
Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!


In South Korea, some of the top stars live double-sided lives.

Side A.

They shine on stage and have gained fame and fortune as a result, with millions of female fans.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

Side B.

They are the devil who sees women as playthings, as tools for profit.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

Recently, a documentary was launched.

It ripped off the glamorous coats of some of the stars, revealing their true and disgusting beastly faces.

Those truths are shocking and alarming.

《Burning Sun:揭露韩流明星聊天室里的秘密》

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

"Burning Sun: Revealing the Secrets of Hallyu Celebrity Chat Rooms" (hereinafter referred to as "Secrets in the Chat Room") is a very meaningful documentary.

After it was launched, the word-of-mouth was great, with a Douban score of 8.8.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

The shocking thing about this documentary is not only that it exposes the dirty behavior of Hallyu stars, but also that it shows what women may encounter in South Korea.

Similar to "Cyber Purgatory: Exposing Room N", "The Secret of the Chat Room" also cuts from the perspective of two investigators -

Reporter Kang Kyung-yoon and Park Hyo-sil.

They reported on the erotic empire and chain of exploitation led by Lee Shengli, a scandal that shocked South Korea and the world.

And the breakthrough is very personal.

In Korea, there is a word called "Molka", which means hidden camera.

Such devices are flooded with public places in South Korea, resulting in many women being filmed without their knowledge and being humiliated, and then the videos are disseminated with the aim of destroying a person.

What's even more unavoidable is that this kind of behavior can also happen between couples.

On September 23, 2016, the well-known South Korean singer Jung Joon-young was charged with sex crimes, and the person who filed the complaint was his girlfriend Jingmei.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

According to Jingmei, when they had a relationship, Zheng Junying was secretly filming and was caught red-handed by her.

The incident caused an uproar.

Because, before, Zheng Junying's image was very positive, he became popular because of Han Zong's "Two Days and One Night" and "We Are Married", and gained countless fans.

Especially in "We Are Married", the "handsome couple" CP is quite popular.

It will never be easy for celebrities to be investigated.

Zheng Junying was taken away by the police for questioning, but during the investigation, he discussed with his lawyer and decided not to give his mobile phone to the police.

The police, however, thought that there was no need to continue the investigation of this case and hastily closed the case.

As a result, Zheng Junying was acquitted.

As a victim, Jing Mei's lawyer said that if the evidence was insufficient, she would be severely punished for false accusations, and she was forced to withdraw the lawsuit and issued a statement saying that Zheng Junying was not at fault.

Zheng Junying's agency quickly held a press conference to correct his name.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

As a result of this incident, Jingmei was abused.

And Park Hyo-sil, the reporter who first reported the case, was even more besieged.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

Mr. Jung's fans, as well as anti-feminist men, launched a massive cyberbullying campaign that later turned into various forms of harassment: early morning phone calls, texting obscene photos and profanity.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!
Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!
Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

At that time, reporter Park Hyo-sil was pregnant, very frightened, and on the verge of a mental breakdown, and this incident caused her to have two miscarriages, and she still has no children.

Three years later, however, things took a turn for the worse.

The people involved decided to expose the scandals, so the information was transmitted to reporter Kang Kyung-yoon.

Kang Kyung-yoon was surprised to find that Jung Joon-young's KakaoTalk chat records from 2015 to 2016 were ironclad evidence of countless crimes.

He set up a group chat on KakaoTalk, and the information in it was shocking.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!
Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

Jung Jun-young and his friends such as Choi Jong-hoon, etc., use their star halo to encourage girls to drink, and even drugged, turn X, and even, they will shoot abusing short films.

Yes, it's a candid shot.

Yes, it was blatantly filmed, like a prank.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

The lives of these women may even be in danger.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!
Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

And their worries are also joking.

Because, they have nothing to fear.

Looking at Zheng Junying's chat records, they are basically divided into two categories, one is related to sex crimes, and the other is related to police collusion.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

Later, it intensified.

This brings us to the central figure, Lee Shengli, who calls himself the "Gatsby" of South Korea.

Compared to Jung Joon-young and Choi Jong-hoon, he has greater fame (he was a member of the South Korean group BigBang), greater ambition, and greater vigilance.

For example, Jung Joon-young and Choi Jong-hoon have opened a tavern, and Lee Shengli wants to open one of the biggest nightclubs in Gangnam: Burning Sun.

In order to attract investment, he rented a small island in the Philippines for a birthday party, brought more than a dozen young women from South Korea, and invited many potential investors.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

Burning Sun最大卖点是,李胜利会在那里当DJ。

This attracts a lot of fans and female customers, and naturally, there are also some male customers who come to book a seat.

Because of its fame, this store is expensive.

Reservations start at a minimum of £1,000, weekends from £6,000, and major holidays like Christmas and Halloween can be more expensive, up to £60,000.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

The treatment of VIPs is not only luxurious pomp, they can also ask for more.

And in order to cater to more male customers, the MD (pimp) in this store began to secretly take pictures of beautiful women and drunk women, and sent the photos to male VIPs.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!
Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

Later, drugs such as GHB began to circulate in stores and were used in large quantities.

Why is it so difficult to expose such crimes in such places, where such crimes occur repeatedly?

On the one hand, women are sent to rooms deep in the nightclub, where there are many guards outside, very hidden, and what is going on inside cannot be known to outsiders.

On the other hand, even if they shoot short films, they will either coerce women into doing certain actions when they are unconscious, in order to make them appear pleasurable.

There was a female customer who was abused at Burning Sun and was filmed in a short video where she was asked to smile and compare V.

It was because of these expressions and movements that the police decided that she was voluntary.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

Once, a guest was beaten by a staff member.

The police turned a blind eye, and later, instead of arresting the perpetrator, they arrested the victim.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

Clearly, the police are part of the criminal system led by Li Shengli.

However, paper can't contain fire after all.

Later, a short video called "Red Bathroom" was posted on pornographic websites, causing a social uproar.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

In response to public opinion, Burning Sun's management had to cease operations.

Moreover, Li Shengli suspended a concert.

It's quite an ironic scene.

In that dark nightclub, countless women were hurt, and the price paid by Li Shengli was not serious, and he still had so many fans who enthusiastically supported and supported his brother.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

And what about the rebels?

Many people have been subjected to cyberbullying and are trapped in the swamp.

In addition to reporters Kang Kyung-yoon and Park Hyo-sil, female star Goo Hara was not spared.

Goo Hara is sincere and courageous.

When she learns that Kang Kyung-yoon is blocked in her investigation of the Burning Sun case, she immediately helps, and relying on courage and wisdom, she finds the high-ranking police officer who acts as a white glove.

This dealt a fatal blow to that criminal system.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

However, even if Goo Hara has such a righteous feat, she still can't escape the harm of cyberbullying.

In a live broadcast, she mourned her friend Cui Xueli, but was accused by netizens of eating human blood steamed buns and using her friend's death to gain popularity for herself.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

Why is Goo Hara so brave?

Because, she once suffered the pain of being secretly photographed by her boyfriend, and she did not hesitate to kneel for her boyfriend in order to protect her privacy.

What she helps is the women who have been abused, the self who has been hit hard, and every girl who may be hurt in the future.

Such a scandal should have been exposed a long time ago!

In the aftermath of the Burning Sun incident, countless women spontaneously took to the streets to fight for collective rights.

Because, if such a thing is not punished severely, then the camera can appear anywhere, at any time.

It is not a lie that women are all at risk.

Watching this documentary, what shocked me the most was the words of reporter Park Hyo-sil, who used the most simple words to express the meaning and value of persisting in the struggle-

It was really tough, but I couldn't give up.

Because I feel like as soon as I give up, they win.

And other female journalists may suffer the same harm.

So I thought, I should stick to it.

That's pretty much what happens in the world.

In the face of injustice, someone has to stand up.

Trying to save one person makes it possible to save an entire group.