
One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

author:Ichii Lao Li
One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

"Mom, how many times have I told you! You eat less lard, and your blood sugar is up again! Li Mei saw that Aunt Wang's blood sugar has been jumping up and down recently, and she couldn't help but get angry, and said to her parents patiently.

"I just can't figure out how this lard affects blood sugar? I don't have nothing unsweet! Chinese have eaten like this for thousands of years! Aunt Wang replied unhurriedly.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

"Yes, your mother hasn't eaten sweet recently, and I also heard Uncle Sun, the old Chinese medicine doctor next door, say that lard has many medicinal effects, and a spoonful of lard is equal to five medicines, and there are many benefits." My father was also on the side to help.

"Dad, you always say that my mom's blood sugar is always jumping up and down. Headaches, gastrointestinal discomfort, and often feeling tired and tired, have you ever thought that it is likely to be caused by eating too much lard? ”

"No, does high blood sugar have anything to do with lard?" Aunt Wang was shocked and immediately said, "Otherwise, why do you think your blood sugar can't be controlled?" Li Mei replied.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

In fact, is eating lard healthy or harmful? I'm afraid this problem is not only plaguing Li Mei's family, but also us, and let's uncover this mystery together.

1. Why is lard so favored?

For a long time, lard has been deeply loved by us, it not only carries a thousand-year-old food culture, but also is one of the indispensable souls in cooking!

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

In fact, the main source of lard is pork, which has a snow-white color and oily texture, which seems ordinary, but whether it is rice, noodles, ravioli, or greens...... Just add that spoonful of lard and the taste will be a qualitative leap.

Especially in the era of material scarcity, a pot of lard residue is simply a delicacy in the world.

And the reason why lard is so loved is because it has a tacit advantage that everyone knows, and that is fragrant! And this aroma is a kind of taste enjoyment, but also a foodie enjoyment.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

Because lard is rich in a variety of essential fatty acids, which not only provide the necessary energy for the human body, but also support the normal operation of various physiological functions of the body.

Especially in winter, it also provides our body with the necessary warmth and strengthens its ability to resist the cold.

Lard not only excels in keeping warm, it also plays an important role in gut health, especially for those who often suffer from constipation, moderate intake of lard can effectively relieve intestinal dryness and promote the smooth passage of stools.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

At the same time, lard can also adsorb garbage and food debris in the intestines, reduce intestinal bacteria, and ensure good health.

In addition, lard is also believed to have detoxification effects in traditional Chinese medicine, and can exert its detoxifying effect on the discomfort caused by insect bites or certain minor poisons, reducing the damage of toxins to the body.

For example, lard is also used to treat five types of jaundice and even help reduce the edema caused by it.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

When the season changes, most of us will feel lung discomfort, and the throat is prone to symptoms such as dry itching and coughing.

At this time, lard has a great effect, it can effectively alleviate these symptoms, and play its role in clearing heat and replenishing the spleen.

I often hear the elderly in the family say that you have no strength to work, because you have eaten less lard, but this is actually true.

As long as you eat lard for a while, you will find that your body becomes stronger and more energetic, because lard enhances the effect of physical fitness.

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One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

In addition, it can also nourish the five internal organs, especially for friends with loss of appetite and weak physique, they often face it with a large appetite, so eating lard can also enhance the function of the spleen and stomach.

There is also a nutrient in lard that is extremely important for protecting the eyesight - β carotene.

According to medical studies β moderate amounts of carotene can help maintain normal levels of rhodopsin, a very important photoreceptor in the eye, especially for visual adaptation in low-light environments.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

Because the lack of vitamin A in the human body will cause darkfield adaptation to become sluggish, and the β carotene in lard effectively avoids this problem.

It also reduces the potential damage to the eyes when suddenly entering a bright light environment from a dark place.

In addition, the β carotene in lard has a positive effect on the prevention of a variety of eye diseases, including night blindness, dry eye, corneal ulcer disease, and keratomalacia.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

Most importantly, lard is also very strong in the field of beauty and hair care, it can make the skin smoother and more delicate, and it also has a certain effect on hair loss.

Mainly because of the nutrients covered in lard, which also helps to improve the health of the skin and hair.

Although lard has certain nutritional value and health benefits in some aspects, this does not mean that the diversity and balance of the diet can be ignored.

Because over-reliance on lard or any single food can lead to nutritional imbalances, which in turn can lead to various health problems.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

At the same time, we cannot ignore the impact of the quality of lard on health, especially the fact that inferior lard may contain a large number of harmful substances.

Such as heavy metals, pesticide residues, etc., these pollutants and toxins pose a serious threat to human health, so they should not be consumed regularly.

2. One spoonful of lard is equal to five pairs of medicines?

This statement is actually a bit exaggerated, although eating lard can improve all aspects of the body, but lard is not a medicine after all, and it does not have the ability to treat diseases in itself.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

But it is undeniable that lard does have a certain tonic effect, which is mainly due to its rich nutrients, such as fatty acids, minerals, trace elements and other vitamins.

And these nutrients play an important role in maintaining good health, especially fatty acids, because the fatty acids in lard are extremely easily absorbed by the body and converted into fat storage, providing immediate energy support for the body when needed, so it is an important support for the body to carry out various metabolic activities.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

Although lard does contain some nutritional value, it is important to understand that the saturated fatty acids in lard do not have any special effect on treating diseases or providing special nutrition.

Moreover, the potential risk of lard to cardiovascular health should not be underestimated, and lard is rich in saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, which are the main causes of cardiovascular disease.

Because these components accumulate in the body, they can significantly increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, which in turn accelerates the process of arteriosclerosis and increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

In addition, the high-calorie properties of lard are also a very noteworthy issue.

Excessive intake of lard can not only lead to excess energy, but also lead to obesity, which is a risk factor for many chronic diseases.

Studies have shown that saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids in lard not only affect insulin secretion and sensitivity, but also increase the risk of diabetes.

In severe cases, there is also a risk of cancer, so excessive intake can also disrupt the body's nutritional balance.

In addition, long-term excessive intake of lard will not only affect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, but also may lead to "three high" problems such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high blood lipids.

In severe cases, it may even trigger atherosclerosis, increasing the risk of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and stroke.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

So for the average person, eating lard once in a while is not a big problem, but remember not to overdo it! Especially diabetics!

3. Is it really not okay for diabetics to eat lard?

The main cause of diabetes is elevated blood sugar, so it is important to be cautious in dietary choices, as the core problem of this metabolic disease is an abnormally high blood sugar level.

Therefore, diabetics should avoid foods that can quickly raise blood sugar, such as noodles, cakes and other high-carbohydrate foods.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

Diabetes is not just a simple blood sugar issue, it is also linked to cardiovascular disease.

According to incomplete statistics, about one-third of diabetic patients also suffer from cardiovascular disease.

Mainly because lard, as a high-fat food, its intake is likely to induce an increase in the body's blood lipid index.

However, if too much blood lipids are deposited in the blood vessels, there is a high risk of arterial plaque and arteriosclerosis.

Therefore, people with diabetes must consider the potential effects on cardiovascular health when considering whether to consume lard.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

However, if the diabetic has proper blood sugar control and no other health problems, it is acceptable to consume lard in moderation once in a while.

However, it is important to note that the intake should not be too much, and the total fat intake needs to be strictly controlled, which can reduce the burden on the blood vessels.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

On the contrary, if there is poor blood sugar control, or if there are complications such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, etc., then lard consumption should be avoided altogether.

Choose a lighter diet and make sure you take the necessary medications on time to maintain your health.

Therefore, for diabetic patients, stable blood sugar control is the key to maintaining health.

In addition, regular monitoring of blood sugar and blood lipid levels is essential to help keep abreast of your physical condition and make adjustments accordingly.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer

In addition, in addition to paying attention to the intake of lard, you should also increase the intake of fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains in your daily diet.

These foods are rich in fiber, which helps control blood sugar and blood lipids.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the reasonable combination of multiple nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Only in this way through such dietary adjustments, diabetics can better manage the condition, reduce the risk of complications, and improve the quality of life.

One spoonful of lard equals five pairs of medicines? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard often? The doctor gives the answer


To sum up, whether a spoonful of lard is really equal to five pairs of drugs is too one-sided, and it is not absolutely good or bad for diabetics to eat lard.

The key is to control your intake and choose healthy sources of fat, and diabetics should consult their doctor or dietitian for advice to develop a diet plan that works for them.

Only on the basis of a comprehensive and balanced diet can diabetes be better managed and good health maintained.


Review: One spoonful of lard equals five pills? Is it good or bad for diabetics to eat lard? Tell you the answer2024-05-29 22:30 - Dr. Deng's popular science