
Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this


The most popular variety show recently is none other than this "I Love Me, Great".

The program team found four middle-aged women who became popular on the Internet because of their respective experiences, and came on a trip together.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

If you want to say that the biggest highlight of the show must be the epic same frame of Yu Xiuhua and Wanyan Huide.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Not long after the show started, these two became the "resident guests" of the hot search.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Teacher Yu Xiuhua should be familiar to everyone.

Yu Xiuhua, who suffered from cerebral palsy due to lack of oxygen when she was born, has been living in rural Hengdian, Hubei Province, and has been doing farm work for a living.

In 2014, she became an instant hit with an original poem "Crossing Most of China to Sleep with You".

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

And the subsequent works such as "Moonlight Falls on the Left Hand" have made Yu Xiuhua the most out-of-the-circle and most influential female poet in China in the past 10 years.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Wanyan Huide was last year's phenomenal Internet celebrity.

Wanyan Huide, who has a national second-level psychological counselor license, originally just shared psychological courses and counseling in the live broadcast room.

Later, because of his resemblance to the Internet celebrity Three Dreams (Three Dreams also became popular because he resembled Yang Mi) and his non-standard accent, netizens who were not too big to watch it lively and played stalks.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

For example, her famous scene that is very out of the circle:

"Good is a best friend, bad is an enemy honey, the enemy's honey is called enemy honey";

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

There are also abstract homophonic memes such as "laughing (fainting)", "ethical issues", and "women want iphones (to keep to themselves)" and other abstract homophonic memes that have caused various crazes.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

I have to say that the program team is really a talent, Wanyan Huide and Yu Xiuhua, two completely different people, are in the same frame, contributing a basket of "famous scenes" to the show.

When "keeping to oneself" meets "doing whatever you want", as netizens said, it is simply a collision between "Lu Wang Xinxue" and "Zhu Cheng Lixue".

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

As soon as the show came up, Wan Yan Huide was giving marriage psychology lessons to uncles and aunts.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Yu Xiuhua said quickly: "I don't know if it's useful to those old mothers, I can't use it anyway." ”

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Yu Xiuhua said that she had to drink every night, and she couldn't sleep without drinking.

And Wanyan Huide said that she never drank alcohol, and also advised Yu Xiuhua not to drink alcohol and eat more fruits.

Yu Xiuhua directly began to ask abstractly: "If you don't drink alcohol, what kind of psychological counselor are you still doing?" ”

One sentence made Wan Yan Huide's face change greatly, and he didn't know how to parry.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

There are many wonderful moments when the two are in the same frame.

Wanyan Huide: "Don't be romantic when it rains, let's hold hands and walk in the rain together." ”

Yu Xiuhua: "It's a p, let's go, let's go, I'm not your boyfriend." ”

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Wanyan Huide and Yu Xiuhua were eating in the cafeteria, this situation made Wanyan Huide poetic, and immediately raised his mobile phone to ask Yu Xiuhua to compose a poem.

And Yu Xiuhua is very much like a child who was pulled out by his parents to show off his talents in front of his relatives, with a helpless and speechless face.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Afterwards, Yu Xiuhua also posted on Weibo in response to the incident.

Yu Xiuhua's wording is also very straightforward, and it can be seen that she really "endured very hard".

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Wanyan Huide said that Yu Xiuhua does not have the type of a woman at all.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

And Yu Xiuhua described Yan Huide as "a person in a suit", a person who wears a cheongsam and puts his feet on the table.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

The conservative and traditional Wanyan Huide has a strong sense of order in her heart, and in her eyes, Yu Xiuhua can be called a profligate wreck.

But in fact, Yu Xiuhua has always been so wanton and careless, and she doesn't care about the world's eyes.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

For a long time, whether it is her label as a poet with cerebral palsy, her shocking remarks, or her vigorous love life with her post-90s ex-husband...... Yu Xiuhua has too many points that are talked about by the outside world.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

It wasn't until I watched the show that I realized that the more I knew her, the more I could discover the excitement in the depths of her soul.

Everything about her is real and vivid, and there is a strong self-consistency in her words and actions.

For example, like comments from the outside world, she really doesn't care at all.

Her new book was launched, and the host asked her how she felt when she saw the negative comments from netizens.

Yu Xiuhua: "I don't care, as long as it sells well." ”

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Host: "Do you feel nervous?" ”

Yu Xiuhua: "I don't care, I think you know a P." ”

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

When it comes to controversy and external evaluation, she has endured a lot more than anyone else.

But in the face of the confusion faced by Wanyan Huide, she was able to point out the problem and give psychological counseling.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

In the show, four women hold hands and shout together on the beach to look forward to the future.

Everyone else is: "Today is another day", "Born to the sun".

Yu Xiuhua: "".

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

has experienced suffering, but she never exaggerates suffering, and even resents hypocrisy.

Rough words, smooth reason, peaceful heart, upward life;

Yu Xiuhua is as her poem describes: "A body that can rise the moon must have carried countless sunsets." ”

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Since childhood, Yu Xiuhua has been a child who is different from others.

She walked staggeringly, needed a stick to keep her balance when she was a child, and her speech was even more slurred, with her mouth crooked and her eyes slanted.

When she went to school on crutches as a child, her classmates often laughed at her for asking for food.

Even the "miracle doctor" who found a fortune teller at home said that she had done bad things in her previous life.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

But when she talks about the hurt she has suffered since childhood, she can say things like: "Love is an ability, not an instinct."

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Seeing Yu Xiuhua, I unconsciously remembered a core point mentioned in "The Courage to Be Hated".

If we focus on past causes and try to explain things by causes alone, we fall into "determinism", where it is not our past experiences that determine us, but the meaning we give to our experiences. ”

No matter what you've been through, you should be asked to accept "who you are now" first, and build up the courage to move forward first, regardless of the outcome.

Life is continuous in the here and now, and no one else will change the world for you except yourself.

True freedom is an attitude that pushes the self from below to the top.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

So when Su Min, who had been entangled with her husband because of divorce issues, was depressed.

Yu Xiuhua will say to her domineeringly:

"There is no inseparable marriage, just like the idea that I won't be buried together when I die, you just have to be firm!"

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Su Min - once endured her husband's cold violence for a long time, and restarted her life after the age of 50, bought a house and traveled around China

And when she saw Deng Jing, who was suffering from breast cancer, still showing the warmest smile to everyone, Yu Xiu was completely impressed by her optimism and vitality.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Deng Jing, a mother with breast cancer, after learning that she may have less than half a year to live, she made a list of "100 life wishes" and began to challenge, touching countless netizens.

She personally wrote a poem for Deng Jing, called "That Night, That Life":

She was laughing and I couldn't stop crying

The flames are rising all the time

Ashes too

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Speaking of the past, Yu Xiuhua said that she had no regrets.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Speaking of the future, she said that if there is anything else she wants to do now, it is to meet the people she likes, drink tea and chat, and that's it.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

At the end of the show, Yu Xiuhua dragged her trembling body and ran alone in the night.

At that moment, she was as free as a bird.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Life is like a continuous moment that keeps spinning and dancing at every moment", as long as the "here and now" of dancing is enough-Yang Jiang

She was completely reconciled to her past, her sorrows, and she enjoyed the moment completely.

As for the rest, as Yu Xiuhua herself said, it was all a footnote to her from the outside world, and she didn't care at all.

Two years after breaking up with her fresh meat boyfriend, Yu Xiuhua, a "poetry ruffian", finally became "crazy" like this

Few people can live as tenaciously and violently as Teacher Yu Xiuhua.

She just does what she wants, whether she succeeds or fails, she seems to have fun.