
What about severe anemia? I recommend three dietary remedies to you, which can not only generate blood but also replenish qi

author:Internal Medicine Li Dafu

Aunt Zhang is 62 years old this year, and she should have enjoyed her old age after retirement, but her physical condition has been poor. She often felt dizzy and tired, her face was pale, she was out of breath after walking a few steps, and she couldn't even take her grandchildren. The child took her to the hospital for a check-up, and the doctor diagnosed her with severe anemia and advised her to pay more attention to her diet.

In order to help Aunt Zhang recover her health, the family asked around for dietary remedies, hoping to improve her anemia through the tonic effect of food. After a period of perseverance, Aunt Zhang's physical condition has improved significantly, she is no longer tired at every turn, and her complexion has recovered a lot. This not only gave Aunt Zhang confidence, but also made her family feel gratified.

This article will share several dietary remedies to help more middle-aged and elderly people like Aunt Zhang improve anemia and improve their quality of life through a reasonable diet.

What about severe anemia? I recommend three dietary remedies to you, which can not only generate blood but also replenish qi

What is anemia? Learn about the dangers of anemia

Anemia is a common blood disorder in which the level of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the body is lower than normal. Red blood cells and hemoglobin are responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues and organs throughout the body, and if these two are insufficient, all parts of the body cannot get enough oxygen, leading to a series of health problems.

Common types of anemia include iron deficiency anemia, megaloblastic anemia, and aplastic anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is the most prevalent and is often caused by malnutrition, chronic blood loss, or iron malabsorption. Megaloblastic anemia is mainly due to vitamin B12 or folate deficiency, while aplastic anemia involves bone marrow problems that lead to decreased red blood cell production.

The symptoms of anemia vary from person to person, and common manifestations include fatigue, dizziness, pallor, palpitations, and shortness of breath. Severe anemia can lead to more serious health problems such as heart disease, cognitive decline, etc.

Common causes of anemia: Know yourself and know your opponent

Inadequate nutrient intake is one of the main causes of anemia. Many middle-aged and elderly people have irregular diets and lack foods rich in iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid, such as red meat, fish, green leafy vegetables, etc. In addition, chronic blood loss such as gastrointestinal bleeding and heavy menstrual bleeding can also lead to iron loss, which in turn leads to anemia.

Some chronic diseases such as kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, etc., can also affect the production and lifespan of red blood cells, resulting in anemia. Genetic factors should not be ignored, and some genetic diseases such as thalassemia and sickle cell anemia can directly affect the production and function of red blood cells.

What about severe anemia? I recommend three dietary remedies to you, which can not only generate blood but also replenish qi

Symptoms of anemia: early identification, timely intervention

Early recognition of the symptoms of anemia is crucial, especially in middle-aged and older people. Common symptoms include fatigue, dizziness, pallor, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat. Some patients also have problems such as cold hands and feet, insomnia, and loss of appetite. These symptoms are often mistaken for manifestations of other health problems, leading to anemia being overlooked or misdiagnosed.

Regular physical examinations and blood tests are important means of early detection of anemia. A routine blood test can help identify the levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin to determine if there is a problem with anemia. For patients who have been diagnosed with anemia, the doctor will perform further tests, such as ferritin, folic acid, and vitamin B12 levels, to determine the specific type and cause of anemia.

Understanding the causes and symptoms of anemia can help us take timely steps to avoid exacerbations. For middle-aged and elderly people, paying attention to their own health status and seeking medical examination in time is the key to preventing and treating anemia.

What about severe anemia? I recommend three dietary remedies to you, which can not only generate blood but also replenish qi

Stewed chicken soup with red dates and wolfberries: a nutritious product for replenishing qi and generating blood

Stewed chicken soup with red dates and wolfberries is not only delicious, but also has a significant effect of replenishing qi and generating blood, especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people and people with weak constitution. Red dates and wolfberries have been commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine since ancient times, nourishing blood and qi, liver and kidneys, while chicken is rich in high-quality protein and helps to enhance physical strength.


10 red dates

30 grams of goji berries

500 grams of chicken

3 slices of ginger


Cut the chicken into cubes and blanch to remove the blood foam.

Wash the red dates and wolfberries and set aside.

Slice the ginger and set aside.

Put the chicken, red dates, goji berries and ginger together in a saucepan and add plenty of water.

Bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours until the chicken is crispy and the soup is rich.

Nutritional Analysis:

Jujube is rich in vitamin C and iron, which can promote the absorption of iron and effectively improve anemia. Goji berries are rich in carotene, vitamin A and iron, which help nourish the liver and kidneys and enhance immunity. The high-quality protein and a variety of vitamins and minerals in chicken can not only replenish energy, but also promote metabolism in the body and help the body rejuvenate.

Suitable for:

This stew is suitable for people with anemia and qi deficiency. Middle-aged and elderly people often drink this soup, which helps to enhance physical fitness and improve the condition of lack of qi and blood.

What about severe anemia? I recommend three dietary remedies to you, which can not only generate blood but also replenish qi

Pork liver porridge with spinach: the best supplement to iron

Pork liver porridge with spinach is a classic iron supplement, especially suitable for patients with iron deficiency anemia. Pork liver is rich in iron, vitamin A and vitamin B12, which are ideal for blood replenishment, while spinach is rich in iron and folic acid, which can effectively promote the production of red blood cells.


100 grams of spinach

150 grams of pork liver

100 grams of rice

Ginger shredded to taste


Cut the pork liver into thin slices, soak it in water to remove the blood, and blanch it for later use.

Wash the spinach and cut into pieces for later use.

Wash the rice and add water to cook the porridge.

When the porridge is cooked until it is seven ripe, add the pork liver slices and ginger shreds and continue to cook for 10 minutes.

Finally, add the spinach segments and cook for another 5 minutes.

Nutritional Analysis:

Pork liver is rich in iron and vitamin B12, which are indispensable nutrients for hematopoiesis and help alleviate iron deficiency anemia. The iron and folic acid in spinach can further promote the production of hemoglobin and enhance the body's hematopoietic function. Rice, on the other hand, provides ample carbohydrates to provide energy to the body.

Suitable for:

Suitable for patients with anemia, especially those with iron deficiency anemia. This porridge can not only effectively replenish iron, but also improve the function of the spleen and stomach and enhance physical fitness.

What about severe anemia? I recommend three dietary remedies to you, which can not only generate blood but also replenish qi

Red bean and black rice lotus seed soup: a delicious dessert that replenishes both qi and blood

Red bean and black rice lotus seed soup is a dessert that replenishes both qi and blood, and is suitable for people who are deficient in both qi and blood. Red beans have the effect of nourishing blood and diuretic, black rice is rich in iron, zinc and other minerals, which help to nourish blood and strengthen the body, and lotus seeds can nourish qi and nourish blood and improve sleep quality.


100 grams of red beans

100 grams of black rice

50 grams of lotus seeds

Brown sugar to taste


Wash the red beans, black rice, and lotus seeds separately and soak for 2 hours.

Put the red beans, black rice and lotus seeds together in a pot and add plenty of water.

Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat to low and cook until the ingredients are cooked through.

Finally, add an appropriate amount of brown sugar and stir well.

What about severe anemia? I recommend three dietary remedies to you, which can not only generate blood but also replenish qi

Nutritional Analysis:

Red beans are rich in protein and a variety of minerals, which help to replenish blood and diuretic. Black rice is rich in iron and zinc, which can effectively improve anemia and enhance immunity. Lotus seeds contain protein, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients, which have the effect of tonifying the spleen and stopping diarrhea, nourishing the heart and soothing the nerves.

Suitable for:

It is suitable for people with insufficient qi and blood, insomnia and dreams. Long-term consumption of this dessert can effectively improve anemia and qi deficiency, and enhance physical fitness.

Precautions: Diet therapy and lifestyle habits go hand in hand

Diet: Although dietary therapy can effectively improve anemia, it is necessary to pay attention to the diversity of diet and take a balanced intake of various nutrients. Over-reliance on a single food can lead to deficiencies in other nutrients.

Lifestyle habits: Good lifestyle habits are equally important for improving anemia. It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people maintain regular work and rest, carry out appropriate physical exercise, and enhance physical fitness. At the same time, quit smoking and limit alcohol, avoid overexertion, and keep a good mood.

Medical advice: For patients with severe anemia, dietary therapy should only be used as an adjunct treatment. You should seek medical attention in a timely manner and follow the doctor's advice for standardized treatment. It is not recommended to rely solely on dietary therapy to delay the disease.