
The man went to the funeral feast and saw the river turtle trapped in dry land, but he saved himself with a gesture

author:It's hard in the world

In our northeast, there is a story that needs to be told well. It is said that in that far away place, there is a place called "Yunmengze". This place is different from the swamp in our northeast, where the four seasons are like spring, and the scenery is as beautiful as a painting. In Yunmengze, there is a legend that says that good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil.

One day, in the small town of Yunmengzeli, the old man of the Li family, Mrs. Li, lived to be ninety-nine years old, without illness or disaster, and left so peacefully. According to Yun Mengze's rules, a lively funeral banquet must be held, so that the old man can go beautifully.

On that day, the sun was just right and the wind was not strong. Zhang San in the town is a warm-hearted person, and when he heard that the Li family held a funeral banquet, he wanted to go and do a favor and have a meal by the way. He put on the white-washed green cloth gown, put on a shabby straw hat, and went to Li's house.

The man went to the funeral feast and saw the river turtle trapped in dry land, but he saved himself with a gesture

He didn't go far before Zhang San passed through a piece of dry land. In this dry land, there are usually no good crops, but something strange happened that day. A large river turtle, lying in the scorching sun, looks like it is about to dry up. Zhang San's heart tightened, thinking to himself, why did this river turtle come here? When I got closer, I saw a large rock stuck on the turtle shell, which was probably washed down by the heavy rain last night. Zhang San didn't say anything, put down the straw hat, and bent down to move the stone. The stone was sinking, and it took him a lot of effort to finally move away. The river turtle was saved and slowly crawled back into the river. Zhang San watched the river turtle disappear into the water, and his heart blossomed. patted the soil on his hands, put on a straw hat, and walked to Li's house again.

When I arrived at Li's house, the funeral banquet had already begun. Zhang San helped serve the dishes and deliver the drinks, and he was very busy. The Li family saw that he was diligent and liked him very much. During the banquet, Zhang San chatted with several people at the same table. Some people say that there is a mysterious legendary item in Yunmengze, called "Xuanwu Jade Pendant". This jade pendant is said to have magical powers, which can bless the wearer with safety and prosperity. But this jade pendant disappeared a hundred years ago, and no one has seen it again.

Zhang San listened to it, and he didn't pay much attention to it. He has never believed in these gods and ghosts, and thinks that they are all made up to deceive people. But at this moment, he inadvertently looked up and found that in the ancestral hall of the Li family, a piece of jade pendant was enshrined, and the style of the jade pendant was exactly the same as the "Xuanwu jade pendant" they talked about! Zhang San was shocked, could this jade pendant be the legendary "Xuanwu jade pendant"? He couldn't help but take a few more looks, only to see that the jade pendant emitted a faint blue light, as if there was a mysterious power flowing. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and decided to wait until the funeral was over to take a closer look.

The man went to the funeral feast and saw the river turtle trapped in dry land, but he saved himself with a gesture

Time flies, and the funeral feast is finally over. Zhang San, this kid, found a high-sounding reason and slipped into the ancestral hall. He tiptoed over to the jade pendant, his heart itching, and he wanted to reach out and touch it. But just as his hand was about to touch the jade pendant, a force suddenly poured out from the jade pendant and surrounded him. Zhang San's eyes went dark, and the whole person was like a kite with a broken string, falling headlong, and there was no consciousness at all.

When he opened his eyes again, good guy, he was no longer in the Li family ancestral hall, but came to a place where birds and flowers were singing, and the mountains and rivers were beautiful, just like the paradise in the painting. He looked around, and suddenly he saw an old man in front of him, fishing with a fishing rod in his hand. This old man's hair and beard are all white, and he looks like a fairy wind, and he is not an ordinary person at first glance.

Zhang San hurriedly stepped forward and asked respectfully, "Old man, where is this?" Why did I get here? The old man smiled slightly, put down the fishing rod, and said, "Young man, you are here because you have done a good deed." The river turtle was trapped on dry land, and you helped it. So, you got this opportunity and came to this mysterious place. ”

The man went to the funeral feast and saw the river turtle trapped in dry land, but he saved himself with a gesture

Zhang San was confused when he heard this, and couldn't help asking, "Old man, is what you said true?" So what do I do now? The old man pointed to the path ahead and said, "Follow this road all the way, and you will encounter all kinds of trials and opportunities. Only by passing these tests can you get what you really want. ”

Zhang San walked and walked along the path, and the more he walked, the more he felt that something was wrong. The road didn't look like it was going to be a big one, and the scenery around it began to blur. He muttered in his heart: What is the test that this old man is talking about? After walking for so long, I didn't see anything. Just then, he suddenly heard a commotion ahead. He quickened his pace, and had not gone far when he saw a crowd of people gathered around and talking. He leaned forward to see that there was an old man lying on the ground, pale and motionless. The people next to him were shaking their heads and sighing, saying that this old man was afraid that he was seriously ill and could not be saved.

Zhang San's heart tightened, why is this old man so familiar? He took a closer look, oh my god, isn't this the old king of the Li family's gatekeeper? Why is he here? Zhang San didn't think much about it, squatted down, stretched out his hand and touched the old king's head. It didn't matter if he touched it, he felt a faint beating in the old king's chest. Oh, that's a lot of fun! The old king's fall was not light, and when the three brothers Zhang saw it, they immediately came up and shouted: "Don't be stupid, hurry up and take the handle and lift the old king's head to the shade!" When everyone heard this, they were not ambiguous, and they moved the old king under a big tree. The third brother Zhang took out the kettle they had brought with them, poured a few sips into the old Wang'er, and rubbed the old Wang's chest according to their own first-aid skills. It didn't take long for the old Wang Tou'er to slowly open his eyes, and when he saw that it was Zhang San, tears were about to come out: "Brother Zhang San, you are really my life-saving benefactor!" Zhang San waved his hand and said happily: "Old Wang, we are all villagers in the township, and it is appropriate to help each other." ”

The man went to the funeral feast and saw the river turtle trapped in dry land, but he saved himself with a gesture

The old king struggled to sit up, took out a cloth bag from his arms, and handed it to Zhang San: "Brother, I have nothing to repay you, you can take this, maybe you can use it." Zhang San took it and opened it, good guy, there was a crystal clear jade pendant inside. He took a look, this was not the "Xuanwu Jade Pendant" he had seen in the Li family ancestral hall before! Zhang San was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth: "This ...... What's going on with this jade pendant? The old king sighed and said, "This jade pendant is the heirloom of our Yun Mengze." A hundred years ago, because of a disaster, Yu Pei disappeared. We've been looking for it all these years. Unexpectedly, I found you today. Zhang San was in a fog when he heard this, scratched his head, and asked, "Then what is the use of this jade pendant?" The old king smiled mysteriously and said: "This jade pendant has divine power, as long as you have a good heart, it can keep you safe and turn evil into good fortune." However, it has to be handed over to truly virtuous people in order to exert the greatest strength. ”

When Zhang San heard this, he thought in his heart: This jade pendant is so expensive, I have to take good care of it. When you meet a virtuous person, it's not too late to hand it over to him. Just as they were thinking about it, the mysterious old man suddenly appeared in front of them, looked at Zhang San with a smile, and said, "Young man, you did a good job. You saved the river turtle and the old king, and this jade pendant is handed over to you for safekeeping, which is also justified. Zhang San hurriedly stood up and respectfully saluted the old man: "Thank you for your guidance." I will take good care of this jade pendant. The old man nodded, and then pointed to the path ahead: "You can continue along this road now." Remember, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you have to be kind. That way, you can get what you want. ”

After Zhang San thanked him again, he embarked on a new path. He walked along the path, his heart full of anticipation and longing. As he walked, he suddenly felt that the scenery around him began to become familiar, and it felt like he was back at home. Oh, look at his seriousness, at a glance, isn't this the way to Li's house? Why did you come back around? He was scratching his head, and suddenly he saw a figure in front of him, oh my god, isn't that the mysterious old man! He ran over in three steps and two steps, and asked urgently, "Uncle, what am I doing here?" Why are you back here? The old man happily explained, "Young man, you have passed the test, and now you can go back to your world." But before I go, I'll tell you a secret - actually, you're a virtuous man! This jade pendant is handed over to you, it is destined. When Zhang San heard this, his heart was warm. He gave the old man a big gift, then picked up the jade pendant on the ground, turned his head and walked towards Li's house. Since then, Zhang San has been like a different person, warm-hearted and helpful. The "Xuanwu Jade Pendant" has also been protecting him, making him happy and safe in everything. The villagers of Yunmengze also knew the story of Zhang San and the magical jade pendant, and they all sighed: It is really good and good, and evil is rewarded! Since then, the villagers of Yunmengze have become kinder and get along in harmony. That piece of "Xuanwu Jade Pendant" has also become Yun Mengze's treasure, passed down from generation to generation, and will never disappear...... Zhang San held the crystal clear "Xuanwu Jade Pendant" in his hand, and walked home briskly. He pondered the old man's words in his heart, and the more he pondered, the more he felt that this matter was not simple. Why did this jade pendant pick him? How did he, a plain-headed commoner, become that "virtuous man"? But then again, although Zhang San didn't read any big books, he understood the truth that "people are doing it, and the sky is watching". Over the years, he has been known for his warm-heartedness in the village, and he is willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. Maybe it's this kindness that makes Na Yupei feel that he is a reliable person. As he walked, Zhang San suddenly felt hungry. He touched his rumbling stomach and thought to himself: After a busy day, he hasn't even bothered to eat. Well, let's go to the small restaurant at the entrance of the village to fill my stomach first. He quickened his pace, and in a short time he arrived at the small restaurant at the entrance of the village. As soon as I entered the door, I heard that it was bustling inside, as if there was some happy event. He curiously leaned over to take a look, oh my god, it turned out to be the village elder Li Tou'er who was setting up a celebration banquet! Zhang Sanyi inquired and found out that there had been a major incident in the village recently. The river outside the village suddenly flooded, and it was about to flood the crops. At the critical moment, Lao Li Touer led everyone to fight the flood and provide disaster relief, but he simply blocked the flood back. At this time, the crops in the village were saved, and everyone was very happy. When Zhang San heard this, his heart also blossomed. Oh, this old Li Tou, that's really a virtuous and good person! If you can hand over this jade pendant to him for safekeeping, it will really make the best use of things and play a big role. Thinking about it in his heart, he went straight to Lao Li'er's table. Holding a glass of wine in his hand, Zhang San said to Lao Li: "Uncle Li, we have successfully fought the flood, and your credit is not small!" This glass of wine, I specially come to toast you! Lao Li Tou'er saw that it was Zhang San, and he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. After the two clinked glasses, Lao Li Tou'er asked, "Zhang San, why do you have time to come here today?" Zhang San smiled and said, "I'm here to give you a baby today." As he spoke, he took out the "Xuanwu Jade Pendant" from his arms and handed it to Lao Li.

The man went to the funeral feast and saw the river turtle trapped in dry land, but he saved himself with a gesture

When Lao Li saw the jade pendant, his eyes widened. After taking it and looking at it carefully for a while, he suddenly asked in surprise: "This... Isn't this our Yunmengze's heirloom? How did you get your hands on it? Zhang San told Lao Li Tou'er about the cause and effect 1510. After hearing this, Lao Li Tou'er was moved to tears, took Zhang San's hand and said, "Zhang San, you are really a great benefactor in our village!" This jade pendant will be handed over to you for safekeeping. I trust you, I will definitely be able to protect it well, so that it can continue to bless the people of Yunmengze. When Zhang San heard this, his heart was warm. Although I don't have any great skills, I feel a sense of accomplishment to be able to do something for the village.

He solemnly took the jade pendant, and then drank the celebration wine with Lao Li Tou'er. Since that day, Zhang San has become a big celebrity in the village. He was not only warm-hearted and helpful, but also blessed by the magical "Xuanwu Jade Pendant". If there is anything difficult for the people in the village, as long as they ask Zhang San for help, he will definitely be able to solve the problem. And the "Xuanwu Jade Pendant" has always been by Zhang San's side, bless him and his family. As soon as the people in the village saw Zhang San wearing that jade pendant, they would say enviously: "Zhang San is really a lucky star in our village!" ”

Time flies, and a few years have passed in the blink of an eye. Zhang San also changed from a young man to a big brother in the village. He still maintains that kind heart and enthusiasm for helping others. The "Xuanwu Jade Pendant" was still beside him, flashing with a mysterious light. One day, Zhang San was walking by the small river at the entrance of the village, and suddenly noticed something shining in the river. He walked over curiously and took a look, oh my god, it turned out to be a big river turtle! The river turtle was trapped under a large rock, unable to move. Zhang San'er didn't say a word, and jumped into the river to save the river turtle. It took a lot of effort to finally move the big rock away. After the river turtle was saved, he glanced at Zhang San gratefully, and then swam away slowly.

The man went to the funeral feast and saw the river turtle trapped in dry land, but he saved himself with a gesture

At this moment, Zhang San suddenly discovered that the "Xuanwu Jade Pendant" was actually glowing! He took a closer look and saw a vague turtle-shaped pattern appear on the jade pendant. This thing is really magical, Zhang San thought to himself, there may be some indissoluble bond between this jade pendant and this river turtle. Oh, I'll go, Zhang San, this kid, patted his head, and then he reacted, it turned out that the old turtle in the river was the patron saint of his jade pendant! After that, Zhang San was very precious to the "Xuanwu Jade Pendant". He knew in his heart that what was he holding in his hand? That's a priceless treasure! This baby can not only bless himself, but also bless his family, including Yun Mengze's fellow villagers.

Yun Mengze's people, as soon as they heard the story of Zhang San and the miraculous "Xuanwu Jade Pendant", their eyes lit up, and they sighed in their hearts: In this world, good people have good rewards, and bad people have bad rewards! Since then, Yun Mengze's villagers have become much more amiable, and the "Xuanwu Jade Pendant" has also become Yun Mengze's heirloom, passed down from generation to generation, forever......