
Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

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"You're so shameless in this way! Apologize to China! ”

"Is it true that the high caste is universal? If this were in my country, you would have been beaten up a long time ago! ”

Chinese people have always been hospitable, especially to foreign friends. However, some time ago, the video of an Indian female blogger repeatedly challenged the bottom line of the Chinese people, which made people angry:

On the high-speed rail, they forcibly demanded Chinese to give up their seats, stopped buses on the street, did not pay after taking the bus, and harassed passers-by and shops......

And all this is because she considers herself to be the so-called "high caste" of India.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

The source of this article comes from the official media, and the specific links are repeated at the end of the article, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Wonderful female blogger

Since the opening of China's 144-hour transit visa-free policy, many foreign friends have come to China for tourism, and there are also many foreign travel bloggers on the Internet who have introduced China's customs and customs, allowing the world to see the real appearance of China, so Chinese people are also very welcome to these foreign tourists.

However, the video of an Indian female blogger has made people angry.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

At the beginning of the video, she proudly said that she came from a high-caste family in India, had a noble status, and had more than 200,000 fans in the local area.

She flew from Delhi, India, to Shanghai, and then to Taizhou, Zhejiang. As soon as she arrived at the hotel, she couldn't wait to share her stay.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

She proudly said that she lived in a four-star hotel in China, and it cost 5,000 Indian rupees (equivalent to 350 yuan) a night, wanting to create a sense of superiority that she was going out for high-end consumption.

It's a pity that she still doesn't understand the prices and hotels in China, this price and this environment should be an express hotel, right?

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Then she took out a convenience food brought from India, the color and shape are really a little indescribable, but she said that Chinese eat everything, the food here is not suitable for the taste of Indians at all, and it is recommended that everyone must buy more local Indian convenience food when they come.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Unexpectedly, there were Indians in the comment area who echoed her, saying that the most unaccustomed thing to China is food, but you can find some Indian restaurants, which provide vegetarian and non-vegetarian food, which will be safer.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

In addition, this netizen also said that it is not customary to go to the toilet in China, because China has always advocated water conservation, so they use toilet paper in the toilet, and there is no faucet next to the toilet, so it is better for Indians to bring their own plastic water bottle, which will be more convenient.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

And the female blogger began to contemptuously evaluate the Chinese she met along the way after eating and drinking, she said that basically no one here can speak English, not at all like India, everyone knows English.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

However, such remarks were quickly refuted by netizens: Why don't you speak French? Oh, it turns out that France did not colonize India.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Some netizens explained that English is the second language in China, and foreigners should follow the local customs and learn Mandarin.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Then the blogger began to hang out, and although she had been suppressing her true emotions, she could still see that everything she saw was very novel.

Seeing a clinic on the side of the road, she also walked in to "visit" it, but the behavior of holding a camera to randomly photograph patients at the scene was really infuriating.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Before the doctors and patients in the house could react, she had already run out with her camera and took a wild picture of a young couple on a motorcycle on the street, without any regard for other people's privacy, and even did not help each other code in the video she posted.


Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Then she crossed the road with impunity, muttering that there was nowhere to go nearby.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

She also said that there was not even a single taxi on the side of the road, and that if she was in India, she could easily stop several taxis or "jump".

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Finally, she came to a mobile phone store, and asked the clerk to take out several mobile phones, but she didn't buy any of them, only saying that these mobile phones were much cheaper than the same mobile phones in India.

But she thinks that the reason why China's mobile phones are cheaper is because China is more backward and poor than India, which is really incredible.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

After tossing the mobile phone clerk, she ran to a clothing store, thinking that Chinese clothes would be very cheap and cheap, but after learning that a top cost 289 yuan and a children's skirt cost 899 yuan, her face changed and she quickly put down her clothes and walked out.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Perhaps tired of wandering, she went to a convenience store and bought a bottle of drinks and a packet of potato chips, and while disgusted with the high cost of things, she pointed at the clerk with a very disdainful and "arrogant" attitude.

She also said that when she came to China for this trip, she only brought 1,000 yuan at the beginning, and originally believed that this money could be used to live in China for half a year or even a year. As a result, I spent all the money in a few days after I arrived in China, and I could only take out another 1,000 yuan, and the price in China is too expensive!

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Such behavior naturally caused discussion among netizens, but before the Chinese could say anything, a foreign netizen said: Don't take advantage of other people's kindness, if this is in my country, you would have been in big trouble long ago!

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

It's a pity that she couldn't see these comments at that time, and she still went her own way.

So then there is the most speechless scene in the whole video, the blogger first stood on the road and tried to intercept a bus, of course, without success.

As a result, she saw a sister riding an electric car who was waiting for a red light, and sat directly in the back seat of someone's electric car without the consent of others.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Then she said "Indian English" in a whisper, and the lady riding the electric car finally understood, so she could only helplessly point in the other direction and say that she was not on the way.

Who knew that this blogger still didn't get out of the car, and was very rude while patting the other party's shoulder while forcibly letting the family go forward.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

As a result, she didn't go far before being stopped by the traffic police, and the lady riding the bicycle could only keep explaining to the traffic police that she couldn't understand what the foreigner was saying, but she had to take her own car.

At this moment, the female blogger actually got out of the car as if nothing had happened, and ran away as if nothing had happened.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious
Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Just then, she finally saw a bus parked on the platform, so she hurried to get on it.

As a result, she took out her camera again and took a loud picture of the passengers in the car, without any quality, and when the driver asked her where she was from, she proudly said that she was from India.

When the driver's eldest brother heard this, he couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth, and smiled, probably thinking that he was wondering if he was so unqualified.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

What's more, when the bus passed by an intersection, the blogger suddenly got up, stood directly next to the driver, shouted that she wanted to get off, and ordered the driver to stop immediately. The driver reluctantly explained that you can't park here at will, and you can get off at the platform in front.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

But the most speechless thing is that she didn't pay at all for the bus! She also said that in India, the upper castes do not have to pay for public transportation.

Netizens directly angrily scolded her: "Don't go out without a bus ticket!" "If it were in Europe, she would have been fined 60 euros!

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

At the end of the video, she stared at the substitute driver brother again, kept shooting videos at others, and even when the other party was about to close the car door, she suddenly reached out and grabbed the car door, and stretched the camera directly into the car, shooting at the driver and the passengers in the back seat. In the end, he was kicked out by the car owner.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious
Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Within a few days, the blogger took the high-speed train from Shanghai to Beijing, but she still didn't stop on the high-speed train.

At the high-speed rail station, everyone was queuing up to get off the elevator, but she held her mobile phone and directly cut into the queue and plugged it into the front.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

After entering the carriage, she began to shoot at the passengers and staff again, and there was no awareness of helping others to code in the video.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

She finally found her seat, but she began to lose her temper again and said that the Chinese actually arranged her in the middle position, shouting loudly while asking the man next to her to give her the seat, because she wanted to sit by the window and watch the scenery.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

This little brother was also kind, and gave her a seat without saying anything, but she didn't say a word of thanks, and sat there very calmly.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Then she raised the camera again, and the two little brothers next to her were already pretending to look at their phones, but she still used the camera to shoot on people's faces. She could be heard loud all the time throughout the carriage.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

After this video was posted on the Internet, it instantly aroused the dissatisfaction of countless netizens, and one foreign netizen even bluntly said: "Didn't your Indian parents teach you social etiquette and respect? ”

It is really infuriating to say that you are a high caste and think that you are superior, but you don't even have basic politeness.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Some netizens said that such a rude tourist, the disrespect for the locals is simply outrageous.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Now, this female blogger is also completely "popular" on China's video website, and many netizens said that she has been sprayed miserably now, netizens from all over the world are spraying her, and even Indian netizens feel that she is a shame for her country.

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious
Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious
Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious


Video posted by Indian bloggers:

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Netizens reprinted the video:

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

Qilu One Point:

Indian female Internet celebrity traveled to China, took the car without giving money, and yelled at the Chinese people, and foreign netizens were anxious

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