
A certain sound, the crazy female Internet celebrity, is finally cool


Have you ever seen such a person when watching short videos now?

It's not the young Internet celebrities we understood before, but more of the middle-aged and elderly generation.

I also began to master the traffic password,

That is, trivial family conflicts.

Some of these contradictions may be true, but most of them, are made up(Cases of real domestic violence, etc., are not within the scope of this discussion)

So, what kind of "contradictions" are they?

For example: I came home at two o'clock in the morning, my husband slapped me, and my daughter actually said this...

There is also this: I lost more than 50,000 yuan playing cards, and my husband slapped me......

At first, I really thought it was domestic violence or something, and I wanted to pay attention to it.

A certain sound, the crazy female Internet celebrity, is finally cool

As a result, click in and take a look, good guys, this kind of people make a living by eating this mouthful of food.

Just this kind of title of "slapped by my husband" can be said to be a common discourse for people.

Without further ado, let's see for yourself:

"Just because of a sentence, my husband slapped me twice",

"At 6 o'clock in the morning, my husband slapped me".

I:??? What does it mean, from morning to night, every household has a slap?

Such a video focuses on a plot with ups and downs, contradictions and conflicts,

Let people click in with the attitude of eating melons, and come out inexplicably.

Some netizens in the comment area saw that the heroine was bullied like this at home, some gave advice, and some instigated the brave divorce.

But what about other bloggers? One second to tear up, the next second, is that the husband and wife are reconciled as before, and they are in love.

"Everything is our misunderstanding, and we still love him, do it and cherish it."

The main hit is outrageous.

It turns out that the true feelings of netizens are just a part of the play of the husband and wife, and whoever is distracted is embarrassed.

A certain sound, the crazy female Internet celebrity, is finally cool

In addition to creating conflicts between husband and wife in this way, there are also those who deliberately create conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

At the dinner table, the mother-in-law was picky about her daughter-in-law, and the son next to her couldn't stand it, so she lifted the table directly.

In exchange, the comment area was applauded.

No, let's just say, who has a mobile phone next to them before they quarrel?

In addition to the contradiction with the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, there is also the contradiction between the daughter-in-law and the sister-in-law, flipping the table if you don't agree with anything, running away from home without saying a word, and even having conflicts with your own biological parents.

A certain sound, the crazy female Internet celebrity, is finally cool

What swept my sister-in-law who was 9 months pregnant out of the house,

A certain sound, the crazy female Internet celebrity, is finally cool

And what "3 a.m., kick your mom out of the house".

The main one is a six-parent who doesn't recognize it, and everyone around me is bullying me......

Take advantage of people's gossip psychology, create contradictions if there are no contradictions, and put a shot on the side,

A hearty performance, a crowd of netizens, distressed hearts, emotional feelings, and evaluations, in the end, all the heat turned into cash and flowed into people's pockets.

harm, is to play, is to make up, is to deceive the audience,

Behind closed doors, the family counted the money together in a friendly manner.

How to say it, the middle-aged version of the traffic password was really pinched by these people.

A certain sound, the crazy female Internet celebrity, is finally cool

In addition to this kind of fabrication of false contradictions, there is also a group of people who are even more hateful.

They know very well that their audience is some middle-aged and elderly people who do not have much educational experience, and they are easily deceived, so they take this point and make a big fuss.

For example, something like this:

"I just received a notice that I don't need to buy a mobile phone for ten years",

We don't know who we were notified.

There is also this: there is no basis at all, it is "air conditioning eliminated",

A certain sound, the crazy female Internet celebrity, is finally cool

And even more outrageous, this: "Pants have also been eliminated, and we people don't have to wear pants when we go out in the future." ”

A certain sound, the crazy female Internet celebrity, is finally cool

I:??? What is the purpose of these people in fabricating this fake news?

It turns out that most of the time, people make up a rumor, just to launch a product of their own in the second half of the video. For example, air conditioners have been eliminated, and fans are now popular, and the backhand is a click on the link below.

Although this kind of thing sounds incredible to us young people, there will really be some middle-aged and middle-aged people who have no doubt and believe it.

A certain sound, the crazy female Internet celebrity, is finally cool

Do you still remember Brother Smiling in the field that was blocked before?

A certain sound, the crazy female Internet celebrity, is finally cool

We seem to be happy, but there are really thousands of "obsessed" middle-aged and elderly women who go to him for spiritual comfort even if they are not afraid of trains and high-speed trains.

There is also "Laughing Allure", which is still active recently, and the harvest is the old brothers with retirement salaries.

A certain sound, the crazy female Internet celebrity, is finally cool

Such a group of people, their audience is accurate, that is, those leeks who are a little out of touch with society and have a little spare money in their hands.

Crying in front of the camera, or twisting and laughing,

Some are soft-hearted elderly people who pay the bills and spend money.

A certain sound has now also issued relevant policies, focusing on cracking down on this kind of illegal "traffic password".

I can only say that I hope that this policy will be implemented as soon as possible, so that there will be fewer and fewer videos of such "fraud" cutting leeks.

More elderly people can keep the pension money in their pockets.

Don't work hard all your life, you will be deceived by this group of storytellers.