
This brother is finally in love?


Yu Haoming's words when he recorded the ID of "I Play Basketball in Hengdian" ↓

"She said you took her to pick out a lot of clothes and shoes"

This brother is finally in love?

"She said she wanted to learn to play basketball, so I'm going to take her with me and cultivate a relationship by the way."

This brother is finally in love?

It didn't come out of nowhere!

Is there really that "her"

This brother is finally in love?

The paparazzi said that he was photographed taking a girl to dinner with his family, and the two were holding hands throughout the whole process, and turned back at the same frequency when they heard the sound;

This brother is finally in love?

Although the girl couldn't see her appearance clearly with the hat and mask she was wearing, Yu Haoming then made an official announcement in the circle of friends.

There's nothing to hide.

This brother is finally in love?

Fans and netizens are blessings:

Congratulations to Brother Hao Ming for finally finding the right person, and he must be happy in the future.

This brother is finally in love?
This brother is finally in love?
This brother is finally in love?

Truth or dare!

Because I know that it is not easy for my brother to go all the way.

Yu Haoming made his debut in the "Happy Boy" competition in 07, and belongs to the category of both strength and appearance.

Because of his young age and good looks, he was also given the title of "National Brother";

This brother is finally in love?

Many people didn't get him in the draft that year, but now look back at the video and photos of Yu Haoming's game at that time:

This brother is finally in love?
This brother is finally in love?

Laughing is sunny, crying is touching, tender and sweet!

It's not an exaggeration to say that it's the chosen traffic idol, right?

This brother is finally in love?

In 22 years, there was such a hot topic in the market #Yu Haoming's face fifteen years ago#, and the number of readers was not low.

This brother is finally in love?

That is, at that time, there was no formed idol stage in internal entertainment (and there is no now), and there was no mature rice circle.

So after Yu Haoming debuted, he didn't be a singer for too long, so he transformed into an actor track.

This brother is finally in love?

The track wasn't crowded for those of them who started with millions of followers.

Instead, open the door to welcome them over.

So Yu Haoming played Duanmu Lei in "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower", which had unparalleled ratings and attention that year;

This brother is finally in love?

is also the character of the flower class in the genuine "Meteor Garden".

Yu Haoming's popularity rose again after this drama, and Mango TV took a fancy to his popularity and asked him to be the host of the ace program "Everyday Upward".

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Seeing that his career was doing well, he didn't expect an accident to come.

He was involved in an explosion while filming the TV series "I Have a Date with Spring" and suffered serious burns in the accident.

This brother is finally in love?

That was 10 years ago, and it was only three years since he debuted.

This brother is finally in love?

Now it's meaningless to worry about who saved whom, and whose responsibility is meaningless, they are all victims, and it's hard to say right or wrong.

I only know that this accident gave Yu Haoming, who was only 23 years old and was on the rise, a devastating blow, and he should have soared to the bottom.

This brother is finally in love?

Yu Haoming suffered burns of up to 40% of his body and severely disfigured his face.

Actors, in addition to acting skills, the most important thing is the face.

This brother is finally in love?

Later, Yu Haoming returned to the circle after experiencing difficulties and reconstruction that only he knew.

This brother is finally in love?

But the entertainment industry is the most cruel, and it will not wait for anyone.

Burns are irreversible and will not return to their original appearance, Yu Haoming is no longer the original sunny boy;

This brother is finally in love?

Coupled with the psychological trauma caused by the burns, he seemed a little out of place when he returned to the stage of "Everyday Upward" again.

This brother is finally in love?

If he didn't fit in, he had to leave, so he quit the presiding group.

Without the blessing of the previous popularity, there are very few characters who find Yu Haoming.

Fortunately, he cherishes it all.

I don't care about the size of the role, I work hard to play every opportunity.

This brother is finally in love?

So from Du Mingli in "The Flowers Bloomed and the Moon Was Full That Year", to Zhao Gongzi in "Who Is He", and then to Officer Mu Sen in the online drama "Detective Chinatown 2".

This brother is finally in love?

More and more audiences are beginning to pay attention to his acting skills, rather than the fire that once was, and his long-changed appearance.

This brother is finally in love?

Especially when "The Flowers Bloomed and the Moon Was Full That Year" was broadcast, he vividly interpreted the cunning, insidious, and uncertain nature of "Du Mingli";

This brother is finally in love?

At that time, after watching the play, Hu Ge specially posted a cue about Yu Haoming, and the two actors who had also experienced ups and downs in their lives sympathized with each other.

This brother is finally in love?

So now that time has passed and looking back, Yu Haoming is no longer Ma's fledgling little idol;

This brother is finally in love?

is not a traffic actor who will be trapped in the quagmire of popularity and can't control himself about his relationship.

This brother is finally in love?

He has a place in the circle by virtue of his role and strength, he is of the right age, has a stable career, and naturally no one objects to falling in love or getting married and having children.

It's all the sound of blessings.

This brother is finally in love?

Netizen: At present, it seems that only Zhang Yuan has been single, and when Yu Haoming gets married, he must invite Zhang Yuan to sing "Guest".

This brother is finally in love?

Although Yuanzi didn't mess with anyone, it was true!

Looking at 0713's "Happy Boys", they basically have a happy home.

Champion Chen Chusheng belongs to the representative of "young marriage", and he entered into marriage with his girlfriend who has been in love for many years early, and his relationship has always been very stable;

This brother is finally in love?

woke up and got married, and the sister-in-law rarely showed up, but the photos taken by fans in private could see the happiness of the two;

This brother is finally in love?

Needless to say, Wei Chen, right? has been in love for many years, and his wife has walked from the campus to the wedding dress, and he has not changed for so many years.

This brother is finally in love?

There is also Huzi and Hush, how many melon-eating netizens envy him, boys are in love with their brains, and their feelings must be good.

This brother is finally in love?

Although Wang Lixin's steps are a bit big, he divorced after getting married and having children.

But at least the brothers have girlfriends, wives, and families.

Only Zhang Yuan...

This brother is finally in love?

It seems that even the relationship has never been photographed by the paparazzi?

No, brother, don't you want to talk about it, or do you have to wait until all the brothers are settled before thinking about yourself?