
"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

author:Book Society
"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness
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"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

In 1994, in the chess arena, 18-year-old Chinese chess player Zhu Chen met Mohammed from Qatar. This encounter is like a wonderful move on the chessboard, opening a love story that crosses borders.

However, the ensuing challenges are like complex endgames, testing the young lovers' wisdom and determination.

Faced with strong opposition from his family, doubts from public opinion, and obstacles brought by nationality, Zhuchen fell into a difficult choice. In the end, the world champion, known as the "beautiful chess queen", made an unexpected decision: she chose to become a Qatari citizen and gave up her brilliant chess career for love.

This move caused an uproar at home and abroad, and also opened the prelude to Zhuchen's transnational married life.

"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

Zhu Chen's chess career is legendary, like a wonderful game of chess. Born in 1976 in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, Zhuchen came into contact with chess at his cousin's house at the age of 8, and has since formed an indissoluble bond with this intellectual sport.

With the encouragement of his parents and coach Huang Xiwen, the young Zhuchen showed amazing talent and perseverance, studying closely with the coach three times a week, and practicing without sleep or food when he returned home.

When she was 9 years old, Zhu Chen participated in the Wenzhou "Xia Xun Cup" primary school chess tournament, although she lost to her cousin in the final, but this setback inspired her fighting spirit.

Under the guidance of top chess players such as Ye Rongguang and Xu Jun, Zhu Chen's chess skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

In 1988, at the age of 12, Zhu Chen won the World Chess Championship in Timișoara, Romania, becoming the first world champion in the history of Chinese chess.

This amazing achievement made her famous, and the media praised her as a "beautiful chess queen". From 1994 to 1996, Zhu Chen won the junior world chess championship twice in a row, scoring 12 points in 13 games.

Zhu Chen's talent is not limited to the chessboard. In 1995, she was specially recruited by the Department of Chinese of Tsinghua University for her outstanding performance. Although she failed to graduate on time due to heavy training and competitions, she resolutely switched to business administration and studied hard at Tsinghua University for seven years, eventually obtaining a bachelor's degree.

In 1998, Zhu Chen, Xie Jun, Wang Lei and other chess players won the Olympic team championship, shocking the international chess world with a perfect record of 5 wins and 6 draws in 11 appearances.

"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

However, the peak moment of Zhuchen's career is still to come. In September 2001, she was promoted to men's grandmaster, becoming one of the most outstanding female chess players in Olympic history.

In November of the same year, at the World Chess Championship held in Moscow, Zhu Chen's skills were overwhelming and won the coveted world championship crown.

Zhu Chen's chess career is like a wonderful game, and every step is just right. However, just as she was at the pinnacle of her career, life presented her with a bigger problem: should she continue to compete in the chess world, or should she give up everything for love? This choice will become the most difficult move in Zhuchen's life.

In June 1994, the chess tournament in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, became the stage where the fates of Zhuchen and Mohammed intersected. Although the 18-year-old Zhu Chen lost to the Qatari chess player in the game, he was deeply attracted by his tall and handsome appearance and gentlemanly demeanor.

"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

After the game, Zhu Chen took the initiative to comfort the lost Muhammad, and the two danced together at the closing ceremony, and the seeds of love quietly sprouted.

However, the first hurdle in this transnational romance is the language barrier. In order to be able to communicate with Zhuchen, Muhammad began to learn Chinese; Zhu Chen is also determined to improve his English.

They worked hard to bring each other closer through frequent cross-border phone calls and letters. However, the high cost of communication became a major challenge, and Zhu Chen's monthly allowance was only enough to pay for two or three long-distance phone calls, so he had to pay carefully.

The relationship between the two was further enhanced at the World Youth Championships in Brazil in September 1994. Muhammad did not hesitate to sell his watch and buy air tickets, just to accompany Zhuchen to participate in the competition.

"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

Despite the disparity in results, the quality time they spent together strengthened their relationship.

During the Spring Festival of 1996, Zhu Chen mustered up the courage to disclose his relationship to his family, but was strongly opposed. The parents did not think that Muhammad was worthy of a prestigious daughter, and the older sister did not approve of her sister's choice of a foreign boyfriend.

In the face of the opposition of his family, Zhu Chen showed tenacity on the chessboard: "I have to make the decision about love myself. This determination brought her relationship with her family to an impasse.

At the same time, Muhammad's family was opposed to the transnational romance. They wanted their son to marry a woman of noble blood. However, Muhammad firmly told his parents: "In this life, I will marry no one but Zhuchen."

"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

His dedication eventually won his parents their support.

In the face of many obstacles, the relationship between the two not only did not waver, but became more and more firm. In April 2000, 28-year-old Zhuchen and 30-year-old Mohammed resolutely decided to receive a marriage certificate and live together in life.

This decision shocked everyone, and it also marked the final completion of their love.

After marriage, Zhu Chen set foot in her husband's hometown of Qatar for the first time and was warmly welcomed by her in-laws. While local women were usually required to wear a headscarf, Zhuchen received special treatment and did not have to, reflecting her special status in the family.

"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

Soon after, Muhammad also came to Wenzhou, China, to visit Zhuchen's parents, and Zhu Zhilin and his wife warmly welcomed the son-in-law's arrival, and the family relationship gradually became harmonious.

The love story of Zhuchen and Muhammad is like a wonderful game across the cultural divide. They used their wisdom and courage to overcome the barriers of language, distance, family and culture, and composed a moving concerto of transnational love.

This touching story is not only a testimony to true love, but also shows the resilience and wisdom of two young people in the face of difficulties.

After marriage, Zhuchen faced unprecedented challenges, like a dilemma on a chessboard. Transnational separation has become her biggest problem, and deep down she longs to reunite with her husband and live the life of an ordinary woman.

"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

However, as a representative of the Chinese Chess Academy, she had to continue her chess career, struggling between her career and her family.

In 2001, Zhu Chen reached the pinnacle of his career by winning the World Chess Championship in Moscow. When Muhammad hugged her tightly and said excitedly, "I love you dearly, you are the best!" At that time, Zhu Chen burst into tears.

At this moment, she realized that what she longed for was not only the glory of the chess world, but also a warm family. The victory was a turning point in her life, prompting her to rethink the direction of the future.

In 2004, 28-year-old Zhu Chen welcomed his first daughter Zhu Mo in Doha, Qatar. In order to be able to spend more time with her husband, she even assisted Muhammad in joining the Jiangsu chess team.

"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

However, this brief reunion did not last long. A year later, Mohammed had to return to Qatar and his daughter left with him. Every time he talked on the phone, Zhu Chen couldn't hide his longing, and tears flowed unconsciously.

The pain of this separation made her yearn even more for a complete family.

In September 2008, Zhu Chen gave birth to her second daughter Zhu Enying in Wenzhou. At this time, she had already made up her mind to devote herself to family life. After careful consideration, she made a decision that shocked the chess world: she officially announced her retirement from the chess world and devoted all her energy to taking care of and educating her two daughters.

This decision was not an easy one. Zhu Chen once said frankly on a TV program: "I just want to live a peaceful life and have a stable family that an ordinary woman should enjoy."

"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

Behind this sentence is her deep attachment to her family, and it is also the biggest sacrifice she has made for love.

Zhu Chen's choice sparked a wide discussion in society. Some people appreciate the importance she attaches to her family, while others regret that she gave up her brilliant chess career. But for Zhu Chen, this is a deliberate move, the most important decision in her life.

From a "beautiful chess queen" to a full-time mother, Zhu Chen has interpreted her commitment to her family with her actions. She transferred her wisdom and patience on the chessboard to family life, and managed her own small world with her heart.

Although she gave up the glory of the chess world, she found new value and satisfaction in her family. Zhu Chen's story tells us that life is like a game of chess, and sometimes it is necessary to make sacrifices for more important goals, and this choice often requires great courage and determination.

"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

Zhu Chen's transnational marriage is like a long-lasting game of chess, and every move is full of challenges. In addition to geographical barriers, the greater test comes from cultural differences.

In Qatar, polygamy is a common phenomenon, which puts invisible pressure on Zhu Chen, as if he is an opponent who may appear at any time.

In 2012, the 36-year-old Zhuchen already had two daughters, but her in-laws still longed to have a male grandson. In the cultural context of Qatar, this expectation is particularly strong.

Zhuchen fell into a deep conflict, she understood the feelings of her in-laws, but it was difficult to accept the possibility of polygamy.

"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

In the face of this cultural difference, Muhammad showed admirable understanding and persistence. He firmly opposed the proposal to marry a second house, and explained to his parents: "China practices monogamy, if I marry another wife, how will I face Zhuchen's parents?" How should Zhu Chen explain this to his relatives and friends? These words not only reflect his deep love for Zhuchen, but also show his respect for Chinese culture.

Muhammad's persistence not only won her admiration, but also brought about a noticeable change in the attitudes of her family and friends. They began to understand and respect the transnational marriage, and they also appreciated Muhammad's loyalty and consideration for the ministers.

This experience made Zhu Chen deeply realize that transnational marriage requires both parties to constantly adjust and understand each other. She and Muhammad proved that love can cross cultural gaps and build a harmonious and happy family.

Zhu Chen's story tells us that in the collision of cultures, understanding and respect are the keys to resolving conflicts. Just as you need to be flexible with every move of your opponent on a chessboard, in a transnational marriage, you also need to use wisdom and love to resolve the challenges caused by cultural differences.

"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

The marriage of Zhuchen and Muhammad is not only the union of two people, but also the fusion of two cultures, and they composed a moving cross-cultural concerto with love.

Time flies like a white horse, and the marriage between Zhuchen and Muhammad has gone through 22 spring and autumn. In many transnational marriages, their relationship is like a delicate long game of chess, which has been tested but has become stronger and stronger, and has become a good story.

Every year, the couple returns to Wenzhou with their two daughters to spend quality time with Zhuchen's family. This is not only the inheritance of Chinese culture, but also the maintenance of the emotional bond between the two families.

In this way, they skillfully balance the two cultures and allow children to grow up healthy in a cross-cultural environment.

"Beauty Chess Queen" Zhu Chen: Breaking through difficulties and marrying Qatar, the hardships and tears behind happiness

Now 46 years old, Zhu Chen has fully adapted to life in Qatar. Her bond with Muhammad was deeper than when she was younger, and her two daughters thrived under the loving care of their parents.

Although the original decision to give up his chess career caused controversy, time has proved that the sacrifice made by Zhu Chen for love is worth it.

The story of Zhuchen tells us that love requires courage and wisdom. Just like on a chessboard, sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice some pieces to win in the end. Zhu Chen has walked out of his own wonderful path in the chess game of life, and has interpreted the power of true love with 22 years of companionship.

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