
The woodcutter helped the widow chop wood, pretending to be drunk and thinking about good things, but the widow gave him a leather coat instead of anger


In our Gada, there is a treasure land called Liu Linzi, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the people are sincere. At the head of Liulinzi Village, there is a woodcutter, known as Zhang Erniu, this guy is kind-hearted, his strength is as great as a cow, and cutting wood is a must. Zhang Erniu's family has a widowed sister-in-law, named Li Cuihua, in her early thirties, her husband died of illness, leaving her alone. Although Li Cuihua is widowed, she is smart and has a good heart, and she is always the first to go to the village if she needs help.

That day, as soon as the day dawned, Zhang Erniu carried an axe, hummed a little song, and walked up the mountain. He thought in his heart, he had to chop some firewood today and send it to his widowed sister-in-law, so that she could be warmer in winter. There is a pine tree in the mountain, the wood is hard, burn-resistant, and it is good for heating in winter. Zhang Erniu climbed up the mountain, picked a piece of forest, and got busy. The axe flew up and down in his hand, and in a moment the pine tree fell in a large area.

Just as he was sweating profusely and was about to pack his things and go down the mountain, he heard a woman's cry in the distance. Zhang Erniu became curious, put down the axe, and followed the cry to find it. He walked through a forest and came to a col, and saw a woman in white sitting on a stone, crying like a tearful person. Zhang Erniu saw that this was none other than his widowed sister-in-law Li Cuihua.

The woodcutter helped the widow chop wood, pretending to be drunk and thinking about good things, but the widow gave him a leather coat instead of anger

"Sister-in-law, what's wrong? Why are you here? Zhang Erniu stepped forward and asked. When Li Cuihua saw that it was Zhang Erniu, she wiped her tears, choked up and said, "Erniu, you are here." I panicked, so I went up the mountain to breathe. Your eldest brother left early, and I was alone, and sometimes I really felt that life was not interesting. ”

When Zhang Erniu heard this, he didn't feel good in his heart, and comforted: "Sister-in-law, don't say that." Big brother is gone, and I'm still there. What's the matter, just tell me, I Zhang Erniu has nothing else, but strength. When Li Cuihua heard this, her heart was warm, she glanced at Zhang Erniu, and saw that his face was full of sincerity, and her heart couldn't help but move.

She stood up, patted the soil on her body, and said, "Erniu, have you finished chopping firewood?" Let's go down the mountain together. The two of them walked down the hill one after the other. Zhang Erniu thought as he walked, did his sister-in-law's appearance move her heart? He secretly glanced at Li Cuihua, and saw that although she was dressed plainly, she was slender and charming, and he couldn't help but feel a little wave in his heart.

The woodcutter helped the widow chop wood, pretending to be drunk and thinking about good things, but the widow gave him a leather coat instead of anger

Back in the village, Zhang Erniu unloaded the firewood at the door of his sister-in-law's house and stacked it neatly. Li Cuihua saw it in her eyes and was happy in her heart, so she hurriedly brought a bowl of hot water to quench Zhang Erniu's thirst. Zhang Erniu took the bowl, drank it all, wiped his mouth, and said, "Sister-in-law, I'm tired today, and I want to rest here with you for a while." When Li Cuihua heard this, her face turned red and she said, "That's ...... Then sit in the hall for a while, and I'll get you something to eat." Zhang Erniu's kid slipped into the kitchen without saying a word. He sat in a chair in the hall, but his eyes were drawn to the kitchen as if they were drawn by a magnet. Seeing that Li Cuihua was busy there, the itch in his heart was like a cat's paw scratching his heart. He pondered, then suddenly stood up, crept to the kitchen door, and peeked in. I saw Li Cuihua with her back to him, busy walking around in front of the stove. The dress on her body was as thin as a piece of paper, and the hem of the dress swayed gently with her movements, inadvertently revealing a white waist. Zhang Erniu's eyes straightened, he swallowed his saliva, and the bold idea in his heart came out.

He quietly slipped into the kitchen and hugged Li Cuihua from behind. Li Cuihua was so frightened by him, she screamed, and struggled to break free. But Zhang Erniu's kid hugged her tightly, and there were words in his mouth: "Sister-in-law, I don't want you, so you can rely on me!" When Li Cuihua heard this, her face turned red with anger, she broke free of Zhang Erniu's hand, turned around and gave him a slap. Zhang Erniu was beaten to a stumbling point, but not only did he not get angry, but said with a hippie smile: "Sister-in-law, I am happy if you beat me." I just like you, you will fulfill me! Li Cuihua was so angry when she saw him so scoundrel. She was about to open her mouth to scold, but suddenly stopped. She looked at Zhang Erniu's honest face, and her heart couldn't help but soften. She sighed and said, "Erniu, we are all good people, we all pay attention to face, if you spread this matter today, how will you let your sister-in-law meet people in the future?" ”

When Zhang Erniu heard this, he immediately panicked. He hurriedly knelt in front of Li Cuihua, snorted and said with tears: "Sister-in-law, I know I was wrong. You can forgive me this time, I promise not to do nonsense again. Li Cuihua looked at him so embarrassed, and felt a little unbearable. She picked up Zhang Erniu and said, "Erniu, we are all good people, we all pay attention to face, if you spread this matter today, how can you tell me to live?" But my sister-in-law is not an unreasonable person, knowing that you have no bad intentions in your heart, she is just impulsive. Li Cuihua paused, her eyes became firm, "In this way, you will treat this incident as if it never happened today, and don't mention it again in the future." If you really want to help me, cut wood, earn more money, and help me repair this house, my old house is old and leaking everywhere. ”

The woodcutter helped the widow chop wood, pretending to be drunk and thinking about good things, but the widow gave him a leather coat instead of anger

When Zhang Erniu heard this, he nodded again and again, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that his sister-in-law had forgiven him, and he couldn't help but feel grateful. He stood up, wiped his tears, and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I, Zhang Erniu, will do what I say, and I will definitely chop wood in the future, earn more money, and help you repair your house." When Li Cuihua saw him say this, her heart was also a little more relaxed. She patted Zhang Erniu on the shoulder and said, "Okay, you go and rest, I'll get you something to eat." With that, he turned around and went into the kitchen. Zhang Erniu sat in the hall, and the mixed tastes in his heart were like overturning the spice jar. He realized that his behavior today was indeed inappropriate, but his sister-in-law's tolerance made him feel a trace of gratitude in his heart. He pondered for a moment and decided that he wanted to perform better in the future and not disappoint his sister-in-law again. A few days later, Zhang Erniu seemed to have a new look, working hard every day, cutting twice as much firewood as usual. He saved all the money he earned and planned to use it to repair his sister-in-law's house. Li Cuihua saw it in her eyes, and she was secretly happy in her heart, she understood that Zhang Erniu was a good young man who could recognize and correct his mistakes.

A few months passed in a hurry, and Zhang Erniu finally saved up enough money to repair the house. He invited the craftsmen of the village to start the project. After more than half a month of busyness, the craftsmen repaired the house to be both solid and beautiful. Li Cuihua looked at the new home, and the joy in her heart was indescribable. She held Zhang Erniu's hand and expressed her gratitude repeatedly. Zhang Erniu felt extremely relieved to see his sister-in-law so happy. He waved his hand lightly and said modestly: "Sister-in-law, we are a family, so you don't have to be so polite." These are the things I should do. Then, he scratched his head a little shyly, and said with a hint of shyness, "Actually...... I have one more thing I would like to ask of you. When Li Cuihua heard this, she couldn't help but be stunned, she looked at Zhang Erniu's simple face, and seemed to have guessed a few points in her heart. She smiled, as if to say, "Erniu, do you want to tell me......"

Zhang Erniu couldn't help but be nervous when he saw that she wanted to speak and stopped. He plucked up his courage and said firmly, "Sister-in-law, I ...... I have special feelings for you! I know we're in an uncle-sister-in-law relationship, which may not be appropriate, but I ...... I couldn't control my heart. After speaking, he lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Li Cuihua's gaze. When Li Cuihua heard these words, her heart rippled. She looked at Zhang Erniu's flushed face, and a warmth surged in her heart. She pondered for a moment, and then said, "Erniu, I have received your heart." Our relationship ...... It's a little subtle, indeed. But......" she said, "I'm not unreasonable. Well, I'll give you a suggestion. When Zhang Erniu heard this, he immediately raised his head, his eyes full of anticipation. Li Cuihua smiled and said, "You come with me." She took Zhang Erniu's hand and walked into the back room. There was an item on the table in the back room. Li Cuihua walked over, picked up the item, and handed it to Zhang Erniu. Zhang Erniu saw that it was a brand-new leather coat embroidered with exquisite patterns, which was obviously very valuable, and he asked in surprise: "This ...... Is this for me? Li Cuihua nodded affirmatively and said, "This is what your eldest brother bought for me when he was alive." After his death, I was reluctant to wear it. Now I understand that this leather coat should belong to you. Put it on, get a job in town, and stop living the hard life of chopping wood. When Zhang Erniu heard these words, he was so moved that tears rolled in his eyes. He took the heavy leather coat from Li Cuihua's hand, hugged it tightly in his arms, and his voice trembled: "Sister-in-law, I'...... I really don't know how to express my gratitude. Li Cuihua smiled lightly and said softly: "Needless to say, go ahead, my sister-in-law will be here waiting for you to come back." Zhang Erniu nodded silently, turned around and left, put on the leather coat, put on a simple bag, and embarked on the journey to the town. He knew in his heart that there might never be a return date, but he did not hesitate at all - because he firmly believed that he had made the right decision.

The woodcutter helped the widow chop wood, pretending to be drunk and thinking about good things, but the widow gave him a leather coat instead of anger

In the town, Zhang Erniu found a decent job, worked diligently, and saved every penny. Time flies, and a few years later, he returned to Liulinzi Village with achievements and hopes, took Li Cuihua to the town, and started a new life. Although they do not have legal conjugal status between them, their affection for each other is deeper than that of many couples. The people of the village praised them as a model couple, and their story became the most touching story of Liulinzi Village.

On the day Zhang Erniu left the village, the sun was shining and the autumn breeze was gentle. He wore the leather coat and carried simple luggage on his shoulders, and walked resolutely in the direction of the town. The people in the village came out to see them off, and Li Cuihua stood in the crowd with tears in her eyes but with a smile. The village chief patted Zhang Erniu on the shoulder and told him earnestly: "Erniu, work hard when you get to the town, don't live up to the expectations of our Liulinzi Village." Zhang Erniu replied firmly: "Don't worry, the village chief, I will go all out and will not disgrace the village!" The children gathered around him and told him not to forget to come back to see them. Zhang Erniu agreed with a smile, promising to buy them candy to eat when he made money.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and Li Cuihua was still standing in place. Zhang Erniu walked up to her and bowed deeply: "Sister-in-law, I'm leaving, you have to take care." Li Cuihua nodded, and tears finally fell. She handed Zhang Erniu a handkerchief: "Be careful on the road, don't catch a cold." Zhang Erniu clenched his handkerchief, as if holding all Li Cuihua's care and blessings. He glanced at Li Cuihua affectionately for the last time, and then resolutely turned to leave.

The woodcutter helped the widow chop wood, pretending to be drunk and thinking about good things, but the widow gave him a leather coat instead of anger

As the years passed, Zhang Erniu started from the most basic level of workers in the town, and gradually won the recognition and promotion of the boss with his diligence and wisdom. His income is increasing day by day, but he has never forgotten that his roots are in Liulinzi Village, and he has never forgotten the sister-in-law who gave him warmth and hope. A few years later, Zhang Erniu returned to Liulinzi Village with a new look, with a straight suit and a shiny car, which aroused the onlookers and admiration of the villagers. He found Li Cuihua as soon as possible, took her to the town, and started a new chapter in his life. In that part of our town, Zhang Erniu gave Li Cuihua a bright and spacious house, and specially found a nanny to serve her daily. Zhang Erniu told her that he planned to use the rest of his days to make up for the things she had lost. Li Cuihua looked at Zhang Erniu in front of her, and felt a sense of gratitude and comfort in her heart. She understands that Zhang Erniu knows how to be grateful, and he has never forgotten his kindness.

She also knows that Zhang Erniu's feelings for her are no longer a simple uncle-sister-in-law relationship, it is real love. But Li Cuihua, she didn't agree to Zhang Erniu's marriage proposal. She told Zhang Erniu that although she was grateful for his kindness and admired him as a person, she felt that between them could only be family affection, not love. She hopes that Zhang Erniu can find a partner who is really suitable for him and live that happy little life.

Zhang Erniu listened to Li Cuihua's words, and felt a little uncomfortable, but he also understood what Li Cuihua meant. He respects her choice and thanks her for the warmth and care she brings to him. He decided to bury this affection deep in his heart and spend the rest of his time guarding this family affection and gratitude.

The woodcutter helped the widow chop wood, pretending to be drunk and thinking about good things, but the widow gave him a leather coat instead of anger

In the days of living in the town, Zhang Erniu and Li Cuihua were like brothers and sisters, helping each other and taking care of each other. They have enjoyed a lot of happy times together, but they have also faced a lot of difficulties and challenges together. Their feelings, as time passed, became deeper and more precious.

One night, Zhang Erniu and Li Cuihua sat in the courtyard and chatted. Zhang Erniu suddenly asked Li Cuihua: "Sister-in-law, what do you think is the most right thing I have done in my life?" Li Cuihua thought for a while and said with a smile: "Then do you still need to talk about it?" You must have decided to leave the village and wander the town. Otherwise, how would you have achieved this now? Zhang Erniu shook his head and said, "No, no, no." I think the one thing I've done the right thing in my life is to meet you, sister-in-law. It was you who gave me hope and gave me the courage to face life's challenges bravely. ”

When Li Cuihua heard this, her heart was warm. She looked at Zhang Erniu's resolute and gentle face, and a warm current surged in her heart. She knows that although there is no love between her and Zhang Erniu, their relationship is more precious and stronger than any love.

The woodcutter helped the widow chop wood, pretending to be drunk and thinking about good things, but the widow gave him a leather coat instead of anger

That night, the moonlight sprinkled on the courtyard like water, and everything seemed so peaceful and beautiful. Zhang Erniu and Li Cuihua sat in the courtyard, chatting, enjoying this rare tranquility and warmth. They know that no matter what challenges and difficulties there will be in the future, they will walk hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, and walk through every spring, summer, autumn and winter together.

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