
Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

Hulunbuir City, once a desolate land, is now full of vitality. During the Yongzheng period, in order to resist the invasion of Tsarist Russia, the Heilongjiang general Yamen selected this place and established an important military fortress.

With the migration of the Eight Banners of Butha Sohunbu, and more and more merchants joined, the population became increasingly dense. , and our protagonist today, Highlancha, is in this vibrant land.

Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

1. Talented

Little Hailancha is outstanding, and has amazed everyone since birth. His complexion was dark, his eyes were bright, and his cries spread throughout the camp, causing the people of the neighborhood to come and see this little miracle.

The female shaman of the clan prophesied that this child must be a gifted talent and will become a great talent in the future.

Regrettably, the growth of Hailancha was not as smooth as the people had hoped. As a side branch of the hereditary leader's family, he lost the inheritance of the family position from his grandfather.

Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

To make matters worse, his parents died when he was a child, leaving him alone on the vast grasslands. Although he has been cared for by the clansmen, he has always lacked the warmth of family affection in his heart, like an ownerless wild horse, galloping lonely in this vast expanse.

However, it was this experience that forged Hailancha's extraordinary skills. He is good at trapping and climbing, and his performance is so good that even his elders are impressed by him. When Hulunbuir City gradually expanded, the soon-to-be-adult Hailancha also began to find a way out for himself.

By chance, he rescued a merchant who had been caught in a wolf pack, and as a token of gratitude, the merchant took Hailancha into the city and began to learn the way of doing business.

Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

Under the careful guidance of this merchant boss, Hailancha began to visit Shengjing, Bukui and other places frequently to sell goods.

This gave him his first exposure to Han culture, which greatly broadened his horizons and taught him a lot of new knowledge. This boss even regarded Hailancha as his own son, and taught him all the skills he had learned.

However, in the process of constantly running, Hailancha's heart has undergone subtle changes. At that time, there were frequent wars in the imperial court and the lives of the people were devastated, so he had the idea of contributing to the country, so he made a major decision - to join the army.

Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

Although the boss was reluctant in his heart, he still did not stop Hailancha's decision.

In the twentieth year of Qianlong, this young warrior was finally conscripted into the Sauron barracks as a horse-leading hand. Soon, he ushered in the first war in his life - an expedition to Xinjiang to quell the Junggar rebellion.

Although this battle was the first time that Hailancha had experienced it firsthand, he was still at home thanks to years of riding and archery training in the grasslands. In a fierce engagement, he single-handedly pursued the rebel leader, knocked him off his horse with an arrow, and captured him alive and returned to the camp.

This brave performance catapulted him into a famous hero.

Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

Soon, the Dzungar rebellion was completely put down, and the Qianlong Emperor appreciated Hailancha's extraordinary talent, bestowed on him the title of "Erke Baturu", and promoted him to the rank of first-class guard, and his life path soared from then on.

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2. Outstanding achievements on the battlefield

In 1765, for his outstanding performance in previous battles, Hailancha was promoted to deputy commander by the imperial court, and two years later led the Eight Banners Iron Cavalry to Burma as a pioneer officer.

This Burma campaign marked the first time that Hailancha had been on the battlefield as a commander.

Although several years have passed, Hailancha still maintains the heroism and decisiveness of the year. The difference is that this general, who has now experienced vicissitudes, has become more cautious and steady, and his strategic vision is more far-sighted.

Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

The Burmese campaign was difficult. Myanmar is located in the tropics, with a hot and humid climate, coupled with a forested terrain, which is full of dangers, poisonous snakes, beasts, and miasma diseases.

In addition, the Burmese army was armed with modern artillery and firearms originating from Britain and India, and the Qing army suffered heavy losses and even discouragement in such encounters.

However, only Hailancha remained calm and composed, and he personally led a small number of light cavalry units to break through many dangers again and again, defeating the elite of the Burmese army.

In Laoguantun, an important stronghold in Burma, Hailancha skillfully set up an ambush and crushed the attack of 7,000 elite elephant soldiers in Burma with only 1,000 men. Since then, the most feared thing by the Burmese army is the colorful cavalry of the Qing army.

Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

In 1768, Hailancha once again led a 1,500-strong Solon corps to Burma, they were not afraid of hardships and dangers, broke through the jungle all the way, smashed the Burmese strongholds along the river, and finally captured the Burmese capital gateway Lao Guantun, repelling the counterattack of the Burmese army.

In the continuous fighting, Myanmar finally took the initiative to sue for peace under the pressure of the Eight Banners Army, and also returned the territory it had previously occupied. For this reason, Hailancha was awarded the title of Deputy Commander of Mongolia with the White Flag by virtue of this series of brave and good fighting achievements.

Finally defeated the Burmese army, and before Hailancha could recover his strength, the Battle of Jinchuan broke out in 1771. This battle is considered to be the most difficult war during Qianlong's reign.

Located in the Aba Plateau of Sichuan, the Great and Small Jinchuan is located in the Aba Plateau, with treacherous terrain, harsh climate, traffic congestion and extremely harsh environment.

However, the Tibetans here advocate force and often commit violent acts such as robbery, which seriously disrupt the local social order. They relied on the steep terrain and built hundreds of strong watchtowers, which became an insurmountable barrier for the Qing army's iron cavalry.

For this reason, Qianlong did not hesitate to mobilize 600,000 troops across the country, and gathered a large number of famous generals such as A Gui, Fukangan, and Mingming, which was bound to completely quell this chaos. As a forward general, Hailancha always charged ahead, and he personally led the Eight Banners Army to capture the enemy village.

Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

For those watchtowers that were difficult to overcome, he skillfully built forts, bombarded them day and night with cannons, and finally demolished one watchtower after another. In this campaign, which lasted for many years, Hylancha showed extraordinary resourcefulness and courage, frequently repelling enemy counterattacks.

Once, General Wen Fu was killed in battle, and the Qing army was in chaos for a time. Hailancha's heroic deeds amazed Qianlong.

Finally, in 1776, together with other generals, he smashed the enemy's camp and captured Tusi Sonomu, quelling the Jinchuan Rebellion.

In recognition of Hailancha's outstanding achievements, Qianlong bestowed on him the honorary title of "First Class Super Brave Marquis" and hung his portrait in the Ziguang Pavilion. In 1778, Hailancha was appointed Minister of the Interior of the Yellow Banner Guard.

Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

In 1781, there were large-scale Hui rebellions in Gansu and Qinghai. At that time, the imperial court quickly dispatched an experienced and famous general Hailancha to lead an army to quell the rebellion.

This counter-insurgency operation was of special significance to Hailancha - he was no longer just a pioneer officer, but took on the heavy responsibility of commander-in-chief.

In previous battles, Hailancha was accustomed to adopting the method of head-on confrontation with the enemy, and conquered the strong enemy with its strong combat strength and rich experience. However, this time Gansu returned to the rebellion, and he chose a more flexible and mobile combat strategy.

He carefully planned his military operations, using tactics such as detours and ambushes to skillfully respond. Although they only faced a small number of Hui rebels, under the command of Hailancha's strategy, they still retreated one after another, and even fled one after another as soon as they saw this famous general from afar.

Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

In 1784, Hailancha finally bulldozed the rebels' base area, captured the main leader Zhang Wenqing, and completely quelled the Gansu rebellion.

At the same time that Hailancha was quelling the rebellion in the interior, another major event also took place in the southeastern coastal region - in 1787, the Lin Shuangwen Uprising occurred in Taiwan. Emperor Qianlong wisely appointed the experienced Fukangan as commander-in-chief, and chose Hailancha as a counselor to assist.

3. Anecdotes in the army

Although Hailancha no longer directly commanded the army, it still shined in battle. He often led a small number of elite cavalry to reconnoiter the front line, and once he found an enemy, he quickly set up a bow and shoot arrows, and the enemy leader often could not escape his attacks.

Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

With the assistance of Hailancha, Lin Shuangwen's uprising was quickly put down, and the Qing army re-established its rule in Taiwan.

In 1791, a new challenge came from the West - the Gurkha invaded the Tibetan regions. The imperial court once again selected the old pair - Fukangan as the commander-in-chief and Hailancha as the counselor and minister, to deal with the matter.

This expedition was a difficult one. From the cold Heilongjiang River to the cold and oxygen-deficient Himalayas, more than 1,000 Sauron soldiers led by Hailancha finally arrived at their destination in 1792 after a long journey.

However, as soon as they arrived, Hailancha launched an attack with Fukangan. In this fierce battle, he fought against the enemy leader and repeatedly broke the enemy's army.

Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

Although his horse was accidentally injured and almost fell off the cliff, he still responded calmly, commanding his troops to overcome one dangerous pass after another, and finally forced the Gurkha into a desperate situation, forcing him to surrender and become a vassal.

Through these major battles, Hailancha can be said to be related to all the battles of Qianlong's ten martial arts.

He not only made many achievements on the battlefield, but also ensured the security of the Qing court on the frontier with his excellent strategy and tactical command. For this reason, Qianlong specially promoted him to the title of first-class super brave duke.

As a famous general of a generation, there is no doubt that Hailancha is a highly decorated figure. However, when we understand his private habits, we will find that this mighty frontier general has some unexpected "unique" hobbies.

Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

As an Evenki, Hailancha retains the traditional way of life of the people. One of the most striking is his avid preference for a variety of raw foods.

Not only in daily life, but even at the grand military banquet, he always asked his subordinates to prepare some "delicacies" such as snakes, insects, rats and ants for him.

Once, Qianlong personally went to Hailancha's camp to inspect and smelled a peculiar fishy smell. Curious, he opened his food box, only to find that there was a half-dead snake tail wriggling inside, which made Qianlong, who had always been calm and calm, cry and laugh.

In addition to having such a unique preference for raw food, Hailancha is also quite different in terms of personal taste. It is said that he has no interest in slender women, but is particularly fond of plump women.

Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

There are even rumors that he once had sex with cows in the barracks as a way to satisfy his biological needs. These seemingly "eccentric" behaviors aroused widespread discussion among the ministers of the DPRK and China, some condemned him for being vulgar and unliterate, while others believed that it reflected his true temperament.

And Emperor Qianlong laughed at this, and even said, "The courage of Hailancha is not only in front of the battle!" It can be seen that he also appreciates the uniqueness of this general.


Admittedly, Hailancha's personal preferences are indeed somewhat unusual, but this has not affected his high prestige as a generation of famous generals.

He was loyal all his life, and made many miraculous achievements in the frontier, and finally died in the capital in 1793, ending his legendary life.

What do you have to say about this legendary general of the Qing Dynasty? Feel free to write your thoughts in the comment section.


Hailancha, a famous general of the Qing Dynasty: Eat raw animals, only like fat women, and directly use buffaloes to decompress during the march

2023-05-21 19:41:54 Xiaohuihui Sports

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