
The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! 37-year-old Lee Min Ho's latest advertisement: The cheeks are serious, and the nose is swollen and short

author:Fish Music Ambassador

[Headline explosion] Lee Min Ho's new advertisement is "swollen", subverting the image and shocking the entertainment industry!


In this era of the pursuit of perfect appearance, 37-year-old South Korean superstar Lee Min Ho has reached the top of the hot search list in an unprecedented way - not because of his usual handsomeness, but because of his "swollen" image in his latest advertisement!

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! 37-year-old Lee Min Ho's latest advertisement: The cheeks are serious, and the nose is swollen and short

"The cheeks are serious and the nose is shortened", netizens exclaimed: "I've seen male stars swollen, but swollen like Lee Min Ho, it's really refreshing!" This former beautiful man seems to be interpreting "dedication to art" with his practical actions.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! 37-year-old Lee Min Ho's latest advertisement: The cheeks are serious, and the nose is swollen and short

It is reported that Lee Min Ho's bold transformation is very likely to be in preparation for the role of the American drama he is filming, and he does not hesitate to sacrifice his personal image to gain weight.

This move not only makes people sigh at the superb skills of Korean artists in "making faces", but also makes people think deeply about the efforts made by male stars for their roles. In the ridicule of "steamed buns", Lee Min Ho's professionalism is particularly valuable.

See how Lee Min Ho is swollen?

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! 37-year-old Lee Min Ho's latest advertisement: The cheeks are serious, and the nose is swollen and short

In the latest Korean skincare advertisement, Lee Min Ho is dressed in a simple white shirt, and although the camera only focuses on the upper body, his swollen body and full face instantly catch everyone's attention.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! 37-year-old Lee Min Ho's latest advertisement: The cheeks are serious, and the nose is swollen and short

Under the iconic mid-haired shape, a rounded square face comes into view, and the once angular silhouette is now replaced by a soft baby fat, and even the eyes appear smaller than ever.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! 37-year-old Lee Min Ho's latest advertisement: The cheeks are serious, and the nose is swollen and short

The audience was surprised to find that the familiar Lee Min Ho seemed to have become the Korean version of "Jiang Tao" overnight, and his sense of presence was so strong that it almost overflowed the screen, and even the skin care products in his hands were set off extremely small.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! 37-year-old Lee Min Ho's latest advertisement: The cheeks are serious, and the nose is swollen and short

See what netizens have to say?

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! 37-year-old Lee Min Ho's latest advertisement: The cheeks are serious, and the nose is swollen and short
The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! 37-year-old Lee Min Ho's latest advertisement: The cheeks are serious, and the nose is swollen and short

Even Lee Min Ho hasn't escaped Korean air yeast! But more than that, it was a tribute to Lee Min Ho's courage to challenge himself and break through the limitations of his appearance.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! 37-year-old Lee Min Ho's latest advertisement: The cheeks are serious, and the nose is swollen and short

Many fans said that such Lee Min Ho shows the true charm of an actor, that is, he is not confined to his appearance, dares to dig deep for the role, and presents multi-dimensional artistic expression.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! 37-year-old Lee Min Ho's latest advertisement: The cheeks are serious, and the nose is swollen and short

The release of this advertisement is undoubtedly an impact on the current single aesthetic standard, and it is also a discussion of the depth of the actor's identity.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! 37-year-old Lee Min Ho's latest advertisement: The cheeks are serious, and the nose is swollen and short

Lee Min Ho's appearance in this "swollen" state may have inadvertently opened a redefinition of "beauty", reminding us that true attraction comes from constantly breaking through ourselves and the light of endless love for the profession.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! 37-year-old Lee Min Ho's latest advertisement: The cheeks are serious, and the nose is swollen and short

In short, Lee Min Ho's "swollen" transformation not only brought visual freshness to the audience, but also injected a fresh blood into the entire entertainment industry that dared to be different and had the courage to try.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! 37-year-old Lee Min Ho's latest advertisement: The cheeks are serious, and the nose is swollen and short

In the field of public opinion, where controversy and admiration are intertwined, Lee Min Ho tells us with practical actions: nothing is impossible on the road of art.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! 37-year-old Lee Min Ho's latest advertisement: The cheeks are serious, and the nose is swollen and short


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