
"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

author:Mango Literary Society
"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life
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"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

In the late autumn of 1997, in a cemetery on the outskirts of Beijing, a simple and deserted funeral was underway. Lying in the coffin is the once popular movie star Yang Yaqin, who conquered the hearts of countless audiences with her role as Juanzi in "Bitter Cauliflower".

On the last leg of her life, neither ex-husband showed up, except for a black-and-white photograph quietly watching the few send-offs.

Yang Yaqin's nephew, Yang Jun, stood in front of the tombstone and said softly: "My aunt has been looking for sincere feelings all her life, but she has never been able to do so. This is probably the tragedy of her life.

This sentence seems to say the epitome of Yang Yaqin's 53-year life, and also draws an embarrassing end to this once bright star.

"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

In 1944, in the war-torn era, Yang Yaqin was born in this world. However, fate does not seem to favor the girl. As a child, she experienced unimaginable pain.

When he was two years old, his loving mother died; Just five years later, my overworked father died. Yang Yaqin, who was only seven years old, became an orphan and was forced to face this cruel world prematurely.

The shadow of childhood is like a lingering dark cloud, always hanging over Yang Yaqin's heart. However, the god of fate seemed to wink at her again. In 1959, 15-year-old Yang Yaqin accompanied Xuexue to the avant-garde drama troupe of Jinan Military Region to take the exam, but she did not expect to be selected unexpectedly.

This chance opportunity, like a ray of sunshine piercing through the haze, opened a new door for her life.

"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

Three years later, in 1962, the opportunity struck again. The director of Bayi Film Studio came to the troupe for casting, and Yang Yaqin stood out with her outstanding temperament and got the opportunity to participate in the movie "Mine Warfare".

Despite being only a supporting role, Yang Yaqin's performance left a deep impression on the audience. The militia "Tian Sister-in-law" she played was impressive for her courage and determination in the face of the Japanese invaders.

In particular, the scene where she pulls the bolt of the gun is still fresh in the memory of many viewers.

However, what really made Yang Yaqin famous in one fell swoop was the 1965 movie "Bitter Cauliflower". In order to better interpret the role, Yang Yaqin has made extraordinary efforts.

"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

She went deep into life, learned the local dialect, and even deliberately restrained her diet during adolescence to keep her figure fit for the role. This dedication paid off in the end, and her image of Juanzi successfully captured the hearts of audiences across the country and established her status in the film industry.

Since then, Yang Yaqin's star career has been bright. She joined Bayi Film Studio as she wished, and successively starred in a series of popular works such as "Scout", "Flame of Youth", and "Second Spring".

The little girl who was once lonely and helpless finally shined brightly in the spotlight.

Yang Yaqin's acting career is like a rising star, and each of her roles is lifelike and unforgettable. From the brave militia in "Mine Warfare", to the indomitable Juanzi in "Bitter Cauliflower", and then to the heroic female soldier in "Scout", Yang Yaqin used her acting skills to interpret one vivid character after another.

"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

Who would have thought that this hard-won success would become a foreshadowing of her future tragedy. The shadow of childhood has always haunted her, making her have an almost stubborn longing for family and love.

This desire made her make a life-changing decision at the peak of her career, and also planted the seeds of tragedy in her later life.

With the take-off of her career, Yang Yaqin's reputation has become louder and louder. However, under this glamorous appearance, there is always a gap in her heart that cannot be filled.

The shadow of the loss of her parents in childhood is always with her, and she has an almost stubborn longing for family and love. This desire made her lose her balance on the balance of love and career again and again.

"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

Yang Yaqin's first marriage began at the beginning of her career. At that time, she suffered some criticism due to her family background. The leaders of the film studio, who were sympathetic to her situation, matched her and introduced a security guard.

For Yang Yaqin, who is eager for stability, this is undoubtedly an excellent choice. This marriage did solidify her position to a certain extent, allowing her to continue her acting career in works such as "Sea Eagle" and "The Great Wall of the South Sea" in that turbulent era.

As time passed, the contradictions between the two gradually emerged. The difference in ideals and beliefs, and the difference in lifestyle, made this marriage come to an end. After the divorce, Yang Yaqin took on the responsibility of raising her daughter alone, and at the same time devoted herself to her acting career.

During this period, her acting skills matured day by day, and she successively created popular roles in films such as "Scout" and "Second Spring", and her acting career climbed to a new peak.

"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

Just when her career was taking off again, love once again knocked on Yang Yaqin's heart. This time, the other party is a businessman from Hong Kong and a big fan of hers.

Yang Yaqin, who was carried away by love, did not hesitate to agree to the other party's request to move to Hong Kong, giving up the career foundation that she had built up with great difficulty in the mainland.

In 1984, Yang Yaqin, who was in the age of no doubt, came to Hong Kong with a vision of a better life. However, reality gave her a slap in the face. As the days passed, her husband's enthusiasm for her faded and was replaced by an increasingly obvious apathy.

Yang Yaqin, who realized the crisis in her marriage, tried to return to the entertainment industry, but in the fiercely competitive Hong Kong film industry, she seemed powerless.

"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

Eventually, the second marriage ended in failure. Yang Yaqin returned to the mainland with disappointment and remorse. However, things are not people, and the once familiar showbiz has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The new generation of actors such as Liu Xiaoqing and others have become the mainstream of the market, and Yang Yaqin, who is not confused, can only retreat behind the scenes and take on some supporting roles.

In the choice between love and career, Yang Yaqin always seems to have made the wrong choice. She gave up her career for love, but lost her love due to the failure of her career, and fell into a strange circle from which she could not extricate herself.

Every choice she made made her one step closer to her dream.

"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

Yang Yaqin's story is like a tragedy about love and career. She has created many strong and brave female images on the screen, but in real life, she cannot be as decisive and determined as the characters she plays.

Her persistent pursuit of love made her make life-changing decisions at the peak of her career, and also planted the seeds of tragedy in her later life.

This experience has taught us that on the road of life, we need to find a balance between love and career in order to achieve true happiness. Blind love pursuits can make people lose themselves, and the cost of giving up a career is often huge.

Yang Yaqin's choice eventually caused her to lose her career and fail to find sincere love, which may be the biggest regret in her life.

"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

Looking back on Yang Yaqin's acting career, I have to say that she once had a glorious time. After joining Bayi Film Studio, she ushered in the golden age of her career.

In "Scout", Yang Yaqin created a heroic image of a female soldier, and her performance made the audience feel the perseverance and loyalty of soldiers. In "The Fire of Youth", she showed the enthusiasm and passion of the revolutionary youth, and vividly interpreted the idealism of the young people of that era.

In "The Second Spring", Yang Yaqin interprets a female image who has gone through vicissitudes but is still strong, and her performance deeply touched the audience and made people feel the hardships and hopes of life.

Every role was vividly interpreted by Yang Yaqin, which made the audience remember it vividly. Her acting skills are becoming more and more exquisite, and her understanding of the role is becoming more and more profound. In that era when information dissemination was not developed, Yang Yaqin became a household name star with her superb acting skills and unique temperament.

"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

Her name is almost equal to the main theme movies of that era, and she has become an idol in the hearts of countless audiences.

Under this seemingly glamorous appearance, Yang Yaqin has always had an indescribable loneliness in her heart. The shadow of her childhood lingered with her, making her still feel empty and lonely at the pinnacle of success.

She longs for a warm home and sincere love, and this desire even exceeds the pursuit of a career.

It is this dedication to love that made Yang Yaqin make a decision that changed the trajectory of her life when her career was at its most brilliant. In 1984, she resolutely chose to move to Hong Kong with her second husband, pushing herself to the precipice of her career.

"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

This decision not only made her lose her acting career that she had worked hard in the mainland for many years, but also made her miss the golden development period of the Chinese film market.

Yang Yaqin's story just confirms the old saying: things must be opposed. When she stood at the pinnacle of her career and should have continued to shine, she let her star journey come to an abrupt end because of her blind pursuit of love.

This is undoubtedly the biggest regret in her life, and it also laid the groundwork for her future tragedy.

Yang Yaqin's experience tells us that even at the peak of life, we must keep a clear head and not be swayed by the emotional impulse of the moment. Success is not easy to come by, and maintaining it requires continuous effort and wisdom.

"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

When Yang Yaqin realized that her second marriage was difficult to maintain, she decided to return to the mainland entertainment industry. However, the once familiar stage has gone through the vicissitudes of life, and things are not people.

The former queen of the film industry returned, only to find that the new generation of actors such as Liu Xiaoqing and others have risen and become the mainstream of the market. And Yang Yaqin, who is not confused, has to retreat from the position of the protagonist to the background, and can only take on some supporting roles.

She has participated in more than ten film and television dramas such as "Big River Love", "Ordinary People", "Drama", "Black and Red Tie", "Heaven Travel", etc., but none of these roles can be compared with her former glory.

Every time she stood on the set and looked at the radiant appearance of those young actors, Yang Yaqin's heart would be filled with bitterness. She began to question her decision to give up her career, but she couldn't turn back time, and she could only silently bear this remorse.

"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

The setbacks in her career, coupled with her emotional frustration, brought a heavy blow to Yang Yaqin. She began to numb herself with smoking and alcoholism, but this self-injurious behavior eventually led to lung cancer.

Looking at her increasingly haggard self in the mirror, Yang Yaqin couldn't help but sigh at the impermanence of fate. Once, she was the radiant "most beautiful juanzi", but now she has become a supporting role struggling on the edge of the entertainment industry.

This huge gap filled her heart with loss and pain.

Yang Yaqin's experience tells us that in the highly competitive industry of acting, once you lose the opportunity, it is very difficult to rise again. Her story also reminds us that career and relationship are just as important, and that when making major life decisions, you need to think carefully and weigh the pros and cons.

"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

For Yang Yaqin, the price she paid for love was her entire brilliant acting career, which was undoubtedly a sighing ending.

In September 1997, Yang Yaqin left this world with endless regrets. At the last moment of her life, she once sadly said that the biggest regret in her life was that she easily gave up her once glorious film career; The biggest guilt is to pursue personal emotional solace and let down the audience who once loved and supported her.

Yang Yaqin's life is not only the legend of a talented actor, but also the tragedy of a woman who persistently pursues love but never succeeds. She created the image of a strong and unyielding Juanzi in "Bitter Cauliflower", but in real life she can't be as tough as Juanzi.

Her story teaches us that blind love pursuits can lead to self-loss, and that the cost of giving up a career is often enormous. At the same time, her experience also reminds us that on the road of life, we need to find a balance between love and career in order to achieve true happiness.

"Bitter Cauliflower" Yang Yaqin: The two husbands were reluctant to attend the funeral, and the nephew confessed the tragedy of her life

Yang Yaqin's life may be summed up in the words of her nephew Yang Jun: "She has been looking for some kind of sincere emotion, but I don't think she has found it in her life."

This is a very sad thing in her life. This sentence expresses Yang Yaqin's lifelong pursuit and regret, and also leaves a profound life inspiration for future generations.

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