
One stone stirs up a thousand waves! A high-profile return after more than two years of "disappearing": Dong Qing is still underestimated

author:Durian said Xiaoyu

"Time never defeats beauty, and elegance never diminishes with time." This sentence is appropriately used on Dong Qing.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves! A high-profile return after more than two years of "disappearing": Dong Qing is still underestimated

Dong Qing, whose name is almost a household name in China, is known as the "first sister of CCTV", and has won the love of countless audiences with her unique hosting style and profound cultural heritage.

However, since she hosted the "China Fashion Festival" and "Reader 3" in 2021, she suddenly faded out of the public eye, and this disappearance has been nearly three years. Now, Dong Qing's announcement of his comeback has undoubtedly attracted huge attention and discussion in the hosting industry and the audience.

Dong Qing's comeback has actually gone through a tortuous road. At the end of 2021, her husband Mi Chunlei suddenly lost contact, and this incident had a huge impact on Dong Qing's life and career.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves! A high-profile return after more than two years of "disappearing": Dong Qing is still underestimated

Mi Chunlei's loss of contact, as well as the ensuing financial problems of the company, made Dong Qing's career fall into a trough. During that time, she was almost forgotten by the media and the public, as if she had disappeared from the stage of CCTV. This kind of "cold treatment" is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Dong Qing.

However, Dong Qing did not sink there. Behind the scenes, she actively seeks new development opportunities and tries to transform into diversified development. She has been involved in the production of programs such as the producer of "2024 Film and TV Night" and the producer of the Shanghai children's musical "Matilda". These behind-the-scenes work not only enriches her career, but also shows her exploration and experimentation in different fields.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves! A high-profile return after more than two years of "disappearing": Dong Qing is still underestimated

Recently, Dong Qing's comeback has accelerated significantly. In addition to participating in the production of the program, she also announced that she would serve as the host of a hospital conference in Shenzhen in August. This news made the audience and the hosting industry excited, marking Dong Qing's official return to the hosting stage and continuing to show her talent and charm.

Looking back on Dong Qing's CCTV work process, it is not difficult for us to find her professionalism and professionalism. She has hosted the Spring Festival Gala for 13 consecutive years, and has won wide love from the audience with her unique charm and affinity.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves! A high-profile return after more than two years of "disappearing": Dong Qing is still underestimated

At the same time, she also successfully planned programs that were deeply loved by the audience, such as "Reader" and "Poetry Conference", showing her profound cultural heritage and excellent planning ability. These efforts and talents have made her an "undefeated" beauty in the hearts of the audience.

Dong Qing's comeback, for the audience, is not only the return of a host, but also a spiritual comfort. Her return may remind people of the glorious days of CCTV in the past, and at the same time, people look forward to the future when she can continue to shine in the hosting industry and bring more excitement and joy to the audience.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves! A high-profile return after more than two years of "disappearing": Dong Qing is still underestimated

Although Dong Qing's comeback road was tortuous, she once again stood on the stage of hosting with firm steps and unremitting efforts. Her story tells us that no matter how difficult and challenging it may be, with faith and perseverance, we will be able to get back on our feet and move on. Let's look forward to Dong Qing continuing to write her legend on the road of hosting in the future.

Now, Dong Qing has announced his comeback and is back in our sight. Are you looking forward to her return? What's your favorite show she hosts?

One stone stirs up a thousand waves! A high-profile return after more than two years of "disappearing": Dong Qing is still underestimated

Let's leave a message in the comment area and share our views and expectations! At the same time, let us also wish Dong Qing can continue to shine in his future hosting career and bring more wonderful moments to the audience. The years have never diminished her elegance, and we have been looking forward to her return.