
It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

Recently, there has been a big incident in the mathematics community of Peking University!

The well-known professor Yuan Xinyi made a big fuss, and he posted an article commenting on the paper of the young scholar Jiang Ping, saying that it was for the justice of the mathematical community! This caused an uproar.

Everyone is discussing these things, such as academic norms, the training of young scholars, and the boundaries of academic criticism.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

Jiang Ping humbly responded to the need to improve the paper, which also made everyone think about the scale of academic criticism and how to build a healthy academic ecology.

It has even triggered a reflection on China's academic environment, with issues such as academic misconduct and an imperfect evaluation system being put on the table.

What the hell is going on, let's take a look!

Academia is not an easy one.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

Recently, Professor Yuan Xinyi published a review article for the young scholar Jiang Ping, in which he pointed out that one of Jiang Ping's papers had serious errors, which immediately caused an uproar in the academic circle.

Professor Yuan's criticism is severe, not only pointing to the technical flaws of the paper itself, but also touching on the issue of academic norms and integrity, which is undoubtedly a major challenge to Jiang Ping's academic reputation.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

In the face of such sharp criticism, Jiang Ping chose a humble attitude, not only did she not shy away from the controversy, but responded positively, admitting that there were indeed points in the paper that needed to be corrected, and expressing her gratitude for the criticism and her willingness to improve.

This attitude of accepting criticism with an open mind has won the respect of peers, and at the same time, it has also triggered in-depth thinking about the scale of academic criticism and how to build an inclusive and healthy academic environment.

The occurrence of this incident has forced people to re-examine the current situation of China's academic community.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

On the one hand, it exposes the problems existing in the academic evaluation system, such as the transparency of the paper review mechanism and the cultural atmosphere of academic criticism. On the other hand, it also reflects the great pressure and challenges faced by young scholars.

In the process of pursuing academic excellence, how to balance innovation and standardization, and how to stimulate the creativity of the new generation while respecting the experience of the predecessors, have become urgent issues to be solved.

In the face of these complex and pressing problems, solutions are being actively explored both inside and outside the academic community.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

From improving the academic evaluation system and ensuring a fair and equitable evaluation process, to advocating an open and inclusive academic culture and encouraging constructive criticism and communication, every step of the effort is to build a healthier and more sustainable academic ecology.

For young scholars, this incident is also a valuable lesson.

It reminds them that they must stick to the bottom line of academic integrity in the pursuit of their academic dreams.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

Only in this way can you win the recognition of your peers and promote the progress of the entire academic community.

Professor Yuan Xinyi, as one of the leading figures in mathematics at Peking University, has a pivotal position in the field of mathematics.

His academic career began around 2000, when the School of Mathematical Sciences at Peking University brought together a group of students known as the "Golden Generation".

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

They have not only achieved great results in domestic competitions, but also demonstrated the demeanor of Chinese mathematics students on the international stage.

Yuan Xinyi is one of them, he has been full of love for mathematics since he was a child, and has accumulated a solid theoretical foundation through self-study of competition books.

With his outstanding performance in various mathematics competitions, he was given the opportunity to be admitted to the School of Mathematical Sciences of Peking University.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

During his undergraduate studies, Yuan not only deepened his understanding of mathematics, but also received systematic scientific research training, laying a solid foundation for becoming a leader in the academic world in the future.

Although the controversy between Professor Yuan Xinyi and Jiang Ping originated from the error of a paper, it touched on issues far deeper than superficial phenomena.

It is not only a test of an individual's academic ability, but also a review of the overall environment of China's academic community.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

Through this event, we have seen the power of academic criticism and realized the importance of building a healthy academic ecology.

Only by continuous efforts can we make the academic light more brilliant and illuminate the road to the future.

With the fermentation of the incident between Professor Yuan Xinyi and Jiang Ping, its influence gradually expanded from the School of Mathematical Sciences to the entire Peking University and even the national academic community.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

This turmoil has not only brought academic integrity and criticism standards into the spotlight, but also prompted people from all walks of life to think about how to promote the healthy development of the academic environment.

It is realized that building an academic ecosystem that encourages innovation and values norms is an urgent problem to be solved.

In this context, the School of Mathematical Sciences of Peking University has taken a series of measures to create a more open and inclusive academic atmosphere.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

The School has strengthened the review of academic papers to ensure that each research result undergoes strict quality control.

The School also regularly organizes training courses on academic ethics and norms to guide teachers and students to establish correct academic values, emphasizing the importance of integrity and rigor.

In addition, the School encourages interaction between faculty and students, advocates criticism and suggestions in a constructive manner, and avoids unnecessary disputes, so as to promote the free flow and collision of academic ideas.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

This series of initiatives has received extensive support and response from both inside and outside the university.

Many scholars have said that a healthy academic ecology requires the joint efforts of all.

Both senior professors and young scholars should be open-minded, brave to face criticism, willing to share knowledge, and jointly promote academic progress.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

People from all walks of life have also begun to call for strengthening support and supervision for the academic community to create better conditions for academic research at the policy level.

Ensure the fair distribution of academic resources, reduce the occurrence of academic misconduct, and provide a broader space for the growth of young scholars.

With such efforts, China's academic community has gradually taken on a new look.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

More and more young scholars are beginning to emerge, and their innovative spirit and truth-seeking attitude are changing the landscape of academia.

A culture of academic criticism is gradually taking shape, and people are learning how to put forward constructive opinions based on respect and understanding, which not only helps to improve the quality of research, but also lays a solid foundation for the long-term development of the academic community.

There is still a long way to go to revolutionize the academic environment.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

The academic community needs to continuously reflect on itself and innovate to build a sound system and culture to cope with the challenges that may arise in the future.

Only in this way can we truly achieve academic prosperity and progress, so that every scholar can pursue the truth and contribute his or her wisdom and strength in a fair and just environment.

Although the incident between Professor Yuan Xinyi and Jiang Ping caused a short-lived turmoil.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community

But it has also become an opportunity to promote the reform and development of China's academic community.

Through this incident, people began to pay more attention to the construction of academic integrity and criticism culture, and committed to creating a healthier and more inclusive academic environment.

In the future, we have reason to believe that with the joint efforts of all people, China's academic community will usher in a brighter tomorrow and become an important source of global academic innovation.

It's a big deal! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping; Claims to be for the justice of the mathematical community
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