
What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?

author:The bright moon vest of the year
What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?

Today's sharing: Is self-talk the same as blind date? What's the difference?

Some netizens said: Those who go on a blind date can't pass their own level, and those who talk about themselves can't pass their parents' level!

There are also netizens who summarize the differential treatment of blind dates and self-talks:

Self-talking: What? Want a bride price? Let's talk about ourselves and have feelings, isn't asking for a bride price to taint our pure love? What? Still want to buy a house? You've been talking to me for three years, I don't know what's going on in my family? It's not easy for my parents to provide for me and my brother to go to college, and asking for their money again is not gnawing at the old age? Besides, my parents don't have any money! Can't we make our own money to buy a house and a car?

Blind date: bride price? It's all 18.8w on our side, do you think it's okay to send 20.8w? It's not enough, let's discuss it again. Three golds 6.6w. Buying a house? I bought it, I bought it in the city where we worked, and I paid for it in full.

‬过来人的发言,透露着喜悦和满意啊! Bless you! [Amour]

What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?

‬相亲的快乐,谁相谁知道啊哈哈哈! [tears run]

What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?

‬这是河南哪个地方的彩礼啊? I'm also from Henan, not so tall [I want to be quiet]

What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?

‬这人家自谈的,该有的流程和仪式也没少半点啊! [Flash of inspiration]

What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?


What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?

‬瞅瞅这自觉的婆婆,这明事理的婆婆! Take the initiative to give, than waiting for someone to speak, the effect is not a little bit! [Like]

What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?

‬博士是不是不用吃饭,就能活着啊? [what]

What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?


What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?


What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?


What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?

‬这难道不是杀熟吗? Be harsh on your own and tolerant to outsiders.

What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?


What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?

‬问老姨,这儿媳妇是不是挺好的,不用教,都会打人呢! [tears run]

What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?

‬后来呢? Did your friend agree to get back together?

What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?

‬我想问一下,下面回复那个网友,为啥孩子都打了,还再结婚啊? Aren't you afraid that after getting married, you will turn your face and not recognize people again? [tears run]

What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?

‬听到前任过得不好,每天开心的哈哈笑! [laughs and cries]

What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?

Let's just say, regardless of the blind date, or talk about yourself, how to go through the process, how to go through the process. The two of them are together, and the two families work together, so there won't be so much mess.

What is the difference between talking about yourself and going on a blind date?