
When the woodcutter saw the white snake spitting out beads in the mountains, he stole the beads while he was unprepared, and regretted it afterwards


In our northeast, there is a big mountain, called "Cloud Ridge", which is as high as the horizon, shrouded in clouds and mist, like a fairyland. There are all kinds of strange things in the mountains, what rare birds and beasts, what fairy grass spirit beasts, as soon as you mention it, it makes people curious.

One day, in the middle of summer, the sun made people sweat, and the sky was as good as anything. Our protagonist, Li Ergou, this buddy, carried an axe, a firewood knife pinned to his waist, hummed a little tune, and went to Yunwuling. This buddy, who lives by chopping wood on weekdays, is as strong as a cow, and is called a door to every grass and tree in the mountains.

Li Ergou walked through the forest, and soon arrived at a bottomless valley. In that place, the trees were so tall that they covered the sky and the sun, and it felt like a paradise. He was about to swing an axe to chop wood when he suddenly heard the sound of running water. He followed the sound and looked, good fellow, a small stream flowed down the mountain, and on the side of the stream, a white snake coiled, the snake was as white as jade, and the sun shone brightly.

When the woodcutter saw the white snake spitting out beads in the mountains, he stole the beads while he was unprepared, and regretted it afterwards

Li Ergou was shocked and thought: "This white snake, could it be a treasure in the mountains?" He crept closer, and when he saw the white snake slowly open its mouth, he spat out a bead. The beads, crystal clear, shining in the sun, don't look like mortal things. Li Ergou looked stupid, and the greed in his heart came up. He looked left and right, and there was no one, so he moved his mind, and while the white snake was not paying attention, he quietly stepped forward and snatched the beads.

Where did the white snake think that someone would sneak attack, he was startled, screamed, and then disappeared with a "whoosh". Li Ergou got the beads, and he was happy and scared in his heart. He knew that this bead was definitely not an ordinary product, it was definitely a treasure. He hurriedly put the beads in his arms, put the firewood on his back, and hurried out of the valley.

Along the way, Li Ergou's heart went up and down. He was afraid that the white snake would come to the door, and he was afraid that the bead would cause him trouble. But when I saw the light of the bead, the greed in my heart prevailed again. He thought, "This bead is so valuable, if I can sell it for a good price, I won't have to worry about it in my life." When he got home, Li Ergou carefully hid the beads, for fear that others would find out. I have to hold it when I sleep at night, for fear of losing it.

When the woodcutter saw the white snake spitting out beads in the mountains, he stole the beads while he was unprepared, and regretted it afterwards

But after a long time, Li Ergou slowly felt that this bead was not simple. When the night was quiet, the beads glowed, as if some mysterious power was calling him. He always dreamed of the white snake, and his eyes were full of grievances, as if he had something to say. Li Ergou began to regret it, feeling that he was too greedy and embarked on the road of no return. He tossed and turned at night, couldn't sleep, and began to reflect on himself, feeling that he couldn't live up to the trust of the White Snake. Oh, Li Ergou, this kid, is really stunned, and he decided to return the bead to the white snake with a slap of his head, wanting to make up for his little mistake. He set foot on the road to Yunwuling again, and his heart was full of energy, but more of a strong heart. He understood that if he did not return the beads, he would not be able to recover what little conscience and dignity he had. But when he went to the valley again, he looked, hey, hey, everything changed, and the white snake was gone. He searched everywhere, but found nothing, the despair and regret in his heart, knowing that he was really in trouble now.

I was about to go home, when I suddenly heard a melodious singing sound from the mountain. He followed the sound and glanced at it, hey, an old man with fairy wind bones is floating over on the clouds. The old man glanced at the bead in his hand, smiled slightly, and asked him, "Young man, do you know the origin of this bead?" Li Ergou shook his head, looking confused. The old man sighed and slowly explained the origin of the beads and the story behind them. It turns out that this bead is the essence of the inner pill of the spirit beast white snake in the mountain, and it has divine power. The White Snake has been cultivating for many years, and it looks like he is about to turn into a dragon and ascend, but as a result, Neidan was taken away, and he was all busy with his work. The old man told Li Ergou that if he wanted to make up for his mistakes, he had to return the beads and sincerely repent in order to resolve this catastrophe.

When Li Ergou heard this, tears flowed from his eyes, knowing that his mistake was not light, and it brought a lot of harm to the white snake. He knelt before the old man, wept like a child, and vowed to return the beads, and to guard the white snake until it turned into a dragon and ascended. The old man saw him like this, nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the person was gone. Li Ergou took the beads and set out on the road to find the white snake again......

When the woodcutter saw the white snake spitting out beads in the mountains, he stole the beads while he was unprepared, and regretted it afterwards

The sky slowly darkened, and a faint layer of twilight shrouded in the mountains and forests. Li Ergou sat on a big rock, looking at the beads in his hand, and his heart was mixed. He recalled the white snake's complaining eyes, and the guilt and remorse in his heart. He knew that he had to find the white snake and return the beads, otherwise he would not be able to let go of this matter for the rest of his life.

"Although this bead is precious, it is far less valuable than the purity of your heart." After Li Ergou heard this, a passionate emotion surged in his heart. He immediately knelt down, bowed deeply to the white snake, and said gratefully, "Thank you Daxian for your guidance!" I will keep it in my heart, and from now on I will change my mind and no longer be greedy. The white snake bowed slightly, and continued to admonish, "I have seen your changes. Since this bead is related to you, I will give it to you. But remember, greed is a bottomless pit, and only by keeping a clear heart can you harness the power of this bead. After Li Ergou heard this, his heart was full of surprise, he carefully took the beads and carefully hid them in his arms. He said to the White Snake with gratitude and admiration, "Rest assured, Great Immortal, I will strictly abide by your teachings and take good care of this bead. The white snake bowed his head in satisfaction, his figure gradually blurred, and the words left behind echoed in the air: "Go, young man, use your kindness and courage to write your own legend." Li Ergou watched the figure of the white snake disappear into the sky, and his heart was full of deep emotion and admiration. He understands that he has met a true immortal today, and he has also been given the opportunity to change his fate. He was determined to use the bead to do good deeds and help those in need.

Since then, Li Ergou has become hardworking and kind. He is no longer an ordinary woodcutter, but has become a chivalrous and helpful hero. He used the power of beads to heal the villagers, drive away the evil beasts in the mountains, and solve countless thorny problems. His fame gradually spread throughout Cloud Ridge, and people respectfully called him "Li Yingying". However, Li Ergou was not complacent because of this. He always remembered the teachings of the White Snake and maintained a pure and kind heart. He knows that his strength comes from both the beads and his heart, and only when the two are combined can he exert his greatest strength.

When the woodcutter saw the white snake spitting out beads in the mountains, he stole the beads while he was unprepared, and regretted it afterwards

Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Li Ergou is already a gray-haired old man, but he is still in good spirits and has a vigorous pace. He used his wisdom and courage to protect this land and its people. One day, while Li Ergou was basking in the sun in the yard of his home, a young woodcutter approached him and asked him for advice on how to become like him. Li Ergou smiled and said to the young man: "Young man, if you want to be a hero, you must first have a kind heart, and then you must have courage and wisdom. Of course, sometimes a little luck is needed, haha! With that, Li Ergou took out the bead from his arms and handed it to the young woodcutter. This bead has been with me all my life and has witnessed my journey from an ordinary woodcutter to a hero. Now, I give it to you, and I hope you can use it to do good deeds and help those in need, just like me. The young woodcutter took the beads, his eyes shining with excitement. He bowed deeply to Li Ergou, then turned to leave. Li Ergou looked at his back, and his heart was full of relief and pride. He was sure that the young woodcutter would eventually become a true hero, just like him. The young woodcutter, Wang Xiaohu, took the beads handed by Li Ergou, grateful in his heart, and his eyes flashed with determination. He understands that what he has received is not only a bead, but also a heavy responsibility and mission. He is determined to continue the heroic legend of Li Ergou with his own actions.

Wang Xiaohu, a diligent and kind-hearted young man. Ever since he got the beads, he has often practiced in the mountains to explore the mysterious power of the beads. He discovered that the beads not only had healing powers, but also stimulated people's potential and strengthened their will. Wang Xiaohu is convinced that this power must be used in the way of justice in order to benefit the people.

One day, the Yunwuling area was suddenly hit by a rare flood. Flash floods have flooded, rivers have flooded, villages have been flooded, and people are in dire straits. Seeing this scene, Wang Xiaohu stepped forward without hesitation. With the help of the power of beads, he summoned the spirit beasts in the mountains to assist the villagers in the safe transfer. At the same time, with wisdom and courage, he led the villagers to build embankments for flood control. Under the leadership of Wang Xiaohu, the villagers united as one to fight the flood. After days and nights of hard fighting, the flood waters finally receded and the village returned to its former tranquility. The villagers were grateful to Wang Xiaohu and called him "the new hero".

When the woodcutter saw the white snake spitting out beads in the mountains, he stole the beads while he was unprepared, and regretted it afterwards

However, Wang Xiaohu is not complacent. He knows that his strength comes from the support of the beads and the villagers. He decided to inlay the beads on the stone tablet at the entrance of the village, making it a symbol of the villagers' unity in fighting natural disasters. At the same time, he also warned the villagers to cherish natural resources and protect the environment to avoid further flooding.

With the joint efforts of Wang Xiaohu and the villagers, Yunwuling has become more and more prosperous. The stone monument at the entrance of the village has become a sacred place in people's hearts, and whenever someone passes by, they will stop to pay their respects and feel the unity and strength. Wang Xiaohu has also grown from a young woodcutter to a respected wise man. He often sat under the old tree at the entrance of the village, told the young villagers the story of Li Ergou and the legend of the beads, and told them with his own experience: only with a kind heart and firm belief can we overcome all difficulties and become a real hero.

However, one day, a mysterious stranger who claims to be the original owner of the beads arrives at Cloud Ridge. He is a practitioner from a faraway world who tells the villagers that while beads are powerful, they are also potentially threatening and can cause disaster if used incorrectly. When the villagers heard this, they panicked and didn't know what to do. Oh, that's a lot of fun! Wang Xiaohu's kid, at that juncture, he stepped forward, looked at the uninvited guest with a calm face, patted his chest and said that he would bear all the consequences, and he had to continue to guard the baby bead. The stranger glanced at Wang Xiaohu's determined eyes, and couldn't help but nodded, saying that in fact, he was not here to grab the beads, but to pass on a more advanced cultivation secret, so that Wang Xiaohu could better control the power of the beads.

When the woodcutter saw the white snake spitting out beads in the mountains, he stole the beads while he was unprepared, and regretted it afterwards

When Wang Xiaohu heard the news, he was so happy that he hurriedly asked the stranger for advice. Under the guidance of strangers, he began to practice the unfathomable method, and gradually, he touched the true door of the beads. He can not only heal the sick and save people, but also dispel those wild beasts with bad intentions, and even predict the future and see people's hearts. But Wang Xiaohu, this kid, he didn't flutter because of these skills, he knew in his heart that his ability was given by beads and practice, and only by constantly learning and making progress could he better protect this land and the villagers here.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Wang Xiaohu has also become a gray-haired old man. He sat under the old tree at the entrance of the village and told the young descendants the legend of Li Ergou and the story of the beads. His voice was hoarse, but it still exuded strength and wisdom. That magical bead, still inlaid on the stone tablet, shines with dazzling light, witnessing the legend of the Yunwuling area from generation to generation.