
During the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, Liu Bei and Xu Shu in simple clothes performed a moving parting of monarchs and ministers

author:Lao Gao said history

In the long history of the disputes of the Sixteen Kingdoms, Nanliang, an inconspicuous small country, performed an embarrassing story of monarchs and ministers. Bald and Lilu Gu, a monarch from the Xianbei clan, faced internal and external troubles after inheriting his brother's throne. How does he survive in the cracks? How did he meet his "Zhuge Liang" Yang Huan? When Yao Xing was eyeing the tiger and asked to hand over this virtuous minister, how would the bald and profitable Lu Gu choose? A thrilling parting of monarchs and ministers seems to reproduce the poignant story of Liu Bei and Xu Shu during the Three Kingdoms period. However, the wheel of history is always unexpected, what will be the end of this pair of monarchs? In this turbulent era, how do you play between loyalty and power schemes?

During the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, Liu Bei and Xu Shu in simple clothes performed a moving parting of monarchs and ministers

In 397 AD, a small and little-known country in the Hexi Corridor was quietly born. This country is Nanliang, and its founder is a Xianbei general named Bald Wugu. The bald Wugu was originally a general of the Later Liang Dynasty, but dissatisfied with Lü Guang's rule, he led his troops to establish himself as king in Ledu (in present-day Qinghai Province) and established the Southern Liang regime.

Although the bald Wugu was born as a nomad, he was well versed in Han culture and governed the country well. He vigorously promoted the policy of sinicization, encouraged intermarriage between the Xianbei and Han people, and promoted ethnic integration. Under his rule, although the territory of Nanliang was not large, it had considerable development potential.

However, the good times were short-lived. One autumn day in 402 A.D., the bald black lonely accidentally fell from his horse while riding a horse while drunk, and died of his injuries. On his deathbed, he made a surprising decision: he passed the throne to his younger brother Bald Rich, rather than his three sons.

After the bald deer ascended the throne, the situation he faced could be described as internal and external troubles. Inside, the bald and lonely three sons complained about this decision, and the undercurrent was surging in the middle. Externally, the powerful Later Qin was eyeing the border, and the Western Qin often harassed the border.

In order to stabilize the situation, Bald Lugu took a series of measures. First, he pacified his three nephews and gave them high official favors, but at the same time strengthened his surveillance of them. Secondly, he continued his brother's policy of sinicization and further promoted ethnic integration to enhance national cohesion.

In terms of foreign relations, the bald deer has adopted a cautious attitude. He understood that Nanliang's strength was limited and it was not appropriate to clash head-on with a powerful country. Therefore, he took the initiative to declare himself a vassal to Hou Qin in order to protect himself. At the same time, he also secretly strengthened his armaments in case of accidents.

However, these measures alone are not enough. The bald and lily deer knows that in order to survive in this era of separation, Nan Liang must have stronger strength and more clever strategies. So, he began to search for talents, hoping to find a famous person who could assist him.

At this moment, a person named Yang Huan entered the field of vision of the bald and lily deer Gu. Yang Huan was born into a well-known family, was knowledgeable, and had unique views on military and political aspects. The bald and lily Lugu has high hopes for him, hoping that he can become the "Zhuge Liang" of Nanliang.

After many efforts, the bald and lily Lugu finally persuaded Yang Huan to go out of the mountain and work for Nanliang. The addition of Yang Huan gave Nanliang's government a new look. He helped Bald Lilu Gu formulate a series of reform measures, which made Nanliang's national strength increase rapidly.

However, there are many good things. Yang Huan's talent soon caught the attention of the Later Qin Emperor Yao Xing. Yao Xing felt that it was a pity for a talent like Yang Huan to stay in Nanliang, so he made a request to the bald and lily Lu Gu: hand over Yang Huan.

This request put the bald deer in a dilemma. If refused, it could trigger a military strike by Later Qin; If he agrees, Nan Liang will lose an important advisor. More importantly, it is about the faith between kings and ministers.

Just when the bald deer was undecided, an unexpected news came: the king of Western Qin, Qifu Qiangui, was defeated by Later Qin and fled to the territory of Nanliang. This news made Bald Lilu Gu realize that Nan Liang's situation was even more dangerous than he imagined. He had to make a difficult decision...

At a difficult time when the Southern Liang Dynasty was facing internal and external troubles, the bald and Lilu knew that he needed a right-hand man. He visited Xian Nashi everywhere, and finally heard about Yang Huan's name by chance.

Yang Huan, the character Yuankai, is originally from Longxi and was born in a famous family. His grandfather Yang Tong was the Shangshu Ling of Later Qin, and his father Yang Zhen was also a well-educated person. Yang Huan received a good education since he was a child, was proficient in Confucian classics, and also had unique insights into the art of war. However, he did not choose a career like other members of the family, but lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, devoting himself to the study of knowledge.

After hearing about Yang Huan's talent, the bald Lilu Gu immediately sent an envoy to invite him. However, Yang Huanwan declined the first invitation, claiming that he was unwilling to set foot in the court. Bald Lugu did not give up, he personally wrote a sincere letter, expressing his determination to govern the country and his thirst for talents.

This letter touched Yang Huan. He realized that in this turbulent era, a person with lofty ideals should not only care about his own leisure, but should do something for the common people in the world. So, Yang Huan decided to go out of the mountain and go to Nanliang.

After Yang Huan arrived in Ledu, the bald and lily deer went out of the city to greet him. The two talked happily, and the bald and lily Lu Gu was even more impressed by Yang Huan's knowledge and opinions. He immediately appointed Yang Huan as Shang Shuling, with full responsibility for the government.

After Yang Huan took office, he immediately launched a series of reforms. First of all, he suggested that the bald deer should implement the policy of "taking officials as teachers" and encourage officials to learn from each other and improve their governance capabilities. Second, he advocated reforming the tax system to reduce the burden on the people and at the same time increase the revenue of the state treasury.

In terms of military affairs, Yang Huan put forward the strategy of "defending the territory and opening up the territory". He believes that although Nanliang is small, it is located in a fortress, and as long as he holds the existing territory, he can gain a foothold in all forces. At the same time, he also suggested moderate expansion, especially westward, in order to obtain more resources.

During the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, Liu Bei and Xu Shu in simple clothes performed a moving parting of monarchs and ministers

These suggestions of Yang Huan were strongly supported by the bald and Lilu Gu. With their joint efforts, Nanliang's national strength has increased rapidly. Agricultural production has improved and handicrafts have developed. Especially on the Silk Road, Nanliang gradually became an important transit point, and commercial trade became increasingly prosperous.

However, the development of Nanliang has also aroused the vigilance of neighboring countries. The powerful Later Qin, in particular, paid special attention to this small and newly rising state. Later Qin Emperor Yao Xing sent envoys to and from Ledu frequently, ostensibly to strengthen the friendly relations between the two countries, but in fact to secretly probe the reality of Nanliang.

Yang Huan was keenly aware of Hou Qin's intentions. He advised Bald Lilu Gu to be cautious when dealing with Hou Qin, neither showing too much weakness nor easily provoking the other party. At Yang Huan's suggestion, the bald Lugu adopted a series of ingenious diplomatic tactics, both maintaining a semblance of peace with Later Qin and secretly strengthening its defenses.

Yang Huan's talent is not only reflected in the political and military aspects, but he has also made achievements in cultural construction. He suggested that Bald Lilu Gu vigorously promote education and set up a school in Ledu to recruit students. At the same time, he also organized people to compile classics, which laid the foundation for the cultural development of Nanliang.

With the assistance of Yang Huan, the ruling ability of the bald and lily deer has also been significantly improved. He began to take the initiative to deal with the affairs of the court and discuss state affairs with the ministers. Yang Huan often explained historical allusions and ways of governing the country to him, which made the vision and thinking of the bald and lilu have made great progress.

As time passed, the relationship between the bald and Yang Huan became closer and closer. They are not only monarchs and ministers, but also like year-old friends. The bald and lily Lu Gu often invited Yang Huan to have tea and discuss together, and the two often talked late at night. In this process, the bald and lily deer not only learned the art of governing the country, but also gradually understood the essence of the Central Plains culture.

However, the good times were short-lived. Yang Huan's talent soon caught the attention of the Later Qin Emperor Yao Xing. Yao Xing sent someone to secretly inspect Yang Huan's background and ability, and determined that he was a rare talent. So, Yao Xing decided to recruit Yang Huan to his command.

In 405 AD, Yao Xing sent an envoy to Ledu with a letter. This letter was ostensibly to congratulate Nanliang on the growing strength of the country, but in fact, it put forward a grim request to the bald and Lilu Gu: hand over Yang Huan.

This request was like a bomb, causing a huge shock in the Nanliang court. The bald and lily Lu Gu was faced with a difficult choice: to keep this capable minister and risk making enemies with Hou Qin; Or hand over Yang Huan in order to protect himself? This decision is not only related to the future of Nanliang, but also a test of the faith between the monarch and the minister...

In the winter of 405 AD, an envoy from the Later Qin Emperor Yao Xing arrived in Ledu, the capital of Southern Liang, and brought a letter of state that seemed friendly but actually concealed murderous intentions. In the letter, Yao Xing ostensibly congratulated Nanliang on its growing national strength, but then made a shocking request: he hoped that the bald and lilu would send Yang Huan to Chang'an.

This request is like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of everyone in the Nanliang government and the opposition. Bald Lugu immediately convened a court meeting to discuss countermeasures with the ministers. In the court, opinions are divided into two factions.

During the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, Liu Bei and Xu Shu in simple clothes performed a moving parting of monarchs and ministers

One faction, led by the clan minister Bald Hair, advocated a resolute rejection of Yao Xing's request. They believe that Yang Huan is the pillar of Nanliang, and if Yang Huan is handed over, it will be tantamount to cutting off his arm. More importantly, it will damage the dignity of Nanliang and make other countries despise.

The other faction, dominated by border generals, advocated obedience to Yao Xing's demands. They believed that the Later Qin was strong and that Nanliang was difficult to contend with. If you offend Hou Qin because of one person, the consequences will be unimaginable. What's more, Yao Xing did not explicitly say that he wanted to put Yang Huan to death, and there may be room for maneuver.

The argument lasted for three full days, and the bald deer was still undecided. In the early morning of the fourth day, Yang Huan took the initiative to ask to see the bald and lily deer lonely. The two talked secretly in the palace for a long time, and no one knew the specific content. But in the afternoon of the same day, the bald Lilu Gu announced his decision: agree to Yao Xing's request and let Yang Huan go to Chang'an.

This decision caused an uproar in the government and the opposition. Many ministers have written to the bald deer to take back his life. There are also many people who believe that the king should not treat his loyal ministers in this way. However, the bald Lu Gu and Yang Huan behaved unusually calmly.

On the last night before Yang Huan's departure, the bald deer set up a feast for him. At the banquet, the bald deer poured wine for Yang Huan in person. He said loudly: "Yuan Kai, you and I are like father and son. Say goodbye today, I don't know when we will see each other again. This glass of wine should be my gratitude and blessing to you. "

Yang Huan took the wine glass and said solemnly: "Your Majesty loves you, and the minister can't repay it." If he goes to Chang'an, although he can no longer serve Nanliang, he will definitely not do anything that harms Nanliang's interests. Your Majesty, please rest assured. "

The banquet lasted until late at night. During this period, the bald deer got up many times to pour wine for Yang Huan, and the two frequently drank each other. When the ministers saw it in their eyes, they were all full of emotion.

Early the next morning, Yang Huan was about to set off. The bald deer sent him out of the city himself. At the gate of the city, the bald and lily deer Gu took off his jade pendant from his waist and solemnly handed it to Yang Huan: "This jade is a relic of the first king, and I have always carried it with me." I give it to you today, I hope you will not forget Nanliang, and you and I will not forget the feelings of your and my monarchs. "

Yang Huan took the jade pendant and said respectfully: "Remember Your Majesty's words, and you will live up to Your Majesty's trust in this life." With that, he boarded the carriage and drove slowly out of the city gates.

The bald deer stood alone on the tower of the city gate, watching Yang Huan's convoy drift away. It wasn't until he could no longer see the shadow of the convoy that he slowly turned around and returned to the palace.

After Yang Huan left, the Nanliang government and the opposition were sad. Many ministers are worried that without Yang Huan, his right-hand man, Nan Liang will have difficulty coping with the complicated situation. However, surprisingly, the bald deer appeared unusually calm. He summoned his ministers and announced a series of new policies.

During the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, Liu Bei and Xu Shu in simple clothes performed a moving parting of monarchs and ministers

First, he appointed several young officials recommended by Yang Huan to key positions to fill the vacancies after Yang Huan's departure. Second, he announced the continuation of the reform measures formulated by Yang Huan and demanded that all officials strictly implement them. Finally, he also ordered to strengthen border defense and increase vigilance in case Hou Qin took advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble.

These measures surprised both the government and the opposition. People began to realize that during the time they spent with Yang Huan, the bald and wealthy Lugu had grown into a responsible and far-sighted monarch. He is no longer the young king who needs to rely on others, but a ruler who can take charge of himself.

At the same time, Yang Huan's convoy was slowly moving towards Chang'an. Along the way, he remained silent, as if thinking about something. The accompanying Later Qin envoys tried to talk to him many times and ask about Nan Liang's situation, but he skillfully avoided them.

When the convoy passed a steep mountain road, a group of cavalry suddenly rushed out from the side of the road. The leader of the general shouted: "On the orders of His Majesty, escort Lord Yang!" This cavalry quickly surrounded the convoy and isolated the Later Qin envoys.

It turned out that this was secretly arranged by the bald deer. He sent his own trusted generals to lead an elite cavalry to protect Yang Huan in the name of escort. This cavalry not only had to ensure Yang Huan's safety, but also to prevent the Later Qin envoys from taking Nanliang's secrets from Yang Huan's mouth.

In this way, under the escort of the Nanliang cavalry, Yang Huan's convoy continued to march towards Chang'an. However, what fate awaits him? Will he be able to continue to display his talents in the Later Qin Dynasty? And Nan Liang, who has lost Yang Huan, where will he go? All this is still unknown...

After Yang Huan left, the Nanliang government and the opposition fell into worry for a while. However, the bald deer quickly showed his talent and courage as the king of a country. He not only continued to implement the various reform measures formulated by Yang Huan, but also formulated a series of policies according to the new situation, which injected new vitality into the development of Nanliang.

First of all, the bald deer strengthened the defense of the border. He sent his elite troops to garrison the fortresses and built a series of new forts at strategic points. These measures not only strengthened Nanliang's defense capability, but also laid the foundation for future expansion.

Second, the bald deer is vigorously developing agricultural production. He ordered irrigation channels to be dug along the Hexi Corridor to divert water from the Yellow River to irrigate farmland. Although this project is costly, it has greatly increased agricultural output and ensured the grain supply in Nanliang.

On the business side, Bald Lugu has adopted an open-door policy. He encouraged merchants to travel along the Silk Road and set up a special market in Ledu to attract merchants from all over the world to trade. To keep the caravans safe, he also set up post stations and convoys on the main trade routes. As a result of these measures, Nanliang gradually became an important transit point on the Silk Road, and commerce flourished more than ever before.

In terms of culture and education, the bald and lily deer Gu has not slackened. He continued Yang Huan's policy and continued to set up schools in Ledu, and at the same time sent people to various places in the Central Plains to collect classics and recruit scholars. With his support, Nanliang's cultural undertakings flourished, and a number of outstanding literati and scholars emerged.

During the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, Liu Bei and Xu Shu in simple clothes performed a moving parting of monarchs and ministers

In terms of foreign relations, the bald deer has adopted a flexible strategy. For the powerful Hou Qin, he was obedient on the surface, but in fact he was secretly guarding. With regard to other small countries in his neighborhood, he pursued a policy of alliance, trying to find a balance among them. This kind of diplomacy has enabled Nan Liang to survive and develop in a complex international environment.

In 407 AD, an unexpected opportunity gave Nanliang the opportunity to expand. Duan Ye, the king of Northern Liang, was forced to flee due to civil strife and asked Southern Liang for help. The bald deer judged the situation alone and decided to send troops to help. He personally led his army north, captured Guzang (present-day Wuwei, Gansu) in one fell swoop, and expanded Nanliang's sphere of influence to the middle of the Hexi Corridor.

This military operation not only expanded the territory of Nanliang, but also greatly increased the prestige of the bald deer in the army. The soldiers witnessed his bravery and strategy, and their admiration for him grew day by day.

However, as Nanliang's strength increased, Hou Qin's attitude also began to change. Yao Xing sent envoys to visit frequently, ostensibly to strengthen the friendly relations between the two countries, but in fact to secretly probe the truth of Nanliang. Bald Lugu was on high alert for this, and on the one hand, he treated him with courtesy, and on the other hand, he ordered to be on guard.

In the spring of 408 AD, Later Qin suddenly mobilized a large army to put pressure on the Nanliang border. This move shocked Nanliang and the opposition. However, the bald deer did not panic. He immediately convened the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs to discuss countermeasures, and personally inspected the border defense to appease the army.

At this critical moment, the bald deer showed outstanding diplomatic skills. He sent an envoy to Chang'an with rich gifts to express his intention of reconciliation to Yao Xing. At the same time, he secretly contacted the Rouran tribes in the north and the Xianbei tribes in the west, trying to create pressure behind the Later Qin.

The results of this series of initiatives were immediate. Yao Xing was moved by Nanliang's sincerity, coupled with the tense situation in the north, he had to temporarily abandon his plan to use troops against Nanliang. In this way, Nanliang resolved a major crisis.

After the crisis, the bald deer did not relax. He realized that in order to gain a foothold in the disputes between countries, it was not enough to rely on diplomacy alone, but also needed a strong national strength to back it up. Therefore, he intensified his efforts to reform the interior of the country, paying special attention to the development of the economy, culture and education.

On the economic front, the bald deer encouraged agricultural production while vigorously developing the handicraft industry. He sent people to learn the advanced smelting technology of the Central Plains, and set up an ironware workshop near Ledu to produce agricultural tools and weapons. This not only increased the efficiency of agricultural production, but also strengthened the military.

In terms of culture and education, the bald deer lonely spares no effort. He set up a "Doctor of the Five Classics" in Ledu to teach Confucian classics. At the same time, he also encouraged the private sector to set up private schools, so that education flourished in Nanliang.

This series of measures has made Nanliang's national strength rapidly improved. By 410 AD, Nanliang had developed into a powerful country in the Hexi Corridor that could not be ignored. Not only is it militarily able to rival its neighbors, but it has also reached a considerable level economically, culturally.

During the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, Liu Bei and Xu Shu in simple clothes performed a moving parting of monarchs and ministers

However, with the increase in strength, Nanliang is also facing new challenges. Although Later Qin temporarily abandoned the plan of conquest by force, it was still eyeing it. Rouran in the north also began to eyeing the rich Hexi Corridor. How to survive in the cracks, how to seek development in the midst of strong enemies, these are all difficult problems in front of the bald deer.

At this moment, an unexpected news reached Ledu: Yang Huan was sick in Chang'an...

In the spring of 411 AD, a dusty envoy arrived in Ledu from Chang'an and brought the news that Yang Huan was seriously ill. This news is like a boulder, causing huge waves in the Nanliang government and the opposition. The bald deer immediately convened a court meeting to discuss countermeasures.

At the court meeting, the ministers had different opinions. Some people think that envoys should be sent to Chang'an to visit them as a sign of concern; Some people were worried that this might arouse Hou Qin's suspicions, and suggested that they stay put. The argument continued throughout the day, and no agreement was reached.

At this moment, the bald Lugu suddenly announced a decision that shocked everyone: he was going to Chang'an to visit Yang Huan in person. This decision immediately caused heated debate. The ministers said that it was too risky for the king to go to the enemy country in person. However, the bald and ligu attitude was resolute, he said: "Yang Huan has made great contributions to Nanliang, and now he is in a foreign land, seriously ill and dying, how can I sit idly by?" "

Despite the ministers' best efforts, the bald deer decided to set off. He appointed the minister of the clan, Bald Quy Nhon, as a stayer to handle state affairs. At the same time, he also ordered the border defense to be strengthened in case Hou Qin took advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble.

In March 411 AD, the bald Lugu set off for Chang'an with a small retinue as an ordinary envoy. In order to avoid people's eyes, they take the path that is not traveled. Along the way, the bald deer lone experienced the lives of ordinary people, which gave him a deeper understanding of the people's suffering.

After half a month of arduous trekking, the bald deer and his entourage finally arrived in Chang'an. They did not alarm the Later Qin court, but went directly to Yang Huan's residence. When the bald deer pushed open the door and saw Yang Huan on the couch, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Yang Huan obviously didn't expect that the bald and lily Lu Gu would come in person. He forced himself to get up and salute, but was stopped by the bald deer. The bald deer sat alone on the edge of the bed and said softly: "Yuan Kai, you and I are a monarch and minister, why are you so formal? "

The two were relatively silent, and the room fell silent for a moment. After a long time, Yang Huan spoke: "Your Majesty, the minister has your heavy trust. In Chang'an all these years, the minister failed to do anything for Nanliang. The bald deer shook his head and said, "You've done enough for Nan Liang." Now, all you need is peace of mind. "

In the next few days, the bald deer stayed by Yang Huan's side every inch and took care of his diet and daily life. Under the careful care of the bald and lily deer Gu, Yang Huan's condition gradually improved.

During the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, Liu Bei and Xu Shu in simple clothes performed a moving parting of monarchs and ministers

However, the good times were short-lived. Five days later, the Later Qin court learned of the arrival of the bald and lily deer Gu. Yao Xing immediately sent someone to invite the bald deer to the palace. In the palace, Yao Xing treated each other as a distinguished guest on the surface, but in fact, he secretly sent people to closely monitor the bald and lily Lugu's every move.

Faced with this situation, the bald deer Gu behaved calmly. He expressed to Yao Xing the desire for peaceful coexistence between Nanliang and Later Qin, and put forward a series of suggestions for cooperation. These suggestions not only took into account the interests of Later Qin, but also won more space for Nanliang to develop. Yao Xing was impressed by the sincerity and wisdom of the bald Lilu Gu and agreed to most of the suggestions.

In this way, the bald Lugu not only visited Yang Huan, but also unexpectedly completed a successful diplomatic operation. However, he was not complacent about it. He knew very well that Hou Qin's friendly attitude was only temporary, and Nan Liang still faced great challenges.

After staying in Chang'an for half a month, the bald deer decided to set off for the return. Before leaving, he went to visit Yang Huan again. At this time, Yang Huan was already able to get out of bed and walk around, but he was still weak.

The bald Lilu Gu held Yang Huan's hand and said solemnly: "Yuan Kai, Nanliang will always be your home." When you're well, you can come back at any time. Yang Huan was moved to tears, and he said: "Your Majesty is very loving, and the minister will remember it in his heart." It's just that the minister is here now, and it is inconvenient to move lightly. However, the minister will definitely continue to work for the interests of Nan Liang. "

The two said goodbye, and the bald and ligu left Chang'an with mixed feelings. Along the way, he kept thinking about the gains and losses of this trip to Chang'an. He realized that if Nan Liang wanted to survive in the cracks, he needed not only strong military strength, but also superb diplomatic wisdom.

In May 411 A.D., the bald Lugu finally returned to Ledu. The government and the opposition rejoiced at his safe return. However, the bald deer did not soak up the welcoming atmosphere. He immediately convened a court meeting and announced a series of new policies.

First, he decided to further strengthen his alliance with the small neighboring states to counter the pressure of Later Qin. Secondly, he ordered the acceleration of the development of the economy, especially agriculture and handicrafts. Finally, he also announced that he would vigorously cultivate diplomatic talents to prepare for the long-term development of Nanliang.

The introduction of these policies marks that Nanliang has entered a new stage of development. The bald Lugu is no longer the young monarch who needs to rely on others, but a mature politician. With his wisdom and courage, he led Nan Liang to find a way to survive in the turbulent times.

However, the wheel of history does not stop there. As the situation changes, Nanliang will face more challenges. Can the bald and lily deer continue to lead Nanliang to gain a foothold in the troubled times? What role will Yang Huan play in Chang'an? All this is still unknown...

During the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, Liu Bei and Xu Shu in simple clothes performed a moving parting of monarchs and ministers