
Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

author:The old history says
Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

Lao Zhang is a hard-working middle-aged man with a successful career and a happy family, but since he was diagnosed with diabetes, his life has changed dramatically.

At first, Lao Zhang didn't care about it, and still followed his previous lifestyle. But gradually, the dangers of diabetes began to emerge. His hands and feet were often numb and aching, and the strange sensation made it difficult for him to sleep at night.

Once, Lao Zhang was walking on the road when he suddenly felt blurred vision and almost fell. When I went to the hospital for a checkup, it turned out that diabetes caused retinopathy.

Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

Lao Zhang's kidneys also had problems, proteinuria and high blood pressure followed, and his body became weaker and weaker.

The most serious case is that Lao Zhang's foot has ulcerated, and the wound is difficult to heal. The doctor said that if this situation is delayed any longer, there is a risk of amputation.

Therefore, through Lao Zhang's example, we can clearly understand that in fact, diabetes itself is not so terrible, but there are many complications of diabetes, and we cannot bear the consequences of any kind of complication.

In order to study what diabetes is related to, Harvard University found that if you eat more of these foods, you are more likely to develop diabetes if you eat more of them.

Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

1. Harvard University Survey

In this survey at Harvard University, they screened 216695 people, all of whom were between the ages of 25~75, and most of them were women, accounting for 81%.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the results, participants were also asked to write down their height, weight, ethnicity, smoking status, alcohol consumption, usual physical activity, whether they have high blood pressure or hyperlipidemia, and whether they have a family history of type 2 diabetes.

In the past year, whether you have consumed red meat, fish, eggs or dairy products regularly.

Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

Researchers followed up with the participants every two to four years to update their statistics and see how much they were doing with type 2 diabetes.

After 25 years of tracking, the shocking news is that among the more than 200,000 participants, patients with type 2 diabetes were directly proportional to their usual consumption of red meat.

For example, participants who consume relatively less red meat than 1/5 who eat more have the highest risk of developing type 2 diabetes, with a 62% increase.

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Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

2. What is the principle of red meat causing diabetes?

Saturated fat, which is high in red meat, can have a negative impact on the body. Saturated fats can interfere with the body's ability to regulate blood sugar by reducing β cell function and insulin sensitivity.

For example, when we consume too much saturated fat, the ability of β cells in the pancreas to secrete insulin will gradually weaken, and the body's cells will become sluggish in their response to insulin, resulting in blood sugar not being effectively absorbed and utilized, which in turn increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

In addition to this, the hemoglobin in red meat is a factor that cannot be ignored, acting as a strong pro-oxidant, causing the normal physiological balance to be disrupted and insulin resistance to be enhanced.

Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

Insulin is supposed to transport glucose from the blood to the cells to provide them with energy, but when insulin resistance increases, the effect of insulin is greatly reduced.

At the same time, the function of β cells, which β the cells responsible for secreting insulin, may be reduced in the amount of insulin they secrete, or the quality of the insulin secreted may be reduced, making them unable to function effectively.

Not to mention processed red meat, where nitrates and their products are simply invisible killers of health.

Nitrate is eaten in processed meats, usually to improve the color of food, make food fresher, and increase its flavor, but this chemical can cause a series of serious reactions in our body, and nitrate can directly cause problems in our spleen function.

Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

The spleen is an important immune organ and blood filter organ of the body, and once it loses its normal function, the immune system and blood circulation of our entire body will be affected.

Therefore, when this normal immune balance is broken, the harmful substances in the blood cannot be removed, which lays a hidden danger for the occurrence of diseases, and the most important thing is that nitrate and its products will directly promote insulin resistance.

When insulin resistance increases, blood sugar cannot enter the cells smoothly, so blood sugar accumulates more and more in the blood, which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

For example, in bacon, the nitrate in it will undergo a series of adverse chemical reactions in the body, which will affect the normal function of vascular endothelial cells, resulting in insulin not working effectively, and blood sugar will definitely rise.

Studies have found that the risk of type 2 diabetes is reduced by up to 41% if nuts or legumes are used instead of red meat.

If dairy products are used instead of red meat, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes is reduced by up to 33%.

This is because the calcium and vitamin D in dairy products are important for maintaining bone health, but protein and lactose also regulate our blood sugar levels.

Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

3. If we have diabetes, how should we eat?

After diabetic, as we mentioned above, meat must be eaten less, except for meat, including animal offal and bone marrow.

Because these foods are often particularly high in fat and cholesterol, excessive intake can cause blood sugar fluctuations.

Usually eat a vegetarian diet, including vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

These foods not only provide our body with rich nutrients, but also help us stabilize our blood sugar.

Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

For example, fresh leafy greens such as spinach, celery. Rich in antioxidants and dietary fiber. It is very helpful for lowering blood sugar and cholesterol.

In addition, diabetics must drink more water, we all know that water is the source of life, especially for diabetics, to ensure 2000mL of water intake every day, which helps metabolism and helps our body to expel excess sugar and waste.

If you are not accustomed to drinking pure water, you can add some dandelions or plantain to the water, but do not add any sugar supplements.

Dandelion has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and dissipating knots, and plantain has a diuretic effect, if two teas are drunk together, it can not only increase the amount of water consumed, but also have a great help to the body.

Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

There is also a special point to mention here that the biggest enemy of diabetics is alcohol, because alcohol will cause great damage to our kidneys and affect the normal metabolic function of people, so the complications of diabetes will greatly increase.

Long-term drinking can also lead to liver damage, which further affects our body's blood sugar.

To put it simply, the metabolic system of diabetic patients is relatively fragile, but under the impact of alcohol, the metabolic system will be overwhelmed, and the disease will become more and more severe and difficult to control. Therefore, for the sake of good health, diabetics must not drink alcohol.

Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

Many people like to drink coffee, but for diabetics, coffee is also very harmful.

Because ordinary coffee usually has a relatively high sugar content, and some of the ingredients in it will also affect the excretion function of our kidneys, resulting in uric acid or poor urination, the more uric acid accumulates in the body, the more it will greatly increase the probability of gout, which will make the complex condition of diabetic patients worse.

If you are a diabetic, you should put more foods high in dietary fiber on your table, such as corn, wheat, cabbage, and soy products.

These can promote the body's sugar metabolism without affecting the excretion of uric acid. Corn is rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which can effectively control blood sugar rises.

Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

Whole wheat in wheat can provide you with a feeling of fullness, so you can eat a little less, cabbage, refreshing and tasty, and rich in minerals and vitamins, soy products, as we mentioned above, are a good source of high-quality protein.

Diabetics, if you don't know what to eat in the morning every day, you can choose a bowl of oatmeal and then pair it with a vegetable salad, which ensures both nutrition and rich dietary fiber. For lunch, you can make whole-wheat noodles with vegetables and tofu for a balanced diet, and in the evening you can eat steamed fish, stir-fried vegetables and brown rice.

Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes


The results of this study from Harvard University show that there is a very strong relationship between diet and type 2 diabetes.

Although the causal relationship was not directly proven in this study, we can see that the main cause of type 2 diabetes comes from our diet, so we must pay attention to a healthy diet in our daily life.

Although red meat is rich in protein and trace elements, excessive intake can indeed lead to an increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes.

Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

But that's not to say we need to do away with red meat entirely, but we need to find a balance between using it in moderation and using as little processed red meat as possible.

In daily life, following the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022), eating a reasonable diet, controlling food intake, and adopting healthy cooking methods are the keys to preventing diabetes and maintaining good health.


Harvard University surveyed 200,000 people and found that eating more of these foods is more likely to get diabetes

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