
The unfortunate death of the 17-year-old national feather player was followed up: insiders exposed the cause of death, and the family questioned the lack of timely rescue

author:Winnie the Pooh

Recently, a sudden tragedy shook the whole country, the national feather 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted during the game, despite the emergency rescue, but still failed to wake up, and left everyone in an instant.

The unfortunate death of the 17-year-old national feather player was followed up: insiders exposed the cause of death, and the family questioned the lack of timely rescue

Such a tragedy is undoubtedly embarrassing, and what is even more thought-provoking is why the emergency response in the face of emergencies is so insufficient, and how to avoid such a situation?

The rescue was not timely, and the national feather teenager died suddenly on the field.

Recently, in a world-renowned Asian Youth Championships, the news of the sudden death of a national feather teenager in the game is very shocking, the young player is named Zhang Zhijie, only 17 years old, originally full of vitality and dreams, but in the game suddenly situation, after being rushed to the hospital, but still not able to survive, such news undoubtedly makes people feel very heartbroken, but also makes people have more worries about the health of professional athletes.

The unfortunate death of the 17-year-old national feather player was followed up: insiders exposed the cause of death, and the family questioned the lack of timely rescue

It is reported that in the middle of the game, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted on the field, and the rescue scene at that time was even more shocking, in addition to not seeing professional first aid measures, even the stretcher was carried up in a crooked way, such rescue measures undoubtedly make people feel very incredible, is it that the current game side is still so immature in response to emergencies?

The unfortunate death of the 17-year-old national feather player was followed up: insiders exposed the cause of death, and the family questioned the lack of timely rescue

In fact, no matter which competition, the athlete's emergency situation is unavoidable, and in this case, good emergency measures can undoubtedly help the athlete and reduce unnecessary personal injury, but at the scene of Zhang Zhijie's sudden death, there are almost no professional rescue measures, which is very unacceptable, and also makes people question the organizational ability of the event.

The unfortunate death of the 17-year-old national feather player was followed up: insiders exposed the cause of death, and the family questioned the lack of timely rescue

In the face of such a tragedy, Zhang Zhijie's family is also difficult to accept, especially after learning that Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, the rescue measures on the scene were so clumsy, and they made severe accusations to the event party, they said that they would never let go of any relevant party, and they would definitely seek justice for Zhang Zhijie, such an accident is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the whole family, and the strong dissatisfaction of the family has also resonated with the majority of netizens, and everyone has expressed doubts about the organizational ability of the event party. It is also hoped that the event party can conduct a thorough investigation of this matter and seek justice for Zhang Zhijie.

Behind Zhang Zhijie's sudden death, rescue measures have become the key.

With the development of the incident, more and more people have questioned the cause of Zhang Zhijie's sudden death, and also conducted an in-depth analysis of the rescue measures at the scene, believing that the lack of rescue measures is likely to be the key reason for the tragedy, and it also makes people worry more about the organizational ability of the event, after all, in similar competitions, if there is an emergency, good rescue measures can undoubtedly help the athletes, and will also have a certain impact on the handling of the accident, and in Zhang Zhijie's sudden death, There are almost no professional rescue measures, and even cardiopulmonary resuscitation is carried out after a long period of hesitation, which undoubtedly makes people feel very angry and raises great doubts about the emergency response ability of the event party.

The unfortunate death of the 17-year-old national feather player was followed up: insiders exposed the cause of death, and the family questioned the lack of timely rescue

In fact, no matter which professional competition, good rescue measures are very important, and there can be no sloppiness, only timely and effective rescue measures can help injured athletes in the first time, and can also reduce the impact of the accident, but at the scene of Zhang Zhijie's sudden death, there are almost no professional rescue measures, and what is even more incredible is that there is not even a defibrillator, how can people rest assured that such rescue conditions are reassuring? It also makes people feel that the way the tournament side did it was too hasty.

The unfortunate death of the 17-year-old national feather player was followed up: insiders exposed the cause of death, and the family questioned the lack of timely rescue

In the face of doubts from the outside world, the event party did not give a reasonable explanation, nor did it make a relevant apology, and in the eyes of Zhang Zhijie's family, such an accident also involves a life-critical problem, and it must not be dealt with ambiguously, they also said that they will be investigated to the end, and they also hope that the event party can rethink that in similar games, we must strengthen the attention to rescue measures, but also ensure the safety of the participants, and not let similar tragedies happen again.

How to improve the efficiency of emergency rescue measures and ensure the safety of athletes?

Behind such a tragedy, there is no doubt that people have more thinking about emergency rescue measures, good emergency rescue measures can help more people, but also in the first time to save lives, so, how to improve the efficiency of emergency rescue measures? First of all, each competition must pay attention to emergency rescue work, no matter which game, there may be emergencies, only make full preparations, in order to be able to carry out effective emergency rescue in the first time.

The unfortunate death of the 17-year-old national feather player was followed up: insiders exposed the cause of death, and the family questioned the lack of timely rescue

Secondly, professional rescue personnel and equipment are also very important, only with the help of professionals, can make correct judgments, can also carry out effective treatment work, at the same time, a variety of emergency rescue equipment is also essential, defibrillators, first aid kits and other equipment should be available anytime and anywhere.

The unfortunate death of the 17-year-old national feather player was followed up: insiders exposed the cause of death, and the family questioned the lack of timely rescue

Finally, emergency rescue knowledge should also be popularized, whether it is athletes or ordinary spectators, it is possible to help in an emergency, only everyone has a certain knowledge of emergency rescue, in order to better deal with emergencies, but also to protect the safety of themselves and others.

The unfortunate death of the 17-year-old national feather player was followed up: insiders exposed the cause of death, and the family questioned the lack of timely rescue

In the face of the tragedy of Zhang Zhijie's sudden death, it is undoubtedly a wake-up call for the whole society, no matter which side it is, it should be a warning, not to be vague about the emergency, but also to put the safety of each participant in the first place, I believe that through such an incident warning, more people can pay attention to emergency rescue work, and can also make a contribution to similar tragedies.