
Who will have the last laugh in the Sino-US game? China has a long-term plan to "make China great again".

author:Majestic novelty
Who will have the last laugh in the Sino-US game? China has a long-term plan to "make China great again".

If I had asked you 20 years ago, who had the greater advantage between China and the United States? You don't even have to think about it, subconsciously and with a look of admiration and envy will definitely say two words, America.

After all, at that time, the GDP of the United States was 10.25 trillion US dollars, accounting for 30.4% of the global total, while China's GDP was 1.21 trillion US dollars, accounting for only 3.5% of the global total, and the United States alone accounted for nearly one-third of the world.

In the manufacturing sector, in 2000, the United States accounted for 24.6 per cent of global industrial value-added, while China accounted for 5.9 per cent. This figure reflects the leading position of the United States in global manufacturing at the time. The hegemony of the dollar and the hegemony of industry are absolutely unquestionable in heaven.

But in recent decades, with the hard work of each country's people, the rapid development of the domestic industrial manufacturing industry, from the current situation, the United States has been at a disadvantage, in the past we visited foreign countries, a large number of foreign investment, it is very important to open the market, the use of foreign capital, the use of foreign technology, that is, good at borrowing external forces to develop themselves. It is precisely because of this that our country has been able to embark on the road of transformation to a socialist market economy.

The road to transformation is arduous, and in the lounge on the second floor of the United Nations Building, a huge tapestry called "The Great Wall" hangs. The 10-meter-long and 5-meter-wide work was a gift from China to the United Nations in 1974, and it continues to convey to the world the firm determination of the Chinese nation to stand tall in the world.

So before the Third Plenum of the 11th Central Committee in 1978, China's top leaders set off a wave of going abroad. Deng Xiaoping went to Japan and "New Malaysia and Thailand", when the word "New Malaysia and Thailand" became a hot search, and became the collective memory of the post-80s, New Malaysia and Thailand refer to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, in the 90s of the last century, if you can go to this place for a tour, it is definitely a face-saving thing, and bragging is enough to brag for three years!

At that time, the tour group to "New Malaysia and Thailand" was organized by a tourism company, and the quotation was about 16,000 to 20,000 yuan, and the monthly income of ordinary people at that time was only a few hundred yuan. It can be seen that at that time, being able to go to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand was simply a dream that only rich people could achieve.

During his visit to Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew briefed Deng Xiaoping on the benefits of foreign investment in Singapore, which was poor and had few resources at the time of independence in the 1960s. It is very important to open the market, use foreign capital, and use foreign technology, that is, to be good at borrowing external forces to develop themselves, in other words, borrowing strength, four or two thousand pounds, is the essence of Chinese martial arts thinking.

It was precisely these essences that were shared in terms of thinking and way of thinking, and further absorbed the essence of foreign investigations, and later set up four special economic zones in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Xiamen, and Shantou. In 1982, three years after its establishment, the SAR made remarkable achievements. Later, in Pudong, we usually say "Shenzhen in the 80s, Pudong in the 90s".

It is to take the initiative to embrace the world, allow and attract overseas Chinese and foreigners to invest in China, they will bring capital, technology, orders, investment and factory in China, so as to revitalize our human resources and land resources, and drive the rapid development of the economy. Sustained high-speed development, leaping to the second place in the world, the United States began to sit still.

In 2018, the situation was reversed, and the United States began to take the initiative to decouple from us, but our active embrace with emerging countries continued and strengthened, and the BRICS countries were raised from five to ten, and there were dozens of countries waiting in the back to join the organization, and our friends were also increasing.

And the United States took the initiative to decouple, which killed a thousand enemies and lost 10,000 themselves, which caused the United States to become more and more difficult, and even Biden's new official took office with three fires, which is also the routine of most of the successor emperors to refresh the circle of friends at the first time, and turned to the Asia-Pacific region again, trying to win over Southeast Asian countries, and pulled some Chinese friends into the black room, while going cool.

But now only in April, US Treasury Secretary Yellen and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken have visited China one after another, and the United States has begun to play the emotional card against China again.

From 2020 to 2022, in order to resist the collapse of the market economy caused by uncontrollable factors, the United States was forced to print more than 10 trillion US dollars in treasury bonds, which briefly helped American companies tide over the difficulties, and a large amount of money poured into the market, undoubtedly leading to extremely high inflation, up to more than 9%, and the purchasing power of the US dollar is also declining, falling by more than 50% since 2000, indirectly leading to the international depreciation of the US dollar.

At present, the debt of the United States has exceeded 35 trillion US dollars, in the past, he could coerce other countries to buy government bonds, now, the influence is getting weaker and weaker, there are fewer and fewer people willing to buy US bonds, Russia, Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing countries began to settle in RMB, Australia-China relations have further warmed up, Australia is a "big supplier" of important minerals that China needs, in 2023, 85% of Australia's iron ore exports are shipped to China, and the trade volume between Australia and China is growing, reaching a record 219 billion Australian dollars in 2023.

Not only Australia, but also major metal and mineral producers such as Ghana and Congo have started to work closely with us, and the rest of the world is still growing demand for China's "new three", which is further expanding the production of batteries and electric vehicles, and China is diversifying its supply chain by investing in regions such as the "lithium triangle" of South America (Chile, Argentina and Bolivia). As the world's factory, the trade between other countries and our industrial products should be settled in RMB, who is the international currency today? It is really possible to put a question mark.

All kinds of factors are combined, new industrialization, the Belt and Road, the community of human destiny, the United States has been turned upside down, the mainland has united many emerging countries to launch de-dollarization, especially the BRICS countries have been promoted from five to ten, according to the Russian "Izvestia" website reported on June 26, Russia is working with the central banks of the BRICS countries to study the launch of the "BRICS Bridge" local currency settlement platform to cut off the United States' blood-sucking action against other countries, because about 80% of Russian oil is currently sold to India and China, A significant portion of these transactions may also go to the new platform for settlement.

According to a recent war simulation, the United States will lose about 3,000 US troops, two aircraft carriers, 10-20 warships, and 200-400 warplanes in the first three weeks of its intervention in the Taiwan region. At present, the United States has only four to five aircraft carriers that can effectively fight, and it will be able to lose two aircraft carriers in the first three weeks.

Today's domestic strength is strong, warships are constantly launching like dumplings, and we have enough confidence and the game of the great powers of the past, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that China has experienced rapid development in the past 30 years, breaking the balance of the United States' "monopoly" of the world after World War II, and this balance is currently undergoing unprecedented structural changes, he quoted the famous quote rumored to come from Napoleon, "When China wakes up, the world will tremble."

In the 50s of the last century, our national strength was weak at that time, and in the early days of the founding of New China, the mainland was faced with severe challenges in national defense modernization. Despite its large population, it ranked only 26th in terms of industrial output and was dependent on Soviet aid in terms of military equipment and weapons. However, after the Cuban crisis in 1962, Sino-Soviet relations deteriorated sharply, and Soviet aid was stopped. This has brought China's military technology to a stage of stagnation, unable to make a cross-generational breakthrough.

In order to cut off the development of our military industry, the United States united many Western countries to impose a large-scale embargo on us, and more than 500 key materials were included in the embargo list.

Fortunately, at that time, our tea, clothing, porcelain, etc. still had a certain market in foreign countries, and these things became one of the few life-saving straws for us at that time, using low value-added processing industries to exchange foreign currency, with the aim of enabling our people to live a comfortable life.

With the continuous rise of technology companies like Huawei, science and technology have made great progress, and at present, China has created things that are done well, and the price is fair, and the whole world loves to buy, because we are a big manufacturing country, we earn a lot of dollars from abroad every year, and aircraft carriers are also from zero to have, although we are currently in a downturn, China will inevitably step through the darkness and see the dawn.

China has a long-term plan to "make China great again", and there are more and more successful cases such as the Belt and Road Initiative, the BRICS and the AIIB, which have several times more development resources than all Western countries. However, we still have to do a good job of ourselves, we are strong, in order to be invincible, China's rise is different from the United States, the United States has risen and begun to develop into decline, the United States has lost the future, and China is the return of 5000 years of civilization.

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