
The big head is coquettish again, and asks Sasha if it's not itchy

author:Durian article

The big head has very small skin, and the mosquito bites the whole body, but some people say that the big head once said in an interview that he will not be bitten by mosquitoes.

The big head is coquettish again, and asks Sasha if it's not itchy

So, are there any mosquitoes on the field and on the training ground?

There should be, because there was a famous scene during the divorce between the two, when the big head saw Sasha and Xu Xin discussing tactics, he suddenly became jealous, and directly took the racket to fight mosquitoes.

Since there are mosquitoes on the field, there will be mosquitoes on the training ground, so if the mosquito bites someone, will it itch?

Most people do, so it's normal for a large head to itch if it is bitten by a mosquito.

No wonder he's asking Sasha, aren't you itching? I must be thinking in my heart, I'm itching anymore, why don't you itch?

As a result, Sasha said a word and applied it with toilet water.

The big head is coquettish again, and asks Sasha if it's not itchy

This shows that if Sasha is bitten, she will apply it with toilet water, but on this occasion, why is her head itching? Sasha doesn't itch? Isn't that a bit weird?

Some people say that this is not a mosquito problem at all, it is a seafood problem!

Why is seafood a problem again? Because big heads will be allergic to seafood, this is real and verifiable.

If you are allergic to seafood, then don't eat it, why bother to get along with yourself!

It's true that he doesn't know how to eat seafood, but that doesn't mean Sasha won't eat it!

There was seafood at a dinner party, and as a result, Datou didn't eat enough, and he went out to eat noodles with Liu Ding.

The big head is coquettish again, and asks Sasha if it's not itchy

Therefore, Datou is still relatively strict in terms of diet, so he will never make his whole body itchy and uncomfortable in order to eat seafood.

So, the matter of seafood and mosquitoes has been ruled out, so why is it itchy all over the body?

At this time, someone broke out, Sasha ate seafood that day, but the two turned out to be mixed doubles, there will definitely be skin contact, if it is in contact at this time, then, will it be equivalent to a big head also touching seafood?

Even if it comes into contact with the skin, it's definitely not going to itch! Where is there such a delicate thing!

And what if it's saliva? If saliva is passed to each other, will it itch?

It's hard to say, but for people with sensitive skin, it may be itchy to touch it a little, but everyone's physique is different, and some people don't itch even if they touch it, but some people will.

The big head is coquettish again, and asks Sasha if it's not itchy

However, some people analyze that the statement of the seafood incident should not be rigorous enough.

Because the two were already competing, they were super nervous both physically and mentally, no matter how good they were, it was impossible for them to have any ideas during this period!

So, most likely, it's mosquitoes.

Sasha is not allergic to seafood, so when the big head asks the meaning of this sentence, he must feel that the mosquito bites him very uncomfortable, but why don't you feel it?

Therefore, once again, it is confirmed that this thing should be related to mosquitoes.

When I was mixing in Chengdu, I also saw that the big head was pulling the skin for a while, and picking the skin for a while, and it was itchy.

The big head is coquettish again, and asks Sasha if it's not itchy

Could it be that the physique of the big head attracts mosquitoes? Or the blood type attracts mosquitoes, so they chase him and bite.

Some people really don't attract mosquitoes, maybe Sasha is this type, so the big head bites everywhere itchy, but Sasha is like no one.

Our big head is too pitiful, but the mosquito bites a bag, but everyone doesn't see the big head's legs and hands, so I still guess it's an allergy problem.

But it doesn't matter, what we mainly talk about is that the big head is coquettish again, and says to Sasha: I'm so itchy, why don't you itch?

Let's just say that such a coquettish big head is really a good fate, I met the world's No. 1 Sasha, and I am so used to him, and let him smear it with flower water, does the big head want to be coquettish more? Because I got a response from my own girl!

The big head is coquettish again, and asks Sasha if it's not itchy

In that case, let's wish Sasha and Datou a healthy boost during the training period! Reach the top of both at the Paris Olympics! Bring back their respective triple crowns, and we'll pick them up together! #头条创作挑战赛#

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