
Create a strong magnetic field of "alumni economy".

author:Released in Jinan City

Alumni are an important part of the talent team and a city's "emotional resource". The "alumni economy" is a knowledge-based economy and an emotional economy, which can produce a multiplier effect and contain huge potential and opportunities. For Shizhong District, which is home to many colleges and universities such as Shandong University, it is natural to grasp this resource and let the "alumni economy" shine.

Recently, the Dream Enjoyer Alumni Lounge in Shizhong District was officially unveiled, as the first district and county shared alumni parlor in Jinan, attracting 13 well-known alumni associations such as Tsinghua University and Zhejiang University. This innovative platform breaks geographical boundaries and provides alumni with a space for project roadshows, exchanges and discussions, and has become an important position for alumni to collide ideas and share resources.

Create a strong magnetic field of "alumni economy".


The new quality of productivity is characterized by innovation. In the final analysis, the development of new quality productive forces depends on the strength of qualified personnel. In the process of the development of the new quality of productivity, talent is not only the initiator of innovation, but also the practitioner of technology application, but also the main force of the new quality productivity.

In recent years, Shizhong District has attached great importance to talent work, deepened cooperation and exchanges with universities, focused on policy linkage, and introduced the "10 Golden Colleges and Universities" policy to achieve win-win cooperation between schools and enterprises. Focus on resource sharing, jointly build a high-end carrier platform, build a high-standard national university science and technology park of Shandong University, land more than 50 Shandong University enterprises, and jointly build a number of high-end research platforms; Focusing on talent sharing, more than 70 science and technology deputy positions have been selected for six consecutive years for colleges and universities in Jiji, building a bridge for cooperation in scientific and technological cooperation, scientific and technological assistance, and project implementation, and accelerating the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

At the same time, Shizhong District actively implements the action of "Young Talents Gather in the City" and issues the "Guidelines for Young Talents to Enjoy the City" to attract more young talents to have a deep understanding of the city, enter the city, and stay in the city. In addition, relying on various alumni platforms, Shizhong District also widely solicits a series of alumni projects such as a new generation of information technology and intelligent manufacturing, and leverages the development of the "industrial circle" through the radiation effect of the "alumni circle", injecting new vitality into the industrial upgrading and economic development of Shizhong District.


As an emerging economic form, the "alumni economy" creates wealth for alumni, creates value for the university, and creates opportunities for economic development, creating a new model and new path for local colleges and universities to serve the local economy, and achieving a win-win situation among alumni, universities and cities. In the long run, the alumni economy is not only a new engine for economic development, but also stimulates the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit of the city and allows the evolution of business civilization to a new stage.

So how can we stimulate the "alumni economy" to help the development momentum of Shizhong District, so that it can transform from alumni friendship and urban emotion, that is, the alma mater and the mother city, to value demand and development opportunities?

On June 21, the signing ceremony of the "Alumni Economy" project and the seminar on the high-quality development of new quality productivity were held, which demonstrated the determination of Shizhong District in promoting the development of "alumni economy" and cultivating new quality productivity. The Innovation Incubation Base of the Pharmaceutical Industry Alumni Association of Shandong University and the Home of Shandong Alumni were officially unveiled, and five "alumni economy" projects to be implemented in Shandong University were officially signed with Shizhong District and Shandong University to display and promote their achievements, and the seminar on the high-quality development of new productivity was successfully held......

Create a strong magnetic field of "alumni economy".

Since the beginning of this year, Shizhong District has also actively planned and laid out in advance in promoting the development of "alumni economy". For example, it took the lead in holding the "University Alumni Bank of China" activity, inviting alumni from various parties to visit the core carrier of Shizhong District, and successfully held the first alumni symposium in Shizhong District to comprehensively display the development achievements of Shizhong District and open up channels for the exchange of information resources.

This series of activities not only marks a solid step forward in integrating alumni resources and promoting the common development of the campus and alumni, but also injects new impetus and vitality into the sustainable prosperity of the regional economy.


As the main carrying area of the provincial capital's government affairs service center, financial center, digital center and cultural and commercial center, Shizhong District not only has a sound industrial foundation and rich government resources, but also brings together a large number of financial institutions and scientific and technological innovation carriers...... To develop the "alumni economy", Shizhong District has advantages and confidence.

There are abundant university resources here, including Shandong University, Jinan University, Yuying Middle School, Provincial Experimental Middle School and other well-known schools, which have the inherent advantage of developing the alumni economy. These advantages provide strong support and guarantee for the development of "alumni economy" in Shizhong District, and also lay a solid foundation for the development of new quality productivity.

Create a strong magnetic field of "alumni economy".

At present, Shizhong District is in the golden period, critical period and critical period of the second entrepreneurship, and opportunities and challenges coexist. In order to seize this rare development opportunity, Shizhong District is committed to further tapping alumni resources, creating a development community with the organic integration of "university + alumni + city", building a cooperation platform for alumni in Shizhong, encouraging more alumni to return enthusiastically, becoming the "master" and "propagandist" of promoting regional development, and injecting a steady stream of power into the vigorous cultivation and development of new quality productivity in Shizhong District.

I look forward to your return from all over the world and write a chapter of the years. Relying on the "Alumni Circle" to continuously expand the "Circle of Friends", "Innovation Circle" and "Economic Circle", the "Alumni Economy" will attract and gather a group of high-level talents at home and abroad who lead the development of key industries, and continue to write a good story of cooperation in the same direction and in the same direction.

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