
The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite


The male protagonists of "Sauvignon Blanc" are a little too undignified.

Seeing that the second season of "Sauvignon Blanc" has been officially announced, it is about to be served vigorously.

But except for Tan Jianci, who is still politely doing business, the other male protagonists don't seem to pay much attention to the drama announcement.

A few days ago, Tencent held a press conference for the film list, and invited many creators of goose dramas to be broadcast to attend, introducing new dramas and engaging in publicity by the way.

The crew of "Sauvignon Blanc", which exploded in the first quarter of last year, was naturally invited.

However, compared with last year's drama broadcast, the leading actors worked hard to fry CP, at this year's event, as soon as the male protagonists stood on the stage, they all had a straight face and a serious face.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

The first three are numb, wooden, and very reassuring~

If the face is cold, just be cold, just think of the shape of the characters in the play.

But it would be outrageous to participate in a promotional campaign without actively promoting it.

After coming on stage, several leading actors each held a prop fan related to the plot in their hands, but none of them took the initiative to talk about the meaning of props and introduce a wave of "Sauvignon Blanc 2".

In order to move the process forward, the host cue them introduce themselves and the characters in the play, but these guys have been on a fugue since they took the stage.

A few people, you look at me, I look at you, no one wants to take the initiative to speak.

As a last resort, the host had no choice but to cue again and let the person with the microphone speak a few words first.

So there was the following strange scene:

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite


Deng Wei, who was holding the microphone, only signaled that the microphone was with him, but he just didn't open his mouth.

Zhang Wanyi, who was holding another microphone, reacted quickly, and immediately put the hot potato in his hand to the mouth of Wang Hongyi, who was still in a daze next door.

And then there's something even more bizarre.

Since the heroine Yang Zi couldn't come to the scene to participate in the event because of filming, the official prepared a character stand card for her instead.

In order to explain that the heroine did not attend the event, by the way, the heroine was invited to the stage.

The host joked with these 4 male protagonists who love the heroine in the play to death, and asked why Xiaoyao didn't come together today? Do you want to be a child?

Among the several wooden stakes on the stage, only Tan Jianci took the initiative to take over the conversation with a smile, saying "Xiao Yao is in my heart" and "Nine heads are thinking".

The others stood aside deafly, watching expressionlessly as the heroine's stand card was picked up and stood on the side of the stage.

The expression of wanting to avoid suspicion and refusing to fire cp is all written on his face.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

Only Tan Jianci was trying to liven up the atmosphere throughout the whole process

More exciting in the back.

Zhang Wanyi, who was standing in the middle, seemed to want to reach out and take the heroine's stand card to the C position.

Just as he was about to stretch out his hand, he was stopped by Wang Hongyi beside him shaking his head.

By the way, he also covered his face with the fan in his hand, and he didn't know what to say to Zhang Wanyi, so he immediately dispelled the idea of taking the stand.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

Netizens made their own emojis and ridiculed Wang Hongyi and asked Zhang Wanyi not to fry CP

After a greeting that was pushed away by the host, it was finally time to step down.

It may be that the host is working hard to help these male protagonists fry the CP camp, or the original plan of the on-site director is to let the guests bring all the props down.

When the male host asked them if they wanted to go down with "Xiaoyao", the four staged another show of looking at each other.

All of them stretched out their hands to "invite" others, as if to say, "You can take it, this opportunity will be given to you~"

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

Seeing that the atmosphere was embarrassing, the hostess hurriedly helped to play a round, "Take Xiaoyao with you, and walk to our to-be list early." ”

But these brothers, as if they hadn't heard this conversation, still didn't move.

But when he heard that the male host asked the staff to take away the standing card, he reacted quickly.

Before the words fell, Deng Wei over there had already stepped down with long legs, and he took three steps and two steps without looking back.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

I feel that during this "Sauvignon Blanc 2" press conference, the two hosts are the most active in business.

I have to push the process and play a round, and I have to rack my brains to help the leading actor fight for business opportunities.

But people don't answer at all~

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

For a century-long 6 minutes, you can imagine how much the two hosts have suffered.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite
The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

Seeing this, some people may say, the platter press conference, after all, is not a topic of "Sauvignon Blanc", just a few words are enough, and the other crews must be like this.

But the truth is the opposite, the whole process of the nearly 5-hour press conference, although each crew was only divided into a few minutes, but their whole work is endless.

Let's start with the most common way of doing business.

At this press conference, there are basically few people who are not serious about publicity.

The crew of the family drama, a family of 7 went into battle together, and they were intimately attached to each other, focusing on a family atmosphere.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

In the crew of the friendship drama, the sisters went on stage hand in hand, teasing each other while promoting, and the girlfriends did not look like acting.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

In addition, there are a lot of male and female protagonists of love idol dramas, who use the identity of the characters to fry CP on the spot.

clicked casually on the progress bar a few times, and you could see Xuanlu holding the prop microphone in her hand, and introducing the identity of the reporter she played with a sweet smile.

He also joked about using the microphone in his hand to interview everyone on the stage.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

The male protagonist Jin Han on the side was full of spoiling, and took the initiative to tilt his head to the side and happily held the microphone to interview his heroine, smiling so much that his already small eyes were squinted.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

In addition to this kind of ordinary business, the crew on this occasion also used a lot of props and costumes to do their work.

For example, the crew of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World", which has just started broadcasting, each actor specially prepared his own character's iconic props on stage.

Like this sand who played Guo Jing, he took a big bow and performed a bow to shoot a big eagle on the stage, and he also played a trick with Kanglong and regretted it.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

Wang Hongyi behind him was still empty, with a cold expression

Bao Shangen, who played Huang Rong, in order to thank the audience for their attention and love for the series, wore a floor-mopping princess dress to show a section of the Heroic Sword Palm.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

There is also the crew of the military film "Synthesis Order", and all the special forces appeared.

As soon as he got on the field, he began to stand in a military posture, and when he came out to speak, he had to kick a straight step and salute.

It's like being taken away by the characters in the play.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

The sense of ritual of the crew of "Synthesis Order" stepping down

If you want to say that it will be open, it has to be the crew of "The Legend of Magpie Knife Gate 2", and they will go directly to the talent.

Zhang Xiaoying, the actor of Gongsun Lirong, who is famous for "loving Haier" in the play, is still shy and nervous when she speaks.

said that he showed his talents, and shouted "love Hai'er, love Hai, love Hai~~~" and roared to shock the audience.

Looking at the little treasure next to him, he was scared, and he was stunned~

As soon as this memory is killed, the expectation of "The Legend of Magpie Knife Gate 2" will explode directly.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

Having said that, when it comes to business, domestic entertainment is still not played by Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korean entertainment stars.

In the past two years, Taiwan Entertainment, which has been rich in BL dramas, has been in full swing with the two male protagonists.

These Taiwanese entertainment male protagonists can fill the scale when they start a business.

Rubbing your nose on stage is just a piece of cake.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

Kisskiss is also a breeze across things.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

If you want to talk about playing wild, there is also this kind of game of squeezing balloons, what is holding a table tennis ball along the trouser leg.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite
The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

The gameplay is full of tricks, and there is no lower limit to the scale, which is not uncommon in Taiwan entertainment.

Hong Kong entertainment stars don't play scale, they play who is crazier than whom, and they can let go.

At the roadshow scene of the crew of the movie "The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City", a group of old men sold cute fingers on stage, and their expressions were shy.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

Four less and four I people in the walled city, in front of the audience and the media, restored the famous scene in the film, not to mention the crickets on the ground, Hu Zitong's pants were almost ripped off by Zhang Wenjie.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

Naturally, not only these small and medium-sized coffees dare to go crazy and dare to play, but the super celebrities are still in business, and they are still upup.

The roadshow of the crew of "Fengshen" has always been famous for its activities, and Mr. Fei Xiang is willing to meet any requirements of the audience.

The princess of Hao Su hug~

At the age of 64, he is still covered in tendons, and when he first met Daji, he picked up Na Ran effortlessly, and walked off the stage with great strides.

After this performance, he even hugged Na Ran back from the audience.

When it was open, he fried CP generously, and he deserved to be the dream lover selected by mothers.

Of course, in terms of speculating CP, our king actor Mr. Andy Lau is not far behind.

During the announcement of the movie "Sneaking", Liu Tianwang and his wife Liu Yase in the film also pulled their hands, straightened their collars, and smiled at each other at various roadshow scenes, which was very sweet.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

He will also take the initiative to cue Liu Yase's "sister-in-law" in the film, and show his affection to the CP fans on the scene openly.

At the "Goldfinger" roadshow scene with another actor Tony Leung, he brought Mr. Leung, a top i-person, to a five-in-a-row meal.

I deeply suspect that Tony Leung will spend a week without speaking to heal this business.

The bigwigs of domestic entertainment are like this, let alone Korean entertainment.

South Korea's national treasure actor, known as "Korean Chow Yun-fat", actor Choi Min-sik, is also open to promoting the movie.

It's a heart and a cute headdress.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

Carrying a small schoolbag of bells and whistles, shaking his shoulders back and forth with a smile, there is only one word "cute" to describe.

The actor in "Sauvignon Blanc", only Tan Jianci is polite

Compared with these top celebrities, and then look back at a few of "Sauvignon Blanc", it is really a high decision.

The hard work of the actors' business just illustrates a basic truth:

Not only acting, but also serious business is also one of the jobs of an actor.

Even if it is at the level of Andy Lau and Tony Leung, you have to work hard to please the audience, otherwise where will the ratings and box office come from.

Now there are some small actors and stars in domestic entertainment, who think that they have a reputation for acting in two dramas, so they are too proud.

In fact, the higher you are praised, the worse you will fall after losing the audience.

Advice to those little Karami who are trying to play big and look down on themselves, learn more from their predecessors.

You should really study hard, what is a dedicated business fan.

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