
Many years ago, Xu Deliang was the first to quit Deyun Club, do you think there is little money? Actually, there are other reasons

author:Mango Literary Society
Many years ago, Xu Deliang was the first to quit Deyun Club, do you think there is little money? Actually, there are other reasons
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Many years ago, Xu Deliang was the first to quit Deyun Club, do you think there is little money? Actually, there are other reasons

In the cross talk world, Deyun Club is like a small river and lake, full of unpredictable love and hatred. 12 years ago, there was a sudden storm in this river and lake - Xu Deliang, the veteran of Deyun Club, actually chose to quit.

The brother, who has been fighting side by side with Guo Degang for many years, publicly declared that he left because "the performance fee was too low", and even used harsh words like "wild dog" to describe his former partner.

However, is it really that simple? Why is it that to this day, whenever this matter is mentioned, Guo Degang's eyes still flash with tears that are difficult to hide? Xu Deliang's departure seems to have uncovered the more complex and unspeakable contradictions in the "rivers and lakes" of Deyun Club.

Let's uncover this long-forgotten past and explore its secrets.

Many years ago, Xu Deliang was the first to quit Deyun Club, do you think there is little money? Actually, there are other reasons

In the cross talk world, the name Xu Deliang has been like thunder. As one of the veterans of Deyun Club, he has a deep relationship with this stage. Xu Deliang worshiped under the master of cross talk Zhang Wenshun and inherited the essence of Beijing cross talk.

Only one year after the establishment of Deyun Club, he joined this vibrant group and injected a strong traditional cross talk heritage into it.

With a solid foundation and unique performance style, Xu Deliang soon became one of the pillars of Deyun Club. He performed with Guo Degang, full of tacit understanding, and won the love of the audience.

On the stage of Deyun Club, Xu Deliang showed extraordinary talent and potential, and if he follows the normal development trajectory, his future prospects will not be inferior to Hou Zhen and other backbones of Deyun Club.

Many years ago, Xu Deliang was the first to quit Deyun Club, do you think there is little money? Actually, there are other reasons

Xu Deliang and Guo Degang, the cross talk duo should have continued to shine on the stage and bring more joy to the audience. They worked hard and witnessed the process of Deyun Club from obscurity to fame.

The addition of Xu Deliang has added a heavy traditional heritage to Deyun Club, and has formed a unique chemical reaction with Guo Degang's innovative style.

However, fate has quietly changed the trajectory invisibly. Who would have thought that it was this veteran who had high hopes that would be the first to choose to leave Deyun Club? This decision not only shocked Deyun Club, but also caused an uproar in the entire cross talk world.

Xu Deliang's departure seems to indicate that the contradictions surging in the undercurrent of Deyun Club are about to surface.

Many years ago, Xu Deliang was the first to quit Deyun Club, do you think there is little money? Actually, there are other reasons

Xu Deliang's departure was initially seen as a simple salary dispute. In his public statement, he did not shy away from pointing out the reasons for his departure: the unacceptably low cost of the show, the deprivation of even the opportunity to participate in the film, and the repeated hindrance of personal contact.

What is even more shocking is that Xu Deliang claimed that all his income was taken by Guo Degang, making it difficult for him to make ends meet.

These remarks undoubtedly caused an uproar within Deyun Club. As the patriarch of Deyun Club, Xu Deliang found that his treatment was almost the same as that of the new members, and he was disappointed by the unfairness of this treatment.

In his opinion, years of hard work do not seem to have been duly rewarded, and this feeling makes it difficult for him to continue to gain a foothold in Deyun Club.

Many years ago, Xu Deliang was the first to quit Deyun Club, do you think there is little money? Actually, there are other reasons

However, the truth of the matter may not be as simple as it seems. When the media interviewed Guo Degang, his response was full of confusion and sadness. Guo Degang said that the income of the members of Deyun Club actually far exceeded the level of their peers, and Xu Deliang's departure made him deeply puzzled.

He even said that if it was really because of the salary issue, he could still face it calmly.

Guo Degang's words make people think: If it's really just because of money, why is he so sad? Obviously, the reason for Xu Deliang's departure is far more simple than what appears on the surface.

The controversy has also sparked public concern about Deyun's internal operating model. People began to question whether Deyun Club, as a group rooted in traditional art, should establish a more fair and transparent income distribution mechanism? How should the difference in treatment between old artists and newcomers be balanced? These problems are not only related to the future development of Deyun Club, but also to the healthy ecology of the entire cross talk industry.

Many years ago, Xu Deliang was the first to quit Deyun Club, do you think there is little money? Actually, there are other reasons

As time passed, people gradually realized that the reason for Xu Deliang's departure from Deyun Club may be far more complicated than imagined. The superficial controversy over the distribution of earnings is likely to be just the tip of the iceberg.

Is there a deeper contradiction hidden behind this turmoil? Is it a difference in artistic philosophy, or a difference in the direction of personal development? The answers to these questions may be the key to solving this mystery.

In any case, this controversy sounded the alarm for Deyun Club and provided an opportunity for reflection for the entire cross talk community. How to find a balance between inheriting tradition and innovative development, and how to establish a fair and reasonable distribution mechanism, these issues are worthy of in-depth discussion.

Delving into the reasons why Xu Deliang left Deyun Club, we found that the real source of the contradiction may lie in the difference in understanding the art of cross talk. This seemingly dispute over the distribution of interests actually reflects the collision of two completely different cross talk concepts.

Many years ago, Xu Deliang was the first to quit Deyun Club, do you think there is little money? Actually, there are other reasons

Xu Deliang, as a native of Beijing, has an understanding of cross talk that is deeply rooted in tradition. In his concept, cross talk should abide by the "rules" and maintain the gentle and elegant style unique to Beijing cross talk.

This concept stems from his learning experience, studying under the predecessors in the cross talk industry, and having the privilege of listening to the superb performances of the older generation of artists, and deeply feeling the charm of traditional cross talk.

For Xu Deliang, cross talk is not only a skill, but also a cultural inheritance that needs to be carefully cared for.

In contrast, Guo Degang's style is bold and innovative. Growing up in Tianjin, a city with a strong cultural atmosphere, Guo Degang has been influenced by diverse art forms since he was a child.

Many years ago, Xu Deliang was the first to quit Deyun Club, do you think there is little money? Actually, there are other reasons

This background has created his unique understanding of the art of cross talk. Guo Degang's cross talk performances often break the convention, not only the baggage design is very impactful, but also dares to disassemble and reconstruct the classic jokes, and sometimes even boldly combines two different cross talk jokes into one.

This innovative spirit has brought unprecedented success to Deyun Club, attracting a large number of young audiences, but it has also inevitably diverged from traditionalism.

Xu Deliang once used "wild dog" to describe Guo Degang in his new book, although he later explained that this was a compliment and used to praise Guo Degang's fighting spirit, but it was still difficult to hide his disagreement with Guo Degang's performance style.

This wording may reflect Xu Deliang's inner worries and dissatisfaction with the direction of cross talk art.

Many years ago, Xu Deliang was the first to quit Deyun Club, do you think there is little money? Actually, there are other reasons

Over time, this difference in artistic ideas has been like an invisible crack, constantly expanding. Although Xu Deliang appreciates the success of Guo Degang's performance, he always feels that there is some indescribable flaw in it.

In his opinion, the behavior of sacrificing artistic quality in the pursuit of effect may damage the essence of cross talk. Guo Degang, on the other hand, adheres to his own path of innovation, trying to push cross talk to a broader stage and attract more audiences.

This conflict of artistic concepts is not only reflected in the performance style, but also in the view of the future development direction of cross talk. Xu Deliang may be more inclined to maintain the purity and traditional characteristics of cross talk, while Guo Degang hopes to expand the influence and market of cross talk through innovation.

Both concepts have their legitimacy, but they are difficult to reconcile in practice.

Many years ago, Xu Deliang was the first to quit Deyun Club, do you think there is little money? Actually, there are other reasons

It is worth noting that this difference in artistic concepts is not unique to Deyun Club, but a common problem in the entire cross talk world and even the entire traditional art field. How to find a balance between inheritance and innovation, and how to revitalize traditional art in the modern society are all challenges that artists have to face.

The disagreement between Xu Deliang and Guo Degang represents, to a certain extent, two forces in the development of cross talk art. This seemingly personal contradiction actually reflects a larger question: how should traditional art behave in an era of rapid change? Do you stick to tradition, or do you want to be bold and innovative? There may not be a standard answer to this question, but it is worth pondering for everyone who cares about traditional culture.

After Xu Deliang left Deyun Club, his life trajectory changed dramatically. , a former cross talk celebrity, suddenly found himself losing the stage on which he depended to survive.

Losing the right to use the word "De" and being removed from the family tree of Deyun Society, these changes have dealt a heavy blow to his career development.

Many years ago, Xu Deliang was the first to quit Deyun Club, do you think there is little money? Actually, there are other reasons

Although he has a deep foundation in cross talk, after losing the platform of Deyun Club, Xu Deliang's career development is difficult. He tried to get involved in different fields, hoping to find new breakthroughs, but never achieved significant results.

Even in the field of cross talk, it is difficult to reproduce the glory of the Deyun Club period.

On social media, Xu Deliang still maintains a certain influence, with 800,000 loyal followers. However, the reality is harsh. Although he released a video of his performance, although he showed superb skills, he could only get few comments.

This kind of cold reaction is undoubtedly a blow to his heart.

Many years ago, Xu Deliang was the first to quit Deyun Club, do you think there is little money? Actually, there are other reasons

Over time, Xu Deliang seems to have gradually accepted reality. He began to fade out of the world of cross talk, and turned to the field of painting, looking for new ways of artistic expression. In his spare time, he shares his storytelling experience on major platforms, and seems to have found a new way of life.

However, when we look back on Xu Deliang's experience, we can't help but sigh that the world is impermanent. , a former master of cross talk, is now in an embarrassing situation.

Xu Deliang's story is like a mirror in the "rivers and lakes" of Deyun Club, reflecting the collision of artistic concepts and the price of personal choice. The old saying "the Tao is different and does not conspire with each other" has been profoundly interpreted in this turmoil.

Leaving is everyone's freedom. But the consequences that come with it need to be borne alone. Xu Deliang's experience has taught us a vivid life lesson.

Many years ago, Xu Deliang was the first to quit Deyun Club, do you think there is little money? Actually, there are other reasons

On the path of art, do you stick to tradition or keep pace with the times? Is it to cling to conviction or to compromise reality? There are no standard answers to these questions, but they are worth pondering for every artist.

Xu Deliang's choice may not be a mistake, but a helpless move on the balance between art and survival. His story reminds us that while pursuing artistic ideals, we must also face up to the cruelty of reality.

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