
If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

Xiao Wang was sick, because his body was too uncomfortable, so he went to the hospital for an examination, and after the examination, the doctor prescribed medicine and told him to eat after meals.

One day, Xiao Wang finished lunch at the company, and just after lunch, he took out the medicine to eat. At this time, the colleague next to him said, "Do you take medicine after eating?" ”

Xiao Wang was stunned for a moment, then nodded. Later, his colleague asked, "The doctor told you to take medicine after eating, so you take medicine immediately after eating?" ”

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

Xiao Wang continued to answer: "That's right, isn't that what the doctor said when he said to take medicine after meals? ”

"I used to think this was what it meant, but it wasn't, taking medicine after a meal doesn't mean taking medicine immediately after eating."

So what does taking medicine after a meal mean, and some people say that taking medicine after eating is equivalent to taking it for nothing, is it true or false?

1. The harm of wrong medication

Birth, old age, sickness and death are several processes that people must go through in their lives, and illness is a relatively common state in life. For example, if you don't pay attention to adding or removing clothes during the change of seasons, it is easy to catch a cold, which is a relatively basic disease, and it can be cured in about a week to half a month.

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

Usually, the doctor will also recommend taking medicine, which can be taken sooner. But now there is a situation where people are more dependent on drugs, and many prescription drugs are available in pharmacies, which has led to a situation where most people self-diagnose and self-medicate.

In fact, the wrong medication will bring a lot of harm to the body, because it is a drug that is poisonous, whether it is taking the wrong medicine or using it in the wrong way, it will cause certain harm to the body.

So what kind of harm will it bring to the body?

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

1. The damage to the organs, especially the liver and kidneys, is relatively large.

Because the liver and kidneys play a major role in our body for metabolic breakdown and detoxification, the body will have a process of self-extraction of medicines.

Useful ingredients are absorbed by the body to shorten the course of the disease, while other metabolic breakdowns are carried out by the liver and kidneys.

Drugs are toxic, and long-term wrong medication will cause the liver and kidneys to exceed a certain load, resulting in functional deterioration.

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

As a result, the toxic substances and garbage in the body cannot be decomposed and discharged normally, which will be harmful to health, not only the liver and kidneys, but also the tissues and organs of the whole body.

2. Long-term misuse of drugs can also lead to the emergence of drug resistance.

This is because many people will judge whether it is this disease or not by the symptoms, and they will directly buy medicine and take it.

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

The most common thing in life is the abuse of antibiotics, for a long time, the body will produce certain antibodies, and it will not work when you take this medicine again.

That's when there will be no medicine available, and there will really be some kind of serious problem that may cause irreparable results.

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If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

3. There are still many people who do not pay attention to mixing many medicines when taking medicines.

Just like using a variety of cold medicines when we have a cold, a cold can be said to be the most basic of the diseases we suffer from.

Even without medication, the body's own immunity can clear the virus from the body, but it takes a relatively long time.

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

If the medicine is mixed, the damage to the body can be much more serious than the common cold. Because there are adverse reactions between drugs, it may cause allergies, which is a more serious health problem.

In general, the damage to the body caused by the wrong way of medication is extremely great, especially the damage to the functional kidneys, which is likely to be irreversible.

And many people also have a certain misunderstanding about the time of medication, just like many people think that taking medicine after a meal is to take medicine immediately after eating, but in fact, such a time period is wrong.

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

Although it is not enough to take the medicine in vain after eating, it will also affect the efficacy of the medicine. So specifically, when is it about taking medicine after a meal or before a meal?

2. The specific meaning of medication time

Let's start with fasting, fasting medication does not mean before eating, but there is a long time difference in between, which refers to fasting for ten hours.

This is because food has an effect on the effectiveness of the medicine. Just like some anti-stress drugs taken by middle-aged and elderly people, the frequency is to take the drug once a day, and the interval between taking the medicine is about ten hours, which is the state of fasting.

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

There are many drugs that have strict time requirements, and fasting means eating for ten hours, because the effect of the medicine is relatively better, and it will not be affected by food.

Speaking of pre-meals, many people may think that pre-meal medication is enough to take at any time before eating, which is also wrong.

Normally, taking medicine before a meal means about half an hour to an hour before eating. The reason why this time is strictly controlled is because there will be no certain impact on the drug before eating, which can make the drug work better.

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

Just like many drugs used for digestive diseases are almost taken before meals, such as the common omeprazole, it is best to take the medicine half an hour before the meal.

Finally, let's talk about the aftermath of a meal, taking medicine after a meal actually refers to half an hour after eating.

Because there are many drugs that are taken after eating, which can effectively protect the gastric mucosa, or reduce the gastrointestinal reaction, and can also make the patient less uncomfortable. It can also increase the absorption rate of drugs.

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

In general, this is the best time to take medicine throughout the day, and the main thing is to figure out what exactly is meant about fasting and before and after meals? Then, depending on the drug, the doctor will make adjustments to the patient's medication time.

In general, there is also some difference in the time of taking the drug, which mainly depends on the following factors.

The first one is to look at the type of medicine used, some drugs may cause some irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, so you will choose to eat it after meals.

And there are some gastrointestinal diseases that mainly play a protective role to prevent food from harming the stomach and intestines, so they will be eaten before meals, just like the example given above, omeprazole, it is best to eat before meals.

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

The second is to look at the degree of drug absorption.

Many diseases require drugs to play a great role, and in order to avoid conflicts with food, the absorption rate of drugs is better, so they will choose to eat on an empty stomach.

At this time, it is necessary to fast for about ten hours, of course, this time is not absolutely fixed, and it is still necessary to adjust it according to what disease the doctor sees and what medicine he takes.

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

In short, the best time for all-day medication needs to be decided according to the drug, of course, about fasting, before or after meals, these three times must be understood, otherwise the medicine is likely to be taken at the wrong time, which will affect the absorption of the drug and will also lead to the delay of the condition.

In addition to this, what else should I pay attention to when using drugs?

3. Precautions for drug use

Seek medical attention immediately in the event of a serious reaction: Although the safety of using drugs is relatively high, there are still many people who choose to buy medicines at the pharmacy on their own.

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

Under such a premise, it is easy to have some accidents, and many people do not know what drugs they are allergic to, and they may have allergic reactions or severe vomiting, nausea and other symptoms when they take medicine.

When this symptom appears, you must go to the nearest hospital for medical treatment, because the drug has certain toxic side effects, and many people with allergies may have an emergency, so when there are side effects, you should seek medical treatment immediately.

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

Don't choose any drink other than plain water when taking medicine: There are still many people who are very casual when taking medicine, and will choose to take it with drinks, coffee or even wine.

It is important to know that the ingredients in the drug are relatively complex, except for plain water, all kinds of drinks are risky, which may reduce the medicinal properties of the drug, and allergic reactions may also occur.

Even some more sensitive people will have abdominal pain, diarrhea or digestive tract diseases, so try to choose plain water when taking medicine, and do not use water with any additives, which is also for the sake of personal health.

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

Try not to exercise immediately after taking the drug: because the stomach and intestines need to have a time to digest, absorb and dissolve after taking the drug, which takes about half an hour to an hour.

Try to avoid risks and don't exercise during this time. In addition, try not to sleep right away, as your body will be in a relatively static state when you sleep.

In the case of insufficient water intake, the drug may not fully enter the body for absorption, and may stay in the esophagus, which will affect the efficacy of the drug and may also cause certain dangers.

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication

Pay attention to whether it belongs to a special period: In fact, the special period mentioned here also refers to a certain group of people, such as women who are not breastfeeding, pregnant women, children, and the elderly.

People here should still read the instructions carefully when taking the medication, especially pregnant and lactating women.

Drugs still have certain side effects, and it is necessary to consider whether there will be a certain impact on pregnant women or fetuses to avoid health risks.

If you take medicine after eating, is it equivalent to taking it for nothing? When is the best time of day to take your medication


Medicine can cure diseases, but at the same time, it will also have certain side effects on the body, and long-term side effects are a serious injury, and even cause functional damage to some organs.

Therefore, we must pay attention to every detail in taking medicine, which is also to ensure the efficacy of the medicine, but also to prevent damage to physical health.

Taking medicine after eating is equivalent to taking it for nothing, but it is not serious enough to this extent, and there may be different reactions depending on the drug.

And we need to understand that the best time to take medication needs to have different requirements according to different drugs. Just like blood pressure medicine may only need to be taken once a day, cold medicine needs to be taken three times a day, and it is different to take it before and after meals.

What we need to figure out is what time exactly refers to before and after meals, so that we can better exert the effect of medicine and protect our health.


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