
103 years, youth with you

author:Released in Jinan City

On July 1, 2024, the Communist Party of China (CPC) celebrates its 103rd anniversary. The hundred-year-old party is in its prime; Glorious cause, passed on from generation to generation.


103 years has been a flick of a finger in the long river of history, but for the Communist Party of China and the China that she is committed to changing, this "historical sky" is magnificent enough and earth-shattering, and the "time and space fission" of the history of the Chinese nation is precisely in these 103 years.

Li Dazhao, the pioneer of the Communist Party of China, once said: The golden age is not behind us, but in front of us; Not in the past, but in the future.

Today's prosperity can console the martyrs' expectations of the century - great changes are still taking place and the golden age is continuing. The original intention has not changed, and the mission is always new. In the new historical stage and in the new historical journey, the century-old party is "in its youth".

At present, groups of young faces have appeared among the members of the Communist Party of China, and they have integrated into the pulse of the times as fresh blood. Like the revolutionary forefathers, they resolutely chose to go forward one after another, and in the urgent, difficult, dangerous and arduous tasks such as earthquake relief, flood prevention and flood control, stability maintenance and emergency response, and response to public emergencies, they can be seen everywhere in the places where the party flag is flying.

103 years, youth with you


A generation has a generation's mission, and a generation has a generation's responsibility. This year, the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China "met" the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The overlap of these two important years is a common testimony to the development achievements of the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and it is also a major opportunity to seriously sort out the "great legend in the history of human development".

The key to building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way lies in the Party and every Chinese Communist. As a young party member in the new era, at this time, in this world, how fortunate it is! More than 100 years ago in China, countless people with lofty ideals paved the way and built bridges for national rejuvenation with their youth and struggle. More than 100 years later, in China, the theme of the times has been renewed, but the goal of seeking rejuvenation for the nation and happiness for the people has not changed, and the bright background color of the red gene has not changed. Now, what we are facing is a modernization with a huge population, a modernization of common prosperity for all the people, a modernization of harmony between material civilization and spiritual civilization, a modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and a modernization of peaceful development...... Taken together, this series of modernization missions is called "Chinese-style modernization".

The goal is ahead, and the responsibility is on the shoulder. Only by highly integrating their youth with the "youth cause" of the party and the people, working hard in a down-to-earth manner, cherishing lofty ambitions, and walking with the country, can we hand over new and better answers to history and the people.

103 years, youth with you


No great undertaking is smooth sailing. At present, the world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is developing in depth, and at the same time, unilateralism and protectionism are on the rise in the international community, the world economic recovery is sluggish, local conflicts and turbulence are frequent, and global problems are intensifying. The mainland's reform, development, and stability are faced with many deep-seated contradictions that cannot be avoided or bypassed, and various "black swan" and "gray rhinoceros" incidents may occur at any time. This requires us to "worry about the worries of the world first", insist on being prepared for danger in times of peace, take precautions, and forge ahead in the major test of high winds and waves.

To share youth with the party, it is inevitable to be "theoretically evergreen." Standing at the starting point 103 years ago, the Communist Party of China chose Marxism, thus awakening the "deep dream of more than 5,000 years". Since then, the truth has always accompanied the party's cause. "The countryside surrounds the city", "Only socialism can save China", "development is the last word", ...... In the practice of the great struggle to break new ground and change the world, the light of truth has always shone brightly.

103 years, youth with you

Source: Xinhua News Agency

On June 28, at the launching ceremony of the "Zhequan Yonghui" action for the high-quality development of philosophy and social science services at the 2nd Haiyou Talent Festival in Jinan City and the high-level talent exchange meeting of the Philosophy Society, Wang Huaichao, a first-class professor of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (National Academy of Administration), mentioned in his exchange speech: systematically summarize the understanding of the laws and common values of mankind contained in the Chinese road and Chinese experience, raise it to a rational level, create a Chinese school of scientific socialism, and enrich and develop the theory of scientific socialism. This should become a strategic task for theoretical workers on the mainland. The establishment of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era has once again achieved a new leap in the Sinicization of Marxism and the modernization of the times. Arming the mind with this innovative theory of the party, guiding practice, and promoting work, the Chinese communists in the new era once again have a surging forward momentum.

To share youth with the party, it is inevitable to "have the original heart like a rock". After 103 years, it is still in its prime, and the secret of our party is to "not forget the original intention". In line with the belief of breathing with the people and sharing the same fate, generations of communists have used practical actions to interpret what it means to "keep the original intention" and what it means to "make a promise".

On June 25, Jinan Grassroots Party Affairs College was inaugurated. There are a total of 177 specially appointed teachers in this college, including experts and scholars from the Party School of the Central Committee, the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, and 985 and 211 colleges and universities, as well as outstanding party workers at all levels and departments, as well as Shao Tao, Tian Xiangxia, Li Hongwen and other front-line models. The purpose of this group of strong teachers is to lead the students to connect to the antenna and the ground, and to promote "first-line experience and first-line talk, and first-line work with first-line work". The essence of this model is "original heart education", with "people who stick to the original heart" and "believe in the story of the original heart", to create qualified party talents.

To share youth with the party, it is inevitable to "charge ahead". "From now on, the central task of the Communist Party of China is to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups across the country to build a great modern socialist country in an all-round way, realize the second centenary goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization." At the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping anchored a new goal for the centennial party. Obviously, our business is unfinished, we have been "on the Long March", there are still many "snow mountains" and "grasslands" to cross ahead, and there are still many "Loushan Pass" and "Lazikou" to conquer. Entering a new era, a different Long March requires the same charging momentum.

On the afternoon of June 27, Jinan City held a symposium on the work of the first secretary of the project of "Ten Thousand People Go to the Countryside and Thousands of Villages to Upgrade". Through this symposium, we found that for most of the first secretaries, although only a short year, they have experienced a major change from "0 to 1", they focus on research, good planning, can be on the project, can expand resources, can gather people's hearts, not only to achieve the grassroots party building promotion, the development of characteristic industries, the improvement of the living environment, the rural collective income and other work on the expected results, but also "let the masses satisfy" deeply implanted in their own work value orientation, so as to live up to this trip, no regrets.

Great careers are often achieved in the face of thousands of difficulties. Today, 103 years later, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has once again embarked on a new road to catch up with the examination, and everyone is striding forward with their heads held high and full of energy, striving to turn the grand blueprint depicted by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into a beautiful reality. Every young party member should live up to the prosperity of the world, continue to write youth for the party with practical actions, and let the world witness the "youth without regrets" of the new generation of Chinese communists.