
After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan

author:Nickelodeon Institute
After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan
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After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan

In 2021, when the warm spring sun sprinkled on the land of Ganquan County, 26-year-old Gao Jing walked into the local hospital as usual to prepare to participate in the routine physical examination organized by the company.

This seemingly ordinary day has become a turning point in her life. When the medical report was handed to Gao Jing, her world seemed to collapse in an instant—the report showed that her left kidney was missing.

Gao Jing stared blankly at the report, confirming it repeatedly in disbelief. Her mind went blank, and only one question kept ringing around: Where did my kidneys go? This astonishing discovery was like a bombshell, instantly detonating a medical dispute that lasted for years.

What ensued was a lengthy process of investigation, forensic appraisal and difficult negotiations, which tugged at the nerves of everyone involved.

After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan

Gao Jing's mother, Dang Haiyan, was struck by lightning after learning the news of her daughter's missing left kidney. With trembling hands, she began to flip through the dusty photo album at home, trying to find clues in the long river of memories.

Suddenly, a yellowed photograph brought back memories of Gao Jing when she was 17 years old, a young girl in the flowering season, her eyes flashing with a vision for the future.

After the surgery, Gao Jing's condition was not as expected. The girl, who had been lively and cheerful, became weak and weak, and could not sleep all day. More worryingly, she began to experience persistent back pain and back discomfort.

At first, Dang and her husband thought it was just a normal reaction during the recovery period, but as time went on, the symptoms not only did not improve, but became more pronounced.

After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan

With doubts and uneasiness, Dang Haiyan stepped into the hospital again, hoping to find the medical records of that year. In the dim light of the hospital archives, she trembled and flipped through the dusty medical records that had been sealed for many years.

Disturbingly, the B-ultrasound report before discharge clearly printed the words "no abnormalities in both kidneys". This medical record became the key evidence for the follow-up investigation, and also deepened the suspicion of Gao Jing's family about the surgical process.

As she reminisced about the past, a terrible thought arose in Dang Haiyan's mind: Did the doctor secretly remove her daughter's kidney during the spleen removal operation? The thought was like a sharp blade, piercing her heart.

In the dead of night, she often tosses and turns, and her daughter's painful appearance keeps flashing in her mind.

After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan

This dusty past became the starting point for Gao Jing's family to seek the truth. They are determined to find out what happened, not only for Gao Jing's health, but also for the sake of giving an account to all those who may be facing similar experiences.

With this determination, they began the difficult and long road of verification.

Full of questions and anger, Gao Jing's family decided to go to the hospital to find out. They hoped to find Dr. Jia Junyi, who was in charge of the surgery at the time, and seek a reasonable explanation.

However, fate seems to be playing a cruel joke on them. In the waiting hall of the hospital, Jia Junyi's name is prominently listed, and it even shows that he has been promoted to director of surgery.

After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan

But when they arrived at Dr. Jia's office full of hope, they saw only a closed door, as if mocking them silently at their futility.

The hospital responded quickly and dispatched Vice President Chang Wensen to deal with this thorny issue. Vice President Chang's attitude seemed sincere, insisting that doctors would never remove a patient's kidney without authorization, and that the hospital was willing to take responsibility for the losses suffered by Gao Jing.

However, these words did not calm the anger in the hearts of Gao Jing's family, but strengthened their determination to investigate to the end.

In order to break the deadlock, the hospital proposed a forensic examination. The first appraisal was led by Li Feng, a forensic doctor from the Xi'an Blueprint Forensic Center. Li Feng is like an experienced detective, carefully combing through every detail, trying to restore the truth of the matter.

After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan

In the process, he discovered several puzzling suspicions: the anesthesia records before and after the operation were inconsistent, and the operation time was as long as two hours.

These discoveries undoubtedly cast a shadow over the hospital, and also gave Gao Jing's family a glimmer of hope.

After five months of arduous investigation, the results of the first forensic appraisal were finally released. The results showed that there was indeed obvious negligence in Gao Jing's medical treatment at Ganquan County People's Hospital, and a direct causal relationship between the disappearance of her left kidney and the hospital's medical violations could not be ruled out.

This result was like a hammer, shattering the hospital's justification and providing strong support for Gao Jing's family to seek justice.

After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan

However, the hospital did not admit defeat. They proposed several hypotheses that may have led to the loss of Gaojing's left kidney, including congenital defects, organ ectopia, organ atrophy, or other conditions that require surgical removal.

These explanations, while plausible, do not fully explain Gao's condition, especially given that previous medical records showed that her kidneys were once healthy.

In order to completely resolve the dispute, Chang Wensen, vice president of the hospital, proposed a second forensic appraisal and recommended the implementation of three-dimensional reconstruction (CTU) of urological CT.

This test can clearly show the structure of the kidneys and theoretically give a definitive answer. However, Gao Jing's family was cautious about this proposal.

After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan

They are concerned that the examination could cause further harm to Gao Jing's health, especially given that she has lost a kidney.

This decision led to an impasse in the second forensic appraisal and made the truth even more confusing. Both sides insist on their own words, and neither can convince the other. In this long tug-of-war, Gao Jing's health and future became the biggest victim.

Over time, this medical dispute has not only become a hot topic in the local area, but also sparked a wide discussion about medical responsibility and patient rights in all walks of life.

People are beginning to reflect: are we neglecting the humanistic care for patients while pursuing medical technological progress? How to Find Truth and Justice in Complex Medical Disputes? These questions seem far more difficult to answer than a missing kidney.

After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan

Faced with an impasse that could not reach a consensus, Gao Jing and his family decided to take more radical measures. With trepidation, they submitted a sternly worded petition to the Ganquan County People's Government, demanding compensation for compensation from the Ganquan County People's Hospital.

This move immediately attracted widespread attention from the local government and all walks of life, and also brought unprecedented pressure to the hospital.

In this protracted tug-of-war, Gao Jing's mother, Dang Haiyan, became the backbone of the family. Her hands, wrinkled from exertion, tirelessly knocked on the doors of various departments for support and help.

At every meeting with the hospital representatives, she endured the pain in her heart and told her daughter's experience in a trembling but firm voice.

After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan

Hospitals are also aware of the seriousness of the situation. Vice Dean Chang Vinson's attitude began to loosen, and his brows were always covered with wrinkles of worry. In a private conversation, he let out a long sigh and expressed helplessness in his tone: "We also hope to solve this problem as soon as possible, but the truth is not always so easy to reveal."

Behind this sentence is the difficult choice between the hospital's reputation and responsibility.

In order to break the deadlock, court staff began to actively intervene in mediation. They organized several face-to-face meetings in an attempt to build a bridge of communication between the doctor and the patient.

In the conference room, representatives of the two sides sat across long tables opposite each other, and an atmosphere of tension and confrontation permeated the air. However, as the dialogue deepened, the attitudes of both sides gradually softened and began to try to think from the other's point of view.

After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan

The lengthy negotiation process was a rollercoaster of emotions. Sometimes they get into heated quarrels, and both sides are red-eared and have their own opinions; Sometimes there is a rational discussion, where everyone calmly analyzes the facts and looks for solutions.

Everyone is trying to find a balance that they can accept, while also fighting internally against their own principles and bottom line.

As time went on, the attitude of both sides gradually tended to soften. The hospital began to seriously consider the compensation plan, and Gao Jing's family lowered their initial demands. In the process, they gradually realized that it was more important to find out the root cause of the problem than to pay monetary compensation to prevent similar tragedies from happening again.

Despite the twists and turns of the road, the dawn of hope is finally on the horizon. Both sides showed good faith in resolving the issue, laying the groundwork for an eventual settlement.

After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan

Gao Jing's encounter was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, stirring up ripples one after another, not only changing the trajectory of her personal life, but also triggering extensive discussions and deep reflections in society.

This once-energetic young girl is now reticent, and her eyes often reveal anxiety about the future. In a rare interview, Gao Jing whispered: "I am always worried that my physical condition will affect my future work and life.

Her words reveal a deep sense of helplessness and confusion, which makes people can't help but be moved. The originally brilliant picture of life was clouded by this medical accident.

This incident is also like a mirror that reflects the problems that exist in the current doctor-patient relationship. People began to think: how can hospitals, as a place to save lives, find a balance between professionalism and empathy in the face of medical disputes? In the process of seeking the truth, how can patients remain calm between anger and reason? These issues are not only about individual cases, but also about the healthcare environment and ethics of society as a whole.

After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan

At the same time, this case also exposes loopholes in the medical regulatory system. The relevant authorities have begun to re-examine the existing medical quality supervision mechanism, discuss how to establish a better system, and how to improve the efficiency of medical dispute handling.

These discussions are not limited to the official level, but have also become a hot topic in the medical and legal circles.

It is worth noting that this incident not only brought great pressure to Gao Jing and her family, but also the medical staff of the hospital also suffered a heavy psychological burden. This reminds us that while pursuing medical technology advancement, we cannot ignore the importance of medical ethics and humanistic care.

Ultimately, Gao's story serves as a cautionary tale for all sectors of society to re-examine the problems in the healthcare system and point the way for future reforms.

After a 26-year-old young woman had a physical examination in 2021, she learned that her kidney had mysteriously disappeared, and the hospital compensated 500,000 yuan

After a long tug-of-war, Gao Jing's medical dispute finally ushered in a turnaround. With the efforts of many parties, the hospital finally decided to give Gao Jing's family a compensation of 500,000 yuan.

Behind this number, there are countless days and nights of debate, pain and compromise.

Although this compensation cannot fully compensate for the physical and mental trauma suffered by Gao Jing, it at least puts an end to this protracted medical dispute. Gao Jing's father said in a complicated tone in an interview: "Money is not the most important thing, we hope that through this case, we can arouse the attention of the society to medical safety issues and prevent similar tragedies from happening again."

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