
The village chief was kind enough to repair the bridge, but the bridge collapsed repeatedly. Tuomeng: Bury the village chief at the bottom of the bridge

author:Pingtan Island Islanders

In our water town in the south of the Yangtze River, there is a place called Yangliu Village, the scenery is so good, and the water web is as dense as a spider's web. But the beauty of this water town is beautiful, but there is a big problem - the ancient bridge at the head of the village, many years, broken like a sieve, when it rains, the stone slab on the bridge is like drunk, staggering, so that the villagers have to be afraid to go out.

Our village chief, named Li Zhonghou, is an old man, a kind-hearted person, and always wants to do something practical for the village. Looking at the broken bridge, his heart sank, like pressing a big stone. So, Li Zhonghou patted his thigh and decided to let go, he had to build a new bridge so that everyone could live a good life. As soon as the news spread, the village was like a frying pan. Some villagers felt that the village chief had done a good job, so they paid out of their pockets, donated materials and money, and supported the repair of the bridge; There are also people who muttered in their hearts, thinking that it is difficult to repair the bridge, don't end up working in vain.

But Li Zhonghou doesn't care about these things, he is hard-hearted, and he has to build this bridge. He traveled everywhere, raising money, looking for craftsmen, and working day and night. After a few months, the piers were ready, and the bridge was almost completed, so the stone slabs were almost paved, and the bridge was ready to use. But at this moment, strange things happened. In the dead of night, the newly built bridge "clicks" non-stop, as if something is messing with underneath. At first, everyone didn't care, but as time went on, the sound became more and more frequent, and the bridge began to crack. Li Zhonghou was so anxious that he followed the ants on the hot pot, and he personally guarded the bridge to see what was going on. It's strange that he kept watch for days and nights, but the voice never came again.

The village chief was kind enough to repair the bridge, but the bridge collapsed repeatedly. Tuomeng: Bury the village chief at the bottom of the bridge

Just when he thought the wind was calm, the bridge collapsed overnight! Now, the village is lively. Some people say that the village chief built a "ghost bridge", which annoyed the river god; Some people also say that there is something unclean under the bridge that makes the bridge unstable. For a while, all kinds of gossip flew all over the sky, and Li Zhonghou became the center of everyone's discussion. Li Zhonghou is so bitter in his heart, he obviously wants to do good things, why did he end up like this? He lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep at night.

It was then that he had a dream. In his dream, he saw an old man with a white beard, and the old man said to him, "Your heart for building a bridge is good, but you have forgotten the river god under this bridge." If you want to stabilize the bridge, you have to bury yourself under the bridge to appease the wrath of the river god. When Li Zhonghou heard this, he was shocked in his heart. When he woke up, he pondered the dream repeatedly, and finally gritted his teeth and decided to do what the old man in the dream said. He told his family and fellow villagers his thoughts, although everyone thought it was too outrageous, but looking at Li Zhonghou's determined eyes, he didn't say anything more. That night, it was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and the wind was blowing, and the old man Li Zhonghou was quietly buried under the newly built bridge. It's really strange to say, since he beat his old man and entered the bridge, the bridge has never had any problems. When the people in the village crossed the bridge, they called it a down-to-earth in their hearts. Moreover, because of the sacrifice of Li Zhonghou, everyone affectionately called it "Zhonghou Bridge".

To this day, the "Zhonghou Bridge" in Yangliu Village is still hard, just like when it was just repaired. The story of Li Zhonghou has also become a good story passed down from generation to generation in the village. Every time this bridge is mentioned, everyone will think of the good village chief who sacrificed himself for the safety of everyone - Li Zhonghou.

The village chief was kind enough to repair the bridge, but the bridge collapsed repeatedly. Tuomeng: Bury the village chief at the bottom of the bridge

It is said that since Li Zhonghou was buried under the bridge, the discussion in the village has slowly stopped. When the villagers crossed the bridge, they no longer feared, but every time they walked across the "Zhonghou Bridge", they would stop, silently chanting the name of Li Zhonghou in their hearts, and thanking him for his contribution to the village.

Time flies, decades pass in the blink of an eye. Yangliu Village has changed, but the "Zhonghou Bridge" is still standing there, like a witness to history, silently telling the story of Li Zhonghou.

One day, a young man from a foreign country came to the village, named Zhang Xiaohu. He heard the story of "Zhonghou Bridge" and Li Zhonghou, and was curious, so he decided to go to the bridge to see it himself. Zhang Xiaohu went to the bridge and saw that the bridge was very strong, the stone slabs were paved smoothly, and the river water under the bridge was so clear that he could see the bottom. He stood on the bridge, feeling the wind blowing gently on his face, and the respect for Li Zhonghou in his heart spontaneously arose.

The village chief was kind enough to repair the bridge, but the bridge collapsed repeatedly. Tuomeng: Bury the village chief at the bottom of the bridge

At this moment, Zhang Xiaohu suddenly heard a voice in his ear: "Young man, what are you doing here?" He was startled and looked around, but there was no one to be seen. He thought to himself, this can't be something unclean, right? But the voice sounded again: "Don't look for it, I'm at your feet." Zhang Xiaohu looked down and saw a vague figure looming in the river under the bridge. He was shocked, but when he thought of the story of the old man Li Zhonghou, he mustered up the courage to ask: "Are you the old man Li Zhonghou?" The figure nodded, and his voice was clear: "Yes, I am Li Zhonghou." Young man, what are you doing here? ”

Zhang Xiaohu told Li Zhonghou about his intentions, and also expressed his admiration for him. When the old man Li Zhonghou heard this, he said with emotion: "I didn't expect that after so many years, there are still people who remember me." In fact, I built the bridge back then, not for fame, but to let the villagers live a good life. Now I am very happy to see that the village has changed so much. ”

When Zhang Xiaohu heard this, he admired Li Zhonghou even more in his heart. He asked, "Then why are you buried at the bottom of the bridge?" Why is this bridge so strong? The old man Li Zhonghou sighed and said, "Actually, the reason why this bridge is strong is because I sacrificed myself to appease the anger of the river god. "When I was building the bridge, I didn't think about the existence of the river god, and this negligence angered him. Later, in a dream, I conveyed my request to the villagers that they would bury me under the bridge, so that the wrath of the river god could be appeased and the bridge could be secured. When Zhang Xiaohu heard this, his heart was full of shock. He didn't expect that there was such a strange story hidden behind it. "How is your life now?" he asked. Do you still need our help? With a smile on his face, the old man replied, "I am living well now and have reconciled with the river god. I stayed here to protect the bridge and the villagers. Young people, if you really want to contribute to the village, please work hard to make Yangliu Village a better place. After hearing this, Zhang Xiaohu's heart was full of gratitude and respect. He said goodbye to the old man Li Zhonghou and returned to the village, and since then, he has devoted himself to work and contributed to the prosperity of the village. The story of "Zhonghou Bridge" has also spread in the village and has become a good story that inspires people to work hard. Whenever someone walks across this bridge, they will think of Li Zhonghou's dedication and sacrifice, and their hearts are full of respect and gratitude.

The village chief was kind enough to repair the bridge, but the bridge collapsed repeatedly. Tuomeng: Bury the village chief at the bottom of the bridge

Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Yangliu Village has developed into a prosperous village, and the "Zhonghou Bridge" still stands firmly on the edge of the village, witnessing the historical changes of the village. In a grand celebration, the villagers celebrated the development achievements of Yangliu Village, and told the story of "Zhonghou Bridge" and Li Zhonghou, expressing their nostalgia and gratitude to him. After the celebration, Zhang Xiaohu stood on the "Zhonghou Bridge", overlooking the fields and villages, and his heart was full of emotion. He recalled Li Zhonghou's dedication and his efforts for the development of the village, and his heart was full of pride and satisfaction. At this moment, a breeze blew, and Zhang Xiaohu felt as if he was surrounded by a mysterious force. He looked up at the sky and saw a dazzling light. Although he was shocked, he immediately recalled the teachings of Li Zhonghou: "Work hard to make Yangliu Village a better place." Zhang Xiaohu took a deep breath and felt unprecedented power. He understands that this is the guardianship of Li Zhonghou's old man, and it is also the reward of his efforts over the years. Since then, Zhang Xiaohu has worked harder to contribute to the prosperity of Yangliu Village. The story of "Zhonghou Bridge" has also become the eternal memory and inheritance of Yangliu Village. When Zhang Xiaohu stood on the "Zhonghou Bridge" and felt the mysterious power, he seemed to hear the voice of the old man Li Zhonghou echoing in his ears: "Xiaohu, you have done a good job, and Yangliu Village is becoming more and more prosperous with your efforts." But remember, true prosperity is not only material abundance, but also spiritual cohesion and cultural inheritance. Zhang Xiaohu's heart was shocked, and he deeply felt the deep meaning in Li Zhonghou's old man's words. He looked around and saw the busy and contented villagers, and a strong sense of responsibility spontaneously felt in his heart. He was determined to make Yangliu Village more prosperous not only materially, but also culturally and spiritually. Therefore, Zhang Xiaohu set out to organize various cultural activities so that the villagers could have a deeper understanding of their own history and cultural traditions. He invited village elders to share stories of the past and pass on forgotten folklore. At the same time, he also encourages young people to learn traditional crafts and skills to ensure that the culture of Yangliu Village is passed on. With the passage of time, the cultural atmosphere of Yangliu Village has become stronger and stronger. Villagers are beginning to value their cultural traditions more and proudly showcase their village and culture to the outside world.

"Zhonghou Bridge" has gradually become a business card of Yangliu Village, attracting more and more people to visit and understand. One day, a distant scholar heard the story of "Zhonghou Bridge" and Li Zhonghou, and decided to come to Yangliu Village to explore the truth in person. Standing on the bridge and feeling the long history and profound cultural heritage, the scholars were deeply shocked. He approached Zhang Xiaohu, expressed his appreciation and respect for the culture of Yangliu Village, and informed Zhang Xiaohu that he intended to compile the culture and history of Yangliu Village into a book so that more people could understand this beautiful and legendary place. Zhang Xiaohu was very happy after hearing this, and realized that this was an excellent opportunity to bring Yangliu Village culture to a broader stage. Therefore, he fully supported the work of the scholars, providing a wealth of information and help.

After months of hard work, a book called "The Legend of Yangliu Village" finally came out. The book attracted a lot of attention when it was published, and people bought it to read and spread the story and culture of Yangliu Village. As a result, Yangliu Village became famous, attracting more tourists and scholars to visit and study. With the spread and influence of Yangliu Village, the lives of the villagers have become more colorful. They began to pay more attention to their spiritual pursuits and cultural literacy, and the whole village presented a scene of harmony and prosperity. As one of the symbols of Yangliu Village culture, "Zhonghou Bridge" has also become more sacred and solemn. Every year, the villagers hold a grand festival to commemorate the sacrifice and contribution of Li Zhonghou and thank him for the prosperity and happiness he brought to the village.

The village chief was kind enough to repair the bridge, but the bridge collapsed repeatedly. Tuomeng: Bury the village chief at the bottom of the bridge

In the process, Zhang Xiaohu also gradually grew into a respected and loved leader. He not only led the villagers to achieve both material and spiritual prosperity, but also became the inheritor and promoter of Yangliu Village culture. He used his actions to interpret the true meaning of the word "loyalty", and became the eternal pride and legend of Yangliu Village. Time flies, and decades have passed like this. Our Yangliu Village is still so lively, and the cultural flavor is not lacking at all. The "Zhonghou Bridge" is still standing firmly at the head of the village, watching the ups and downs of our village, and witnessing the passing down of our culture from generation to generation. The people who walk on this bridge can probably think of the old man Li Zhonghou, who is a person who can do anything for the village; There is also Zhang Xiaohu, who led our village step by step to a better life. Their story, that spiritual leader, has always inspired the descendants of our Yangliu Village, so that they can rush forward one by one, not afraid of any difficulties, just do it one by one!