
The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

author:Sissi Literature Hall

In the hit drama "Heartbeat Makes Me Brave", a laughable role arrangement sparked a wide discussion among the audience: I am 37 years old, but I play the uncle of 45-year-old Yan Chengxu. This abnormal age setting not only confuses the audience, but also puts me in a strange contradictory state of mind.

Tang Zeng stood on the set, looking at Yan Chengxu, who was 8 years older than him, and there was a trace of bitterness in his heart. He took a deep breath and tried to adjust his mentality, trying to interpret this "uncle" role with a mature and steady aura.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

Although this character setting seems absurd, Tang Zeng has successfully created a convincing character image with his excellent acting skills.

After the broadcast of this TV series, Tang Zeng's performance was highly praised by the audience. Although there is controversy about the age setting, Tang Zeng's superb acting skills successfully portrayed the character, and this contrast did not affect the audience's perception, but added a unique charm to the play.

However, behind this seemingly successful attempt, it reflects an embarrassing reality in the idol drama industry: it is often difficult for powerful actors to get roles that match their age. Although Tang Zeng's acting skills are superb, he has to succumb to this unreasonable role setting.

Whenever he stands on the set and looks at those young and handsome leading actors, he can't help but think in his heart: Why do powerful actors always only play supporting roles in idol dramas?

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

This question is as heavy as a big stone, not only on Tang Zeng's heart, but also on the hearts of many of his peers. This problem reveals an unhealthy tendency in the idol drama industry, which is to pay too much attention to the appearance and age of the actors, but ignore the actual acting skills of the actors.

Even so, Tang Zeng was not discouraged by this. He firmly believes that as long as he continues to work hard and maintain his love and dedication to acting, one day, powerful actors will be able to get more opportunities and recognition in idol dramas.

He looks forward to the day when the value of an actor will no longer be defined solely by his age, but by his true acting skills and strength.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

In the TV series "Heartbeat Makes Me Brave", which has received enthusiastic attention, 45-year-old Yan Chengxu challenged the role of youth, which sparked heated discussions in all aspects. This once popular idol actor is now facing a huge contradiction between age and role.

Yan Chengxu's appearance has caused huge controversy, some people feel that he is no longer suitable for playing young roles in idol dramas, and think that this arrangement is a bit "capricious", but there are also more fans who support Yan Chengxu, thinking that he is well maintained, and his appearance is still very young and handsome, and he is fully qualified for such a role.

This controversial issue is essentially a common phenomenon in the idol drama industry: audiences are often very picky about the age requirements of idol drama actors. Especially for male actors, it may be a little difficult to play the role of an idol drama after reaching the age of 45.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

However, Yan Chengxu does not seem to be willing to give up the field of acting he loves.

In the play, Yan Chengxu and Tang Zeng, who is 8 years younger than him, play against each other, and this age contrast highlights the dilemma he faces. Despite this, Yan Chengxu relied on his years of experience and charm to interpret this role with his heart.

He hopes that through his acting skills, he will break people's stereotypes about age and prove that even at the age of 45, he can still perform well in idol dramas.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

However, Yan Chengxu's predicament is not an isolated case. In the entertainment industry, age has become a huge challenge for many actors, especially in the special field of idol dramas.

As they get older, actors need to move from youthful protagonists to more mature supporting roles to adapt to the shift in roles.

Yan Chengxu's situation is more complicated, and his relationship with Lin Chiling has always attracted public attention, which seems to have become a double-edged sword in his career development. On the one hand, it brought him constant attention, and on the other hand, it also made it difficult for him to get rid of the label of "former idol", which limited his role choices to some extent.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

Yan Chengxu did not give up in the face of this dilemma, and he firmly believed that the value of an actor should not be judged by age alone. On the set of "Heartbeat Makes Me Brave", he silently flipped through the script and carefully pondered all aspects of the role.

He understands that at this same age, if you want to continue to play roles in idol dramas, you have to put in more effort.

Despite the difficulties, Yan Chengxu still stuck to his choice. He hopes that through his own performance, he will bring new thinking to the idol drama industry, break the shackles of age, and let more outstanding actors have the opportunity to show their talents on this stage.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

Tang Zeng, who was born in 1985, has chosen to develop on a different path since he stepped into the entertainment industry, and the acting road full of challenges and opportunities has shaped his role.

Tang Zeng's starting point was to play a supporting role. In many productions, he is a minor character, but he makes a lasting impression on the audience every time he takes the stage. Especially in the 2022 hit drama "My Ugly Girlfriend", Tang Zeng played the role of the male protagonist Han Tingyu's hair boy and company colleague.

Although he is not the protagonist, Tang Zeng interprets the inner world of the character vividly with his delicate acting skills, allowing the audience to see a real and three-dimensional character.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

In "My Ugly Girlfriend", Tang Zeng and the heroine Huang Mengying had many fierce rivalry scenes, and their acting skills were highly praised by the audience, especially in some touching scenes, Tang Zeng's performance made the audience teary-eyed.

Many viewers expressed their hope to see more rivalry between Tang Zeng and Huang Mengying.

However, the reality of showbiz isn't always rosy. Although Tang Zeng's acting skills have been universally praised, in idol dramas, he can often only play supporting roles. This status quo did not dampen Tang Zeng's confidence, but inspired him to be more motivated.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

He constantly delves into his acting skills and strives to surprise the audience in every role.

Tang Zeng's growth path was not all smooth sailing, and he also played an important role in film and television works such as "Boundless Returnee", proving his multi-faceted acting strength. These experiences made Tang Zeng realize that it takes time and experience to become a truly powerful actor.

Tang Zeng has now become a powerful actor in the hearts of the audience, and he is convinced that as long as he continues to maintain his love and dedication to his acting career, his strength will eventually be more widely recognized.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

Whether in idol dramas or other types of works, he will conquer the audience with his acting skills and write his own wonderful chapter on the road of acting.

In the film and television industry, there is a common phenomenon in the specific field of idol dramas: powerful actors cannot get the leading role. Tang Zeng's experience is a typical example of this phenomenon.

Although his acting skills have been recognized in the industry, he has always been positioned as a supporting role in idol dramas, which undoubtedly raises people's deep thoughts: Why is it difficult for powerful actors to get the opportunity to play the leading role in idol dramas?

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

The answer may lie in the special attributes of idol dramas. This type of drama focuses more on the gorgeous appearance and idol charm of the actors, rather than pure acting skills. In this world dominated by looks and fan effects, pure acting sometimes becomes a secondary factor.

This status quo has made many powerful actors feel confused and helpless.

In fact, Tang has won high praise from the audience and industry insiders in this drama, believing that his acting skills have added a lot to the series. This recognition strengthened Tang Zeng's belief: as long as he perseveres, his strength will eventually be given due attention.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

Whether it is Tang Zeng or other powerful actors, their performance in idol dramas is somewhat similar. They not only have to maintain their acting skills, but also adapt to the special requirements of idol dramas, which is a difficult balance, but it is also a necessary way.

Although facing challenges, the powerful actors did not give up. They use their own understanding and emotions to shape each character, trying to break the inherent impression of idol dramas on powerful actors.

It's a tough battle, but they firmly believe that if they persevere, their strength will eventually be given the attention they deserve.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

Although the development of idol dramas may take a process, with the improvement of the audience's aesthetics and the progress of the industry, powerful actors will eventually get more opportunities on this stage and inject more depth and connotation into idol dramas.

In the field of showbiz, age is often a double-edged sword. For actor Tang Zeng, his personal experience vividly reflects the two sides of age. When he was a young man, the producers thought he was "lacking in idol temperament" and therefore missed many opportunities to be the protagonist of idol dramas.

However, when he accumulated enough acting strength, age became a major obstacle for him to play the leading role in idol dramas.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

Looking back at Tang Zeng's acting career, you can see that he has been working hard and striving for breakthroughs. The actor, who was born in 1985, is now 37 years old. Over the past decade or so, he has undergone a metamorphosis from youth to maturity.

However, this growth has also brought new challenges.

In the drama "Heartbeat Makes Me Brave", 37-year-old Tang Zeng played the 45-year-old uncle of Yan Chengxu, and this role setting has been widely questioned and discussed. Although Tang Zeng's acting skills have been highly recognized, this kind of role matching with a more obvious age difference still makes people feel a little ridiculous.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

This experience made Tang Zeng deeply realize that in idol dramas, age is sometimes more important than acting skills.

However, as time went on, Tang Zeng found himself getting more opportunities in other types of film and television works, such as "Borderless Returnee", where he had more room to show his acting skills and his performance was widely recognized.

This made Tang Zeng realize that maybe idol dramas were not the only stage to show his talent.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

In fact, Tang Zeng's experience cannot be used as an example, because many powerful actors have faced similar difficulties. When they are young, they may be overlooked due to their lack of experience or the image does not meet the requirements of the role; And when they accumulate enough experience and strength, they may be marginalized because of their age.

However, Tang Zeng was not discouraged by this, he began to look forward to playing more different types of roles, and wanted to show his strength through various works. He is convinced that a true actor should be a versatile person who can handle all types of roles.

Tang Zeng's life experience tells us that opportunities and challenges often coexist in the entertainment industry. Age, while it brings some limitations, also opens up new possibilities for actors. For powerful actors, the key is to keep learning, break through themselves, and find a suitable position for themselves in different types of works.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

Only in this way can we gain a firm foothold in this highly competitive industry and shine our own light.

Although he faces various challenges in idol dramas, Tang Zeng's future is still full of hope. His character expressiveness and acting skills have also been widely recognized by industry insiders, and his popularity in the film and television industry is also steadily rising.

With the recognition and attention of the industry and the public, Tang Zeng's future development path will be as stable as a rock.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

In the TV series "Heartbeat Makes Me Brave", Tang Zeng played a seemingly unreasonable role - the uncle of 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, although the age setting is somewhat unreasonable, his acting skills have been highly praised.

The audience said that Tang Zeng's performance was very good, and he successfully interpreted the role, and this contrast did not affect the audience's perception, but added some unique charm to the show.

Tang Zeng did not limit himself to the framework of idol dramas, but sought breakthroughs in different types of works. Whether it is an urban drama, a costume drama or a suspense drama, Tang Zeng has gone all out to bring new surprises to the audience in each role.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

His performances in works such as "Beyond the Border" are very good.

In fact, Tang Zeng's diversification strategy has already begun to have a positive impact. His outstanding performances in various genres have made more audiences and industry professionals have a deep understanding of his strength, thus broadening his acting career and bringing him more opportunities and possibilities.

For the future, Don is full of confidence. He firmly believes that as long as he continues to maintain his love and dedication to acting, he will eventually find his place in the highly competitive industry.

The 37-year-old Tang once played the uncle of the 45-year-old Yan Chengxu, and the powerful faction can only play a supporting role in the idol drama

He is looking forward to taking on more types of roles and showcasing his talents.

Tang Zeng's experience also pointed out the way forward for other powerful actors, making them understand that in addition to idol dramas, there is a broader performance world waiting for them to explore.

As long as they have a firm belief and continue to improve their acting skills, powerful actors will be able to shine in the film and television industry and write their own wonderful chapters.

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