
Someone in the trunk plays the lute and sings? After being reprimanded, the pine tree also died

author:Pingtan Island Islanders

Oh, everyone, listen up, let's talk about this strange thing now. This Gada in the northeast of us is no worse than the deep mountains and old forests in the south, so I will tell you about the new things there today. You see, in the mountains in the south, there is an old pine tree, which has lived for thousands of years, as high as the sky, and the branches and leaves are as dense as something. On the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, the locals have to incense it and ask for peace and auspiciousness.

Don't mention it, last month, this "Song Ye" suddenly made a fuss. Zhang Laohan, an old fisherman in our village, went out to fish early in the morning, this old Zhang, who has been floating on the river all his life, has never seen any wind and waves? But this time, something strange happened to him. Lao Zhang was casting a net and waiting for the fish to be hooked, and he heard the sound of pipa and singing from the "Song Ye", and the sound was as beautiful as a fairy in the sky. Lao Zhang thought to himself, where did the pipa sound and singing come from in this deep mountain and old forest? As soon as he put his work down, he followed the voice and went to find it. And guess what? That voice actually came from the trunk of "Songye"! Lao Zhang took a look, and there was a crack in the trunk of the tree, like a small window, and there was a vague shadow inside, holding the pipa and playing and singing. Lao Zhang was so frightened that his soul did not possess his body, so he ran away, and he didn't even want a fish basket.

This matter spread ten, ten and hundred, and the people in the village talked about it, some were curious, some were afraid, and some wanted to go and see. It's strange that whenever someone approaches "Song Ye", the sound of the pipa and the singing stop abruptly, as if nothing happened. A few days later, there was a young man named Xiao Li in the village, who did not believe in evil and decided to find out. Xiao Li, this young man, was bold and careful, he carried an axe and went straight to "Song Ye". When I arrived at the place, I heard the sound of the lute and the singing again. He cautiously approached to see what was going on. At this moment, the voice suddenly stopped, and a voice came from the trunk: "Who dares to disturb my cultivation?" When Xiao Li heard this, he was so frightened that he trembled. He plucked up the courage to reply, "I...... I'm just curious and want to come and see. Then the voice said, "Since you have come, you have a fate." But this is not a place for you to stay for long, so get out of here. When Xiao Li heard this, how could he dare to stay longer? He turned and ran, and he didn't have any axes.

Someone in the trunk plays the lute and sings? After being reprimanded, the pine tree also died

This incident spread in the village and became a good story. We Northeast people, what wind and waves haven't you seen? But this thing is really confusing. However, there are many strange things in this world, so let's listen to it as a story and have fun. We have such a thing in Nagada, the northeast, and I have to give you a good talk. As soon as the young man came home, he was very ill, and it took half a month to recover. This matter spread faster than the wind in the village, and the more it spread, the more evil it became. Some say that there is a fairy living in Songye, and some say that it is a monster. But no one dared to find out any more. After a long time, the trunk of the pine master began to wither, the bark fell down piece by piece, and the branches were broken one by one. The once leafy pine tree turned into a dead tree in the blink of an eye. The sound of the lute and the singing never appeared again. This matter has become a mystery, some people say that the gods are gone, some people say that the monsters have been driven away, but no one knows what the truth is. The once magical pine tree has remained in people's memories like this.

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, doesn't this sound quite mysterious? But this is the real thing that happened in the deep mountains and old forests in our south. You said that in this world, is there really something we don't know? I'll leave it to you to ponder. Let's talk about other stories next time, and you can listen to the next breakdown! Well, let's pick up where we left off.

After the Song Ye died, the whole village seemed to have lost its soul. The old people shook their heads and sighed, saying that this was the blessing of the village, and even the patron saint had left. The young man's face was full of curiosity and confusion, and they wondered what was living in the trunk of the tree, and why it had left so suddenly. At this moment, a Taoist priest from outside the village came to the village. This Taoist priest looks like a fairy wind and bones, and he still holds a handful of dust whisks in his hands. When he heard about the village, he offered to help the villagers find out the truth. When the villagers heard this, they were really overjoyed! They welcomed the Taoist priests into the village one after another, and entertained them with good wine and food.

Someone in the trunk plays the lute and sings? After being reprimanded, the pine tree also died

The Taoist priest was not polite, and after eating and drinking, he led the villagers to Songye. The Taoist priest circled around Song Ye a few times, then closed his eyes and chanted words in his mouth. After a while, he opened his eyes and said to the villagers, "In this pine master, there was originally a tree spirit who had cultivated for thousands of years. Because he was grateful for the nurturing grace of this land and water, he took on the form of a human being, played the lute in the trunk of the tree, and sang about the beauty between heaven and earth. When the villagers heard this, they were stunned. They didn't expect that there was a tree spirit living in this pine master, and he was still a good monster who knew how to be grateful.

The Taoist priest said, "This tree spirit, I originally planned to continue cultivating here until I became an immortal. But who knew that a few days ago, he felt an evil aura, which came from an ancient tomb outside the village. There is an evil sorcerer buried in that ancient tomb, who is still unwilling to die and wants to use his corpse to resurrect his soul and harm the world. "In order to stop the evil wizard's plot, the dryad decided to leave Matsuye and go to the ancient tomb to fight the wizard. Fearing that his departure would cause panic in the village, he left behind the sound of the lute and the sound of singing to tell the villagers where he was going. Listening to the Taoist priest's story, the villagers were all moved and burst into tears. They expressed their gratitude for the Dryad's protection and prayed that he would defeat the evil sorcerer and return safely. Seeing that the villagers were so simple and kind, the Taoist priest decided to lend a hand. He asked the villagers to prepare magic weapons and charms, and then led them to the tomb. After a fierce battle, the Taoist priest finally defeated the evil sorcerer and sealed his soul in the ancient tomb. When the Taoist priest and the villagers returned triumphantly, they were pleasantly surprised to find that the trunk of the pine tree began to come to life, new shoots had grown on the bark, and the branches of the tree had re-erected. The villagers rejoiced at this scene, and they understood that this was a sign of the triumphant return of the tree spirit. Soon after, the melodious sound of pipa and singing came from the trunk of the pine tree again, and the villagers gathered around the pine tree to listen to this beautiful music. They found the sound of the lute and the singing to be more beautiful than ever, as if telling a legendary story. Since then, Matsuye has become the patron saint of the village and is revered by the villagers. The sound of the pipa and singing has also become a unique scenery in the village, attracting countless tourists to enjoy it.

After solving the threat of the evil sorcerer, the Taoist priest continued to embark on his journey to pursue more demons and monsters and eliminate harm to the people. This incident spread throughout the village, and it was said that the tree spirits in Songye were the real heroes, and they did not hesitate to fight against evil sorcerers in order to protect the peace of the land and the villagers. Taoist priests are also praised as great heroes who descend to earth and save the common people. However, when a foreigner saw Song Ye, he suddenly knelt down and said something in his mouth, calling him Master. It turned out that this foreigner was a pipa player who had learned his art in an ancient Taoist temple, and his master was a master who was good at playing the pipa. The stranger said that his master had told him about a tree spirit who could play the pipa and sing, and told him that he had an indissoluble bond with the tree spirit. He traveled south this time to find this legendary master of the tree spirit and learn more exquisite pipa skills from him. When the villagers heard this, they were shocked, they didn't expect this stranger to have such a deep relationship with the tree spirit. So, they invited the stranger to settle in the village and asked him how to play the pipa. The outsiders gladly accepted and began to teach the art of pipa in the village. In this way, the stranger established a deep master-apprentice relationship with the tree spirit, and the villagers also learned more advanced pipa skills under his guidance. They often gather under the pine master, play the pipa, sing about life, and enjoy this harmony and beauty. The Taoist priest was full of relief when he learned of the deep master-apprentice friendship between the stranger and the tree spirit. He decided to stay in this village, teach the Dao method, and instruct the villagers in cultivation to protect the land and the peace of the villagers. Since then, the village has become more prosperous, and the mentorship between outsiders and tree spirits has become a good story in the village.

Someone in the trunk plays the lute and sings? After being reprimanded, the pine tree also died

When night falls, the melodious sound of the piano and beautiful singing always echoes under the pine trees, attracting many villagers and tourists to listen. The outsiders not only taught the art of pipa, but also brought many new stories and insights, which opened the eyes of the villagers. As time passed, the reputation of the Treant grew louder and louder.

Some people are curious to catch a glimpse of this legendary dryad. However, the Dryad has always maintained a mystery, appearing only at certain times and places, so that people can only hear his voice, but it is difficult to get a glimpse of his true face.

On a sunny afternoon, the village welcomed a richly dressed old man. He claimed to be a high-ranking official from the capital, and when he heard that the tree spirit had magical abilities, he came to visit. When the villagers saw that he was extraordinary, they warmly welcomed him and took him under the pine trees.

Someone in the trunk plays the lute and sings? After being reprimanded, the pine tree also died

The old man stood under the pine tree, closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the lute and the song for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes and said in a loud voice: "This tree spirit is indeed worthy of its name, but I have not come here today just to enjoy his music. When the villagers heard this, they were confused. The old man continued, "I have come this time to ask for a treasure from the tree spirit. "Treasures?" The villagers looked at each other, puzzled by what the old man was referring to.

The old man nodded and said slowly, "This treasure is called 'Thousand Year Pine Pulp', and it is the essence of the thousand-year cultivation of the tree spirit. If you can get it, you can prolong your life and even live forever. When the villagers heard this, they were shocked. They didn't expect this old man to come for such a precious treasure.

But what a miraculous existence is a tree spirit, and how can it easily hand over the thousand-year-old pine pith to others? Just as everyone was talking, the sound of the lute and the singing suddenly stopped. Immediately after, the voice of the tree spirit came from the trunk of the tree: "You mortal, how dare you covet my thousand-year-old pine pith? Do you know that this pine pith is the essence of my thousand-year-old cultivation, and if I lose it, I will lose all my cultivation and strength. ”

Someone in the trunk plays the lute and sings? After being reprimanded, the pine tree also died

When the old man heard this, his face suddenly became ugly. But instead of giving up, he continued, "Lord Treant, I know that you have great powers, but this thousand-year-old pine pith is very important to me. If you can give generously, I will be willing to reward you with gold and silver. The tree spirit was silent for a moment, and then said, "Gold and silver treasures are useless to me, and I have been practicing for thousands of years, and I have long looked down on these worldly things. But since you, a mortal, have a request from me, I will give you a chance. "What chance?" The old man asked eagerly. The tree spirit patted his chest and said, "If you can do three good things for our village within three days, I will give you this thousand-year-old pine pith." When the old man heard this, he was as happy as something. He immediately nodded, patted his chest and promised that he would definitely do a good job in three days. For the next three days, the old man was as busy as a spinning top. He helped the villagers build houses, build roads, and contribute to the school out of his pocket. When the people in the village saw that he was so enthusiastic, they all praised him for being a good man. As soon as the three days passed, the old man ran to Songye and reported to the tree spirit. As soon as the tree spirit saw that the old man had really done three good things, he nodded and said, "Although you are an ordinary person, it is not easy to have this kind heart." This thousand years of pine pith will be given to you, but you have to remember to use it to do the right thing, and don't harm others. The old man took the pine pith and burst into tears. He promised the dryad that he would make good use of this thing and take the right path. Since then, a story has spread in the village that the old man has won the reward of the tree spirit, and he is not only young, but also rich. Those villagers he helped were also rewarded, and their lives were good. As for the foreigner, with the help of the tree spirit, he played the pipa to the next level and became a master. He often played the pipa under the pine master, and sang and harmonized with the song of the tree spirit, which became a scenery in the village. The Taoist priest, seeing that the village had returned to its former peace, decided to continue his travels and go to hunt monsters. Time flies, and decades have passed. The old man is no longer there, but his story is still being told in the village. The pine tree is still standing there, witnessing the changes of this land and the good and evil of the people. The sound of the pipa and the singing voice often sounded under the pine master, as if telling a story about kindness, gratitude and inheritance. This is the story we are telling you today, I hope you like it, and don't forget this legend about the tree spirit and the thousand-year-old pine pith.

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