
Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

author:Mango Literary Society
Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

In the spring of 2021, a news that shook the entertainment industry exploded on the Internet like thunder: the well-known "Internet celebrity" Song Zude publicly predicted that Deyun Club would collapse by 2024.

This remark was like a bombshell, causing an uproar in the cross talk world and fan base. In the face of such a sharp prediction, Guo Degang, the head of Deyun Club, chose to remain silent.

His golden partner Yu Qian responded in a firm tone: "As long as I am here, Deyun Club will not fall." Where did this turmoil provoked by "Song Dazui" come from? What will be the future of Deyun Club? A debate over the fate of traditional art began.

Rewind to the 2009 Chinese New Year, and the eyes of the Chinese audience focused on a young man in a Scottish plaid skirt. Xiao Shenyang became an instant hit on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala with the song "My Hometown" and became the hottest new star of the year.

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

His sudden rise attracted fierce criticism from "Song Zude", the "big mouth" of Song.

Song Zude published a long article on social platforms, sharply predicting that Xiao Shenyang's popularity was just a flash in the pan, asserting that its popularity would be difficult to maintain until the end of the year.

Not only that, but he also pointed the finger at Zhao Benshan, the mentor of Xiaoshenyang, saying that both of them were "representatives of vulgar art". This remark caused an uproar on the Internet and sparked heated discussions among many netizens.

Just as public opinion was disturbing, an unexpected figure stood up. Guo Degang, who was in the prime of life at that time, may have been accused of "vulgarity" in cross talk, and empathized with Song Zude's remarks.

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

He stepped forward and fought for Xiao Shenyang and Zhao Benshan.

With his unique humorous style, Guo Degang severely criticized Song Zude's remarks in public. He pointed out that as an art worker, it is really biased to criticize his peers so wantonly.

He advised Song Zude to focus on his own work, instead of blaming others at every turn.

However, Guo Degang's remarks did not calm the dispute, but attracted a more fierce counterattack from Song Zude. Song Zude seems to think that an artist who talks cross talk can't make any big waves, so he intensified his efforts to post more sharp comments on Xiao Shenyang and Guo Degang, and even bluntly called their performances "vulgar".

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

In the face of such a provocation, Guo Degang was naturally not to be outdone. He responded with his unique humor: "Song Zude's parents may have made some mistakes when they gave birth to him, perhaps something went wrong in one link, resulting in the final product being somewhat unsatisfactory."

These ridiculous words caused the onlookers to burst into laughter, and at the same time made this war of words more and more intense.

In this way, a dispute that had nothing to do with Guo Degang turned into a head-to-head confrontation between him and Song Zude because of his righteous words. This war of words, which began in 2009, not only affected the relationship between the two, but also laid the groundwork for more than ten years of grievances in the future.

It is like an inconspicuous seed that will grow into a towering tree that will affect the fate of the entire Deyun Club in the future.

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

The aftermath of this dispute far exceeded the expectations of the parties. It not only defined the relationship between Guo Degang and Song Zude, but also became an important turning point in the future development of Deyun Club.

In the years to come, this grievance will continue to appear in various ways and become an enduring legend in the entertainment industry.

In the Chinese entertainment industry, Song Zude is a love-hate existence. Although not a star, it attracts more attention than many celebrities. People nicknamed him "Song Dazui", not because of his looks, but because of his never-ending mouth.

Song claims to have PhDs from three world-renowned universities and is both a business elite and a director. However, his fame does not come from any earth-shattering works, but from his sharp comments and amazing predictions of various events in the entertainment industry.

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

In the eyes of some netizens, Song Zude is a messenger of justice. Whenever he thinks something unjust is happening, he will stand up and lash out mercilessly.

For example, in the "Hangzhou Nanny Arson Case", which caused a sensation across the country, when most people were immersed in grief, Song Zude bravely stood up and questioned Lin Shengbin, the other protagonist of the case.

He constantly exposes all kinds of suspicions and possible shady scenes, and this behavior gives many people hope in the pursuit of the truth.

However, Song Zude's prophecy was not limited to social events. In the entertainment industry, his predictions are often jaw-dropping. In January 2005, he asserted that the marriage of the popular host Li Xiang would break down within two months.

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

Although many people scoffed at this at the time, in November 2006, Li Xiang really publicly admitted the failure of his marriage.

In 2017, when Luo Zhixiang proudly disclosed his relationship with Zhou Yangqing, Song Zude went against the norm and called on Luo Zhixiang to leave the entertainment industry. This suggestion seemed inexplicable at the time, but in 2020, Zhou Yangqing exposed Luo Zhixiang's various misdeeds with a long article, causing Luo Zhixiang's acting career to fall into a trough.

Song Zude's prophecy seems to have some kind of magic power, and it has been fulfilled repeatedly. In 2019, he publicly called for the suspension of "Happy Camp", a variety show that has accompanied countless viewers for more than 20 years, and it was really announced that it would be stopped a year later.

In the same year, he severely criticized actor Zheng Shuang and suggested that she quit the entertainment industry, and in 2021, Zheng Shuang was indeed completely banned for surrogacy and tax evasion.

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

Song Zude's remarks are also often controversial. Some see him as a warrior for justice, while others see him as a grandstanding opportunist. In any case, his presence has added a lot of drama to the Chinese entertainment industry.

For Deyun Club, Song Zude also has his own opinions. He has publicly criticized Deyun Club many times, believing that its programs are vulgar and the team members have low academic qualifications. In April 2021, he even released an astonishing statement, predicting that Deyun Club would completely close down by 2024.

This remark is undoubtedly the biggest challenge to Deyun Club.

Song Zude's existence is like a demon mirror in the entertainment industry, reflecting the truth that many people are unwilling to face. However, were his prophecies always accurate? Is his judgment of Deyun Club objective and fair? I am afraid that only time will give answers to these questions.

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

In any case, Song Zude's words and deeds have touched the nerves of countless people. He is like a sharp sword hanging over the head of the entertainment industry, which makes people both look forward to it and fear it.

And his prophecy to Deyun Club has also become the core topic we want to discuss today.

When discussing the fate of Deyun Club, we cannot ignore a crucial figure - Yu Qian. This partner, who has gone through 23 years of ups and downs hand in hand with Guo Degang, has contributed to the success of Deyun Club.

Back in 2000, Guo Degang was still an unknown cross talk actor at that time. By chance, he was invited to Yu Qian's Beijing Quyi Troupe to perform the counterpart comedy "Tethered Doll".

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

This collaboration was like Mars hitting the Earth, and the two sparked amazing sparks on the stage, winning bursts of applause from the audience.

However, the gears of fate did not immediately mesh. At that time, Yu Qian had already gained a firm foothold in the Quyi Troupe and did not immediately join Deyun Club. It wasn't until four years later that Deyun Club gradually emerged, and Guo Degang once again extended an olive branch to Yu Qian.

From that moment on, the two officially became partners, hand in hand, and walked through 23 spring and autumn together.

In these long years, Guo Degang and Yu Qian have cultivated a breathtaking tacit understanding. On and off the stage, they are like brothers with a heart, and they can understand it with one look and one action.

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

Every time Yu Qian's birthday, Guo Degang will send sincere blessings, and sometimes even publicly confess on social media, which has moved countless netizens.

In 2016, Guo Degang confessed affectionately on social platforms on Yu Qian's birthday: "I only wish to be with you forever in this life." These seven words express the deep friendship between the two and their common pursuit of career, and also moved countless netizens.

It is this deep affection and tacit cooperation that has created the glory of Deyun Club today. Looking at today's cross talk industry, it is difficult to find a partner who can compete with them.

As one netizen said: "Two Guo Degang can't make a big deal, and it's difficult for two Yu Qian to make a difference; However, a Guo Degang and a Yu Qian are a match made in heaven.

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

Guo Degang and Yu Qian's partner is not only a combination of two people, but also the soul of Deyun Club. Their tacit performance not only brought joy to the audience, but also injected new vitality into the traditional art of cross talk.

In the face of doubts and challenges from the outside world, it is this deep friendship and dedication to art that allows Deyun Club to stand tall.

Therefore, when Song Zude predicted that Deyun Club would collapse in 2024, Yu Qian's response was resounding: "As long as I am here, Deyun Club will not fall." "It's not just a commitment to a partner, it's a commitment to the art.

It demonstrates the cohesion of Deyun Club and the confidence of the golden partner in the future.

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

The rise of Deyun Club can be called a legend in the Chinese cross talk industry. From the initial unknown nationality to today's hard to find a vote, Guo Degang and his team have written an inspirational chapter with sweat and talent.

However, as its fame climbed, Deyun Club also faced more and more doubts and challenges. Some people criticize Deyun Club's cross talk for containing vulgar jokes, and some people accuse them of blaspheming traditional culture.

Some people even maliciously speculated that Guo Degang changed careers to raise pigs or set up stalls to sell pork. These voices are all testing the determination and adaptability of Deyun Club.

In the face of the flood of doubts, Guo Degang chose to speak with strength. He has cultivated batches of outstanding cross talk actors, such as Yue Yunpeng, Guo Qilin, Zhang Yunlei, etc., injecting fresh blood into the cross talk industry.

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

Although most of these disciples came from the grassroots and did not have a high degree of education, their talents brought unprecedented vitality and vitality to this traditional art.

The success of Deyun Club just proves that academic qualifications are not the only criterion for measuring a person's achievements. Looking back on the history of the cross talk industry, the older generation of cross talk masters such as Hou Baolin, Ma Sanli and others, they may not have prominent academic qualifications, but they have still become great artists engraved in the history of cross talk.

The rise of Deyun Club continues this tradition and proves the importance of hard work with practice.

The existence of Deyun Club has injected new vitality into the art of cross talk, which was once at a low ebb. They are attracting a growing number of young audiences, giving this traditional art a new charm in the new era.

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

It can be said that Guo Degang's contribution to the cross talk industry can be called a turning tide and building a bridge between tradition and modernity.

However, challenges remain. How to keep innovating while maintaining the traditional essence of cross talk? How to deal with competition from other forms of entertainment? How to cultivate a new generation of cross talk talents? These are all problems that Deyun Club needs to face.

But Deyun's history tells us that they have the ability to overcome these challenges. From the initial small theater performance to today's national tour, from a single cross talk performance to a cross-border variety show, Deyun Club has been exploring and making breakthroughs.

Their success lies not only in their commercial brilliance, but also in their contribution to the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese culture.

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

In this fast-paced era, Deyun Club uses humor and humor to make more people fall in love with the ancient art of cross talk. This is perhaps the best answer to those questions and challenges.

In fact, the answer seems to be on the horizon. Deyun Club is no longer a small group that can be easily shaken, but has grown into the mainstay of China's cross talk industry.

As Yu Qian said: "As long as I am here, Deyun Club will not fall." "It's not just a commitment to a partner, it's a commitment to the art.

The value of Deyun Club goes far beyond its commercial success. It has made great contributions to the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese culture. In this era of information explosion, Deyun Club uses humor and humor to make more and more people fall in love with the ancient art of cross talk.

Song Zude said that Deyun Club would go out of business after three years? Yu Qian: As long as I am in Deyun Club, I will never fall

Although there may be various challenges and doubts in the future, as long as Deyun Club continues to adhere to its original intention and inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, I believe it will be able to withstand the test of time.

The story of Deyun Club will undoubtedly write a strong stroke in the history of the development of Chinese cross talk.

In the rapidly changing entertainment environment, Deyun Club has shown adaptability and innovative spirit, providing valuable experience for the modernization and transformation of traditional arts. Its success is not only a testament to itself, but also a useful reference for the development of other traditional art forms.

Therefore, in the face of Song Zude's prophecy, we have reason to believe that Deyun Club will not only not go bankrupt, but will continue to write a more brilliant chapter on the future stage.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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