
The heads-up ability is first-class, and the leaders of the four-one band

author:Ah Li big stage

When it comes to the heroes in "Glory of Kings", the three of Lao Fuzi, Mi Yue, and Crazy Iron are really top masters, each with their own unique skills, and they can shine in one-on-one duels.

Top 3:狂铁

The strength of this strong man's heads-up strength should not be underestimated. His battle mode is all about energy, as soon as the energy is full, the skills are strengthened, the damage, shield, and blood recovery are all up, and as soon as the state is opened, it is simply from a warrior to a Super Saiyan. Especially when the ultimate move is smashed, the shield is as thick as the city wall, and it can also strengthen the basic attack, and when a wave breaks out, the opposite side has to shed its skin even if it doesn't die. Crazy Iron's heads-up advantage lies in instantaneous burst damage and super high survivability, as long as he masters the timing of energy accumulation and release, he can be invincible in heads-up.

The heads-up ability is first-class, and the leaders of the four-one band

Top 2:芈月

This queen is called a "grinder" when she picks it up. The core of her skill is to suck blood and consume, and the second skill is connected to you, not only can you steal your attack power, but also can beat you while recovering blood, which feels like being bitten by a mosquito, although it is not fatal, but it is annoying. Not to mention that she also has a big move "Shadow Moon", which escapes directly into the void and is immune to all damage, which is used to dodge skills or adjust positions and then counterattack, which is simply a stroke of genius. Miyue's heads-up strategy is to slowly consume until you collapse, and then make a fatal blow.

The heads-up ability is first-class, and the leaders of the four-one band

Top 1: Old Master

This old man is known as the "heads-up king" in the canyon. His skill design is simply born for heads-up, passive is full, attack speed, movement speed are like hanging, the key is that it can also add real damage, so that your defensive equipment has to stand aside. Coupled with his trick "The Power of the Sage", he will directly draw a circle for you, and want to run? There are no doors. As soon as the second skill is opened, the damage is reduced, the damage is rebounded, and another skill is used to pull you back, which is called a person who controls it to death. The old master is strong in his offensive and defensive integration, as long as the operation is done properly, he will teach the opponent to be a man in minutes.

The heads-up ability is first-class, and the leaders of the four-one band

In general, these three heroes have their own strengths and weaknesses in heads-up, the old master is steady and steady, Miyue is fighting and consumed, and the violent output of crazy iron, players want to stand out in heads-up, the key is to see the understanding of the hero's characteristics and the control of the battlefield situation, with wisdom and skills, the hero's advantages are brought into full play.