
It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again


It seems that every generation of CP has no good end?

Following Justin Bieber's upcoming father, the unforgettable CP of contemporary North America (Bieber's silly face) was officially upgraded to an elder love history.

The unforgettable CP of the previous generation is also about to enter a new chapter, from compound marriage to divorce.

After 20 years of breaking up, getting married with great fanfare, and leaving again in less than 2 years, it is said that there is an irreconcilable contradiction.

This kind of bloody plot asks our friends who eat melons in domestic entertainment if they are convinced?

Not only is it a little exaggerated, this is a super invincible and funny long-term love story.

The parties have reunited in love across 20 years, but the people who eat melons are watching and laughing once, and they can't invest in their feelings at all.

The protagonists of the story are two superstars who are familiar to the veteran melon-eating masses.

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez.

A pair of CPs with ridiculously high KPIs in the marriage and love circle, these two are not only sisters and brothers, but also quickly performed a flash love and flash marriage, and the fashion is full.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

Let's take a look at the achievements of these two.

Ben Affleck, an all-round talent player in Hollywood, writes, directs and acts in everything, although his acting skills are mediocre, he is better than the explosion of luck, he is handsome, his works are lucky, he has a bunch of masterpieces, and he is a middle-aged director and has won the Golden Globe Award.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

The life setting is so rebellious, and the love history is naturally colorful.

Big Ben's EX, there are all types.

Britney Spears revealed many years later that she had a crazy night with Big Ben in 1999.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again
It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

I searched the old gossip and found that Britney Spears may indeed be very happy and fond of Big Ben.

In 2004, after his flash marriage and divorce and Big Ben returned to being single, he publicly confessed to Big Ben on the show, saying that Big Ben was too handsome and might become a weakness in her life (but Britney's wish failed).

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again
It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

In addition to Xiao Tiantian, who exposed herself as ons, other more formal EX that was photographed also have these↓

Gwyneth Paltrow, filming Shakespeare's love history has been in love for 3 years.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

Jennifer Garner, ex-wife of 3 children and 12-year marriage.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

At the time of the divorce, it was rumored that Big Ben cheated on the female nanny of his family, whose appearance was not good.

However, after the divorce, Big Ben didn't really marry a female nanny, but talked about new relationships one after another.

There are female producers.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

Playboy model.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

Cuban actress Ana de Armas.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

may be because of Big Ben's genetic alcoholism, coupled with romance, except for his ex-wife, Big Ben's every relationship can't last long, and in the first half of his 52 years, there is only one only companion who never abandons the wind and rain

Matt Damon.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

Like Ana de Armas, it was originally rumored that they were going to get married, but a flashback, a sudden breakup, and then a restart of the unforgettable past with Jennifer Lopez.

JLO is not a simple role in the marriage and love circle.

She has 4 marriages and numerous engagements.

Before her first relationship with Big Ben, she quickly divorced twice.

divorced for the second time, just for the sake of Daben.

JLO and her second husband divorced in August 2002, and immediately got the divorce certificate and immediately had a high-profile relationship with Big Ben.

Even the engagement was announced after only a few months of dating.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

But the wedding did not take place as scheduled in 2003, and instead chose to break up.

The reason for the breakup is said to be because JLO and his old love bragging about his daddy's secret will lead to a break, but JLO denies it, saying that he and his ex are just good friends.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

It is uncertain whether the ex was the trigger for the breakup, but the cancellation of the engagement and the breakup are real.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

Another fact is.

It's really fast enough for CPmove on.

In June 2004, 5 months after breaking up with Daben, JLO remarried her third husband, and this marriage lasted a little longer and gave birth to two babies, until she divorced for the third time in 2011, and then engaged several fiancés one after another.

Daben married Ghana in 2005 and gave birth to three children in a row.

Mathematically ↓

After the breakup, the former CP had a total of 2 marriages + 5 children + n fiancées, fiancées, boyfriends, girlfriends.

It took them 20 years to achieve these achievements.

Then in 2021, history miraculously repeats itself.

Jennifer Lopez and fiancé Alex Rodriguez announced that they had canceled their engagement and broke up to be friends again.

Then get back together with Big Ben again.

And then it's the same process again.

Get engaged first ↓

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

Prepare for the wedding ↓

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

It's just that this time the difference is that the engagement was not canceled, but the real marriage.

Spent 600 yuan to get married in a super simple way.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

Wedding score, but after marriage life to play that is called a flower.

After the unforgettable CP became the sunset red CP, it was as enthusiastic as if the old house was on fire, and it was more enthusiastic than falling in love 20 years ago.

One move shocked the people who eat melons all over the world.

In this marriage, JLO asked Big Ben to sign an agreement, not about money, but about x life.

According to JLO's request ↓

Ben Affleck must have conjugal life 4 times a week, which is the minimum obligation.

Then the people who eat melons found that since the signing of this agreement, Big Ben has become more and more tired and aging with the naked eye.

Every time I appeared, it was like I hadn't slept for three days and three nights.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

But no matter how sleepy it is, it has to be open ↓

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

Even if he is squeezed dry, he must be used as a human flesh set board to accompany JLO to show affection.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

A year ago, the spring breeze was proud.

A year later, his face was full of despair.

Less than 3 months after getting married, rumors of a marriage change began to circulate.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

During this period, the two once joined hands to refute the rumors.

Big Ben appeared for a while, and it looked like he had been fully rested and his spirit was restored a lot↓

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

But the good times didn't last long. Entering 2024, which is the 20th anniversary of their breakup, they still came to an end.

In May of this year, Big Ben was photographed moving out of the newly bought mansion with JLO and renting an apartment with a rent of 100,000 yuan alone.

JLO still wants to save his marriage, and after a few days, he met with Big Ben in the same frame, but when they were photographed, they didn't interact physically.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

There are also insiders who said that Big Ben thinks that this marriage is a temporary marriage disorder, and he couldn't think normally because he was in love before, but now he is sober and wants to divorce.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

Because of the divorce, his ex-wife Garner didn't have time to fall in love with her boyfriend, and she had to find time to solve her ex-husband's mental pressure problem, and persuaded her ex-husband not to divorce and live well.

But the report says that Big Ben is no longer able to live with JLO.

The love nest, which was bought for $65 million, is also facing a loss of sale.

It's only been 2 years since they got back together, and they're going to divorce again

It seems that divorce is a matter of time.

As for whether this divorce is for love or for the workload of four times a week, the parties know best.

The public likes to watch the story of going around or you, and it is better to say that the lover is still old.

But the reality is often not so satisfying.

Some people come after many years of absence, but in the end, they find that the broken mirror can't be reunited.

Fortunately, Big Ben and JLO live in Europe and the United States, and they don't care about separation and merger, even if they are divorced 8 times, they don't stand in line to analyze who is a scumbag and who is a scumbag, which has 0 impact on their careers.

Fortunately, Big Ben and JLO are both billionaires of financial freedom, and they don't have to worry about the cost of divorce, especially in this short-lived marriage, they can sell a house of up to $65 million, and one person can break up painlessly if he loses millions of dollars, and the economic loss is also 0 impact.

能迅速重燃爱火,也能接受失败各自move on。

The parties have no opinions, and of course I think it's OK.

Tell the truth.

It's unforgettable, people are divided, they get married and leave, and they have long been heartbroken, and they haven't knocked CP, let alone sigh and regret.

More than that, my bigger feeling is this ↓

Eating emotional melons has to be the most exciting and sensitive imported melons, to have more dog blood and more dog blood, to have more drama and more drama, the most important thing is that the whole process is unconcealed and extraordinarily frank, good to divide the green, to end the separation, to reunite and green again, every link is open and transparent, do not take the absurd excuses of "luminous mahjong luminous script luminous acne squeezing acne" to insult the audience's IQ.

God knows how cautious we have to be every time we write about internal entertainment, and we have to self-censor each word several times, for fear that either this word will burn the sensitive skin of fans, or that word will be picked out by 208 and resort to law to lose money.

If the gossip story could be like today every day, the beautiful girl with the code word would have no psychological burden, and the friends who ate melons would be happy.

That's great.