
The Great Reversal! Zhang Haibo threw out the chat recording again, and Fan Xiaohui cheated on her cousin in marriage and claimed to be true love!

author:Chengcheng's whimsy

The Fan Xiaohui and Zhang Haibo incident is suspected to be reversed. Zhang Haibo threw out another recording, which was a phone call between Fan Xiaohui and a friend.

On the phone, Fan Xiaohui said that she didn't love Zhang Haibo, and she and Xiang Peng really loved each other. The recording is before the divorce in 2021, and Zhang Haibo wants to say that Fan Xiaohui also cheated in marriage!

The Great Reversal! Zhang Haibo threw out the chat recording again, and Fan Xiaohui cheated on her cousin in marriage and claimed to be true love!

Fan Xiaohui's love affair with the photographer's cousin

At 8 p.m. on July 1, Zhang Haibo released a video recently. And with the text: "I, Zhang Haibo, am on the mountain at an altitude of 5,200 meters, I wish Ms. Fan and her photographer cousin Xiang Peng love and happiness!" I, Zhang Haibo, guard the frontier, and wish Ms. Fan's love to see the light of day as soon as possible! ”

The Great Reversal! Zhang Haibo threw out the chat recording again, and Fan Xiaohui cheated on her cousin in marriage and claimed to be true love!

The recording is only three minutes long, but it's hugely informative. As soon as the voice was heard, it was Fan Xiaohui's, and Fan Xiaohui vomited bitterness. Fan said: "My mother-in-law and their family make trouble every day, and I told Haibo that I don't love him, and I wanted to divorce him last year." I told him we really love each other! (It turns out that Zhang Haibo already knew)

Fan said that once she drank too much because of a quarrel with Zhang Haibo. She asked Zhang Haibo to work, and Zhang Haibo said that you hired so many employees for them to do. As a result, the two quarreled, and Fan drank too much to complain to Xiang Peng. Xiang Peng sent her home at the door of the house, and when she was comforting Fan, she happened to be bumped into by her mother-in-law. The mother-in-law scolded, "I've caught you both!"

The Great Reversal! Zhang Haibo threw out the chat recording again, and Fan Xiaohui cheated on her cousin in marriage and claimed to be true love!

As a result, Fan Xiaohui unabashedly replied to her mother-in-law and said, "What's wrong with it?" I love him, what's wrong with him loving me? "I was shocked to hear this paragraph, it seems that Fan is not bullied by her mother-in-law as everyone thought before, she is very powerful.

Then Fan Xiaohui talked about the character design again, she said that Zhang Haibo and her mother-in-law couldn't bring it up at all, and the editor didn't understand what it meant.

In the end, Fan Xiaohui also commented that Xiang Peng is a considerate and good man, always thinking about her, and he doesn't care how much money she makes, they are true love!

Can Zhang Haibo succeed?

At present, the child Dandan's side has returned to Fan Xiaohui, and I believe that Fan Xiaohui can take better care of her son.

Recently, Zhang Haibo threw out a large number of screenshots, audio recordings, videos, etc., accusing Fan Xiaohui of violent tendencies, cheating on marriage, abusing children, chaotic private life, cheating in marriage and concealing marriage history, and sitting on the stage on the eve of marriage.

The Great Reversal! Zhang Haibo threw out the chat recording again, and Fan Xiaohui cheated on her cousin in marriage and claimed to be true love!

As a result, 80% of netizens still chose to stand on Fan Xiaohui's side. Fans feel that no matter what Fan Xiaohui has experienced in the past, it is not easy to start a business alone and bring a baby after getting married.

The Great Reversal! Zhang Haibo threw out the chat recording again, and Fan Xiaohui cheated on her cousin in marriage and claimed to be true love!

And because she is a military wife, she is a widow all year round. Besides, the two have divorced, for the sake of the children, Zhang Haibo should not reveal his ex-wife's black history to everyone like this. Wouldn't it be better to separate decently and be well?

Zhang Haibo obviously didn't think so, and it could be seen that he was very unwilling. He feels cheated on, and he wants to take revenge on his ex-wife and give himself the feeling of being angry. Now that the two have reached the point of a lawsuit, what are Zhang Haibo's chances of winning?


According to a lawyer's analysis of the incident of Fan Xiaohui and Zhang Haibo, a lot of evidence cannot be used. A lot of the evidence is superficial, that is, verbal. Basically, they do not conform to the three natures, and do not conform to legitimacy, authenticity and relevance.

Therefore, the editor felt that Zhang Haibo was unbalanced, so he still communicated and negotiated with Fan Xiaohui in private. If you say it on the platform, it will only make the public see the joke, and it doesn't seem to be of any substantial help to them. In the end, both sides collapsed and both sides lost!


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