
Sister Apple openly asked for marriage, asked fans to introduce her to her partner, and the insider revealed the reason for the divorce!

author:Chengcheng's whimsy

Today, Sister Apple admitted that she was divorced, and she also publicly asked for marriage, and asked fans to introduce her to her partner. She said that she would go to Tibet to find her love. Yesterday, he also posted a video to show his former marriage certificate, which is suspected of saying goodbye to the past.

Sister Apple openly asked for marriage, asked fans to introduce her to her partner, and the insider revealed the reason for the divorce!

Apple's brother-in-law has become handsome

On June 29, Sister Apple, a big Internet celebrity, suddenly posted a video. posted a wedding photo of his 26-year-old and 22-year-old original husband, with the text: "I have played Douyin for seven years and have taken thousands of videos, and each video has a copy, but this one can't be written." ”

Sister Apple openly asked for marriage, asked fans to introduce her to her partner, and the insider revealed the reason for the divorce!

The video was posted less than a day ago and attracted tens of thousands of likes. Netizens sighed, and some insiders revealed the reason for the divorce. Some fans said: "Suddenly I don't like Apple's brother-in-law, why did the assistant get a relationship after only a few days of coming." ”

Sister Apple openly asked for marriage, asked fans to introduce her to her partner, and the insider revealed the reason for the divorce!

Looking at Apple's brother-in-law's account, in February this year, Apple's brother-in-law and his assistant co-produced a short video. Oh, my God! At first glance, I thought it was Sister Apple. This assistant's dress is really attentive, and he is exactly the same as Sister Apple.

Sister Apple openly asked for marriage, asked fans to introduce her to her partner, and the insider revealed the reason for the divorce!

Apple's brother-in-law and assistant

So Apple's brother-in-law has always been very single-minded, and the type he likes has always been like Apple's sister. At that time, this video caused a lot of controversy, and some fans reminded Sister Apple that her brother-in-law and this assistant were afraid that they would fall in love for a long time.

Sister Apple openly asked for marriage, asked fans to introduce her to her partner, and the insider revealed the reason for the divorce!

The key is that this assistant can be regarded as a high-end version of Sister Apple, with a net height of at least 1.65 meters, while Sister Apple's height is 1.58 meters. And fans say that this female assistant is more temperamental.

Sister Apple openly asked for marriage, asked fans to introduce her to her partner, and the insider revealed the reason for the divorce!

Fans feel that Apple's brother-in-law is getting more and more handsome, and now he is rich again. Thirteen years with Sister Apple can be regarded as a mutual achievement! They have a lovely daughter, who is very chubby and very cute, and sometimes shoots videos with her parents.

Sister Apple openly asked for marriage, asked fans to introduce her to her partner, and the insider revealed the reason for the divorce!

Apple's brother-in-law and daughter

Sister Apple is openly asking for marriage

Sister Apple revealed that she has had problems with her husband for half a year. Every time she was asked if she had divorced before, Sister Apple denied it, but said that she was separated or separated. However, today Sister Apple unexpectedly did not deny it.

Sister Apple openly asked for marriage, asked fans to introduce her to her partner, and the insider revealed the reason for the divorce!

Sister Apple asked fans rhetorically: "What's wrong with the divorced woman?" Many celebrities are divorced, Huang Xiaoming, Jia Nailiang, and Yang Mi are all divorced, but am I missing? Introduce me to the object, small fresh meat and old bacon. ”

Sister Apple openly asked for marriage, asked fans to introduce her to her partner, and the insider revealed the reason for the divorce!

Yu Wenhong Rolando

There have always been fans who have questioned Sister Apple and her husband deliberately hyping up to earn traffic, saying that she is imitating her good friend Yu Wenhong. In the first half of the year, Yu Wenhong and Rolando had a divorce war for half a year, earning a lot of traffic.

Sister Apple responded, no hype. I don't have time to use divorce hype to earn traffic, and it's true that I divorced my husband. And Sister Apple is now putting all her energy into her career.

Sister Apple openly asked for marriage, asked fans to introduce her to her partner, and the insider revealed the reason for the divorce!

Sister Apple is a model of body counterattack, and now she focuses on bringing weight loss products, especially now that it is summer, weight loss has become a craze. Sister Apple sells weight loss products very hot, and she makes a lot of money!

A few days ago, Sister Apple recruited six girlfriends on a live broadcast, and she just spent millions to buy a large pink jeep, claiming to go to Tibet for a self-driving trip. Recruit a few like-minded female fans to travel together, and all expenses will be borne by Sister Apple.

Sister Apple openly asked for marriage, asked fans to introduce her to her partner, and the insider revealed the reason for the divorce!

However, there are requirements for candidates, and Sister Apple said that those who have a lot of husbands, are too possessive, and don't call to check the post at every turn. Because it will affect their travel experience.

Sister Apple openly asked for marriage, asked fans to introduce her to her partner, and the insider revealed the reason for the divorce!

The former Apple sister and daughter

Sister Apple claims to go out for a walk. After all, I have been in a relationship for thirteen years, and I have a lovely daughter who is about ten years old. It's so easy to let go of separation, and it's good to go out for a walk. In the words of Sister Apple: "Maybe there will be a chance encounter, maybe there will be a partner!" ”


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