
When a man went to sell dogs, he saw the woman begging and helping her, and she said, "Woe will come to you if you sell dogs."

author:It's hard in the world

Ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about something new that has just come out today. It is said that in that distant place, in the south, there is a buddy named Li Erlang, and the place where he lives is a small village with beautiful mountains and rivers. Li Erlang is a good worker, and he has a few local dogs at home, and he usually helps him take care of the family and the yard, and he is also a good helper when he goes up the mountain to hunt.

One day, Li Erlang watched the dogs in the family grow stronger and stronger, and thought to himself: "These dogs eat a lot and grow fast, why don't you pick a few to sell in the city and exchange some silver to subsidize the family." So he took two of the strongest dogs, put them in a wagon, and went out into the city.

The sun was just right on this day, and Li Erlang was in a good mood. He drove the carriage and hummed a little tune, and walked slowly and leisurely along the country road. Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of the carriage, Li Erlang quickly pulled the reins, and at first glance, it was a woman in ragged clothes and unkempt hair, kneeling on the side of the road begging for food. Li Erlang had a good heart, immediately stopped, walked forward and asked, "This eldest sister, what's wrong with you?" Why are you begging for food here? ”

When a man went to sell dogs, he saw the woman begging and helping her, and she said, "Woe will come to you if you sell dogs."

The woman glanced up at Li Erlang, a trace of gratitude flashed in her eyes, and then she lowered her head again, and said in a trembling voice: "My family has suffered, the man is gone, the family can't open the pot, and I came out to beg for food when I didn't have a rut." When Li Erlang heard this, it was not a taste in his heart, he looked at the dog in the car, and then at the woman, and began to mumble in his heart. After a while, he gritted his teeth, untied the rope of a dog, and handed it to the woman: "Eldest sister, you can sell this dog, and it is better to exchange it for some money than to beg for food here." As soon as the woman took the dog, tears flowed uncontrollably, and she thanked her repeatedly: "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" "She hugged the dog like a savior.

Li Erlang looked at this scene, and felt quite uncomfortable, he waved his hand, let the woman go, and continued to drive forward. But just as he was about to leave, the woman suddenly turned around and said to him with a serious face: "Benefactor, if you sell a dog today, there may be trouble, so be careful." When Li Erlang heard this, his heart tightened, he looked at the woman suspiciously, and saw that her expression was solemn, not like a joke. Although he was a little unsteady in his heart, he thought that he usually did good deeds and accumulated virtues, and there should be no big deal, so he smiled and said to the woman: "Eldest sister, you are too worried, I, Li Erlang, have been traveling south and north for so many years, and I have never done anything wrong, even if there is a disaster, I will definitely be able to turn the danger into a disaster." ”

When the woman heard this, she sighed, shook her head, and said, "Benefactor, you don't know, this dog is the patron saint of your family, and it is connected with your family's luck." If you sell them today, you will cut off this luck, and I am afraid that there will be a big disaster in the future. When Li Erlang heard this, his heart was cold, he looked at the remaining dog in the car, and began to regret his decision. Oops, this thing is really disturbing, the stone in Li Erlang's heart weighed him down. He drove the carriage, and his heart went up and down all the way, hoping that it would go smoothly. Fortunately, when he entered the city, the gang in the market had no interest in his dog at all, and his voice was hoarse, and no one cared about him. Li Erlang's heart was like an ant on a hot pot, and he was in a hurry.

When a man went to sell dogs, he saw the woman begging and helping her, and she said, "Woe will come to you if you sell dogs."

Just when it was almost dark, a middle-aged man dressed quite broadly walked over and looked at the dog, and a bright color flashed in his eyes. As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked, "Why are you selling this dog?" When Li Erlang heard that someone was asking for the price, his heart blossomed, and he hurriedly said: "This big brother, you look at it, my dog is the best one." When the middle-aged man heard this, he happily took out a silver ingot and handed it to Li Erlang: "You take this silver, I want it for the dog." Li Erlang took the silver, and the beauty in his heart quickly handed over the dog to the man.

But just as he was about to leave, the middle-aged man suddenly stopped, turned back to him and said, "Do you know that this dog is not small? Li Erlang was stunned for a moment and shook his head: "I'm just a native of the country, how can I understand this." The middle-aged man smiled slightly and said, "This dog is a divine beast in the mountains, and it has a mysterious power on its body. If you sell it today, you may be unlucky later. When Li Erlang heard this, he panicked in his heart, and when he thought of the woman's words, he was even more aware. He hurriedly asked, "This... What can I do? The middle-aged man sighed and said, "Go home and put this silver under the shrine and leave it untouched for three days." Three days later, you come to me, and I have my own way to help you. ”

Li Erlang listened, and the seven up and eight in his heart, isn't this the same as what the woman said? He muttered in his heart, but seeing the righteousness on the middle-aged man's face, and thinking of the old lady at home and those few acres of land, he didn't ask any more, nodded, thanked him, and hurried home. Along the way, the one in his heart turned over the river and the sea, and he couldn't understand why he got into this matter. He is usually a warm-hearted person, why did he encounter this unfortunate thing? I thought about it as I walked, and before I knew it, I was home.

When a man went to sell dogs, he saw the woman begging and helping her, and she said, "Woe will come to you if you sell dogs."

When he got home, he put the ingot of silver under the shrine, and his heart was a little more steady. For the next three days, Li Erlang couldn't sit or stand, couldn't eat or sleep, and was worried all day long. From time to time he looked at the ingots of silver, and the drum in his heart was like playing a drum. Oops, these three days have passed in a flash, and Li Erlang, this kid, got busy early in the morning and hurried to the city. When he arrived in the city, he went straight to the place where the middle-aged buddy said, and as soon as he pushed the door, he saw that the buddy was drinking tea leisurely. When the middle-aged buddy saw Li Erlang, he happily beckoned him to sit down, and then asked, "In the past three days, have you moved the silver?" Li Erlang shook his head and said, "How dare you move, according to what you said, it is under the shrine." The middle-aged buddy nodded and asked again, "There's nothing strange at home, right?" Li Erlang pondered for a moment and said, "It's nothing, it's just a little panicked in my heart." ”

The middle-aged buddy listened, smiled slightly, and said, "That's okay." You come with me, and I'll take you somewhere. With that, he led Li Erlang out of the door and walked out of the city. Li Erlang muttered in his heart, thinking where is this buddy going to take him? But seeing the uprightness on that buddy's face, he didn't dare to ask more, and just followed. After walking for almost an hour, they came to the foot of a mountain. The middle-aged buddy stopped, pointed to the top of the mountain and said, "Look at the top of the mountain, there is a Taoist temple, which is the place where I practice." Your matter today is not something that ordinary people can solve, so you have to ask the gods for help. You go up the mountain with me, and I will ask the gods for you. ”

As soon as Li Erlang heard this, his heart became much more steady. He followed his middle-aged buddies to climb the mountain, the scenery along the way was very beautiful, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, but Li Erlang didn't care about appreciating it in his heart, so he wanted to hurry up to the Taoist temple and let the gods solve this disaster for him. After climbing for half an hour, they finally reached the top of the mountain. That Taoist temple is very simple and full of fairy spirit. The middle-aged buddy led Li Erlang into the Taoist temple and came to a Taoist leader. The long crane has a childish face and a fluttering robe, and at first glance he is not an ordinary person.

When a man went to sell dogs, he saw the woman begging and helping her, and she said, "Woe will come to you if you sell dogs."

The middle-aged buddy explained his intention to the Taoist chief, and the Taoist bowed his head slightly after hearing this, and then said to Li Erlang: "You tell me your birthday, and I will calculate it for you." When Li Erlang heard this, he was a little panicked. He thought to himself that he couldn't just show people the eight characters of his birthday, in case some bad guy knew, what would it be? However, looking at the righteousness on the face of this Dao Chief, he didn't think much about it, and told the Dao Chief about his birthday. The Taoist chief took the eight characters of his birthday, closed his eyes, and recited words in his mouth. After a long while, he opened his eyes and said to Li Erlang: "You have a fateful calamity, but it is not a fatal calamity." Don't worry, I have my own way to resolve it for you. As he spoke, he took out a talisman from his sleeve, handed it to Li Erlang and said, "If you take this talisman with you, you will naturally turn evil into good fortune in three days." ”

Li Erlang took the talisman, and the gratitude in his heart was so grateful, tears were about to come out. He thanked him again and again, then said goodbye to the Taoist chief and his middle-aged buddies and went down the mountain. Li Erlang, this kid, on the way home, is called a wide-hearted and fat-bodied, and his heart is happy. He pondered that the talisman would definitely make it smooth for him, and he would never have to worry about it again. Humming a little song, his steps were as light as stepping on clouds, and he ran all the way home. Three days have passed, hey, Li Erlang is really lucky with shit, and he has turned evil into good fortune. The dog in the house is gone, and there is no trace of it after searching for it. He thought that the dog had slipped away by himself, so he didn't take it to heart. Later, a Taoist priest came to the village and said that the dog was actually a spirit in the mountains, and that he had become a dog after his cultivation went wrong. Now it's back in the mountains to continue cultivating. When Li Erlang heard this, he had mixed feelings in his heart. He remembered the words of the middle-aged man and the Taoist chief, and his heart was warm and grateful. He understood that he was able to turn evil into good fortune thanks to the guidance of those two masters.

Since then, Li Erlang, this kid, has become warm-hearted, and when he sees someone in trouble, he reaches out to help. His good deeds spread throughout the village, and everyone praised him for being a good man. Li Erlang has always carried that talisman close to him, and every time he encounters a difficult situation, he can always turn evil into good fortune and be safe. He felt that God was favoring him, and it was also the reward for his good deeds. The story is over, but Li Erlang's reputation in the village is like smoke in the northeast, which will not go away for a long time. Since that trip to the Taoist temple, Li Erlang's reputation has become even louder. Everyone said that he was a person favored by the gods, and even those long-tongued women who loved to chew the root of their tongues shut up and didn't dare to speak ill of him behind their backs. Li Erlang has become philanthropic, and he is always the first to show up when there is a happy event in his family.

When a man went to sell dogs, he saw the woman begging and helping her, and she said, "Woe will come to you if you sell dogs."

But one day, a group of strangers came to the village, claiming to be a big family in the city, saying that they were looking for dogs. When Li Erlang heard this, he chuckled in his heart, thinking that this could not be the dog he sold to the woman, right? But on second thought, the dog had already returned to the mountains and had become a spirit, what could these people find? He decided to ask. So he went up to the gang and asked, "What dogs are you looking for?" How did you find our village? The man in the lead looked at Li Erlang a few times and said, "We are looking for a divine dog, which is said to have appeared here with you a few days ago. When Li Erlang heard this, he understood in his heart, he smiled and said, "Divine dog? We don't have any god dogs here, only earth dogs. If you're looking for dogs, they're all over the place. The leader's face sank, and he said, "Don't lie to us, we have heard that you have sold an unusual dog here." Li Erlang's heart tightened, but his face was still impassive, and he said, "Oh? An unusual dog? I don't know. If you want to find a dog, look for it yourself, I don't have time to wander around with you. Li Erlang just wanted to turn around and slip away, but the leader grabbed him and yelled, "Don't worry! We've paid the bounty, and if you can guide you, the money will be yours. As soon as Li Erlang heard the word "bounty", he beat a small drum in his heart. I thought, if I collect money, won't I become a cheater? But if they don't accept it, if these people don't leave in the village, what can they do? He pondered for a moment, and then said, "Well, I'll show you the way, and you can go up the hill and see, maybe you can find the dog you're looking for." When the leader heard this, his eyes lit up, and he quickly asked, "On the mountain?" Which mountain? Li Erlang casually pointed to the mountain in the distance and said, "That's it, there is a Taoist temple on the top of the mountain, you go there to inquire." When the group heard this, they quickly thanked them, and ran up the hill as soon as they slipped away.

Li Erlang looked at their backs and gradually moved away, sighed in his heart, thinking that the way of the world has really changed, and even a dog can be blown into a divine dog. But that's not the end of it. A few days later, the gang returned, along with the Taoist leader and a golden retriever. The dog was shining with gold and an extraordinary momentum, and it was not ordinary at first glance. The group pointed to the dog and asked, "Dao Chief, do you see if this dog is the divine dog we are looking for?" The Taoist chief glanced at it, smiled slightly, and said, "This dog is indeed not ordinary, but it is not the divine dog you are looking for." The divine dog is a spirit animal, how can it be found so easily? When the group heard this, their faces showed disappointment, and they asked unwillingly: "That Dao chief, do you know where the divine dog is?" We're willing to pay a lot of money. The Taoist chief shook his head and said, "The whereabouts of the divine dog are uncertain, and I don't know. However, if you really want to find it, do more good deeds and accumulate some virtue, and maybe the divine dog will appear on its own. The group listened, looked at each other, and finally left helplessly.

Because of this, Li Erlang became a legend in the village. Everyone said that he was a friend of the gods, and where there was him, there would be good luck. And that sacred dog is said to have really appeared on the mountain a few times later, and each time it brought good luck and good luck. The villagers all said that this was the divine dog blessing them, and it was also because of the reward for Li Erlang's good deeds. This is the end of the story. But Li Erlang's legend continues, and his good deeds and good luck have always been with him. And that divine dog has also become a mysterious scenery in the village, making people full of awe and expectation for this world.

When a man went to sell dogs, he saw the woman begging and helping her, and she said, "Woe will come to you if you sell dogs."

This is the story of Li Erlang and the divine dog, a story full of Northeast style and fantasy. I hope that after listening to it, you can understand a truth: do more good deeds, accumulate virtue and do good, and good luck will naturally come to you.