
Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

author:Lao Zhu talks inside and outside
Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

In this era of people's pursuit of health first, people's food choices are becoming more and more meticulous, and the effects of each ingredient will be widely discussed, and people are eager to find nutritious foods that can better nourish the body.

Among them, peanuts, as a very common nut, are widely loved by the public, and it has become a healthy product in the minds of many people with its unique taste and rich nutritional value.

Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

People say that it contains the miraculous effect of lowering blood sugar and can help us control blood sugar.

However, in the rush to chase this miraculous effect, do we really understand the science behind peanuts?

The doctors used their professional perspective to uncover the truth behind peanuts for us, and he confessed: Don't look at the small size of peanuts, but the energy contained in them is very huge.

It has 6 benefits that cannot be underestimated, but it also hides 3 potential risks that cannot be ignored, and only eating right can it be beneficial to the human body.

Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

Therefore, it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the true efficacy of peanuts and the potential risks they entail. While tasting the delicious taste of peanuts, we must learn how to enjoy them scientifically and reasonably, so that peanuts can exert their maximum nutritional value.

1. The relationship between peanuts and blood sugar

The claim that peanuts can lower blood sugar has been widely spread on social media, giving hope to many diabetics and people with high blood sugar.

But what is the truth behind this?

The glycemic index is the ability of food to cause a rise in blood sugar, and the glycemic index value of peanuts is relatively low, which means that when we eat peanuts, the blood sugar will rise slowly and steadily.

Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

But one thing we can be sure is that peanuts themselves do not contain ingredients that directly lower blood sugar.

However, components such as polysaccharides and dietary fiber in peanuts can slow down the body's absorption of sugar to a certain extent, so they can relatively help stabilize blood sugar levels.

It is very important for diabetics to choose foods with a low glycemic index.

Because low glycemic index foods not only help control blood sugar levels, but also reduce the discomfort caused by blood sugar fluctuations, peanuts are such an ideal low glycemic index food.

The unsaturated fatty acids contained in peanuts also help lower blood sugar levels by improving insulin sensitivity and allowing the body to use insulin more efficiently.

Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

But there are differences between each individual, and everyone's physical condition and metabolic ability are different, so the effect of peanuts on blood sugar will also vary from person to person.

Some people may find that their blood sugar levels drop after eating peanuts, but that doesn't mean everyone will have the same effect.

Therefore, the relationship between peanuts and blood sugar is not a direct lowering relationship, it actually has the characteristics of low glycemic index value and stabilizes blood sugar through rich dietary fiber, providing a new dietary choice for diabetics.

Therefore, we do not need to exaggerate the effect of peanuts on blood sugar, and for diabetic patients, dietary management is still required under the guidance of a doctor.

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Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

2. Six benefits of peanuts

In addition to being a delicious snack, crunchy peanuts actually hide six major health benefits, which you may not fully understand.

Peanuts are a big boon for diabetics, although they can't directly lower blood sugar, they are a typical low glycemic index food.

The polysaccharide and dietary fiber also help lower blood sugar levels by slowing down the body's absorption of sugar.

This means that eating peanuts in moderation on the basis of a reasonable diet may help you better control your blood sugar.

Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

Peanuts are also rich in a variety of nutrients, such as protein, fat, and various vitamins, which are important substances for maintaining the normal growth of the human body.

In your busy moments, just eat a handful of peanuts to quickly replenish your energy and make you feel energetic.

And especially for those who need to supplement nutrition and enhance their physique, peanuts are undoubtedly the best choice.

For modern people, with the continuous enrichment of material levels, cardiovascular diseases have become a major killer that threatens human health.

Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

Peanuts are also beneficial to cardiovascular health, and the unsaturated fatty acids they contain can reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, which can also bring great help to middle-aged and elderly people and people with a family history of cardiovascular disease.

What many people don't pay attention to is that peanuts also help to enhance memory and intelligence, and the various amino acids and trace elements it contains have an important role in promoting brain development and nerve cell function.

For people who need to use their brains for a long time, such as students and office workers, eating peanuts in moderation can help improve their learning ability and work efficiency.

Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

Peanuts are also a great way to boost immunity, as they are rich in protein, vitamins and other nutrients that can strengthen our immune system and improve our ability to fight diseases.

In the cold season or during the high incidence of epidemics, eating peanuts in moderation can help us better resist the invasion of diseases.

Although peanuts contain a lot of fat in our usual cognition, they can actually be a food that can help us lose weight.

It is rich in a variety of nutrients that can promote the body's metabolism, increase energy expenditure, and contribute to weight loss.

Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

If you want to have a slimmer and healthier body, eating some peanuts in moderation every day may help you.

Peanuts are not only delicious, but they also hide great nutritional value, and its six benefits make us feel incredible about this little nut.

3. Three major risks of peanuts

Although peanuts themselves are a nutritious food, they can also cause adverse effects on our health if we don't pay attention to eating them in moderation.

Below, let's talk about the three major risks that peanuts may bring to us, so that everyone can enjoy the delicious taste of peanuts while also being aware of them.

Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

High calorie is a major feature of peanuts, it can be regarded as a small "calorie bomb", a small handful of peanuts have considerable energy.

Although it is very rich in nutrients, it contains about 567 kilocalories per 100 grams of peanuts, which is equivalent to the calories of a bowl of rice.

If we eat peanuts without moderation, especially those that have been fried and pickled, they often add too much salt and sugar, and it is easy to consume too many calories, leading to significant weight gain, thus increasing the risk of obesity.

Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

Obesity aside, obesity is one of the main causes of chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, and eating peanuts like this for a long time may cause a series of health problems.

Peanuts are also one of the common food allergens, for people with allergies, eating peanuts may cause severe allergic reactions, after eating may cause skin itching, difficulty breathing and other allergic reactions, severe and even shock, life-threatening.

Therefore, before eating peanuts, we need to understand our own allergy history, and if we know a history of peanut allergy, we must avoid eating peanuts and their products.

Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

There are many kinds of peanut products on the market, but many of them have added a lot of salt and sugar, and after ingesting these additives, it will not only affect the nutritional value of peanuts themselves, but may even cause blood pressure instability and have a negative impact on health.

When choosing peanut products, we should try to choose those plain peanuts with few additives and natural taste, and avoid over-processed foods.

Overall, although peanuts have many benefits, we should also be wary of potential risks. Only by eating peanuts scientifically and rationally can its nutritional value be fully utilized and unnecessary health risks can be avoided.

Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

Fourth, how to eat peanuts scientifically

Although peanuts are a delicious and healthy food, if you don't learn to eat them scientifically, you can't play their maximum effect by eating them at will.

To fully enjoy the benefits of peanuts, we need to know the right way to eat them.

We need to be clear about one principle: moderation is the key, and we need to control the amount of peanuts consumed.

Although peanuts are rich in nutrients, they are also relatively high in calories, and if consumed in excess, they can lead to excessive calorie and fat intake, which can lead to problems such as obesity.

Therefore, when enjoying the delicious taste brought by peanuts, we should pay attention to eating them in moderation and avoid excessive calorie intake.

Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

Generally speaking, it is recommended to consume peanuts 3-4 times a week, and each time you eat a small handful of peanuts, about 30 grams, you can satisfy your appetite and meet the nutritional needs of the human body, and at the same time, it will not burden the body.

Peanuts themselves are a low-glycemic food, but if eaten with high-glycemic foods, they may cause a rise in blood sugar.

We can eat peanuts with low-glycemic foods such as vegetables and fruits, which can keep blood sugar stable and make the dishes on the table more varied.

Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!

In addition, we should also pay attention to the daily preservation and hygiene of peanuts.

Peanuts are susceptible to moisture and mold, and eating this spoiled peanut will harm our health, so we should keep the flowers in a dry and ventilated place to avoid moisture.

Let's enjoy the delicious and nutritious peanuts while also paying attention to the principles of healthy eating to make the body healthier and better.

Can peanuts lower blood sugar? The doctor said frankly: it has 6 major benefits and 3 risks, and it is beneficial to eat it right!


After today's discussion, we have a deeper understanding of peanuts, a nutritious nut. Not only is it delicious but also full of health.

We're amazed by the six benefits of peanuts, but we also need to be aware of the three potential risks to ensure that we can enjoy the taste while staying healthy.

The secret of a healthy diet is balance and moderation, and when enjoying the deliciousness and nutrition brought by peanuts, we must also learn to mix them reasonably and eat them in moderation.

As long as we master the correct and scientific way of eating, it can become a plus for our nutrition and health.

So, have you mastered the correct way to eat peanuts? I hope that each of us can enjoy the deliciousness and health brought by peanuts, and make our lives healthier and more colorful!

Information sources:


Doctor: The 5 benefits of peanuts must be eaten right to be useful—Panju is talkative—November 15, 2023


What happens if you eat too many peanuts - Baidu Health

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