
In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

author:Nickelodeon Institute
In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation
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In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

On October 12, 2013, a train K8378 from Wuxi, Jiangsu Province to Anhui Province staged a puzzling and bizarre plot. At 2:48 a.m., 24-year-old Dai Jingjing got up and went to the bathroom, but there was no turnaround.

After waiting anxiously for nearly 40 minutes, her husband, Du Changjiang, asked the conductor to open the toilet door, only to find that it was empty, except for the handbag hanging on the wall to silently tell her former existence.

This incredible disappearance case caused an immediate uproar. How can a big living person disappear into thin air on a speeding train? As the investigation deepens, a marriage turmoil hidden under the surface calm gradually surfaces, revealing the mystery of this bizarre incident.

However, fate always likes to joke. On an ordinary day, my younger brother and sister-in-law went home early due to an unexpected shift transfer, but overheard the voice of a strange man in Du Changjiang and Dai Jingjing's room.

In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

This sudden discovery was like a bombshell, instantly shattering the superficial harmonious family atmosphere.

The younger brother was furious and immediately informed his brother of the incident. However, Du Changjiang found it difficult to accept this cruel reality. He was convinced that he knew everything about his wife and flatly denied that she would commit acts of betrayal.

He even severely reprimanded his younger brother and warned him not to spread rumors so as not to hurt Dai Jingjing's feelings.

But as time went on, Dai Jingjing's behavior became more and more suspicious. She began to pay extra attention to her makeup, especially when she needed to go out during non-working hours. These subtle changes deepened the doubts in Du Changjiang's heart, but he still chose to believe in his wife and did not want to doubt this relationship easily.

In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

Until that turning point of fate came. After hearing the voice of a strange man in the room again, the younger brother and sister-in-law hurriedly notified Du Changjiang. This time, Du Changjiang witnessed the heartbreaking scene with his own eyes.

The trust he had built up over the years fell apart in an instant, and he and Dai Kyung-kyo broke out into a heated argument.

After learning from the pain, Du Changjiang made a difficult decision: to take his wife back to his hometown and face the judgment of his family. He hopes to give Dai Jingjing a chance to mend his ways, and also give himself a chance to re-examine this marriage.

However, Dai Jingjing showed strong resistance to this. She knew that what she had done was difficult to see in her hometown, and her heart was full of fear and shame.

In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

In this way, a once loving couple, with their own pain and struggle, embarked on the train that changed their fate. Neither of them could have imagined that this would be their final journey together, and that a marriage full of tragedy would come to an end.

In the early morning of October 12, 2013, the K8378 train carrying Du Changjiang and his wife and his brother-in-law slowly left Wuxi Station and galloped on the long road to their hometown in Anhui.

There was an indescribable atmosphere of heaviness in the carriage. Du Changjiang's expression was serious, and he glanced at his wife beside him with vigilant eyes from time to time. Dai Jingjing lowered his head, his hands clenched, and his whole body exuded uneasiness and anxiety.

At 2:48 a.m., Dai Jingjing whispered to her husband that she wanted to go to the bathroom. Du Changjiang thought that the train had been running for a long time, and his wife should not have any tricks, so he acquiesced to her going alone.

In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

When Dai Jingjing got up, his legs trembled slightly, and he staggered towards the bathroom. This scene became the last time Du Changjiang saw his wife.

Ten minutes passed, and Du Changjiang began to feel uneasy. He got up and went to the bathroom door, where he found it closed and showed someone using it. He knocked softly on the door and called his wife's name, but received no response.

As time passed, Du Changjiang's anxiety increased day by day.

When the train arrived at Nanjing Station, more than 40 minutes had passed since Dai Jingjing entered the bathroom. Du Changjiang could no longer keep his calm, he walked quickly to the bathroom door, knocked on the door panel hard, and called his wife's name loudly.

In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

However, all that responded to him was a dead silence.

With the assistance of the conductor, the door to the toilet was finally opened. To everyone's consternation, the small space was empty, only the handbags hanging on the wall silently told the existence of Dai Jingjing.

Du Changjiang's face was as earthy as white in an instant, his legs were weak, and he almost collapsed to the ground.

The conductor asked Du Changjiang with a confused face if he was sure that his wife had entered the bathroom. Du Changjiang nodded blankly, his eyes full of disbelief and deep fear.

In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

He muttered to himself, "Perhaps... She escaped through a window? This shocking speculation caused a commotion in the carriage.

In the following time, Du Changjiang and the conductor searched every carriage together, but they never found any trace of Dai Jingjing. With the failure of the search, Du Changjiang's heart was gradually swallowed up by despair.

He realizes that his beloved wife may have left him forever.

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through Du Changjiang's mind. He recalled the bits and pieces of his acquaintance and love with his wife, and also remembered the recent painful days.

In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

The train continued to move forward, but Du Changjiang chose to get off at the next station. He decided to take a taxi back to Nanjing, hoping to find his wife. His heart was full of contradictions and torment, both worried about his wife's safety and afraid of facing possible bad news.

In this way, an ordinary night, because of a seemingly ordinary toilet, evolved into a puzzling disappearance event. Dai Jingjing's bizarre disappearance not only unveiled the dark side of the couple's married life, but also cast a mysterious and sad color on this trip back to their hometown.

Du Changjiang took a taxi back to Nanjing with a feeling of apprehension. His wife kept flashing in his mind, hoping to find her, but also afraid to hear the worst.

After arriving in Nanjing, he went straight to the local police station and informed the police of the whole incident.

In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

The police were also shocked when they heard about the incident and immediately launched a full investigation. Du Changjiang paced back and forth at the door of the police station, cigarette after cigarette in his hand, his eyes full of anxiety and expectation.

Whenever a police officer passed by, he eagerly asked for news about his wife, but all he got was an apologetic shake.

After a long wait, the police finally got the news. They asked Du Changjiang to go to a specific location, which was located next to the railroad tracks two kilometers away from the Nanjing railway station.

Du Changjiang's heart was shocked, and he vaguely realized that what he was about to face could be the worst outcome.

In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

When Du Changjiang arrived at the scene, the scene in front of him made him collapse instantly. The police pointed to a black bag and asked him to confirm if the person inside was his wife.

Du Changjiang's legs were weak, his heart was beating faster, and he slowly walked towards the terrible black bag. When the forensic doctor opened the bag, Du Changjiang's world seemed to collapse in an instant.

The body in the bag was his wife Dai Jingjing. Du Changjiang was covered in cold sweat, his knees fell to the ground with weakness, and tears poured out uncontrollably. He couldn't believe that his wife, who had been with him just a few hours ago, was now a cold corpse.

The forensic findings were even more heartbreaking: Dai's cause of death was an intracranial brain injury caused by a car crash. This cruel fact confirmed the speculation that Du Changjiang was most unwilling to face - his wife did indeed jump off the train.

In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

Faced with this heartbreaking truth, Du Changjiang fell into deep self-blame and remorse.

The police investigation reconstructed the incident: Dai Jingjing jumped off the train near Nanjing Railway Station, and she died on the spot due to the high speed of the train. This discovery not only solves the mystery of her mysterious disappearance, but also draws a heavy end to this tragedy.

Du Changjiang sat in the police station, thinking about the bits and pieces he spent with his wife. What was once a sweet memory has now become the deepest pain. He realized that he had lost the chance to save his marriage forever and the possibility of seeing his wife again.

This night is not only the end of Dai Jingjing's life, but also the tragic end of their marriage.

In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

After the grief, Du Changjiang turned his attention to the railway company. He believes that if the safety measures of the train were better, his wife would not have had the opportunity to jump out of the window. With this in mind, Du Changjiang decided to sue the railway company, demanding up to 960,000 yuan in compensation.

This number not only represents his cherishing of his wife's life, but also contains his deep guilt and self-blame.

The railway company took the matter very seriously and immediately launched an investigation. They sent professionals to the train where the incident occurred to conduct a detailed inspection and conducted on-site restoration experiments.

Surprisingly, the results of the experiment showed that even larger adults could escape the train through the bathroom window. This discovery further complicates the case.

In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

The railway company began to suspect that Dai Jingjing's death may not have been a simple accident, but may have been a deliberate suicide.

Faced with the doubts of the railway company, Du Changjiang was in a dilemma. He was reluctant to expose his wife's infidelity and was eager to get justice for her. His inner struggles made his mood even more unstable, sometimes hysterically blaming the railroad company for its safety breaches, and sometimes falling into a long silence.

As the investigation deepened, more and more suspicious points surfaced. The flight attendant who opened the bathroom door for Du Changjiang recalled that Du Changjiang's first reaction at that time was not panic, but suspected that his wife had jumped out of the car.

This detail has attracted great attention from the police.

In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

Under the strict interrogation of the police, Du Changjiang finally told the truth. He confessed to his wife's cheating behavior and his decision to take her back to face his family. This truth reveals the real reason why Dai Jingjing committed suicide by jumping out of the car: she could not face the moral condemnation of her hometown father, and chose to exchange her life for relief.

This revelation brought a new twist to the case. The railway company believes that since Dai Jingjing took the initiative to choose to jump the train, then the company should not bear full responsibility. They offered to pay part of the funeral expenses, but refused to pay huge compensation.

Du Changjiang was faced with a difficult choice. To continue to insist on claims means to make public the infidelity of his wife and his own concealment; Give up the claim, and feel sorry for the spirit of his wife in heaven.

In the end, under the persuasion of many parties, Du Changjiang accepted the settlement plan proposed by the railway company.

In 2013, his wife mysteriously disappeared in the train toilet, and her husband concealed the reason and demanded 960,000 yuan in compensation

This tragedy not only reveals the dark side of marriage, but also provokes people to think deeply about railway safety and personal moral responsibility. It reminds us that when facing life's difficulties, we should seek more rational and positive solutions, rather than choosing to hurt ourselves and others.

The end result of this tragedy was that the railroad company paid only 2. 20,000 yuan for funeral expenses. For Du Changjiang, the money has long been meaningless. What he lost was a fresh life, his once beloved wife.

This story brings us a profound revelation: life is precious, and there is no room for child's play. No matter how difficult the situation, you should not give up. Betrayal in marriage is painful, but it is not irreparable compared to life.

At the same time, this incident is a reminder of the need to think carefully and fully assess the possible impact before making a major decision. Although Du Changjiang's decision was made out of consideration for maintaining the dignity of the family, he ignored his wife's psychological endurance, which eventually led to a tragedy.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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