
32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened

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In the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean lies a small island called Anatahan.

Although the island is small in size, it is far away from other small islands and it is difficult to leave once you land on this island.

In 1944, 32 men and 1 woman were left in exile and forced to live in isolation for up to 6 years.

Although there are not many supplies on the island, fortunately, everyone is self-reliant and can barely eat enough to avoid starvation.

It wasn't until 1950 that they were rescued, but by this time there were only 19 people left on the island, and a third of them had died!

What have they been through in the past few years?

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened

The content of this article is based on reliable sources, and it is repeated at the end of the article, and some of the content is apocryphal.

33 people on Anatahan Island

Anatahan Island, located in the northern part of the Northern Mariana Islands, is a remote island about 320 kilometers from Guam.

There used to be Japanese companies that planted coconut palms on the island and established small fishing grounds.

It was in such a seemingly calm place that a group of uninvited guests were ushered in.

In 1945, World War II was coming to an end.

Japan was losing ground in the Pacific theater. A fishing boat carrying Japanese soldiers and civilians was hit by a U.S. airstrike in nearby waters, and 31 surviving Japanese men swam to Anatahan Island.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened

When they arrived on the island, they found that there were only two inhabitants of the island, a man and a woman.

The female is called Higa Kazuko, and the male is called Hisakabe.

The two have a close relationship and seem to be a loving couple with each other.

In this way, a special group of 32 men and 1 woman was formed on the island.

The arrival of this group of survivors has completely changed the ecology of Anatahan Island.

At first, everyone came together to face the challenge of survival. They are scattered to different parts of the island to reduce conflict.

The main task of each day is to find food and water. They gather wild fruits, catch fish, and even try their hand at simple farming.

Although life is difficult, everyone tries to maintain a harmonious atmosphere with the hope that they will soon be rescued.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened

But as they got deeper, they found out that Higa Kazuko and Hisakabe were not married, but only had an ambiguous relationship between superiors and subordinates.

What's even more surprising is that Higa Kazuko is already married to another man.

It turned out that in 1941, the young Kazuko traveled with her brother to Saipan in search of a better life. There, she met her husband, Higa Shoichi.

The two quickly fell in love and had a wedding on the nearby island of Bakan.

The newlyweds look forward to a bright future, but they don't know that fate is about to play a huge joke on them.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened

In 1944, as the specter of war gripped the Pacific Ocean, Higa Shoichi was transferred to work on Anatahan Island.

Kazuko naturally followed her husband to this strange island.

However, the good times were short-lived, as the U.S. bombing of Japanese-controlled areas intensified, and Anantahan Island's communications with the outside world were cut off.

During an air raid, Higa Shoi disappeared and never returned.

Kazuko, who lost her husband, fell into despair. On this strange island, the only thing she can rely on is the company's boss, Kusakabu.

The two gradually developed an intimate relationship, and they have maintained a lover-like relationship ever since.

It was at this time that these 31 men appeared.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened

The men who discovered this truth began to have a desire for Kazuko, and they all hoped to develop some romantic relationships with her.

But at this time, everyone is still restrained.

However, in August 1945, news of Japan's unconditional surrender reached the island.

The U.S. military sent people to the island several times to persuade them to surrender, but they were all refused.

Convinced that the emperor was still fighting, these Japanese decided to stay on the island and wait for the Japanese victory. In this way, they were completely cut off from the outside world and began a long wait.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened

As time passed, life on the island began to change subtly. The initial atmosphere of harmony is gradually replaced by tension.

As the only woman on the island, Kazuko inevitably takes center stage of everyone's attention.

Although she lives with Kusakabe, they are not really husband and wife.

Men's long-suppressed libido begins to swell. They began to curry favor with Kazuko in various ways, hoping to gain her favor.

Some bring her precious food, others weave beautiful straw hats for her, and others try to use force to win the "ownership" of Kazuko.

Kazuko finds herself in a dilemma.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened

As the dispute intensifies, order on the island is in jeopardy. Some older survivors realized that if action was not taken, the entire group could fall into disarray.

They made a seemingly ridiculous proposal: let Kusakabe officially marry Kazuko.

Because only in this way can men who are greedy for children give up this idea.

Faced with the growing tensions on the island, Kazuko eventually agreed to this arrangement.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened

Guns changed life on the island

However, this apparent peace did not last long. An unexpected discovery completely changes the power landscape on the island.

Two men found 4 pistols and 70 rounds of ammunition in the wreckage of a crashed U.S. warplane.

They managed to repair these guns and overnight became the "powerhouse" of the island.

The people who owned the guns began to take control of Kazuko, threatening the lower part of the day, forcing Kazuko to become their "wife".

Kazuko is forced to maneuver between different men and becomes the focus of the island's power struggle.

It's just that one day, someone died inexplicably, and the next day, the third day, for a long time in a row, someone died, but no one knew how they died.

The atmosphere on the island is becoming more and more tense.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened

It didn't take long for a fight between the gun owners to break out, with one dead and one wounded. New gun owners emerge and continue to oppress others.

Unable to bear this situation, the lower part of the sun chose to leave the group and live alone.

However, he also died mysteriously in the end. The situation on the island is getting worse and worse, and deaths are happening one after another.

The cycle of change of power and violence became the main theme of the island.

The "boss", "second", "third" and others take turns to control the situation on the island. Guns have become a symbol of power and survival, and whoever owns a gun will be able to control Wako and control the entire island.

Kazuko is forced to change her "husband" several times, maneuvering between different men in order to survive.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened

In the midst of this chaotic situation, some of the old people tried again to restore peace. They propose to let Kazuko choose a husband and throw the gun into the sea.

However, this peace did not last long. Without the deterrence of guns, the contradictions on the island have intensified.

Deaths continue to occur and the situation deteriorates further.

Eventually, some survivors blamed Kazuko for the source of all the contradictions. They believed that as long as Kazuko was eliminated, peace would be restored to the island.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened

VictimsAnti-Cheng Guilty

Facing danger to her life, Kazuko had to flee into the mountains.

She survived alone in the mountains for 33 days, collecting wild fruits and catching small animals to keep her alive.

During this time, she used a tree branch to write down the distress signal "SOS" on the beach, hoping to attract the attention of the outside world.

Fortunately, in June 1950, U.S. troops finally landed on Anatahan Island. Kazuko is rescued first, ending her six-year life on a desert island.

Subsequently, other survivors were also rescued. Kazuko was sent back to Japan, and her story quickly became a sensation.

The Japanese media hyped up that Higa Kazuko became a celebrity in Japan overnight.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened

In 1951, 19 surviving males also returned to Japan. They are seen as heroes and receive a lot of media attention.

However, many people return home to find that their original partners have remarried.

Kazuko, on the other hand, is known as the "Queen of Anatahan", but this title has caused a lot of controversy.

After returning home, Kazuko discovers that her husband, Higa Shoichi, is still alive. This unexpected discovery made her situation even more awkward.

She began to suffer condemnation from public opinion, with many accusing her of acting immorally on the island.

Kazuko's story has become a hot topic in Japanese society, and related film and television works have also appeared in large numbers.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened

However, after the limelight, Kazuko's life became very difficult. Since her photos were widely disseminated by the media, it was difficult for her to find a new job.

Kazuko, who has no special skills, can only open a small shop selling takoyaki with her new husband.

The story of Kazuko Higa provokes deep reflections on human nature. In extreme circumstances, the ugly side of human nature is exposed.

Kazuko Higa, the only woman in this story, is undoubtedly the biggest victim of this tragedy.

However, we cannot simply dismiss the men on the island as mere perpetrators. They are also victims of extreme circumstances.

Long-term isolation, lack of resources, and despair for the future all work together to gradually disintegrate their moral bottom line.

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened

When social order and legal constraints cease to exist, the dark side of human nature begins to emerge.

It teaches us that human nature is complex, with kindness and compassion as well as selfishness and cruelty.

In normal society, these negative traits are often suppressed. But in extreme environments, they can erupt with catastrophic consequences.

Therefore, we must cherish the hard-won social order, abide by the law, and stick to the moral bottom line.

At the same time, we must always be vigilant not to lose the brilliance of humanity under any circumstances.

Only in this way can we avoid repeating the tragedy of Anatahan Island and work together to maintain a civilized and orderly society.

Information sources:

China Economic Net - "During World War II, this Japanese woman was trapped on an isolated island with 32 men for seven years, and returned to China to reveal the ugliness of human nature"

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened - "After listening to Jolin Tsai's new song, you will find that she does not meet the standards of a pop singer......"

32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and only 19 people were left when they were rescued in 1951, what happened