
It's too explosive! Ouyang Nini's proposal scene: Dad kissed him fiercely! Netizen: What should I do with my husband?

author:Fish Music Ambassador

【Entertainment Storm】 "Father's Love" Crossing the Line? Ouyang Nini's romantic proposal night, Dad Ouyang Long's kissing detonated the Internet controversy!


Recently, the romantic proposal video of popular Taiwanese actress Ouyang Nini and her boyfriend Zhang Shuhao went viral on the Internet, which should have been a good story, but it became the focus of public opinion because of an accidental shot.

It's too explosive! Ouyang Nini's proposal scene: Dad kissed him fiercely! Netizen: What should I do with my husband?

In the video, just as Ouyang Nini was excitedly accepting her boyfriend's proposal ring and immersed in the ocean of happiness, a move by her father Ouyang Long made countless netizens call "spicy eyes"!

It's too explosive! Ouyang Nini's proposal scene: Dad kissed him fiercely! Netizen: What should I do with my husband?

He actually kissed his adult daughter mouth-to-mouth, and the scene quickly caused an uproar on the Internet.

It's too explosive! Ouyang Nini's proposal scene: Dad kissed him fiercely! Netizen: What should I do with my husband?

Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao's relationship has been attracting attention since it was announced.

It's too explosive! Ouyang Nini's proposal scene: Dad kissed him fiercely! Netizen: What should I do with my husband?

At the proposal scene, Zhang Shuhao carefully arranged and the romantic atmosphere was overflowing, he knelt on one knee and made an eternal promise to Ouyang Nini with a shining diamond ring.

It's too explosive! Ouyang Nini's proposal scene: Dad kissed him fiercely! Netizen: What should I do with my husband?

And Ouyang Nini was dressed in a dreamy white dress, tears flashing, and she accepted this invitation of love with joy. The two interact sweetly, with a firm "yes, we do", as if dyeing the whole space with the color of happiness, and everything seems flawless.

However, at this happy moment, Ouyang Nini's father Ouyang Long's way of celebrating made this sweetness a little controversial.

It's too explosive! Ouyang Nini's proposal scene: Dad kissed him fiercely! Netizen: What should I do with my husband?

In front of the camera, Ouyang Long kissed his daughter mouth-to-mouth in an almost "overly intimate" way, an act that quickly became a hot topic on social media.

It's too explosive! Ouyang Nini's proposal scene: Dad kissed him fiercely! Netizen: What should I do with my husband?

It can be seen from the video of the scene: the family was very happy at the scene of the successful marriage proposal, at this time the father walked in front, and he suddenly turned around and hugged Ouyang Nini's face behind him!

It's too explosive! Ouyang Nini's proposal scene: Dad kissed him fiercely! Netizen: What should I do with my husband?

Ouyang Nini naturally leaned her face closer to her father! Ouyang Nini turned her face slightly, she never expected her father to come up directly and attack Nini's mouth! I kissed my mouth several times, and after kissing, I took a few more bites on my cheek!

However, this scene was stunned by the relatives and friends at the scene! After the aunt in the back relieved herself, she began to shoot a video!

It's too explosive! Ouyang Nini's proposal scene: Dad kissed him fiercely! Netizen: What should I do with my husband?

The eldest brother next to him also looked at the person next to him at a loss! This time it's really for the people around you!

In the face of this spectacle, netizens are not calm!

It's too explosive! Ouyang Nini's proposal scene: Dad kissed him fiercely! Netizen: What should I do with my husband?

Many netizens pointed out that this move exceeded the normal parent-child boundaries and made people feel uncomfortable, and even compared it with the previous artist Luo Zhixiang, who also caused controversy due to excessive intimacy with his mother, and jokingly asked: "Is this another Luo Zhixiang?" ”

It's too explosive! Ouyang Nini's proposal scene: Dad kissed him fiercely! Netizen: What should I do with my husband?

Some netizens expressed their difficulty in accepting that even in a close family relationship, appropriate physical boundaries should be maintained, especially when the children are adults, such kisses seem inappropriate and easy to cause misunderstanding and criticism.

It's too explosive! Ouyang Nini's proposal scene: Dad kissed him fiercely! Netizen: What should I do with my husband?

Someone bluntly said: "This kind of expression makes people look at physical discomfort, even if it is a family member, it is necessary to consider the occasion and influence." ”

It's too explosive! Ouyang Nini's proposal scene: Dad kissed him fiercely! Netizen: What should I do with my husband?

Others believe that each family has a different way of getting along, perhaps in the Ouyang family, this is a way to express deep love, and outsiders do not need to judge too much, let alone speculate maliciously.

It's too explosive! Ouyang Nini's proposal scene: Dad kissed him fiercely! Netizen: What should I do with my husband?


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