
87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

author:Book Society
87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved
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87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

In the spring of 2017, a seemingly ordinary crowdfunding campaign caused an uproar on the Internet. Ouyang Fenqiang, the "Jia Baoyu" of the 87th version of "Dream of Red Mansions", launched a million-dollar crowdfunding plan in order to organize the 30th anniversary of the crew.

However, this gesture of emotion has attracted unexpected doubts and criticism.

Accusations such as "circle money" and "hype" poured in like a tide, and the once beloved screen nobleman became the target of public criticism for a while. In the face of the influx of doubts, Ouyang Fenqiang fell into an unprecedented predicament.

A few months before Ouyang Fenqiang was caught in the whirlpool of public opinion, this seemingly magnificent plan actually stemmed from an unpretentious wish. Chen Honghai, the actor of "Xue Pan" in the 87 version of "Dream of Red Mansions", with a deep nostalgia for the past, put forward the idea of holding a grand reunion for the 30th anniversary for the first time.

87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

Chen Honghai's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, and he dreamed of a gathering on an unprecedented scale, hoping to reunite all those who had worked on this classic.

With this vision, he went to Beijing three times to have in-depth exchanges with director Wang Fulin, composer Wang Liping, and many experts and scholars in the fields of red studies and Cao studies.

Each discussion strengthened his belief in the meaning and value of the idea.

However, fate always likes to joke. Just when the preparations were in full swing, Chen Honghai had a heart attack and had to urgently return to Guangzhou to undergo bypass surgery.

87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

Lying on the hospital bed, his eyes were full of regret and unwillingness. Seeing that the well-planned event might run aground, Chen Honghai mustered up the last courage and dialed Ouyang Fenqiang's phone.

"Fenqiang," Chen Honghai's voice was weak but firm, "I'm afraid I won't be able to continue presiding over the preparations for this gathering." Can you accept it? "

Ouyang Fenqiang on the other end of the phone fell silent. The weight of the request was self-evident, and he was well aware of what it meant to take over and the challenges he would face.

In the end, he politely declined Chen Honghai's request, saying that he was only willing to attend as a guest, and did not want to take on the heavy responsibility of the organization.

87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

Putting down the phone, Ouyang Fenqiang's heart couldn't calm down for a long time. He recalled the bits and pieces of filming "Dream of Red Mansions", and the years of common struggle seemed to be yesterday.

Chen Honghai's request was like a seed, quietly taking root in his heart, slowly sprouting a sense of mission and responsibility. Although he did not know at the time, how this simple request would change his life and what kind of chain reaction it would trigger.

In November 2016, after months of careful consideration, Ouyang Fenqiang finally made up his mind to take over this burden. There was a sense of responsibility and mission in his eyes, but also a hint of uneasiness.

However, the gap between ideals and reality is far deeper than Ouyang Fenqiang imagined. The first problem is in front of us: how to contact all the crew members? Many people have been out of touch for years, as if they had evaporated from the world.

87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

Ouyang Fenqiang began an arduous journey to find his people, running around, using all possible resources and connections. Every time he finds someone, the hope in his heart is ignited.

Zhang Lei (Qin Keqing), Cheng Mei (Yuan Chun), Li Man (Caiyun) in the United States, Chen Li and Zhang Li in Canada, and even Director Wang Fulin, Zhou Xianzhen and Xia Minghui, who are over eighty years old, were contacted by him one by one.

Every reply that promised to attend made Ouyang Fenqiang feel very gratified, but the pressure that followed was also increasing day by day.

The biggest challenge is funding. When Ouyang Fenqiang sat down to carefully calculate the budget, he couldn't help but gasp. The venue rental, stage layout, lighting and sound of the Great Hall of the People, plus the transportation, accommodation, catering and other expenses of the cast and crew, the total budget is as high as a staggering 4 million! The number made him feel dizzy.

87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

Faced with this astronomical figure, Ouyang Fenqiang began the difficult road of fundraising. He visited numerous businesses and media outlets to seek sponsorship. However, when it comes to specific funding issues, the otherwise lively conversation always comes to an abrupt end.

"I've never begged for someone so lowly," Ouyang Fenqiang smiled bitterly and laughed at himself, "even when I played Jia Baoyu."

Just when he was about to give up, someone came up with the idea of crowdfunding. This suggestion was like a life-saving straw, giving Ouyang Fenqiang new hope. However, he is also well aware that once crowdfunding is adopted, the nature of the campaign will change, which may lead to more skepticism and criticism.

After repeated considerations, Ouyang Fenqiang decided to try crowdfunding. He is well aware that this decision may be controversial, but he believes that as long as his original intention remains the same, there will always be people who understand and support his efforts.

87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

With this belief, he began to prepare for the crowdfunding plan, but did not anticipate what kind of storm this decision would cause.

In between preparations for the event, Ouyang Fenqiang often involuntarily recalled the years of filming "Dream of Red Mansions". It was from 1984 to 1987, and he and the other actors lived and worked together for nearly three years.

Every detail is vivid: the bustling dressing room in the early morning, the sweaty shooting scene under the scorching sun, and the brightly lit practice in the middle of the night...... That time, although hard, was precious.

He remembered the "20 Years of Red Mansions Gathering" event held by the "Art Life" column group in 2007. At that time, in order to find the crew members who had been separated for many years, the program team even had to ask for help from the police station, and finally reluctantly found more than 70 members.

87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

A trace of emotion flashed in Ouyang Fenqiang's eyes, 20 years have flown by, and the partners who used to get along day and night are so far away.

Since then, the crew members have begun to hold frequent gatherings of various forms. Every time we get together, it's like going back in time. Whether it's the 25th anniversary of the start of the film, or the 25th anniversary of the start of the broadcast; or the 30th anniversary celebration of the completion of Rongguo Mansion in Zhengding, Hebei, and the 300th anniversary of Cao Xueqin's birth; "Grandma Liu" Sha Yuhua's 80th birthday, director Wang Fulin's birthday, screenwriter Zhou Ling Zhang Luo's family banquet...... Every time they get together, they feel that precious friendship again.

Ouyang Fenqiang stroked the yellowed stills, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously smiled. He knows that this work not only changed the trajectory of his life, but also deeply affected the lives of countless audiences.

It is this sense of responsibility that sustains him to continue to push forward this seemingly impossible task.

87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

"We can't let this history be forgotten," he muttered, "not just for ourselves, but for all those who love Dream of the Red Chamber."

With this sense of mission, Ouyang Fenqiang decided to launch a crowdfunding plan. He believes that the weight of this classic work in the hearts of the audience is far heavier than he imagined.

However, he did not anticipate what kind of storm this decision would cause.

When he posted the crowdfunding news on social media, he was both full of anticipation and apprehension. He hopes to evoke memories of the classic, but at the same time worries about the doubts and criticisms he may face.

87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

However, regardless of the outcome, he is ready for the challenge.

As soon as the crowdfunding plan was announced, it immediately set off an uproar on the Internet. Doubts and criticisms have come one after another, overwhelmingly.

In the face of the flood of doubts, Ouyang Fenqiang felt unprecedented grievances and powerlessness. He issued a statement on social media, emphasizing that every penny of crowdfunding will be strictly regulated, and the whole process will be open and transparent.

However, these explanations do not seem to have quelled the controversy, but have instead sparked more suspicion.

87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

When the crowdfunding amount stagnated at 580,000 yuan, and Ouyang Fenqiang was about to give up, Director Wang Fulin's words gave him strength: "Don't care too much about other people's doubts, you must be firm in your beliefs and move forward bravely."

This reminded him of the doubts he faced when filming "Dream of Red Mansions", but in the end he created a classic.

With mixed feelings, Ouyang Fenqiang wrote the open letter that changed everything - "An Open Letter to the Teachers, Brothers and Sisters of the 87 Red Mansion Crew". In the letter, he sincerely poured out his original intention and dedication, and frankly admitted that he was neither greedy for fame nor self-interest.

He said that if the event could not be held, he would invite everyone to dinner as a farewell.

87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

The heartfelt letter unexpectedly set off a chain reaction. More and more people began to disseminate information about the "30th Anniversary of the Dream of Red Mansions", and many well-known bloggers reposted it, which aroused widespread attention and enthusiastic responses.

Miracles followed. On the same day, the crowdfunding amount exceeded 700,000. By April 17, the original target of 1 million was achieved ahead of schedule.

Looking at the rising numbers, Ouyang Fenqiang's eyes flashed with tears. He deeply felt that the weight of "Dream of Red Mansions" in people's hearts was far heavier than he imagined.

This is not only a successful crowdfunding, but also a collective tribute to this classic.

87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

At this moment, all doubts and grievances disappeared. Ouyang Fenqiang felt an unprecedented strength, and he knew that this 30th anniversary event would not only be held as scheduled, but would also become a grand cultural feast, allowing the charm of "Dream of Red Mansions" to bloom again in the new era.

On June 17, 2017, the Cao Xueqin Memorial Hall in Beijing ushered in a special morning. The morning light is faint, and the quaint building seems to be draped in a golden veil.

The 51 actors and 50 behind-the-scenes staff who arrived one after another were filled with the joy of reunion after a long absence.

Ouyang Fenqiang stood at the door and warmly greeted every old friend who arrived. When he saw Zhang Lei, Cheng Mei, and Li Man coming from afar, as well as Chen Li and Zhang Li who came from Canada, his eyes couldn't help but moisten.

87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

What moved him even more was that Director Wang Fulin, Teacher Zhou Xianzhen and Teacher Xia Minghui, who were over eighty years old, also arrived as promised, although the years left traces on their faces, but the love for "Dream of Red Mansions" has not diminished at all.

At 7:30 p.m., the Great Hall of the People was brightly lit. When the huge curtain slowly opened, the 51 actors of the Red Chamber stood in four rows and bowed deeply to the 5,000 spectators in the audience.

In an instant, applause poured in like a tide and lasted for a long time.

The concert began. The familiar melody sounds, as if stepping back in time. The actors on the stage, some of them are full of hair, and some of them are still beautiful, but the enthusiasm in their eyes has not diminished at all.

87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

In the audience, some people burst into tears, some people smiled, and everyone was immersed in this audio-visual feast.

Ouyang Fenqiang stood in the background, silently watching all this. The hard work and grievances of half a year disappeared at this moment. He remembered Chen Honghai's original wish, every generous "Red Mansion fan", and those voices of doubt and support.

He understands that the significance of this event has gone beyond a simple gathering, it has aroused people's love for the classics, and brought new life to the immortal work "Dream of the Red Chamber" in a new era.

When the last note fell, the audience stood up and applauded. Ouyang Fenqiang walked up to the stage and bowed deeply to the audience. In this moment, he felt a sense of satisfaction and pride that he had never felt before.

87 "Dream of Red Mansions" Ouyang Fenqiang crowdfunded millions for the crew to gather, and was scolded on the Internet, he was very aggrieved

He knew that no matter what the future holds, this night would become an eternal memory for him and all the people of the Red Mansions.

This 30th anniversary event is not only a dream come true, but also a bridge connecting the past, present and future. It is a testament to the power of classics and the charm of cultural heritage.

For Ouyang Fenqiang, this is not only a successful event, but also a baptism and rebirth of the soul.

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