
Sister-in-law Lu: Sister-in-law Lu is not "full" with Fat Wen publicly? The live broadcast responds to the truth behind it, and it is indeed inspired by feelings

author:Words and deeds

With the development of Brother Lu Sister's career is getting better and better, the company's employees are also more and more, and many small partners are following Brother Lu Sister-in-law all the way to the present, although, there are also some friends who chose to leave halfway, but there are also many new friends, at the same time, there are also some friends after leaving, and they choose to return to the company again, continue to work with Brother Lu Sister-in-law, which is the same for Fat Wen, and now, Fat Wen is back again, and they get along with each other happily, not only that, after the return of Fat Wen, Now that she has lost nearly 50 pounds, the whole person has changed a lot, and why does Sister-in-law Lu's actions make many friends have their own opinions, what is going on?

Sister-in-law Lu: Sister-in-law Lu is not "full" with Fat Wen publicly? The live broadcast responds to the truth behind it, and it is indeed inspired by feelings

Everyone knows that Brother Lu and Sister-in-law Lu have worked together for many years since they were together, and the family has settled in Zhengzhou, and their careers are also in Zhengzhou.

Of course, over the years, Brother Lu and Sister-in-law Lu have said all kinds of things about the two, and the husband and wife have also responded publicly, but after all, everyone thinks differently, so there is no need to explain too much, just be yourself.

At the same time, Brother Lu took his brothers to travel to Xinjiang together, and at the same time, he also started the work mode, and through the efforts of several people, he gained a lot.

Sister-in-law Lu: Sister-in-law Lu is not "full" with Fat Wen publicly? The live broadcast responds to the truth behind it, and it is indeed inspired by feelings

Many people, after watching the video of Brother Lu and Sister-in-law, said bluntly: Let Brother Lu go home early, the sisters not only have to work hard at home, but also take care of the family, if a few people go back, they can share a lot together.

Today, Brother Lu also posted a video saying: The last stop of several people's Xinjiang tourism is over, and the work of several people is also over, so they can go home to accompany their children and daughters-in-law.

Sister-in-law Lu: Sister-in-law Lu is not "full" with Fat Wen publicly? The live broadcast responds to the truth behind it, and it is indeed inspired by feelings

I don't know, in the future, will Brother Lu and sister-in-law each take their sisters and brothers to work separately? Sister-in-law Lu took her sisters to make clothes, and Brother Lu took her brothers to work outside. We are responsible for each other's division of labor and work together to make everything better and better!

At the same time, today's sister-in-law Lu also opened a live broadcast to chat with everyone, among which Fat Wen is also there, Sister-in-law Lu bluntly said: Fat Wen is her assistant, and she is not particularly "satisfied" with what Fat Wen is wearing today, she wants to change her clothes and dress up, Fat Wen bluntly said: Because I have to do things, how convenient and how to wear.

Sister-in-law Lu: Sister-in-law Lu is not "full" with Fat Wen publicly? The live broadcast responds to the truth behind it, and it is indeed inspired by feelings

However, some netizens bluntly said: It would be good to let Fat Wen lose a little more weight, after Sister-in-law Lu saw this statement, she immediately responded to everyone, and bluntly said: At present, Fat Wen has lost nearly 50 pounds, but the clothes he wears are relatively loose, so he can't see it, and at the same time, Fat Wen also bluntly said on the side: His little belly is gone.

At the same time, Sister-in-law Lu also publicly responded during the live broadcast, and everyone recently had some questions and statements about herself.

Sister-in-law Lu: Sister-in-law Lu is not "full" with Fat Wen publicly? The live broadcast responds to the truth behind it, and it is indeed inspired by feelings
Sister-in-law Lu: Sister-in-law Lu is not "full" with Fat Wen publicly? The live broadcast responds to the truth behind it, and it is indeed inspired by feelings

Therefore, judging from Sister-in-law Lu's response, she is not as everyone said, sometimes she just feels it, and I hope you will understand more.

Sister-in-law Lu: Sister-in-law Lu is not "full" with Fat Wen publicly? The live broadcast responds to the truth behind it, and it is indeed inspired by feelings

After Brother Lu returned to Zhengzhou, the company's office environment was expanded, and at the same time, Sister Lu is also doing her best to take the sisters to work together.