
"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

author:The boy said the classics
"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

In a fancy restaurant in Beijing, a slender man is busy in the kitchen. His movements are skilful and elegant, as if he is playing a beautiful piece of music.

This person is Lin Yilun, the former "king" of the music world, and now the master of food.

Outside the door, "Piano Master" Lang Lang respectfully opened the car door for a VIP. When the VIP stepped into the restaurant, it was the real estate tycoon Wang Zhonglei. They had only one purpose on their trip: to taste the food cooked by Lin Yilun himself.

How superb is Lin Yilun's cooking skills? It is rumored that his bowl of soup is worth 70 million yuan.

"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

In 1993, Lin Yilun stood in the center of the stage, dressed in a shiny costume, and confidently sang "Lovebirds". The audience applauded thunderously, and cheers came and went.

At this moment, he won the crown of "King of Singers", and his career officially took off.

This was followed by an overwhelming number of commercial performance invitations and brand endorsements. Lin Yilun's schedule is crammed to the brim, and he travels from city to city every day.

His bank account is swelling and his fame is growing. However, just as he was enjoying the sweetness of success, an unexpected label crept in - "scumbag".

"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

The origin of this label is closely related to his first marriage. His first wife, Huang Lian, was a strong backing during the low period of his life. At that time, Lin Yilun was just an ordinary young man with a dream.

Huang Lian never gave up and accompanied him through the most difficult years.

After becoming famous, Lin Yilun once expressed his gratitude to Huang Lian with a grand wedding. However, as their careers flourished, their differences became increasingly apparent.

Lin Yilun is eager to show his skills on a broader stage, while Huang Lian hopes to live a peaceful and stable life.

"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

This rift eventually led to the breakdown of the marriage. The outside world did not know what was going on, and they accused Lin Yilun of changing his mind after becoming famous, abandoning his wife and children. In the face of overwhelming doubts, Lin Yilun chose to remain silent.

He didn't explain, but silently made a vow: "In five years, I will devote myself to work and no longer set foot in the world of feelings."

However, fate always likes to play jokes with people. Just when Lin Yilun thought that he would face the future alone, a woman named Xihua broke into his life.

During this turbulent period, Lin Yilun's heart must have been tormented. In public, he still maintains a glamorous image, smiling brightly at the camera.

"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

But in a no-man's corner, there may be a complex glint in his eyes: both joy at success and melancholy at the breakdown of relationships.

This experience is undoubtedly an important turning point in Lin Yilun's life. It not only made him experience the cruelty of Vanity Fair, but also laid the groundwork for his future success.

It was this unforgettable experience that made Lin Yilun more mature and stable on the road of life in the future, and also gave him a deeper understanding of happiness.

The gears of fate always turn quietly and inadvertently. Just when Lin Yilun thought that he would face the future alone, a game completely changed the trajectory of his life.

"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

Here, he meets Xihua, a woman destined to play an important role in his life.

The appearance of Xihua is like a dazzling light shining into Lin Yilun's life. She is different from the women that Lin Yilun has been in contact with before, she comes from a prominent background, her family is engaged in the real estate industry, and she herself has made quite achievements in a certain field.

Such a talented and beautiful woman will naturally not be easily impressed.

Lin Yilun began a difficult and persistent pursuit. Although he was not financially prosperous at the time, he still gave Xihua a precious piano with all he had.

"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

This sincere heart finally melted Xihua's heart. The relationship between the two quickly warmed up, and finally came to fruition.

After getting married, Xihua made a surprising decision: she resolutely gave up her career and chose to support Lin Yilun wholeheartedly. The two came to Beijing hand in hand and started a new journey in life.

It was at Xihua's suggestion that Lin Yilun participated in the program "Everyday Diet", and this decision became another turning point in his career.

On the stage of "Eating Every Day", Lin Yilun showed an amazing culinary talent. In front of the camera, his eyes are focused and his movements are smooth, as if he is playing a beautiful symphony.

"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

He incorporates the rhythm of music into his cooking, and each dish becomes a work of art. The audience was impressed by his charm, and the show's ratings continued to climb.

This transformation not only allowed Lin Yilun to find a new direction in life, but also allowed him to regain the public's love. From a singer to a gourmet, Lin Yilun's eyes have more calmness and confidence.

His smile was even warmer, as if he had found his true self. In front of the camera, he is no longer the controversial "singer", but a mouth-watering food master.

The emergence of Xihua is undoubtedly a turning point in Lin Yilun's life. She is not only his lover, but also the guide of his career. In an interview, Lin Yilun said affectionately: "Xihua is like a bright light in my life, guiding me to find the right direction.

"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

As He Youjun said on the show: "Following your wife's advice will bring prosperity." Lin Yilun interpreted the true meaning of this sentence with practical actions. With the support and guidance of Xihua, he not only reshaped his public image, but also opened up a whole new world.

Lin Yilun's success is not only due to his talent in the music and food industry, but also due to his tacit cooperation with Xihua. Xihua's business acumen played a key role in Lin's wealth accumulation, and the two worked together to build a remarkable wealth empire.

The most striking investment was Xihua's purchase of the China World Trade Center in Beijing for 9,000 yuan per square meter. At the time, many people were skeptical of the decision, believing that the price was already high.

However, Xihua's vision was soon validated. With the rapid development of Beijing's real estate market, the value of the building has doubled, making the Lin couple billionaires.

"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

When making this decision, Xihua's eyes flashed with confidence. She told Illun: "Trust me, this will be one of the most important investments in our lives.

Although Lin Yilun does not know much about the real estate market, he fully trusts his wife's judgment and fully supports this decision. Facts have proved that Xihua's vision is indeed unique.

In addition to property investment, Mr. and Mrs. Lin are also passionate about art collecting. Their home treasures a number of precious paintings, such as Zhou Chunya's "Green Dog" and Ji Dachun's "Twenty, Thirty, Forty".

These collections not only satisfied Lin Yilun's love for art, but also became another important source of their wealth.

"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

When he first bought "Green Dog", Lin Yilun spent 2.4 million yuan. However, by 2018, the value of the painting had climbed to a staggering 1,600 yuan.

And the value of "Twenty, Thirty, Forty" is even more immeasurable, as early as twenty years ago, it exceeded the million mark.

When it comes to investment decisions, the interaction between Mr. and Mrs. Lin is enviable. With a keen eye, we are always able to capture the most promising investment opportunities. Lin fully supported his wife's decision and used his fame and connections to add value to his investment.

Their expressions reveal trust in each other, and their movements show tacit cooperation.

"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

The story of Lin Yilun and Xihua is not only an example of business success, but also a story of mutual achievement. With wisdom and courage, they have carved out their own world in the highly competitive investment field, and together they have composed a beautiful movement of wealth and love.

With the popularity of the program "Everyday Diet", Lin Yilun's cooking skills have become his new label, opening a door to the art world for him. His kitchen has become a unique stage where food and art are perfectly combined.

Lin Yilun's food charm not only attracted ordinary audiences, but also made many celebrities flock to it. Well-known artists such as Andy Lau and Na Ying, as well as business tycoon Wang Zhonglei, have all lined up to taste Lin Yilun's delicacies.

This kind of scene is undoubtedly the highest praise for his cooking skills.

"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

When cooking, Lin Yilun's expression is focused, and his movements are smooth, as if he is playing a beautiful symphony. His eyes sparkle with love for food, the kitchenware in his hand is like a paintbrush, and each dish is a beautiful painting.

He incorporates the rhythm of music and visual beauty into his cooking to create a one-of-a-kind culinary experience.

The most striking is the rumor about the famous artist Zeng Fanzhi. It is said that Zeng Fanzhi did not hesitate to give a precious painting in order to taste Lin Yilun's bowl of soup.

Although the veracity of this rumor is difficult to verify, it undoubtedly highlights the extraordinary charm of Lin Yilun's cuisine. The bowl of soup is said to be worth as much as 70 million yuan, and has become a legendary symbol of Lam's culinary skills.

"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

Lin Yilun's kitchen is not only a place for cooking, but also a temple of art. He sees cooking as an art form, striving for perfection in every dish. In his view, food, like art, is a vehicle for expressing emotions and conveying beauty.

This philosophy has allowed him to go beyond simple cooking and reach the realm of art.

This kind of cross-border success not only reflects Lin Yilun's versatility, but also shows his unique understanding of life. He once said in an interview: "Cooking, like music and painting, is a form of artistic expression.

Through food, I can convey emotions and create beauty.

"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

In Lim's home, food and art coexist in harmony. Precious paintings adorn the walls, and delicate tableware is arranged in cabinets. It's not just a home, it's a small art gallery and food temple.

Whenever Lin Yilun is busy in the kitchen, the whole space seems to be full of art.

From a singer to a foodie, to a food artist recognized by the art world, Lin Yilun's life has undergone many transformations. With each transition, he finds his unique position and incorporates his previous experience into a new field.

This spirit of continuous exploration and innovation has enabled him to maintain his unique charm in the highly competitive entertainment and food industry.

"Piano Master" Lang Lang opened the door for him, Wang Zhongshi lined up for a meal, how powerful Lin Yilun was

Today's Lin Yilun stands at the pinnacle of life. He and Xihua have a happy marriage, their two sons are excellent and courteous, their careers are thriving, and their wealth is accumulating. This picture of happiness has made countless people envious.

However, behind this glamour, we can't help but ask: does this happiness come at a price? Lin Yilun's ex-wife Huang Lian chose to live a low-key life after the marriage broke down, and there was no news of love.

These two very different life trajectories are perhaps the most intriguing part of the legend of Lin Yilun.

This contrast makes us wonder: have we forgotten anything in our pursuit of success? What is the true meaning of happiness? The story of Lin Yilun is not only a model of success, but also a mirror, reflecting the complexity of life and the importance of choices.

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