
Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!

author:Wei Jingshu

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Text: Wei Jingshu

Edited by Wei Jingshu

Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!


Is life always the way we want it to be?

When the impermanence of fate hits us hard, can we still maintain hope for love and life?

The story of the famous actor Dong Yong may give us some inspiration.

Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!

1. The dream of an opera boy begins

In 1968, Dong Yong was born in an ordinary family in Hangzhou.

Influenced by traditional culture since childhood, he developed a strong interest in Peking Opera.

Whenever he heard the sonorous sound of gongs and drums and saw the flowing water sleeves of the actors on stage, the young Dong Yong was fascinated.

With the support of his parents, Dong Yong began to systematically study Peking Opera.

He was gifted and diligent, and soon made a name for himself in the Hangzhou Peking Opera Troupe.

Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!

At that time, Dong Yong's eyes flashed with his love for art and his vision for the future.

2. Drifting North to Pursue Dreams: From the opera stage to the film and television industry

However, with the change of the times, the audience of traditional opera has gradually decreased.

With a bigger dream, Dong Yong resolutely decided to go north.

This decision became an important turning point in his life.

When he first arrived in Beijing, Dong Yong faced a huge challenge.

Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!

The unfamiliar environment and fierce competition made him feel lost for a while.

But with his solid acting skills and resolute appearance, Dong Yong gradually gained a firm foothold in the film and television industry.

3. Bright Stars: The image of a tough guy is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people

Dong Yong's efforts quickly paid off.

He has starred in many popular dramas such as "Huo Yuanjia" and "Six Groups of Serious Cases", and has created a series of tough guy characters with distinct personalities.

The audience was attracted by his image of being resolute, strong and soft in heart, and Dong Yong became a hot and powerful actor.

Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!

However, just when his career was booming, fate gave Dong Yong a heavy blow.

4. Low point in life: loss of loved ones, marriage breakdown

In the fall of 2002, Dong Yong's 42-year-old sister died of blood cancer.

His sister has always been Dong Yong's closest family member, especially in the early days of his North Drift, giving great support and encouragement.

The departure of his sister made Dong Yong fall into deep grief.

As if to make matters worse, in 2006, Dong Yong's marriage also came to an end.

Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!

This double blow made him completely lose confidence in life and love.

He decided not to be in love again, not to marry again, and to spend the rest of his life alone.

5. Lonely years: "happy" times when the heart is closed

The blow of losing his close relatives and marriage made Dong Yong choose to close his heart.

He is focused on his work and refuses to participate in any social activities involving the opposite sex.

On the surface, Dong Yong lives an enviable single life: a successful career and freedom.

Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!

But only he knows that the loneliness in his heart has always lingered.

Dong Yong's parents saw it in their eyes and were anxious in their hearts.

They kept persuading Dong Yong to remarry, but he rejected them one by one.

Dong Yong feels that no emotional fetters are the safest way to live.

6. Fate: An unexpected encounter with Zheng Jiayan

During the Spring Festival of 2014, 45-year-old Dong Yong returned to Hangzhou for the New Year.

Under the "coercion and temptation" of his sister-in-law, he reluctantly agreed to a blind date.

Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!

Who knew that this forced blind date became a turning point in his life.

The blind date Zheng Jiayan is a gentle and virtuous teacher and an alumnus of the Chinese Academy of Drama.

The two hit it off at first sight, and their common background allowed them to have endless topics to talk about.

That day, Dong Yong, who originally planned to be perfunctory, chatted with Zheng Jiayan for three hours.

7. Regain your courage: The test of a long-distance relationship

After this blind date, Dong Yong's life quietly changed.

Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!

He began to take the initiative to ask Zheng Jiayan out to enjoy the time the two spent together.

However, the difficulties of long-distance relationships also come with it.

Dong Yong has been developing in Beijing for a long time, while Zheng Jiayan's career and family are in Hangzhou.

Just when the relationship between the two was facing a test, an unexpected incident made Dong Yong re-examine his life.

His father had a sudden attack on high blood pressure and was in critical condition.

Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!

Zheng Jiayan rushed to hear the news and took care of Dong's father carefully until he was out of danger.

This scene deeply touched Dong Yong, and he realized the importance of family and affection.

8. Romantic Proposal: A Heartfelt Confession by the West Lake

In August 2014, Dong Yong made an important decision: to return to Hangzhou to develop, take care of his parents, and stay with Zheng Jiayan at the same time.

He carefully planned a romantic marriage proposal, chartered a cruise ship, and invited Zheng Jiayan to visit the West Lake together.

When the cruise boat reached the center of the lake, Dong Yong knelt down on one knee and offered the diamond ring that had been prepared.

Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!

In the beautiful scenery of the West Lake, he said sincerely: "Jiayan, I love you, are you willing to marry me?" Tears blurred Zheng Jiayan's eyes, and she nodded in agreement.

9. Tie the knot: A simple and warm newlywed life

On September 9, 2014, Dong Yong and Zheng Jiayan held a simple and warm wedding in Hangzhou.

Although they didn't even have time to take wedding photos due to their busy work, this did not affect the happiness of the two in the slightest.

On the second day of the wedding, Dong Yong embarked on a trip to Germany to film.

Despite the separation, the sweetness of love always surrounds them.

Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!

10. Happy Daddy: 47-year-old surprise and touch

In November 2015, 47-year-old Dong Yong ushered in the biggest surprise of his life - he became a father.

When he saw his daughter fall to the ground, the strong tough guy Dong Yong couldn't help but burst into tears.

He sighed: "I never thought that I would love a little life so much, I really regret not having her earlier." "

After having a daughter, Dong Yong's life has changed dramatically.

Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!

The once tough guy has become a gentle and considerate good husband and father.

He learned to do housework, took care of his wife and daughter's daily life, and enjoyed the warmth of family life every day.

11. Career and family harvest: a new chapter of a happy life

After returning to Hangzhou, Dong Yong's career was not affected.

He continued to star in many excellent works such as "Surgery" and "Happiness Has a Formula", establishing a positive and inspirational image in the hearts of the audience.

At the same time, the relationship between him and Zheng Jiayan is also getting deeper and deeper, and the life of a family of three is sweet and fulfilling.

Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!

Today's Dong Yong has passed the year of knowing the destiny of heaven.

Looking back, he was full of emotion.

He used to avoid marriage and love, but now he is warmed by the love of his wife and daughter; He used to value his career above all else, but now he understands the value of family.

Loving and being loved gave Dong Yong the motivation to move forward and made his life more complete and happy.


Dong Yong's story tells us that no matter what kind of pain we have experienced, we should not lose faith in love.

When the destined person appears, life takes a wonderful turn.

Actor Dong Yong: At the age of 45, he was "forced to marry" by his sister-in-law to marry a wife, who knew that he would be a father 5 months after marriage!

The power of love can make a strong tough guy soft and warm a cold heart again.

As Dong Yong said: "To love someone is to take care of them with action and manage them with heart."

"I hope everyone can be like Dong Yong, in the company of love, to write a wonderful chapter of life.

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