
Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

author:Sissi Literature Hall

Under the bright spotlight, the stars of the entertainment industry are always glamorous and radiant. However, behind the camera, a silent weight loss storm is sweeping the entire circle. For these artists with a halo, body management has long become a compulsory course, and it can even be said to be the lifeline of their careers.

Whether it is an elegant and dignified female star or a masculine and tough male artist, they are constantly working hard to maintain the perfection of their figures. They know that only by maintaining the best condition at all times can they show the most perfect image in front of the screen and win the favor and appreciation of the audience.

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

"For celebrities, maintaining a good figure is their professional life, so that they can show the most perfect image in front of the screen."

However, this pressure to strive for perfection is quietly turning into a worrying wave of weight loss. Many celebrities do not hesitate to take extreme measures in order to achieve the so-called "ideal figure".

Guli Nazha, Wang Ziwei, Li Xirui and other well-known actresses have aroused heated discussions and concerns from the public because of excessive weight loss, and the original article mentions: "In addition to Guli Nazha, there are many other female stars who are also working hard to lose weight, for example, Wang Ziwei, Li Xirui, etc. have also caused controversy because of their pursuit of slimming."

This current has taken the definition of beauty to a dangerous extreme. Slimness is seen as the only criterion, and health is gradually neglected. This has undoubtedly caused confusion for many women, causing them to form the wrong idea that "beauty is only about thinness".

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

"With the change of social atmosphere, the aesthetic standards of women in the entertainment industry have gradually gone to the extreme, and the pursuit of a thin body is too much, which has undoubtedly brought trouble to many women."

This makes people wonder, is the aesthetic standard of the entertainment industry going to be sick? We need to re-examine our aesthetic perceptions, understand our physical condition and health, choose the right weight management method, and pursue a balance between health and beauty.

After all, true beauty is a combination of health and self-confidence, not the pursuit of extreme weight loss at the expense of health.

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

In the weight loss storm of the entertainment industry, the change in Guli Nazha's image is particularly eye-catching. In the past, she was as beautiful as a fairy and had a graceful figure, but now due to excessive weight loss, it has aroused strong attention and concern from the audience.

In the hit variety show "Flowers and Young Friends", Guli Nazha's slimming experience attracted strong attention from the audience, and the shock was unexpected. The original text described: "The strength of the weight loss has caused many people to express concern about her physical condition, and her limbs, especially her legs and arms, are as thin as bamboo poles, as if a gust of wind can blow her down."

The girl who was once full of energy and a big smile now looks unusually thin.

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

Upon closer inspection, Gulnazar's shoulders were clearly in a bony state, which involuntarily reminded people of health problems. "If you look at it with a magnifying glass, you can see the state of Naza's shoulder, and this bony look is reminiscent of health problems.

Her once stunning face is now slightly deformed due to excessive thinness, although she is still beautiful, but has lost its former stunning and agileness, as the original text said: "The face has been deformed due to excessive thinning, although the appearance is still online, but it is no longer as stunning as before."

Through the lens, I seem to be able to deeply feel the hard work that Guli Nazha has put in to maintain her figure. Even though there seemed to be a hint of tiredness in her eyes, she still tried her best to maintain a professional smile.

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

This strong contrast makes people feel pity for her, and at the same time, it also triggers deep thinking about the aesthetic standards of the entertainment industry.

Guli Nazha's appearance change has sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people think that she pursues beauty too much and does not hesitate to harm her health; There is also speculation that it may be due to excessive work pressure or other reasons that cause the body to be emaciated.

In any case, her "pork ribs" appearance has aroused widespread attention and discussion, just as netizens in the original article sighed: "It's as thin as a fish bone, what kind of aesthetic is this, I don't recognize, slender is beautiful, but we must also pay attention to health!" "。

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

Guli Nazha's slimming process is like a mirror, reflecting the distorted pursuit of "beauty" in the entertainment industry. Her experience has become an entry point for public reflection, prompting us to wonder if the importance of health has been neglected in the pursuit of beauty.

Guli Nazha's slimming experience has caused widespread heated discussions on the Internet. Netizens have expressed their views and concerns about the changes of the goddesses in the past, and they also reflect their thinking about the aesthetic standards of the entire entertainment industry.

Someone said distressedly: "Nazha is as thin as a fish bone, what kind of aesthetic is this?" I really don't agree. She believes that although slenderness is beautiful, it is also necessary to pay attention to health. Such a view represents ordinary people, who are beginning to doubt such extreme aesthetic standards in the entertainment industry.

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

Just like the netizen commented quoted in the original article: "It's as thin as a fish bone, what kind of aesthetic is this, I don't recognize it, slender is beautiful, but you must also pay attention to health!" ”

Gulnazar's weight loss may be due to work stress or other unknown factors. The original article states: "There is also a part of the population that believes that excessive work pressure is one of the reasons for Gulnazar's weight loss.

In addition to paying attention to the careers of celebrities, people are also full of curiosity and conjecture about the real lives of celebrities.

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

More people began to reflect on why such an aesthetic atmosphere has formed in the entertainment industry? Some netizens sighed: "The current aesthetic is really too sick, and celebrities completely ignore their health in pursuit of the so-called perfect body."

When will this trend cease? This coincides with the description in the original article: "Netizens have said: 'The current aesthetic is really too sick, celebrities in order to pursue weight loss, regardless of health, this aesthetic is distressing, when will it stop?'" ’”

These discussions are not just about Gulnazar alone, but are having an impact on the entire entertainment industry. People are beginning to realize that this pursuit of extreme slimming is having a bad impact on many young people, especially young women, and making them have the wrong idea that "beauty is only about thinness".

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

"This phenomenon has undoubtedly caused many women to have the misconception that beauty is only about thinness."

The public's reaction has sounded the alarm for the entertainment industry. People expect healthier and more diverse aesthetic standards. The original article also appealed: "I hope that the stars in the entertainment industry can establish a correct concept of health, so that more people can realize the importance of health and adopt a healthy lifestyle."

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

This aesthetic controversy of "pork ribs" reflects the public's concern about the health of celebrities, and also triggers the public's reflection on the aesthetic concepts and standards of the entertainment industry. This phenomenon reminds us that we should not ignore the primary prerequisite of health in the pursuit of beauty.

In the pursuit of body perfection, some celebrities have embarked on extreme weight loss methods, and the health risks behind these measures are worrying. "A lot of celebrities are trying to stay in shape", but that effort sometimes goes to extremes.

In order to lose weight quickly, some female celebrities use extremely strict dieting plans, even to the point of starvation. In addition, some artists even use extreme methods to achieve the goal of losing weight, even if the body is exhausted, they must insist on completing high-intensity training.

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

"Wang Ziwei, Li Xirui, etc. have also caused controversy because of their pursuit of weight loss, and they have revealed in variety shows that they have taken various extreme measures in order to lose weight, such as dieting, excessive exercise, etc."

This extreme way of losing weight can lead to serious health problems such as malnutrition, psychological stress, and bone problems. Please note that excessive weight loss may affect your appearance and cause serious harm to your health.

Long-term nutritional imbalance may lead to a decrease in the body's immunity, making the body more susceptible to various diseases. Excessive exercise may cause damage to the joints and affect the normal development of the body, which is the price that may be paid in the pursuit of extreme weight loss.

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

More seriously, this extreme psychological pressure to achieve a perfect body can trigger eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia, which can not only affect physical health, but also severely reduce quality of life.

Experts warn that celebrities' reckless weight loss is actually a drain on health. They call on celebrities to treat body management rationally and adopt a scientific and healthy way to maintain their figure, rather than blindly pursuing extreme methods with quick results.

The existence of these extreme weight loss methods also reflects the phenomenon of excessive requirements for the appearance of artists in the entertainment industry. It reminds us that in the pursuit of beauty, we cannot ignore the most important premise of health.

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

"We need to re-examine our aesthetic perceptions, understand our physical condition and health, choose the right weight management method, and pursue a balance between health and beauty."

Ultimately, we should realize that true beauty is built on the foundation of health. As the original text advocates: "Don't neglect health for the sake of so-called beauty, be a healthy and beautiful self."

"Only in this way can a true balance between beauty and health be achieved.

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

Guli Nazha's slimming experience and the extreme slimming phenomenon that is prevalent in the entertainment industry have made us begin to reflect on what true beauty is. Guli Nazha's slimming story makes us deeply reflect on the aesthetic standards of the entertainment industry.

For a long time, the aesthetic standards of women in the entertainment industry have gradually gone to extremes. The concept of "thinness is beauty" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, leading many people to fall into the misunderstanding of blindly pursuing a slender body.

"With the change of social atmosphere, the aesthetic standards of women in the entertainment industry have gradually gone to the extreme, and the pursuit of a thin body is too much, which has undoubtedly brought trouble to many women, making them have the wrong idea that 'beauty is only related to thinness'."

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

However, true beauty is much more than that. Health, self-confidence, and a unique temperament are all important elements that make up beauty. We need to re-examine our aesthetic concept, the form of beauty should be diverse and inclusive, everyone has their own unique charm, and should not be bound by a single aesthetic standard.

In addition, we need to realize that health is the foundation of beauty.

At the same time, we should learn to respect everyone's physical differences. Whether it is a different body type or a different look, they should be respected and appreciated equally. Only in this way can we create a healthier and more diverse aesthetic environment.

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

We need to re-examine our aesthetic concepts, understand our physical condition and health, and choose the right weight management method to pursue a balance between health and beauty.

This sentence epitomizes the attitude we should adopt.

Reshaping aesthetic concepts is not an overnight task, and requires the joint efforts of the whole society. We look forward to seeing more role models who show real, healthy beauty, and make people realize that beauty is not just a specific body standard, but also in the unique temperament and charm of each person.

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

"Don't ignore your health for the sake of so-called beauty, be a healthy and beautiful self." This is the beauty we should really strive for.

In response to the morbid aesthetic phenomenon in the entertainment industry, we look forward to seeing a positive change, which needs to start from within the entertainment industry, and also requires the joint efforts of the whole society.

First of all, we strongly appeal to the stars in the entertainment industry to establish a correct concept of health. The original article clearly stated, "I hope that the stars in the entertainment industry can establish a correct concept of health, so that more people can realize the importance of health and adopt a healthy lifestyle."

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

"Celebrities should be aware that true beauty comes from a healthy body and mind, and we look forward to seeing more celebrities maintain their bodies in a scientific and healthy way to set a positive example for the public.

Secondly, the media and the public should also change the criteria for evaluating celebrities. Instead of paying too much attention to the weight and figure of the star, more praise should be given to the talent, hard work, and positive energy of the star.

In this way, we can gradually change the distorted aesthetic of "thinness as beauty", and many netizens have begun to question this sick aesthetic: "The current aesthetic is really too sick, celebrities in order to pursue slimming, regardless of health, this aesthetic makes people feel distressed, when will it stop?" "

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

Finally, we advocate for everyone to pursue a healthy and beautiful lifestyle. A healthy diet, proper exercise and a positive mindset are the true sources of beauty. Let's work together to create a healthier, more diverse aesthetic environment.

We need to re-examine our aesthetic philosophy, understand our physical condition and health, choose the right weight management method, and pursue a balance between health and beauty.

In the process, we expect more celebrities, such as Gulnazar, to be brave enough to show their true selves rather than hurting their bodies in order to conform to a certain aesthetic standard.

Guli Nazha has become a "rib essence", her limbs are slender like bamboo poles, and the morbid aesthetics of the entertainment industry should stop

Only in this way can we truly build a healthy and pluralistic aesthetic concept, "don't hesitate to be healthy for the sake of so-called beauty, be a healthy and beautiful self", which should become a new direction pursued by the entertainment industry and even the whole society.

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