face of such a large investment, his wife Yu Shujuan has always firmly supported her husband's decision.

During the construction of the base, Wang Shaojun always insisted on personally supervising it. Even when he was in poor physical condition, he did not relax his requirements for the quality of the work. At one point, he had to be hospitalized due to a cerebral infarction, but he still commanded remotely through his mobile phone to ensure that every detail met the design requirements.

ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

After unremitting efforts, the Henan Disabled Friends Training, Employment and Entrepreneurship Incubation Base was finally completed as scheduled. This base not only provides employment opportunities, but more importantly, gives people with disabilities a platform to reintegrate into society.

Wang Shaojun believes that earning the respect of others through hard work is a right that everyone should have, regardless of disability.

The training content of the base is mainly focused on Alibaba's cloud customer service work. This job requires only a computer and a typing speed of 42 words per minute, making it ideal for all types of people with disabilities.

"Although there are some jobs in society for people with disabilities, such as janitories or cleaning jobs, these are not suitable for all people with disabilities," Wang said. We hope to provide a more inclusive and promising job opportunity.

ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

Here, people with disabilities can not only learn professional skills, but also receive psychological and social training. Wang Shaojun hopes that through this all-round training, people with disabilities can rebuild their self-confidence and find a new direction in life.

With the completion and operation of the base, Wang Shaojun's dream has finally become a reality. He explained what true love and support is with practical actions, and ignited the light of hope for countless people with disabilities.

In Wang Shaojun's base, each student has his own unique and touching story. One of them is 34-year-old Li Xiang, a strong single mother.

Suffering from polio as a child, she was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. The departure of her husband once put her in a desperate situation, but in the base, she found a new direction in life.

ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

The story of another student, Pei Benkang, is equally moving. At the age of 25, he lost his arms in a childhood accident and lost hope in life for a time. After arriving at the base, he rediscovered his self-confidence and the value of life.

Through hard work, Pei Benkang not only successfully passed the assessment, but also stayed at the base to become a teacher, using his own experience to inspire more disabled people. He used to say, "All the hardships of the present are insignificant compared to the dark days of the past."

These touching stories are just the tip of the iceberg of the base's many success stories. Over the past five years, the base has trained more than 4,500 people with disabilities, of whom more than 3,800 have been successfully employed.

Behind these figures is the hope of countless people with disabilities to get a new lease on life.

ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

In addition to employment, the base also brings more possibilities to the lives of people with disabilities. It enabled 63 pairs of disabled friends to form their own small families, writing a new chapter in their lives.

The joy of each couple is the best interpretation of the value of the base.

Wang Shaojun's base is not only an employment training center, but also a warm home for people with disabilities to regain their self-worth and integrate into society. Here, every life is given a new meaning and every dream has a chance to bloom.

At the beginning of 2020, a sudden accident almost took Wang Shaojun's life. On that day, he was in the office to run errands, when suddenly the battery of his electric wheelchair failed, causing a fire.

ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

The flames engulfed his body in an instant, causing severe burns.

The accident left Wang Shaojun hospitalized for eight months. The recovery process was extremely difficult, his left limb completely lost function, and he also suffered from cerebral infarction and other diseases.

However, even in the most painful moments, Wang Shaojun did not give up his dreams and responsibility to the base.

To everyone's surprise, Wang Shaojun insisted on being discharged from the hospital early and invested more funds in the construction of the base. "Instead of using the money to treat me, we should invest in the construction of the base to help more people," he said.

ALS patients earned 20 million yuan by "lying", and used their savings to help more than 4,200 disabled friends re-employed

"This selfless spirit touched everyone.

Today, despite his deteriorating health, Wang Shaojun still insists on working. He plans to further expand the base and expand the scope of acceptance to the whole country to provide employment opportunities for more people with disabilities.

Wang Shaojun's story is not only a legend of the struggle and success of the disabled, but also a vivid interpretation of hope, perseverance and great love. He proved that even in the face of adversity, he can work miracles and bring light to others.

His spirit will continue to inspire more people and contribute to the cause of people with disabilities in China.

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