
Version Answer T0 Baili Shou Covenant is on the top three lists, and it is right to choose it for restraint

author:Ah Li big stage

At the beginning of the Honor of Kings S36 season, Baili Shouyo became a star on the road of development with its strong performance after skill adjustment, and its attack speed and skill optimization allowed it to regain the T0 position, both the appearance rate and the win rate are rising. However, as strong as a hundred miles of keeping the covenant, there are also its natural enemies, and the following is a further analysis of the heroes and countermeasures to restrain the hundred miles of the covenant:

Version Answer T0 Baili Shou Covenant is on the top three lists, and it is right to choose it for restraint

Hundred miles of covenant outfit and inscription:

Build Recommendation: For the current version, the Attack Speed Boots, Infinity Blade, Shadow Blade, Daybreak, Sunchaser Bow, and Sanction Bow (or replaced with the Weeping Blade as appropriate) make up the core equipment set for Hundred Mile Covenant. Not only does this outfit increase his attack speed and critical strike chance, but it also strengthens his sustained output and ability to restrain enemy tanks.

Inscription Strategy: Choose inscriptions flexibly according to the needs of the game, the attack speed vampiric inscription can help smooth the early game, and the critical inscription can significantly increase the burst damage in the mid to late game. Reasonable matching of inscriptions to maximize the output potential of Baili Shou.

Version Answer T0 Baili Shou Covenant is on the top three lists, and it is right to choose it for restraint

Restrain the hero

Haino: Another hero who can effectively restrain the Hundred Miles of Covenant, Haino's mobility and consumption power give him an advantage when facing lanes. Use frequent one-skill for long-range consumption, while maintaining a safe distance, to avoid being accurately hit by Baili's second-skill.

Hainault's suppression strategy lies in taking the initiative in the early and middle stages, striving to end the battle before the Hundred Miles Covenant equipment is formed. When choosing Hino, use it to its advantage with a support that has a protection or buff, such as Doria or Yao.

Version Answer T0 Baili Shou Covenant is on the top three lists, and it is right to choose it for restraint

Tank Version: This hero's flesh and damage output can pose a threat to Baili Shou in the early stages, and his extraordinary Tandu makes it difficult for Baili Shou to quickly reduce his HP due to long-range consumption.

The pure meat of the son of Yuanliu can not only effectively resist the damage of Baili when facing the lane, but also counter with his own skill combination, and once he finds an opportunity, he can even take away Baili with a set of skills. Players need to keep their distance and avoid being dogged in close quarters.

Version Answer T0 Baili Shou Covenant is on the top three lists, and it is right to choose it for restraint

To sum up, although Baili Shoujo has performed well in the current season, it can still be effectively dealt with by choosing the right restraint heroes and strategies. While enjoying the fun of the game, players also need to be ready to deal with countermeasures from their opponents.