
As a prince, the annual year of Lu can't catch up with the king of the county: the Su Wang family in the Xuande era of the Ming Dynasty

author:Lao Gao said history

In the clan system of the Ming Dynasty, the status of the prince should have been higher than that of the county king, and he enjoyed more privileges and treatment. However, during the Xuande period, there was a special prince who broke this convention. He is the king of Su, Zhu Zhenyan, the heir of Zhu Ao, the fourteenth son of Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang. As a dignified prince, Zhu Ganyan's age is only 1,000 stones, far lower than other princes, and even less than some county kings. What is the story behind this anomaly? Why did Su Wangfu fall into such a situation? How did Zhu Ganyan face this situation?

As a prince, the annual year of Lu can't catch up with the king of the county: the Su Wang family in the Xuande era of the Ming Dynasty

The history of the Su Wangfu can be traced back to the twenty-sixth year of Hongwu (1393), and Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang named his fourteenth son Zhu Ao as the king of Su. Although Zhu Ao was young, Zhu Yuanzhang had high hopes for this son, hoping that he would be able to guard the northwest and become a solid barrier for the Ming Dynasty.

When Zhu Ao was first sealed, his fief was set in Ganzhou (now Zhangye, Gansu). However, because the guards of the Suwangfu had not yet been fully assembled at that time, Zhu Hao had to be temporarily stationed in Pingliang first. This garrison lasted for two years, and it was not until June of the 28th year of Hongwu (1395) that Zhu Ao officially took up Ganzhou.

Ganzhou is located in the Hexi Corridor and is an important node of the ancient Silk Road. The climate here is dry, the terrain is dangerous, and it is the throat road connecting the Central Plains and the Western Regions. Zhu Yuanzhang chose to seal Zhu Hao here, not only to consolidate the rule of the Ming Dynasty in the northwest, but also to monitor and manage the Silk Road trade.

After Zhu arrived in Ganzhou, he showed extraordinary governance skills. In just a few years, he established his prestige in the Northwest. Under his rule, the Suwangfu not only successfully controlled the surrounding ethnic minorities, but also effectively managed the Silk Road trade, which provided a steady stream of wealth to the Ming court.

However, the good times were short-lived. After Emperor Jianwen ascended the throne, in order to consolidate the power of the central government, he began a large-scale campaign to reduce feudal domains. In the face of the increasingly ferocious methods of the imperial court, Zhu Ao took the initiative to request to move to Lanxian (now Lanzhou, Gansu) in order to protect himself. Although this decision preserved the Su Wangfu, it also made the Ming Dynasty lose its aggressive momentum in the northwest.

Zhu Ao's move, after Zhu Di, the king of Yan, seized the throne, aroused the vigilance of the new emperor. Although Yongle Emperor Zhu Di started by cutting the domain, he still maintained a high degree of vigilance against the Su Wangfu, which had moved inward. Especially after learning that small countries in the Western Regions such as Beshi Bali and Hami were still offering gifts to Zhu Ao, Zhu Di issued many edicts to advise him, and threatened to arrest the governor of the palace, warning Zhu Ao not to interact with foreign countries without authorization.

In the seventeenth year of Yongle (1419), Zhu Ao died. Zhu Di dropped out of the dynasty for three days and was given the nickname "Zhuang". However, until Zhu Di's death, Zhu Zhenyan, the only concubine of Zhu Hao, was not allowed to inherit the title of King Su. This abnormal practice fully reflects Zhu Di's wariness of Su Wangfu.

It was not until after Renzong Zhu Gaochi ascended the throne that the 19-year-old Zhu Ganyan attacked the king of Su in October of the 22nd year of Yongle (1424). This made Zhu Ganyan the first prince in the history of the Ming Dynasty who did not take the title of either as a prince or as a prince of the county, creating a special precedent.

After Zhu Ganyan succeeded to the throne, he faced an embarrassing position and a greatly reduced strength of the Su Wangfu. The Suwang Mansion, which once shocked the northwest, is now shrinking in Lan County, and it is gradually distancing itself from frontier affairs. What bothered Zhu Ganyan even more was that the age of King Su's Mansion was only 1,000 stones, which was far lower than that of other princes, and even less than some county kings.

This situation is not only the result of historical accumulation, but also reflects the attitude of the imperial court towards the Su Wangfu. The migration from Ganzhou to Lanxian, from the inheritance of Zhu Ao to Zhu Ganyan, every step of Suwangfu is full of hardships and helplessness. During the Xuande period, how will Zhu Ganyan lead the Suwangfu out of the predicament and revive the glory of the past? This question is not only related to the fate of the Su Wangfu, but also affects the ruling pattern of the Ming Dynasty in the northwest.

In the first year of Xuande (1426), Zhu Ganyan, who was only 21 years old, officially began to take charge of the Suwang Mansion. However, he faced a situation far from being comparable to that of other princes. The predicament of the Su Wangfu is first reflected in the year.

According to the system of the Ming Dynasty, the prince's age is usually more than 10,000 stones. However, Zhu Ganyan's annual age is only 1,000 stones. This number is not only much lower than that of other princes, but even inferior to the treatment of some county kings. You must know that the age of the county king is generally about 3,000 stones, and Zhu Ganyan, as the prince of the hall, can only get one-third of the age of the county king.

The emergence of this anomaly is closely related to the special status of the Suwang Mansion. Since Zhu Ao took the initiative to request the internal relocation of Lan County, Suwangfu has lost its strategic position on the northwest front. The imperial court was wary of the Su Wangfu, but it no longer needed to give a lot of material support as before. Therefore, after Zhu Ganyan succeeded to the throne, the imperial court did not restore the standard of Suwangfu.

The reduction of Suilu directly affected the daily operation of the Suwang Mansion. In the past, the Su Wangfu not only had to maintain its own expenses, but also had to recruit and support a large number of troops. However, it is difficult to maintain even basic expenses in today's years. Zhu had to make careful calculations, and even cut the personnel in the mansion to maintain the most basic operations.

In addition to the Suilu issue, the Suwang Mansion also faced strict monitoring by the imperial court. Although Xuande Emperor Zhu Zhanji was younger than Zhu Zhenyan, his attitude towards Suwangfu continued the practice of his grandfather Zhu Di. Zhu Zhanji was well aware of the strength of the Su Wangfu and always remained vigilant against it.

As a prince, the annual year of Lu can't catch up with the king of the county: the Su Wang family in the Xuande era of the Ming Dynasty

This vigilance was reflected in July of the first year of Xuande (1426). At that time, in order to show his "friendship with relatives" to the clan, Zhu Zhanji ordered the Ministry of Rites to prepare rewards for princes in various places. This gift package includes 300 taels of platinum, various silk fabrics and 20,000 treasure bills. For most princes, this reward is nothing more than icing on the cake. But for Zhu Ganyan, this is equivalent to his entire year.

What's even more embarrassing is that when Zhu Ganyan asked to select a maid from the Lanxian military and civilian home in the first year of Xuande (1426), he was directly rejected by Zhu Zhanji. Zhu Zhanji not only vetoed this request, but also specially sent eunuchs to send twenty-five women from the palace. These palace maids are ostensibly to help the Su Palace, but in fact they are responsible for monitoring and informing.

Zhu Zhanji's move not only reflected his distrust of Su Wangfu, but also further limited Zhu Zhanyan's influence in the local area. After all, if you can't even decide on a trivial matter like choosing a handmaiden, the autonomy of the Su Wangfu in other aspects can be imagined.

In addition to its economic and political difficulties, the Suwang Mansion also faced a weakening of its military power. Although the Su Wangfu still retains two guards, this is much inferior to the strength when he was in Ganzhou. The imperial court has always maintained a high degree of vigilance against the military power of the Su Wangfu, and has constantly weakened its strength in various ways.

This kind of predicament made Zhu Ganyan's situation extremely difficult during the Xuande period. He had to face the suspicions and restrictions of the imperial court, and also try to maintain the dignity and operation of the Su Wangfu. In this case, how Zhu Ganyan copes with these challenges and how to survive in the cracks has become a difficult problem in front of him.

In the face of these predicaments, Zhu Ganyan did not sit still. He began to actively seek a breakthrough, trying to seek more benefits for the Su Wangfu in a limited space. His efforts will gradually manifest themselves in the coming years, and will also bring new possibilities for the future development of Suwangfu.

Faced with the predicament of Su Wangfu, Zhu Ganyan did not sit still. As a young prince, he showed extraordinary political wisdom and adaptability. During the Xuande period, Zhu Ganyan took a series of measures to try to improve the situation of the Suwang Mansion and restore the glory of the past.

First of all, Zhu Ganyan wrote to the imperial court many times, asking for an increase in the number of years. In the third year of Xuande (1428), he sent his retainers to Beijing with detailed recitals. In the recital, Zhu Ganyan listed in detail the difficulties of the Su Wangfu: the years were not enough to maintain basic expenses, and the people in the palace were living in difficulty, and they could not even guarantee normal sacrificial activities. He implored the imperial court to be sympathetic to the plight of the Su Palace, and appropriately increase the number of years.

This piece attracted the attention of the imperial court. Although Emperor Xuande Zhu Zhanji was still wary of the Su Palace, he did not want to see a prince's family fall into such an embarrassing situation. After careful consideration, Zhu Zhanji finally agreed to add 500 stone to the Su Wangfu every year. Although this figure is far less than the treatment of other princes, it is a big victory for Zhu Ganyan.

As a prince, the annual year of Lu can't catch up with the king of the county: the Su Wang family in the Xuande era of the Ming Dynasty

Secondly, in order to dispel the doubts of the imperial court, Zhu Ganyan took the initiative to hand over some of the guards. In the fourth year of Xuande (1429), Zhu Ganyan presented a piece of music to the imperial court, expressing his willingness to reduce the number of guards in the Su Palace. He claimed that the Su Wangfu had moved away from the frontier and no longer needed a large amount of military force. This move was immediately praised by Zhu Zhanji. Zhu Zhanji not only accepted Zhu Ganyan's suggestion, but also specially issued an edict to commend him, praising him for "knowing the time and knowing the affairs."

Although this move further weakened the military strength of the Su Palace, it greatly enhanced the imperial court's trust in Zhu Ganyan. Zhu Zhanji began to gradually relax his control over the Su Wangfu, and even allowed Zhu Ganyan to participate in the decision-making of some local affairs.

Third, Zhu Ganyan actively promoted local governance and cracked down on corruption. He knew that in order to regain the trust and support of the imperial court, he had to make a difference in local governance. In the fifth year of Xuande (1430), Zhu Ganyan began to pay attention to the livelihood of people in Lanxian County and the surrounding areas. He sent people to visit the people many times to understand the people's suffering.

In the process, Zhu discovered the corruption of some local officials. He immediately reported it to the imperial court and provided detailed evidence. This move not only won the support of the local people, but also attracted Zhu Zhanji's attention. Zhu Zhanji sent Qincha to Lan County to investigate, and finally verified Zhu Ganyan's report. Several corrupt officials were removed from their posts and investigated, and Zhu Ganyan's prestige increased greatly.

In addition, Zhu Zhenyan also actively participated in the construction of local culture. He repeatedly funded the renovation of the school palace and temples in Lan County, and encouraged the children of Fuzhong to communicate with the local literati. In the sixth year of Xuande (1431), Zhu Ganyan also held a large-scale poetry meeting, inviting literati and scholars from Lanxian County and the surrounding areas to participate. This poetry meeting not only enhanced the cultural influence of Suwangfu, but also contributed to the development of local cultural undertakings.

These measures of Zhu Ganyan gradually changed the view of the imperial court and local people on the Su Wangfu. Although the age and political status of the Su Wangfu are still not comparable to those of other princes, Zhu Ganyan has successfully carved out a way to survive in the cracks.

However, Zhu Ganyan was not satisfied. He knew that in order to truly change the situation of the Su Wangfu, he also needed to play a role on a bigger stage. Therefore, he began to look to the North-Western Frontier, looking for opportunities to contribute in military and diplomatic terms. These efforts will gradually show results in the coming years, opening up a new path for the development of Suwangfu.

In the ninth year of Xuande (1434), Zhu Ganyan's efforts finally ushered in a turning point. In this year, a series of major events occurred in the northwest frontier, creating an opportunity for the rise of the Suwang Mansion.

First of all, the Warat tribe, led by Yexian, began to attack the Ming border. He was also the leader of the Warat tribe, with great ambitions to expand the influence of Warat on the Mongolian plateau. He led a large army to invade the Ming Dynasty's borders many times, bringing great pressure to the northwest region.

As a prince, the annual year of Lu can't catch up with the king of the county: the Su Wang family in the Xuande era of the Ming Dynasty

Faced with this situation, Zhu Zhanji realized the need to strengthen the defense of the northwest. However, for a long time, the Ming Dynasty lacked experienced generals and officials familiar with local conditions in the northwest. In this case, Zhu Ganyan's value is highlighted. As the former king of Ganzhou, Zhu Ganyan has an in-depth understanding of the geography, people's conditions and military situation in the northwest region.

Zhu Zhenyan seized this opportunity and took the initiative to ask the imperial court for his life, asking to participate in the defense of the northwest. He wrote to Zhu Zhanji, in which he made a detailed analysis of Warat's military strategy and the weaknesses of the northwestern defense line, and put forward a series of suggestions for strengthening the defense. This recital has aroused great attention from Zhu Zhanji.

In the spring of the tenth year of Xuande (1435), Zhu Zhanji officially appointed Zhu Ganyan as the "Northwest Military Affairs Supervisor", responsible for assisting the imperial court in handling military affairs in the northwest. This appointment marked a significant increase in the status of the Su Palace. Zhu Ganyan was no longer just a prince who was closely monitored by the imperial court, but became an important participant in the defense of the northwest.

After receiving the appointment, Zhu Ganyan immediately went to work. He first organized a large-scale border patrol and personally went to Gansu, Ningxia, and other places to inspect the defense facilities in various localities and learn about the state of the army. During the inspection, Zhu found that many border fortresses were in disrepair, the defenders were outdated, and their morale was low.

In response to these problems, Zhu Ganyan put forward a series of reform proposals to the imperial court. He advocated strengthening the construction of border fortifications, increasing the number of defenders, and improving the treatment of troops. At the same time, he also suggested reopening the martial arts school to train military personnel who are familiar with the situation in the northwest. These proposals were approved by Zhu Zhanji, and the imperial court allocated a large amount of funds for the defense of the northwest.

In addition to military defense, Zhu also took an active part in diplomatic mediation against Warat. In the eleventh year of Xuande (1436), he also sent an envoy to the Ming Dynasty to express his willingness to negotiate peace. Zhu advised the imperial court to adopt a policy of gentleness, appeasing Warat through rewards and trade. This suggestion was adopted by Zhu Zhanji. In the ensuing negotiations, Zhu Ganyan, as one of the representatives of the imperial court, directly participated in the talks with the Warat envoys.

The negotiations were successful, and it was agreed to stop the harassment of the Ming border, and the two sides reached a temporary peace agreement. This diplomatic victory greatly enhanced Zhu's prestige in the imperial court. Zhu Zhanji was very satisfied with Zhu Ganyan's performance, and specially issued an edict to commend him, praising him for his "commendable loyalty and outstanding talent."

As Zhu Ganyan's influence in the affairs of the Northwest continued to increase, the status of the Su Wangfu also increased. In the twelfth year of Xuande (1437), Zhu Zhanji ordered to increase the number of years in the Suwang Mansion, from the original 1,500 stone to 3,000 stone. While this number is still lower than other princes, it is already a huge improvement.

In addition to the improvement of economic treatment, Zhu Ganyan's political autonomy has also been expanded. Zhu Zhanji allowed Zhu Ganyan to directly participate in the administrative affairs of Lan County and the surrounding areas, and even had a certain say in some important decisions. This means that the Suwangfu is no longer just a fief passively under the control of the imperial court, but has gradually become an important force in the northwest region.

As a prince, the annual year of Lu can't catch up with the king of the county: the Su Wang family in the Xuande era of the Ming Dynasty

The rise of the Su Wangfu not only changed Zhu Ganyan's situation, but also had a profound impact on the entire northwest region. Under the impetus of Zhu Ganyan, the economic, cultural, and military strength of the northwest region has been significantly enhanced. The attitude of the local people towards the Suwangfu has also changed dramatically, from the initial alienation and suspicion to trust and support.

However, the rapid rise of the Suwang Mansion has also aroused the vigilance of some people. Some ministers of the court began to worry about whether the power of the Su Dynasty would be repeated if the power of the Su Dynasty continued to expand. Although these voices were not expressed publicly, they had begun to circulate quietly within the imperial court.

Faced with this situation, Zhu Ganyan needed to find a balance between continuing to develop the power of the Su Wangfu and maintaining the relationship with the imperial court. This will be a major challenge for him in the years to come.

As a special existence among the royal family of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Ganyan's life was full of dramatic turns. From the high-profile King of Ganzhou, to being demoted to King Su, and then gradually rising to become an important participant in the military affairs of the Northwest, Zhu Ganyan's experience can be described as ups and downs. History has given a diverse assessment of this controversial prince in the middle of the Ming Dynasty.

In terms of merits, Zhu Ganyan has made important contributions to the development of the northwest region. In the first year of orthodoxy (1436), Zhu Ganyan continued to play a role in the position of military superintendent of the northwest. In this year, he came up with a bold plan: to develop the wasteland of the Hexi Corridor and increase food production. This plan was supported by the new emperor, Zhu Qizhen.

Zhu Ganyan personally led a team of sergeants and civilians to begin a large-scale reclamation work. He introduced advanced irrigation techniques and improved local farming practices. After three years of hard work, the cultivated area of the Hexi Corridor has increased by nearly 30 percent, and grain production has increased significantly. This not only improved the livelihood of the local people, but also provided a stable supply of food for the border guards.

In terms of culture and education, Zhu Ganyan also made contributions. In the third year of orthodoxy (1438), he founded the "Suwang Academy" in Lan County, and invited many famous scholars to give lectures. This academy has not only cultivated a large number of talents for the local area, but also has become an important cultural center in the northwest region. Many scholars from the Central Plains came here, making the cultural atmosphere of Lanxian County increasingly strong.

However, Mr. Zhu's actions have also sparked some controversy. In the fifth year of orthodoxy (1440), Zhu Ganyan put forward a proposal to expand the military power of the Suwangfu. He advocated the formation of a "Su Wangwei" under the direct jurisdiction of the Su Wangfu in Lan County and the surrounding areas to strengthen the border defense. This suggestion immediately aroused the vigilance of the ministers of the DPRK and China.

A group of officials, led by Yang Shiqi, a university scholar, strongly opposed the proposal. They believed that allowing the prince to take military power was contrary to the ancestral system and could lead to the vassal king's ascension. After fierce debate, Zhu Qizhen finally rejected Zhu Ganyan's proposal. This incident had a certain impact on Zhu Ganyan's reputation, and also made the imperial court's attitude towards Su Wangfu become cautious again.

As a prince, the annual year of Lu can't catch up with the king of the county: the Su Wang family in the Xuande era of the Ming Dynasty

In the seventh year of Orthodoxy (1442), Warat launched another attack on the border of the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Ganyan asked for orders to personally lead the army to the battle, but Zhu Qizhen politely refused. The imperial court only allowed him to participate in the war as a military adviser. In the ensuing battle, the Ming army was victorious, but Zhu Ganyan did not receive the expected credit. This disappointed him and deepened the estrangement between him and the imperial court.

In the tenth year of orthodoxy (1445), Zhu Ganyan was involved in a corruption case. There have been reports of fraud in the collection of taxes by the stewards of the Suwang Mansion. Although the investigation ultimately proved that Zhu was unaware, the incident still cast a shadow over his reputation. Zhu Qizhen was extremely dissatisfied with this and ordered some of the privileges of the Su Wangfu to be reduced.

Despite this, Zhu Gengyan's influence in the northwest region cannot be ignored. In the twelfth year of orthodoxy (1447), he also came again. In this crisis, Zhu Ganyan played an important role. He took advantage of his good relations with the tribes of the frontier to successfully rebel against one of the tribes under his command. This action greatly weakened the strength of Yexian and created the conditions for the final victory of the Ming army.

Zhu Ganyan died in the first year of Jingtai (1450). Behind him, there has been controversy about his evaluation. Supporters believe that Zhu Ganyan was a loyal and patriotic prince who made important contributions to the development of the northwest region. They emphasized that it was Zhu Ganyan's efforts that enabled the Ming Dynasty's rule in the northwest to be consolidated.

Critics, however, point out that Zhu repeatedly tried to expand his power, violating the Ming Dynasty's principles of control over vassal kings. They believed that Zhu Ganyan's actions had planted a potential disaster that might lead to the growth of the vassal king's power.

In any case, Zhu Ganyan's life was full of contradictions and controversies. He was both a loyal servant for the country and the people, and a prince who constantly tried to break through the limits. His experience reflects the problems of the vassal system in the mid-Ming Dynasty, as well as the complex relationship between centralized power and local power.